CACV 122 /2004



原訴訟編號:1998年第 5037 & 5038

林哲民日昌電業公司                       上訴人

特佳機器廠有限公司                       答辯人      A

香港塑膠科技中心有限公司                答辯/上訴人  B


1.     原告上訴人要求上訴庭法官明白到堅持不受外來影獨立判決才能捍衛香港的司法公正,特別是針對本上訴人林哲民的有些高等法院的法官不能有獨自公正的價值觀,他們為討好上司的判決已令世界刮目相觀,近期甚有影響力的「世界經濟論壇」指香港的司法倒退,大家心中有數! 上訴庭法官觀閱附件1的近日本上訴人又一次世界性的傳E申訴不滿! 不管本上訴人林哲民將來會否是被謀殺或走伽利略晚年殘死牢中後塵,或連四條腿的禽獸都要感謝發明的結果,在香港高等法院的上訴庭上,諸位可尊稱德高望重的上訴庭上法官若能聯手堅持對事不對人的判決, 香港司法倒退的臭名則是可以洗刷干淨的!


2.     上訴通知書的附件1-3對被原訟庭法官認可無爭議的證物是P1-4或是P1-23件的爭論顯示原告上訴人得不到公平的對待,或者原訟庭法官的判決書是遺漏了P5-23證物的結果,附件5的文件夾第31-45謄本原訟庭法官自已所講出口的(P5-23)又何止108次!原告上訴人得不到公平的判決從如此小動作也足以證實!


3.     由於本案訴因的關鍵是Buter 10/60塑膠機能不能“注射尼龍膠” 並達到P-18圖文並茂的生產性能  從兩位被告人沒有出示相關證據要求推翻判決顯示這個問題已亳無存疑!這個關鍵訴因導致原訟庭法官不得不也要判決特佳機器廠有限公司違約!


4.     也就是上述這不能“注射尼龍膠”的關鍵事實的存在原訟庭法官也不得不要判決答辯B/上訴人的香港塑膠科技中心有限公司的如此這麼“一間具如此技術及謹慎責任的機構”在它的專家報告已到吹虛作假境界 原訟庭法官十分禮遇,用詞為『謹慎責任』是也!

5.     答辯B/上訴人塑膠科技中心憑什麼提出上訴?憑什麼推翻原訟庭法官的判決呢? 答辯B/上訴人是必須拿出證據的! 最簡單最直接的證據是,找一部Buter 10/60塑膠機示范一下,拍下個錄影帶,再拿一小袋塑膠卑件在上訴庭顯要一下,科技中心可以做得到嗎,如果塑膠科技中心提出如此要求的,本原告上訴人將樂意無條件接受延遲Oct.25, 2005的審訊?


6.    由於答辯人A特佳機器廠有限公司無意支付經聆案官評定的HCA5037/1998$95,000.-訟費,附件2是清盤的呈請書,答辯人A3次拒絕出庭,因此,根據上訴文件夾第94頁,200069日存檔“合拼案必要修正聲明” 合拼案之合拼索償比例要點:






7.     駁斥答辯B/上訴人塑膠科技中心上訴的理由,已在補充上訴書詳盡地向上訴庭展現,原告上訴人有權在收到兩位被告答辯人的書面陳詞之後增補原告上訴人陳詞二;









Tel:23440137  Fax : 23419016



文本框: 附件一

       To tell for the west leader, each country of law and order  and Chinese of the worldwide!

Oct. 17, 2005


The contribution of this year's Nobel Prize in physiology or medicine for discovering that bacteria, not stress, was the main cause of painful stomach ulcers than the invention of cure SARS and bird flu of Lin Zhen Man (lzm) for medical science of the human race which to feel dwarfed!  The Nobel Prize in physiology or medicine to owe down lzm’s and Chinese of the worldwide a justice!  


   Besides, after the 911 case, lzm's invention has help the USA to defeat the terror and to prop up stock quotes from the president-Bush who was to announce and to make use of Lzm's invention of three measures of aviation security on Sep.27, 2001.  So the Nobel Prize in Peace it was owing to lzm’s a justice too!  The president-Bush was limited for his term of office, the president-Bush’s a promise for knowledge- property right of Mr. Lin Zhen-Man it will pay to cash in what time?


About the Government of Hong Kong were negatives to value the knowledge property right and judicature, civil rights to fall back critical which must to obtain to follow with global interest, it must to point specially, that the bird flu is troubling in the worldwide today, but the lzm’s invention was to changed the theory of the lung’s infect of combine traditional Chinese and Western medicine, and the medicines of invention it could be cure the SARS and bird flu only at present!  The inventor is indignation to calling on in here again, the west leader and each country of law and order, to esteem the knowledge of property right is the human rights of basic!  Therefore, to urge the Government of China and Hong Kong who to esteem the knowledge of property right and not to tell a lie and conceal which were your values of basic!


