“wash-lung” treatment

Patent in China 


in HK

Patent to steal in HK

  lzm's PCT patent

lzm's rejuvenate treatment Lzm’s economic successwas to sales now! Lzm’s latest explore-technique for submarine of deep-sea & stealth aircraft to sell!






About the SARS-crisis in China and HK how to lead to the invention of the “wash-lung” treatment? (amending)

Complain to Chinese and Western!   Why did China conceal a medical invent for lifesaving?

  Free health or pathological diagnosis consulting service.


Our company’s design of mechanical, electrical products and scientific research service will start in ASEAN (producing)

Lzm’s success of economic that could be  provide a worthy consultant-report for any one government about the monetary policy…starting now!

 The war acts in

HK Sanitation Dept.

Why the Wash-Lung & Refrigerate two treatment still not open  for citizen of HK? 

Latest explore-technique for submarine of deep-sea & stealth aircraft to sell!

A.     How to heighten a warplane’s degree of stealth

B.     How to heighten the explore-ability of radar

C.    The explore-technique of deep-sea’s submarine 

A.     How to heighten a warplane’s degree of stealth

I. preamble

         Regardless is it F-22, T-50 of stealth aircraft or today self-praised G-20 of China, they all without exception face a common difficult problem.

 That is how to heighten a warplane’s degree of stealth.

 From at present that could to collect information is, the F-22’s radar a cross-section (RCS) at front only 0.01-0.05, and the F-35’s RCS  is tenfold distinction for F-22, therefore, F-22 was to embargo sale for any USA’s ally!  T-50’s RCS is 0.5 to be inferior for F-35 or USA’s first generation stealth aircraft F-117’s 0.025 yet.  HoweverG-20 could not any RCS figure to announce and China’s engine technology is so critical to fall behind relative for T-50, so acute to confine the mobility!  Still more needless to say the G-20 far-off not to reach the retire F-117’s level! Therefore, though the G-20 has fine structure-layout then the test flying is only an outer casing for a test desk, but why display on visit of USA Minister of Defense?

Few people will understand, since China instigate the North Korea to fire at South Korea with threat not to hesitate to use nuclear warhead then USA to dispatch three aircraft carrier armada direct Korea peninsula. Afterward China painstakingly revealed use as a ballistic missile of anti-warship point to USA’s aircraft carrier as deterrence. Then USA asserted that they could let China’s all navigation satellite to malfunction for corresponding. Therefore, China straightaway test fly G-20 to show its strength!

          Chinese are most efficient at using “as the unreal case to pretend reality and to make a feint to the east and attack in the west” of theArt of War of SunZi

Above China VS.USA of wrestle in the dark that purpose only for threaten President Obama not to one-sidedly publicly admit lzm’s invention of “wash-lung” treatment to save increasingly serious flu include swine flu patient’s life, otherwise, the G-20 will be to pilot to tie in the ballistic missile of anti-warship point to USA’s aircraft carrier!  Because the China’s destructive power for world ten million double for terror organization. Therefore, Obama was concerned to compromise impermanent! 

II. The common characteristic of stealth aircraft

  Nevertheless, in any case that to look upon as the common characteristic of stealth aircraft which not beyond the scope of below:

1.  The electromagnetic mirror by physics-structure of fuselage that must to the utmost less:  

 a.       The vertical tail must outward to tilt;

 b.    The front of fuselage must be outward 27°;

 c.       The magazine must be to inbuilt;

 d.       The way of enter gas must be to S form;

 e.       And the exhaust passageway that must have enough heat sink etc.

2.       The fuselage outside daub must have mighty attraction for electromagnetic wave.

III. The characteristic of research dissertation

1. About the physics-structure of fuselage, despite the F-22 or T-50 public that front surface physics-board’s angle equal is or draw on 27°and whether still have an advance space?  Our on the market the research dissertation will be discuss and replenish.

2. About the fuselage outside coating that material and structure for application, our market the research dissertation will be discuss and replenish too.

IV.  Price brief of our research dissertation

Our research dissertation can supply to in want of any study organization of country to improve and heighten a warplane’s degree of stealth and shorten study time.  Since the specialist of study organization has knowledge and wisdom that are very outstanding invariably, if were to strengthen in this area, it will to lead to edification-effect or divulge a secret and will be weaken the value of our research dissertation.

