CACV 1046/2001









原告人               林哲民日昌電業公司

被告人                            張順連


主審法官:     高等法院上訴法庭法官胡國興



聆訊日期:     2002522

判案書日期:    2002712






1.      原告(上訴人)不服高等法院原法庭任懿君法官在200159日作出的判決,向本庭提出上訴。任法官在當日命令剔除本訴訟的中索陳述書及撤銷本訴訟。為方便理解任法官作出上述命令的原因及本庭對上訴的裁決,本庭先將本訴訟的性質及過程作出簡述,如下。


2.      原告在2000116日提出本訴訟,指被告(答辯人)違反與他曾訂定的有關深圳市龍崗區橫崗鎮廠房的租用合約,並煽動龍崗鎮村民霸佔他工廠設備及資產。原告要求被告賠償有關損失。


3.      被告在20001128日,依據高等法院規則第18號命令第19條規則提出申請,要求剔除本訴訟的申索陳述書。案官在2001116日經聆訊後,作出以下命令:






1        退回所交的租金,人民幣7,500.00元;

2        工場裝修費,人民幣10,871.00元;

3        費,人民幣4,000.00元;

4        維持工資,人民幣16,000.00元。




4.       200159日,該上訴在任法官席前進行聆訊。在該聆訊前數天(200155),被告在法庭呈交存檔一份標題為“ 交相上訴通告”的文件,要求原法庭在200159日“重新聆訊被告人於20001128日以傳票方式申請剔除原告人的索償聲請書(即高等法院規則所指的申索陳述書)及撤銷本訴訟 ”。



5.      因此,在200159日聆訊時,任法官需處理的共有兩申請,即原告在200123日提出的上訴,及被告在200155日提出的所謂“交相上訴通告”。


6.      任法官在他200159日的“判案書”中,並未清楚指出法庭如何處理被告方提出的所謂“交相上訴通告”。根據高等法院規則第58號命令第l (2)條規則,來自案官的判決、命令或決定的上訴,須以通知書方式通知送達另一方,而根據第58號命令第l (3)條規則:





7.      因此,被告方的“交相上訴通告”是在法定期限滿後才提出。高等法院第3號命令第5 (1)條規則賦予法庭延展或縮短有關期限的權力。雖然如此,如前所述,任法官並沒有在判案書中,清楚顯示曾行使有關的酌情權,延展有關的上訴期限。


8.      在原法庭未行使其酌情權情況下,本庭可依據情況,  自行決定應如何行使該酌情權。根據2002年香港民事程序(HongKong





discretion(RatnanvCumarasamy[1965]1WLR 8[19641 3

ALLER933 PCandseeChiuSin-chungv Yu Yan-yanAngela

[1993] 1 HKI~R 225  (中文譯本請參閱附件註一)


9.      被告從未解釋為何未在法定期限內提出該所謂“交相上訴而代表被告的劉大律師,在本上訴聆訊時,亦非常公正地承認,被告方在提出該通知時,可能對有關法律規定有所誤解。基於以上兩點,本庭認為假如原法庭是基於上述的“交相上訴通告”而撤銷此訴訟,這判決缺乏充分的理據。因此,單就此點,原法庭在200159日決定撤銷本訴訟的命令是錯誤的。本上訴亦應因此而得直o


10.   除被告方提出的所謂“交相上訴通告”外,在200159日的聆訊時,原法庭應處理的,只為原告在200123日提出的上訴。該上訴針對的是案官在2001116日作出的剔除申索陳述書中第l4項申索的命令,即使原法庭駁回原告提出的上訴,亦無合理據剔除申索陳述書中的所有申索及/或撤銷本訴訟。涉及剔除申索陳述書中第58申索的原法庭命令,亦應因此而被撤銷。


11.   任法官在200159日的判決中,並沒有清楚指出,案官在2001116日的命令是否正確,但由於任法官在當日撤銷了本訴訟,他理應是同意案官在2001116日所作出的命令。