It was doubtless that the arch-criminal to conceal who that is the Jiang Ze-Min of the former china chairman! In addition, it seems that without respect to a point of view of the historical or civilized government, the HK and China Government who unnecessary to follow blindly and stupid fealty Jiang Ze-Min to deceive the whole world!  Or else, it shame which are the every HongKonger and every Chinese of the worldwide!  


Lzm no any violate the law, the HK & China Gov. whom to deceive the each country Gov. to conceal mutually the Lzm’s invention of cure SARS include the bird flu, after all, what the reason for used to anything?  Still crueler a fact, in the 2001 year, after the TSANG Yam-kuen to promoted the Chief Secretary for Administration of the HKSARG, it seems that to tacitly agreed the Officer of the Telecommunications Authority (OFTA) of the HK to set up a 500W radiophone antenna at a little distance to aim office of Lin Zhen Man (lzm), so then the TSANG Yam-kuen to promoted the Chief Executive of HK on Mar. of this year, he was unmoved for lzm’s complain which relation it goes without saying that!  At the September of 2005year, in self-defense with no any a way, Lin Zhen-man and a neighbor both jointly to bring a case to court for murder crime of the Office of the Telecommunications Authority (OFTA) and the Department of Health of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region on the LDBM220/2005 case, by a reasonable inference, be bound to both the TSANG Yam-kuen and Andrew Li whom were to have a hand in Department of Justice and judge to become invalid lzm’s to sue the murder point to the Director of the Telecommunications Authority (OFTA) and Director of Health of the HK, so the Ms. Elsie Leung of secretary of Justice who was indignation to dismiss! Now, the kill without spilling blood of the radiate radiophone antenna still at there ……


To indictment a government official murder it was a human rights of naturally and it was inalienable!  But the government of TSANG Yam-kuen who was an ashamed looks in the heart, so who was not dare to do the plea!  Therefore the government of TSANG Yam-kuen was to spare nothing to discredit the judicature traditions of Hong Kong and to destroy the law of basic for the human rights of ensure! 


The report of 2005-6 global competitiveness of World Economic Forum to announce the HK TSANG Yam-kuen Government which judicature to fall back, corruption and no to esteem the knowledge property right!  The criticism was modest and accurate  The leader and the public opinion of world whom must to follow with interest the HK Government in the course of dictatorship and privatization but it was to cover up in a different form!


In the public eye, follow the Dong Jian Hua of the former Chief Executive of HK who was to stirred up trouble to expelled to step down and the Ms. Elsie Leung of secretary of Justice was resignation indignantly recently, the both had a same reason for cannot lawless to be hardhearted enough to persecute the Lin Zhen-Man! 


In the case of FAMV 16/2004, you can see the Hon Mr. Justice Andrew Li Chief Justice who was to deprive of the right of appeal naturally for screen the three Judges that adjudicated for coveted and to share the interests of costs and not to hesitate to destroy the rule by law basis of Hong Kong to tacitly agree by the TSANG Yam-kuen of Chief Executive of HK!  The Andrew Li was such only to understand to argue speciously with a person of the morality to have problem!  But, since the TSANG Yam-kuen was not only to look down upon this decayed and fall back of judicature, he again to admit and to count on Andrew Li’s recommend, a friend Barrister of years 41 only who is to take over the Ms. Elsie Leung of secretary of Justice, which have an intuitive ability to know right or wrong and to uphold the law and order in here to develop along for the community of uncivilized!


In here to complain tearfully in history for you, the TSANG Yam-kuen has to see with one's eyes the eradiate of airwaves was still to killing Mr. Lin Zhen-man and to harm health for the personnel of High-Storey of WING HING IND.BLDG., in over a long period of time!  Why the TSANG Yam-kuen of Chief Executive of HK has the ability to aloof and indifferent so to reject to cope with to complain? Why the TSANG Yam-kuen of Chief Executive of HK has to reject to dismantle or to go up the antenna?  Is where an intuitive ability to know right or wrong of a Christian?  Is where has mission conscious of a chief executive?


The all walks of life of Hong Kong should be to condemn the TSANG Yam-kuen why not to dismantle the antenna of to kill without spilling blood? Why could be to tacitly agree the Andrew Li of Chief Justice of the Court of Final Appeal wantonly to deprive of the jurisdiction and to damage judicature conventions and to destroy one county two system!


The all walks of life of Hong Kong should be to condemn the TSANG Yam-kuen for what reason to have to conceal and not to esteem Lin Zhen Man’s knowledge property right of invent of to cure the SARS include the bird flu etc.


Lin Zhen Man

Oct.17, 2005









To tell for the west leader, each country of law and order and Chinese of the worldwide!


Oct.18, 2005


憑發現“幽門螺旋桿菌導致胃炎及腸胃潰瘍研究今年諾貝爾醫學獎 與 林哲民 醫治SARS發明的貢獻簡直是小巫見大巫!諾貝爾醫學獎欠下林哲民一個公道!欠下全球華人一個公道! 