 Our research dissertation supply for study organization of any country, the cost is USD $1,000,000.-, and permit to negotiated price.


BHow to heighten the explore-ability of radar

 I. preamble

The above-mentioned that F-22 and T-50 especially still to fight only on paper the G-20 of China that was to waver every country that air defense system.  Therefore, how to heighten the explore-ability of radar that was to become every countries urgency to face great for discussion.  Then China to hold the try flies of G-20 to threaten Obama do not one-sided to make public admit lzm’s invention of “wash-lung” treatment to save increasingly serious flu include swine flu patient’s life before China Hu visit USA on Jan. 14, 2011, our Mr. Lzm inborn military inspiration was to break out, so in our website thatGood advice jars on the earto shown: “…the long wave radar could be to explore out F-22 at far distance yet, other ways that can to the warn sky to sprinkle magnetic reflex particle, as if to improve the traditions radar it will be magnify the cross-section (RCS) of radar up to tenfold for break…, and this is after the explore-technique of deep-sea’s  submarine another inventing and it can to sell!” .

  Presently, under the news report Japan government will be prepare budget appropriation to research and development a new radar to cope with China’s G-20!

II. Radar’s basic classification

Radar’s system classification many much, such as the Electronically Scanned Array radar, ESA radar, Doppler radar and Synthetic Aperture RadarSAR etc., But the basic for military use radar classification approximately are blow:

1.           antiaircraft information radar

2.           coast warn radar

3.         Air Early Warning, AEW

III. The characteristic of research dissertation

1.       Why is the F-35’s RCS not equal to F-117 of first generation, but why is USA must large quantities of manufacture for F-35 and export confederate?  Our markets of the research dissertation will be discussed and have solution.

2.       The F-22’s stealth capability that was to reach the peak of perfection, whether the long wave radar can be to explore out F-22 at far distance?  Now, where the F-22 or T-50 that defect?   Our research dissertation will be important discussed.

3.     It has to be aimed at the defect of F-22 or T-50, how to improve and magnify the RCS for on hand systematic radar?  Our research dissertation will be important discussed too.


IV.  Price brief of our research dissertation

Our research dissertation can supply to in want of any study organization of country to improve and heighten on hand systematic radar the explore capability for stealth aircraft.  Thanks to the specialist of study organization who’s knowledge and wisdom very outstanding invariably, if in here to strengthen expound it will to lead to edification-effect or divulge a secret and will be weaken the value of our research dissertation.

  Our research dissertation supply for study organization of any country, the cost is USD $3,000,000.-, and price negotiable.

C.    The explore-technique of deep-sea’s submarine 

I. Invention Background

    After the 911event, the US stock market collapses, likewise the invention of “PFCO-lung” invested by me which passed through the U.S.A. Hong Kong consulate given a invention drafted “aviation safe three measure” fax to Bush on Sep.19, 2001. After above one this, Bush pass an officer of U.S.A. Hong Kong consular that name is Mr. Tonmy Liu who called me on Sep.26, 2001 pm 4:00, he’d mentioned that: “ Mr. Lin Zhen Man, I was on behalf of American Government express and president Bush thanks to you, and to guarantee your patent application to give in American… ”, at the time, I was not surprised, so in the second day, in the TV news that was to see the Bush President was to publish the “aviation safe three measure” and is it allocate 500 million dollars to transform the plane for Boeing at Chicago an airport…The fact is to proved, this is the strongest weapon for anti-terrorism, but Bush who was to disobey a promise of a Hong Kong native.

Because my telephone is eavesdropped for a long time, soon, in the TV news was to saw, former Jiang Zemin of Chinese president who was zeal especially to entertain Bush and leader of Asia various country with to sign the “anti-terrorism declaration” in Shanghai on October of 2001year, but the Chinese Premier Zhu Rongji was for squeezed and seen the film in Guangzhou that was suspiciously!  In fact that had trade besides under the platform, it by later on of the state of affair to verify, that have trade besides under the platform on the grand meeting locality.  Soon, the facts to show the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs was to endure violates that Law of Taiwan Relation to selling 8 submarines and other offensive weapons to Taiwan case and only stop in words!   And another side, it was be bound to under suggestion of Bush, the patent application of “aviation safe three measure” was to become invalid by US patent office with a bold hand (www.ycec.sg/Patent_Application_in_US.htm)

Jiang ZeMin was continue to steer court of HK for destroy international promised of “one country two system”  

 The proof are below:

1. FAMV 1 /2002;

2. FAMV 21 /2002;

3. FAMV 16/2004;

4FAMV 10/2006;

5FAMV 19/2006;

6. LDBM-220-2005;

7. CACV-332-2006 Ok Now

Jiang ZeMin’s favorite have a habit of using promotion as a bait for the judge to illegal-judge a huge sum action-fees to pillage lzm’s money!  