12.   任法官在其“判案書”中說:














13.   有關涉及大陸房地產租合約的糾紛,是否應在香港提出訴訟這一點,本庭曾在。林哲民經營之曰昌霤業公司對林志滔(2001年民事上訴第354)一案中作出判決。在該上訴中,原告亦在香港提出訴訟,指該案的被告違反口頭租協議。有關的糾紛,未在香港法院進行審訊前,已在東市人民法院審理完結。上訴法庭在考慮過Chiyu Banking Corporation Ltd v Chan Tin KwunHCAll860f1995案後,裁定東市人民法院的判決,並非最終及不可推翻的判決。因此,原法庭不應引用“不容反悔法”( estoppel )而撤銷該訴訟。


14.   在本訴訟中,案官並沒有在2001116日即時撤銷本訴訟,而僅在其命令中要求原告在28天內將龍崗區人民法院的判決作廢。因此,本庭在對本上訴作出判決時,須考慮案官是否正確地行使酌情權作出以上的命令。


15.   法庭在Chiyu Banking Corporation一案作出的裁決是基於國內民事法中有關“抗訴制度”(System of Protest)的法律而作出。在該案的“判案書”中有關的判詞為:


Under the legal system in PRCanother state organthe

Procuratorate exercises a supervisory function ove rcivil

adjudication by the courtsArticle 14 0f the Civil Procedure Law

of l991("the Civil Procedure Law").  Under Article l85the

Procuratorate may lodge aprotest to the court in respect of a

iudicial decision.   The circumstances in which the protest may

be lodged are set out in Article 185namely


(i)                 the main evidence to substantiate the original judgment or ruling was insufficient

(ii)               the law which was applied original Judgment or ruling was incorrect

(iii)             the People's Court was in violation of the statutory procedure which have affected the correctness of the judgment Or ruling;

(iv)              the judicial members in trying the case committed embezzlement, accepted bribes, practised favouritism or make a judgment that perverted the law.


It is for the Supreme People's Procuratorate to lodge the protest but under Article 185, the Fujian People's Procuratorate is entitled to refer the matter to the Supreme People's Procuratorate for it to lodge a protest.


Under Article 187, the court, upon receipt of the protest, is required to conduct a retrial of the action.


This procedure is well recognised.  Mr Li Ping, the Plaintiff's expert on Chinese law, stated at para. 11 of his affidavit that 'if such protest is made a retrail will be ordered.'  Legal literature on this topic can be found in -




'A Comprehenisve Law Book on PRC's Legal Procedure System' by Yang Bing Zhi and Li Chun Lin.  Published by the Falu Publishing House and




'PRC's System on Protest against the People's Court – General Discussion' by Shou Shi Min.  Published by University of Politics & Law Publishing House.


What is a final and conclusive judgment


One must apply Hong Kong law to determine whether a judgment is final and conclusive.  In Gustave Nouvion v Freeman & Another [1889] 15 AC 1, the Privy Council considered what is a final and conclusive judgment.  Lord Herschell at page 9 had this to say:


'.....  it must be shown that in the court by which it was pronounced conclusively, finally, and for ever established the existence of the debt of which it is sought to be made conclusive evidence in this country, so as to make it res judicata between the parties.  If it is not conclusive in the same court which pronounced it, so that notwithstanding such a judgment the existence of the debt made between the same parties be afterwards contested in that court, and upon proper proceedings being taken and such context being adjudicated upon, it may be declared that there exists no obligation to pay the debt at all, then I do not think that a judgment which is of that character can be regarded as finally and conclusively evidencing the debt, and so

entitling the person who has obtained the judgment to obtain a decree from a court for the payment of that debt.'