   幫助美國戰勝 911事件後的恐怖行動 托起美國股市 的 是 布殊 公佈采用 林哲民“ 航空安全三措施的發明!諾貝爾醫學獎 又欠下林哲民的另一個公道! 布殊任期無多,何時脫現對 林哲民的承諾


關於香港政府的不尊重知識產權司法、人權嚴重倒退是必須獲得全球關注,特別要指出的是,禽流感全球為患的今天,林哲民的發明改變了中西醫學界肺部感染疾病的理論,發明的藥物是唯一及不可代替的!發明人在此憤怒地再次呼籲,西方的領袖及每一法治的國家,尊重知識產權是基本人權! 敦促中國及香港政府尊重知識產權以及不要撒謊隱瞞是你們的基本價值觀!  


毫無疑問的,隱瞞的罪魁禍首就是前中國國家主席江澤民,每一個華人都有權力責問為什麼?  另外,不論是從歷史的角度或從文明政府的角度出發,香港及中國政府都不應再盲從江澤民欺騙整個世界!否則蒙羞的將是每一香港人每一個華人!


林哲民不犯任何罪,香港及中國政府到底用什麼理由欺騙各國政府共同隱瞞林哲民醫治SARS包括禽流感的發明?更殘酷的事實是,2001年曾蔭權升任政務司長後似乎就默許電訊局批準安裝天線以500W強大的輻射圖謀殺害林哲民,於是乎,在今年3月曾蔭權升任行政長官後便對投訴無動於衷,其關聯不言而喻!  September of 2005year, 在自衛的及毫無辦法之下,林哲民只好與鄰居共同起訴電訊局長、衛生署長有謀殺之罪於LDBM220/2005 一案,有理由相信,   必然是曾蔭權-李國能聯手插手律政司的申請、法官作廢申請,引至律政司長憤而辭退! 現殺人不見血的輻射天線依然存……




世界經濟論壇「20052006年全球競爭力報告」揭示香港曾蔭權政府的司法倒退、  貪污及不尊重知識產權! 批評是是客氣及準碓的!  世界的領袖及輿論界應關注香港政府正在走向獨裁及掩飾在變相的私有化中!




FAMV 16/2004 一案,您可看到在行政長官曾蔭權的默許下李國能為包庇3名貪圖分享訟費利益屈判林哲民及數位廠家的法官不惜剝奪當然的上訴權,不惜摧毀了香港的法治基礎! 李國能就是一個這麼只懂得狡辯道德有問題的人!但是從曾蔭權不僅藐視這種司法的腐敗及倒退,又接納及信賴李國能的推薦,一名年僅41的大律師好朋友接替了梁愛詩,一個有良知,崇尚法治的香港政府正在向野蠻的社會演變! 







Oct.17, 2005







文本框: 附件二

根據香港法例 第32章 公司(清盤) 規則 附錄表格3



呈 請 書





1.         特佳機械廠有限公司(Topfine Machinery Co.,Ltd) 是在 1985 4 根據《公司條例》(32)成立為法團的。


2.      公司註冊辦事處是:元朗工業村宏利街2 

                            Flat G G/F Wah Fung Ind. Centre, 33-39 Kwai Fung Crescfnt,Kwai Chung, N.T.


3.      公司的名義股本為 HKD$500,000.00,分為500,000股,每股HKD$1元。繳足股款款額為HKD$500,000.00


4.      公司成立的宗旨如下:



5.      公司欠本人總額為$95,400.-及以司法機構釐定的息率計算的債項暫未算定的由1998331日至2004326日判決日的利息。該債項是根據香港高等法院原訴法庭HCA19995037/38合拼案,許家灝聆案官2005324日登錄的命令,該命令基於鍾安德法官於2004326日判決書及登錄的命令其中相關訟費命令由原告人作出訟費單的申請,許家灝聆案官評定總額爲$95,400.-  而訟費由1998331日至2004326日判決日及後的利息,以司法機構釐定的息率計算。


6.      呈請人曾要求公司償付欠呈請人的債項,自200557日起,以書信另償債書形式及包括與公司祕書胡美得女士(胡子材太太)多次電話對談,根據《公司條例》的178 (1)(c) 條文,該公司在20056 27 日之前既未有且忽略償付該筆債項或其任何部分。


7.      公司無能力償付其債項。


8.      在此情況下,公司清盤乃屬公正公平。




(1)              特佳機械廠有限公司由法院根據《公司條例》的條文作出清盤。

(2)              包括呈請人所有的訟費及濟助,濟助包括本申請事項引起的工資損失


20056 27                                                         債權人:

Master S.Kwang 指示                                             林哲民日昌電業公司



CACV 122 / 2004




 原訴訟編號:1998年第5037 & 5038

林哲民日昌電業公司                  原告上訴人


   特佳機器廠有限公司                被告答辯人 A

 香港塑膠科技中心                 被告答辯人 B









工業大13/F C-4,

                                                                                  Tel: 23440137

Fax: 23419016





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                                      唐天燊律師行T. S. Tong & Co.



                                      檔案編號 WWL/M33743/TWT/98/fai

