“wash-lung” treatment

Patent in China 


in HK

Patent to steal in HK

  lzm's PCT patent

lzm's rejuvenate treatment Lzm’s economic successwas to sales now! Lzm’s latest explore-technique for submarine of deep-sea & stealth aircraft to sell!



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About the SARS-crisis in China and HK how to lead to the invention of the “wash-lung” treatment?

Complain to Chinese and Western!   Why did China conceal a medical invent for lifesaving?

  Free health or pathological diagnosis consulting service.


Our company’s design of mechanical, electrical products and scientific research service will start in ASEAN (producing)

Lzm’s success of economic that could be  provide a worthy consultant-report for any one government about the monetary policy…starting now!

The war acts in

HK Sanitation Dept.

Why the Wash-Lung & Refrigerate two treatment still not open  for citizen of HK? 


 ---The most uncivilized a paragraph of history case it will biography in here---

Uncontrolled Document When Printed

黃禍論」為何再起? 張果老預言應世突顯!

Why the "yellow peril theory" can to resurgence? And Zhang Guolao’s prophecy to stand out in the world!

    劉伯溫準確預言了武漢疫情 造假

  Liu Bowen accurately predicted WuHan epidemic to fraud

   Yellow Peril 俗稱「黃禍論」可見等大事的發生,以及

       From Yellow Peril, commonly known as the ``yellow peril theory'', we can see that such major events have happened, and as well as


   It still from Liu Bowen’s prophecy the "Song of Biscuits" also can to seen:

  張果老預言千年後的世界 人間將來鬼勢滔天人將學鬼

   Zhang Guolao’s prophecy that in the world on a thousand years after, the man's world will be billowing by a wicked game, and people will learn from a specter.


    In the windTherefore, everything in the world is all vile and sinister in nature.  The official not to care of the public, only knew the bribe.  Bribery can be done publicly, and bribery doesn't need on off-stage, it as to snatch a square meal too.  So for ordinary people, the filial piety can be abolished and lewdness can be promoted.  And only can to ask the benefit for oneself, so don't ask about honesty and honor    And as if an unwitting sprite may be to play tricks against at will, and absolutely ignore human quandary.  This kind the heart-intestines of ghost, ghost’s wisdom and stratagem, necessarily one by one to spread successors in the future.  As a result is person or a ghost not to difference, but the big universe it really to become a ghost world, but this things it will in the future.

    張果老 因此只願 反坐驢向後看警喻世人...

   Therefore, the Zhang Guolao only to be willing counter to sit donkey to look back warn world ...

     推背圖56   讖曰  日月麗天 群陰懾服百靈來朝 雙羽四足

   AsPush dorsum photoof fifty shape the omenThen sun and moon to shine sky, group civil service to submit.  So many power come to pilgrimage, as two plumes or four foot!

    颂曰而今中國有聖人, 雖非豪傑也周成。四夷重譯稱天子,否極泰來九國春。

       Praise saying is:   Now has a sage in China, although not a influential hero too perfectAround country retranslate to call the Son of Heaven, out of the depth of misfortune comes bliss to spring scenery at worldwide.


    And in the <<the Bible. Apocalypse Record >> too have aboutsage bornwith follow-up of incident to describeThen the sage at once to show the deity merit at the sky, all life will be to big justiceand according the acts of deity merit to trial to final orientation, not likely again have any a chance to supplementFurthermore the nature will be full to renew, namely today to fake COVID-19 of the calamity will enter the coda.

   也即古有中國4大發明, 但今有航空安全三措施, 洗肺对癌症唯一有效冷凍兩 大醫療法, 飽和鹽水家用保健法及肺部氣流防疫法人人必用 lzm 5大發明且將千年不變已爆天空的神跡所有的生命將在隨後「大審判」就可否極泰來九國春令全球的“大災難將進入尾聲!

   It also is ancient China had four big invention, but today still have"three measures of aviation security",  wash-lung” with unusual effective for cancer patients the “freezing” two big treatment,  especially the "saturated saline" and “Lung-Airstreams Epidemic Prevention Method" everyone must to use and will chiliad years constant those lzm’s five big invention already to explode the deity merit in sky”, so all the life will tobig judgejust can out of the depth of misfortune comes bliss to spring scenery at worldwide.” to order in global “the calamity will enter the coda. ”!  


Thebig justiceby Bible Prediction already to affirm on 2019year the witness still clearly at here!