And at page 10, the law lord continued:


'....Although an appeal may be pending, a court of competent jurisdiction has finally and conclusively determined the existence of a debt, and it has nonetheless done so because the right of appeal has been given whereby a superior court may overrule that decision. There exists at the time of the suit a judgment which must be assumed to be valid until interfered with by a higher tribunal, and which conclusively establishes the existence of the debt which is sought to be recovered in this country. That appears to be in altogether a different position from a 'remate' judgment where the very court which pronounced the 'remate' judgment (not the Court of Appeal) may determine, ifproper proceedings are taken, that the debt which this 'remate' judgment is sought to be used as conclusive evidence has no existence at all.'


Not final and conclusive


Based on the material before me, the supervisory function of the Supreme People's Procuratorate and the protest system are not simply an appeal process.  The Intermediate Court judgment is final in the sense that it is not appealable and it is enforceable in China, but it is not final and conclusive for the purpose of recognition and enforcement by the Hong Kong Courts because in the words of Lord Watson, it 'is not final and unalterable in the court which pronounced it'.  It is liable to the altered by the Intermediate Court on a retrial ifthe Supreme People's Procuratorate lodge a protest in accordance with the Civil Procedure Law.  If upon protest being made, rare the circumstances may be, a Chinese Court has to retry the case, then, clearly it retains the power to alter its own decision.  As Lord Watson said at page 13 of Nouvion:


'There is no real difference in principle between the case of a court retaining power to alter a decree by an order in the same suit and the case of its retaining power to defeat the operation of that decree by an order pronounced in another suit relating to the same debt.'"  (中文譯本請參閱附件注二)


16.    香港以外國家或地區的法律,以普通法而言,屬香港法院對事實的裁斷。Phipson on Evidence (2000)15版第37-58段,對此點有以下的陳述:


"Foreign law must, in general, be proved on oath, either orally or, in some cases, by affidavit; and not by the mere certificates of experts, though this strictness has occasionally been relaxed  ....


Formerly, in all cases, previous decisions upon the same point of foreign law and even between the same parties were not admissible, for being a question of fact it must be decided on evidence and not on authority, in addition to which the law is continually liable to change.  However, in civil proceedings, a previous decision on a question of foreign law is now given some status as a precedent.  By section 4(2) to (5) of the Civil Evidence Act 1972 a previous decision of a superior court on a question of foreign law (which is reported in a citable form) may be tendered as evidence of that law and will be presumed to be a correct statement of that law until the contrary is proved."(中文譯本請參閱附件注三)


17.  Phipson 一書中所指的,是英國法律(特別是《1972年民事證據法令》)對外地法律的處理方法。香港亦有類似英格蘭法令的法律條文。根據香港法例第8章《證據條例》第59條:


  (2)  凡就香港以外任何國家或地區關乎任何事宜的法律的任何問題,已在第(4)款所述法律程序中獲裁定(不論是在本部的生效日期之前或之後獲裁定),則在任何民事法律程序中(在可對該國家或地區關乎該事宜的法律予以司法認知的法庭席前進行的法律程序除外)-


(a)  在首述的法律程序中就該問題所作的任何裁斷或決定,如以可引述的形武作報導或記錄,則可接納為證據,以證明該國家或地區關乎該事宜的法律;及


(b)  如為上述目的援引如此作報導或記錄的上述裁斷或決定,則除非相反證明成立,否則該國家或地區關乎該事宜的法律須當作與該裁斷或決定相符""


  (5)  為施行本條的規定,就第(2)款所述問題所作的裁斷或決定,如是以書面形式在一份報告、謄本或其他文件內作報導或記錄,而該報告、謄本或其他文件在假如該問題是有關香港法律的問題時可在香港進行的法律訴訟程序中被引述作為根據,則在並僅在上述情況下,該裁斷或決定須當作為以可引述的形式作報導或記錄。




  (4)  The proceedings referred tO in subsection (2) are the followingwhether civil or criminal, namely-


    (a)  proceedings at first instance in the High Court Or in the Supreme Court Of England as constituted by section 1 Of the Courts Act l971(1971c.23UK);




        High Court'  (高等法院) means the High Court Of the Hong

         Kong Special Administrative Region established bysection 3 Of

         the High Court Ordinance (Cap.4).