1. A prank in the Lands  Tribunal

2. Court's war criminal in HK

3.The war criminal in Gov., of  HK

4.Crucify lzm’s bankruptcy case

TSANG Y-K's HKGov. order many department to be aimed at Lin Zhen Man by terroristic means, the facts below;

1. Use radiate of air waves to murder lzm, the police station did not to deal with!

Police MainPage

2. The police station same terrorist to support lzm’s a tenant not to pay the rental and catch lzm!

3. Gov. departments was to falsify document and suborn all land agent did not rent out lzm’s house!

4. Suborn by Jzm’s mandarin, the sad and shameless of Land-Registrar of HK in here “skill & extraordinary”…

Lawless disturbance for lzm by

HK Gov., department...

 Humiliating in annals now!

1. Pranks in Communications of

   HK Gov.,

2. Robbers in Intellectual

    Property Dept.,  of HK...

3. Unexpected take apart order

   for lzm’s house by Buildings


4. The apart order simultaneously to endanger neighbor property!

5. Ird & Bochks face lose for

HKMA too at risk

Anatomize of Jiang ZeMin’s politics of dominion (producing

Our company’s sad histories at Chinese invest! 

1. HengChang Ltd. to prosecute

 Jiang Zemin on 2007year!

2.Administer of Heng Chang Ltd to resist an official’s extort become a ruination on 1996year.

3.The sinister means by Shan Tou Jao Customs of ShenZhen City!  

4.Company of ShenZhen Gov., to hands-on loot begin 1998year!

5.Judge of DongGuan City Gov., to arrange loot begin 1999year!

6.Police, Procuratorate & Court of ShenZhen City unexpectedly to variety an rob accomplice?!

7.Jiang Zemin not thanks Lzm’s medicine invention to save SARS a national calamity in China, and why could be order to murder inventor?!

  It is obvious that, this is an exchange filthy of under the platform! It was difficult to make people trust, one lofty status’s US President that could to break one's word for help him of one Hong Kong person!

       The above-mentioned, so Mr.lzm was very diligently to study intensively the latest surveys technology for deep-sea submarine and before 2008year Olympics of Beijing to publish for each country leader on May. 08, 2008. 

    About the details could be to link http://www.ycec.net/lzm/080508.mht

II. Today the limitations of Sono Explore Technology  

a.       The history of Sono Explore Technique

b.      The latest application of Sono Explore Technique for an actual combat;

d.      The limitations of Sono Explore Technology


III. The latest application of surveys technology

a.       The feasibility study of latest surveys technology

b.      The actual combat application of latest surveys technology

IV.  Price brief of our research dissertation

Our research dissertation can supply to in want of any study organization of country to use our latest application of surveys technology to explore all incursive deep-sea submarine and reduce national defence expenditure.  Thanks to the specialist of study organization who’s knowledge and wisdom very outstanding invariably, if in here to strengthen expound it will to lead to edification-effect or divulge a secret and will be weaken the value of our research dissertation.

Our research dissertation supply for study organization of any country, the cost is USD $3,000,000.-, and price negotiable.

The below leaders shared joy and sorrow with our company's  invention and their history-duty did not to shuffle off!  

History will to give judgment them one by one!  ( producing)


lzm Patent (liaison) Office

 Heng Chong Electronic (Shen Zhen) Limited Company   

C-207, 1 Block 20 Area, En Shang Road, ShanTouJao, Shen Zhen City of China 


Tel : (852)  3618-7808  3116-0137 (86) 755 2535-3546  86-13418844950 Fax : (852) 3111-4197  3007-8352

Email:  lzm@ycec.sg  lzm@ycec.net  lzm@ycec.pk  ycec_lzm@yahoo.com.hk  lzmyc@singnet.com.sg  290619513@qq.com

www.ycec.com  www.ycec.net   www.ycec.sg  www.ycec.pk