    當本 PCT/SG03/00145 洗肺冷凍兩醫療法發明的提前公佈並在月餘間就令 2003 年北京、香港、台灣、加拿大及新加坡的 SARS 危機才會成為過去, 但加拿大同樣偷用如港府更配合中國政府拒絕審查的lzm專利申請

    另可見已在20184月前就傳遍近加拿大附近的美國各大學,以及如, , 加拿大熟透的國家均被lzm去信追債由航空安全三措施發明伸延而出海關eGate的專利權外更令西方各國時 疫苗毫无科学根据的事实一清二楚, 以及更介了 飽和鹽水家用保健法 才可免医高夀120歲!加拿大或因此延遲公佈eGate的成功應用, lzm2019年才去信追eGate 債!

      因此如右可見的加拿大三級政府均向華人正式道歉, 也提及已在2017年4月5日如 廢除了歧視華人的法規就由此而來也尚有點良知

      Then at PCT/SG03/00145 lzm’s the invention of “wash-lung” with“freezing” two treatments to ahead of time to proclaim only a month after, the SARS crisis of 2003year at Beijing, HK, TaiWan, Canada & Singapore only can to end, but the Canada same as HK Gov. to steal use and harmony with CP-China to refuse examine lzm’s patent application! 

     On the side from  visible that lzm’s four big invention already been spread to vicinity Canada every USA Uni. before on April of 2018, and as ,, or  those very familiar country of Canada without except to dun by three measures of aviation security invention to jut out the patent right of Customs’s eGate, and still clear to inform the vaccine have not any science basis for west each country, as well as generally to introduce if use the "saturated saline hygiene" in family that just can to exempt ill and live to be 120ages!  Yes or no the Ca Gov., hence to delay notifies the eGate to success put in use?  So lzm only can delay to dun as on 2019year!

    So as the right photo  visible those three grade Gov., of Ca even to formal apologize for Chinese, also have mentioned already to abolish the rule of law of prejudice Chinese on April 5, 2017 that just by above origin come to, also still have some the conscience!

   也特別始於如上lzm四大發明於October 18 2018傳遍英國各大學後,聖經的描述顯現於天空的神跡”《所有的生命將在隨後的大審判」》!

   Also especially begin at , then above lzm’s four big inventions already to spread all UK Uni. after on October 18 2018, as <<the Bible. Apocalypse Record >> to describethen the “sage havedeity merit” to show the sky after, all life will bebig justiceto follow!   

    也因此從及右圖可見,70萬倫敦人在2019210日即中 春15日的舞龍弄獅慶祝華人春節令倫敦突變為中國城感謝 人人必用千年不變lzm的的四大發明,也即如所有的生命將在隨後的大審判」》已此定調, 如圖中: 中英黃金時代已來臨!

  Hence also, from  or right picture visible, there is 700,000 Londoner to Dragon and Lion Dance for celebrate Spring Festival of Chinese on Feb., 10, 2019, and let London mutation a China city to thanks everybody must to use and millennium constant above lzm’s four big invention, also now by all life will bebig justiceto orientation already, so as in picture visible

The prime time of China-English already to came!

    The same as Fr., Ge., Sw., Li, Sp., Po., Aus,, Gr., Be., Da., Nor,, Fin., Ice., Iri., Bra., Ar., Pt., Cz.,Bg., Ro., Est., Lva., Cy., Lva., Pl., Tr., Ru.,

  即所有歐州各國大學也均傳遍, 不少歐州人公開聲稱為中國人同慶2019中國春節也見有報!

   Namely all Uni. of EU various state are spread all over, so many people of EU the same to celebrate Spring Festival of Chinese and open to profess also for a Chinese on 2019 it can to see on news too

   Besides as in AsiaJp., Au.,Ca., Nz., My., Thai., India, Qa., Sa.,Aman,Kuwai, Bahrain, Indonesia, Ph., Korean, Col., Uy., Gha., ... 


   Namely as same of Uni. in Asia various state the same tobig justicelzm’s deity merit” already in sky after to pitch as above right picture visible to Dragon and Lion Dance in phase to celebrate Spring Festival of Chinese!  


   Above the History-Pitch it has to valor advance behind by Britain Queen with Prince Philip inevitable

   特别如本主頁底部175個國家駐北京、台灣大使及在港領事館 均早已全知“肺部氣流防疫法何而來

   It unusual as this main page the bottom layer those total 175 embassies of countries in Beijing, Taiwan or consulate in HK even already early to known “Lung-Airflow Epidemic Prophylaxis" from where to come!

Jiang ZeMin was continue to steer court of HK for destroy international promised of “one country two system”  

 The proof are below:

1.  FAMV 1 /2002;

 FAMV 21 /2002

3. FAMV 16/2004;

4. FAMV 10/2006;

5. FAMV 19/2006;

6. LDBM-220-2005;

7. CACV-332-2006  ok now

Jiang ZeMins favorite have a habit of using promotion as a bait for the judge to illegal-judge a huge sum action-fees to pillage lzm’s money!