         " '高等法院  (High Court)指《高等法院條例》  (4



20.  而香港法例第4章《高等法院條例》第3條則規定:


There shall be a High Court of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region consisting of the Court Of First lnstance and the Court Of Appeal.'




21.因此,根據以上各條款,雖然在本訴訟中,並無有關抗訴制度的證據,基於第8章第59條的條文,本庭亦可採納原法庭在Chiyu Banking Corporation 一案的判案書中有關此點的裁斷,作為本庭對本上訴作出裁決時的證據。




“在由《1971年法院法令》  (1971 c. 23UK)1條所組成



根據中文本,第59條第4(a)段所指的高等法院或最高法院均為英格蘭的法院,而非分別指香港高等法院和英格蘭的最高法院。假如中文本是第59條第4(a)段的真正意義,  本庭不可採納香港高等法院原法庭在Chiyu Banking Corporation 的裁斷,作為抗訴制度



23.59條第4(a)段的中文本的意義與英文本的意義出現分岐,本庭認為,英文本所載的意義是真正的意義,即High Court是指香港特別行政區的高等法院。原因如下:


   (1) 59條第4(a)段的英文本,明確指明有關的法律程序是proceedings at first instance  (法律程序)。該條 款亦明文指定,有關法院是....the High Court or the Supreme Court of England....  (....高等法院或英格蘭的最高法院".)。根據英格蘭的1971年法院法令第1:


      The Supreme Court shall consist Of the Court Of Appeal and the High Courtto gether with the Crown Court established by this Act.'



在英格蘭而言,最高法院中負責原法律程序的法院,基本上是高等法庭(High Court)英皇法院(Crown Court)。因此,假如第59條第4(a)段僅指英格蘭法院的原法庭程序(無論是在英格蘭高等法院或英皇法院的法律程序),該條款只須訂明有關的法律程序是:




已經足夠。另方面,假如第59條第4(a)段是專指英格蘭高等法院中的原法律程序,便無須訂明有關原法律程序是....the High Court or the Supreme Court Of England....(....高等法院或英格蘭的最高法院".)中的原法律程序,而只須直接規定是....the Supreme Court of England....  (英格蘭的最高法院)的原法律程序;


    (2) 59條第4(b)4(c)段,分別涉及第4(a)所述的法律程序所產生的上訴在終審法院席前進行的法律程序。因此,第59條第4(a)(c)段所指的法律程序,應該是分別在香港高等法院中的兩級法庭及香港終審法院席前的法律程序。










27.根據 Chiyu Banking Corportation 一案的裁斷,  由於國內的法律容許有關方面提出抗訴,而抗訴經提出後,有可能引致裁決原的法院須對有關訴訟重行審理。因此,根據香港法律而言,該法院的判決,並非最終及不可推翻的判決。




29.  此外,國內的法律亦沒有對提出抗訴的期限作出任何規定。基於以上各點,案官在2001116日所作的命令,規定原告須在命令日起28天內將人民法院的判決作廢,並無充分的理據支持。而任法官在200159日駁回原告針對2001116日命令而提出的上訴時,亦無解釋如此裁斷的理據。


30.  本庭因此裁定原告的上訴得直,命令撤銷任法官200159日及案官2001116日的兩項命令。


31.    最後,本庭必須一提,與本上訴相關的兩事項:





    (b)代表被告的劉大律師指 Chiyu Banking Corporation 一案中的被告,在該案聆訊時,已提出抗訴,但本訴訟的原告,從未提出抗訴。雖然如此,由於並無證據顯示,

       國內法律規定提出抗訴的期限,本庭認為單憑此點,不足以令本庭裁斷 Chiyu Banking Corporation 一案的裁決,不適用於本上訴。


32.    本庭作出暫許訟費命令,被告要支付予原告本上訴及在案官和原法庭席前涉及有關本上訴各爭議點的訟費。