1. A prank in the Lands  Tribunal

2. Court's war criminal in HK

3.The war criminal in Gov., of  HK

4.Crucify lzm’s bankruptcy case

TSANG Y-K's HKGov. order many department to be aimed at Lin Zhen Man by terroristic means, the facts below;

1. Use radiate of air waves to murder lzm, the police station did not to deal with!

Police MainPage

2. The police station same terrorist to support lzm’s a tenant not to pay the rental and catch lzm!

3. Gov. departments was to falsify document and suborn all land agent did not rent out lzm’s house!

4. Suborn by Jzm’s mandarin, the sad and shameless of Land-Registrar of HK in here “skill & extraordinary”…

Lawless disturbance for lzm by

HK Gov., department...

 Humiliating in annals now!

1. Pranks in Communications of

   HK Gov.,

2. Robbers in Intellectual

    Property Dept.,  of HK...

3. Unexpected take apart order

   for lzm’s house by Buildings


4.The apart order simultaneously to endanger neighbor property!

5. Ird & Bochks face lose for

HKMA too at risk

6. The Prosecutions Acts of

Dept. of Justice

Anatomize of Jiang ZeMin’s politics of dominion (producing

Our company’s sad histories at Chinese invest! 

1. HengChang Ltd. to prosecute

 Jiang Zemin on 2007year!

2.Administer of Heng Chang Ltd to resist an official’s extort become a ruination on 1996year.

3.The sinister means by Shan Tou Jao Customs of ShenZhen City!  

4.Company of ShenZhen Gov., to hands-on loot begin 1998year!

5.Judge of DongGuan City Gov., to arrange loot begin 1999year!

6.Police, Procuratorate & Court of ShenZhen City unexpectedly to variety an rob accomplice?!
7.Jiang Zemin not thanks Lzm’s medicine invention to save SARS a national calamity in China, and why could be order to murder inventor?!

8. And why the secret service agent” of Jiang Zemin to included Lzm’s girl also not to let off, so must specially in office holder of  Shen Zhen City to choose handsome boyand to given Gov. expense to entwineIf you will to be all eagerness to see it, please in to the photo album of QQ290619513!

    但為何兩年後的今, 還會讓造假“確診”所謂的武漢肺炎禍害全球?!連拜登在當選後 可敬的英女皇也要被逼首次戴口罩出場如此悲哀的妥協才會導致 活活氣死了有男子氣概菲臘親王!?

    But two years after now, why above the country power still can to operate by fake nucleic acid diagnosis” so-called COVID-19 plague by HK’s medical fraud to disaster global?!  As then Joe Biden to be elected after of worthy Britain Queen also must to be forced for the first time to wear a mask to come on the stage, so by this sorrowful compromise only can to lead manly Prince Philip to angry to death?!

問題的關是主導全球各國政界的美國早在911後就陷入了無冠中國 王朝的行賄陷阱!

But the key of problem is to leading global Gov., circles of USA already on 911 after to sink into CP-China of nil crown dynasty a bribe trap!

    起因就在lzm航空安全三措施發明協助布殊總統戰勝了911災難後,歷史更永遠不會忘記,布殊錯誤地接受前中國主席江澤民的交換條件,即默許同意美國向臺灣出售武器以交換馬上重大行賄殊的弟弟尼爾布希江澤民長子江錦恒20041127公佈恐嚇也從 www.ycec.sg/UN/150117.htm 可見,布殊因此缺德違背Lzm的承諾!

     期後如又把奧巴馬的弟弟養在中國深圳收錢同樣恐嚇不得批予包括PCT/SG03/00145洗肺及對癌症唯有特效的冷凍兩大醫學專利 www.ycec.sg/UN/war-felon-hk.htm 主頁中更無疑  

The cause is because then lzm’s "three measures of aviation security" invention to help ex-president Bush to defeat 911 in USA’s catastrophe after, the history  will be to forget, and then Bush still to wrong accept ex-CP China chair J_Zemin’s swap terms to wink at agree sell arms to Taiwan and after at once great to bribe Bush’s brother Mr. Neil Bush  and by J_Zemin’s firstborn Jiang JinHeng to threaten to proclaim on Nov., 27, 2004 or can to see at www.ycec.sg/UN/150117.htm, so Bush only can to wicked violate promise for Lzm!

And after, as at again let Obama’s younger brother to keep at Shenzhen city of China accept money the same to threaten Obama can’t ratify include PCT/SG03/00145 that "wash lung" and only have specially good effect the "freezing" two big medicine patents the same at main page of www.ycec.sg/UN/war-felon-hk.htm still more undoubtedly!  

  難道美國人的生命就那麼不值錢嗎? 也更如当年的布殊總統臨死之前的肺炎病狀也用不上“洗肺”醫療法死於2018年不可長命百歲是否活該也值一提!

  Is it possible that all Americans' life cloddy ?   Also still as old Bush ex-president to pneumonia before at the point of death but can’t  to "wash lung" treatment to die on 2018year so can’t to live to be a hundred whether to get what sb. deserves also to deserve to be mentioned!

 其後有見網傳江澤民的 美女宋祖英急訪小布殊別墅後共划船玩樂也見有報, 難道布殊就可將父仇一忘而盡

 And after still can to see J_Zemin’s belle of Song Zuying to fast visit the villa of little Bush after still have in unison to row a boat to play on news, is it possible that the little Bush just can let the father's killers to forget all that!  

    且就此已陷入行賄陷阱美國政權也要下跪聽話引領全球各國拒批PCT/SG03/00145專利早在 www.ycec.pk or www.ycec.net 無疑

      Therefore, already into trap of bribery at this point the USA Power also must kneel down to obedient and to guide any country to refused ratify the patent of PCT/SG03/00145 early at www.ycec.pk or www.ycec.net undoubtedly!

   特别 鹽水保健法或近期的 or .htm 可見的肺部氣流防疫法兩次均已傳遍美國各大學後,因此, 新聞, 特郎普總統Jan., 01, 2021突回白宮演講變調氣流防疫法稱:極速曲線行動的成功是醫學奇跡”,“我們將一勞永逸地結速大流行”!


    Special as in the "brine health hygiene" or near future the "Lung-Airflow Epidemic Prophylaxis" at or .htm without except twice by email to inform all USA University after, and by the new at  visual, so the President Trump on Jan., 01, 2021 abruptly at White House fervor to lecture to tone sandhi the "Lung-Airflow Epidemic Prophylaxis" to state: …the “Operation Warp Speed” to success is a “medical miracle” , “We will end the pandemic once and for all”…!   

 So already into trap of bribery the general election of USA behind Power only can pull out Biden appoint President to be obvious the USA Power already incredible!

    特別是拜登的當選後, 為方便哄騙市民打疫苗被蠢蛋化, ycec.com 2021.3.03 突然在港被CE林鄭強行關閉反及拜登的插手也在  www.ycec.sg/911/icann.htm www.ycec.pk/SG/210228.htm 可見也要威迫新加坡政府違規關閉 ycec.sg, 因此,HKCE林鄭疫苗護照才敢馬上出, 以及明知疫苗毫無科學根據也要出盡鬼計騙民谷針毒害公眾, 並也必有妖娥在後教唆各國政客

      Especially then Biden is elected after, because for convenient to cheat HK citizen cover American with any country to injection vaccine only can to fool, so ycec.com at once on 2021.3.03 by HKCE to vicious force closed on 2021.3.03 after and to intervene by Joe Biden at www.ycec.pk/911/icann.htm & www.ycec.pk/SG/210228.htm visual who will to compel the Singapore Gov., to be against regulations ycec.sg, so the vaccine passport only dare to unveil by HKCE  CarrieLam to disclose at once, and HKCE  who to be fully aware the vaccine” have not any science a basis only can by the invention of PCT/SG03/00145 to crack case, but CECarrieLam still stern to control all media to do all the tricks cheat citizen shot vaccine” to poison public, and who inevitable as a goblin moth in hind to instigate politician of various countries:


If not have the vaccine” & to wear mask” still can to fool your national? And only can beneficial you become a King to be in Power, is wrong?

   更多詳情就lzm剛給新加坡王乙康衛生部長信中清楚無疑, 更值各國領導參考切莫也成歷史罪人

   More details right here as lzm just to Minister for Health Mr. Ong ye Kung of Singapore a letter clear to undoubtedly, so still to be worth various countries leader to consult, and by no means to become a history sinner!


   也難, 就因全球已盡知人人必用lzm的五大發明且千年不變, 更也明知如今已禍害全球由香港林鄭政府造假的COVID-19佈局志在當lzm如由深圳回港被隔離才可方便被HKCE林鄭謀殺, 但早心知肚明的基辛格卻於心不忍 向各國领导人發出警告

     It also no wonder, because everybody must to use lzm’s five big invention and will millenary constant already to know everything in world, and still to be fully aware today already to calamity whole world of fake COVID-19 to layout by HKCE CarrieLam only aim for if inventor lzm from Shen Zhen City of China go back HK must to separate only can convenience EC CarrieLam to murder!  But already to knowing fairly well of the Kissinger to refuse be against one's conscience so to warn


     因此大公報 2020-04-06 【大公報訊】根據《華爾街日報》可見的報導指:美國前國務卿基辛格(圓圖)3日在《華爾街日報》發表主題為 新冠病毒大流行將永遠改變世界秩序 的專欄文章,指出疫情對人類健康的影響可能是暫時的!   但所引發的政治和經濟動盪,可能會持續影響幾代人  


    Therefore, just by  takungpao.com base on the "Wall Street Journal" can to see report on April 06, 2020 to point out 

       Former U.S. Secretary of State Kissinger (circle chart) who on April 03, 2020 to publish subject is "The New Corona virus Pandemic Will Forever Changing the World Order" to pointed out, the epidemic to impact human  health it may be temporary, but to ignite the political and economic turmoil it caused may continue to affect several generations.  So he called on all countries must on the basis of cooperation to solve current problems, otherwise they will face the "worst outcome".

    當德國總理默克爾必然有看到lzm2020.2.24日去信其駐港總領事盡知中港以“口液或鼻涕”體外之物“確診”造假的COVID-19醫學騙局, 因此知恥首先表示要辭職,但其卡倫鮑爾接班人馬上於2020.3.17日由新聞可見辭職不幹壞事默克爾也馬上於2020.3.22日表演要居家隔離接受檢測企圖誘騙其接班人回頭! 但沒用,卡倫鮑爾就不想成為歷史罪人其後,默克爾是否希特勒的外孫女也有新聞可見!

   Then the German Merkel Premier who be bound to see lzm a letter to their Consul general in HK on Feb., 24, 2000 after, the Merkel inevitable all to know from China & HK Gov., by out of body the “spit or snot” to “diagnosis” fake the medicine fraud of COVID-19, so to have a sense of shame of the Merkel in the first place to show must to resign, but the AKK successor the same shame to resign not to do evildoing!  But the Merkel at once to play must to quarantine in home on March 17, 2020 attempt to cajole AKK successor to repent!  But of no use, the Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer successor does not want to become a historical sinner!  And after, the Merkel whether a Hitler's granddaughter that news can see too!


    Because Merkel certain existence as above the little Bush or Obama already sink into the bribe a trap so still must to trick EU any country continue to fall victim to by mask & vaccine the medicine fraud of COVID-19, also by Malta in Finland an ambassador the same to query the Merkel just is a contemporary Hitler by UK BBC to edition on May 15, 2020 too.

   也由於如下日本首相安倍晉三20008詐病辭職以為就可免罪, 特朗總統也在其社交網站指責USCDC造假COVID-19的死亡數字從可見警告了拜登中美隨時走向災難堪比世界大戰, 美國防部因此於2020.11.25日立即宣佈開除基辛格為顧問!

   Also as below the Abe Shinzo Premier of JP the same to malinger resign to assume just can to be exonerated from on August of 2020, and the Trump President as will as at his social contact website to censure the USCDC to make false the death toll of COVID-19 bycan to see to warning Biden if again to fake the China & USA will presently to run the catastrophe it may be a world war, so the US's Ministry of Defense at once to expel Kissinger for the adviser to announce on Nov., 25, 2020!


   也由於造假的COVID-19醫學騙局早就盡知天下,馬來西亞慕尤丁首相也2021.7.23日致函國家元首要求國會宣佈撤銷COVID-19的緊急狀態條例及於2021.8.16日正式宣佈辭職 不想再干壞事了!

   Also because to fake the medicine fraud of COVID-19 already to be known the world, so the Malaysia Muhyiddin Yassin Premier as well as to send a letter their sovereign ask the parliament to announce cancel the state of emergency statute on July 23, 2021 and formal announce to resign no again to do evil thing on Aug., 16, 2021!


   The gauze mask & vaccine baron Premier Trudeau of Ca who same to feel a twinge of conscience so on Aug., 16, 2021 to formal announce ahead of time a general election on Sep., 20, 2021!


    It also as the Afghanistan in HK a consul general the same to be clear about by politico Biden & Merkel to be fully aware if only to get lzm latest invention of "Lung-Airflow Epidemic Prophylaxis" to make public, start by China & HK Gov., to fake a to calamity worldwide COVID-19 just can as above President Trump at White House to proclaim it will forever to end, so necessarily to clear for the Taliban power undoubtedly too! 

   阿富汗變局令美國 的國際信譽大跌,特別是塔利班權勢也立即於2021.8.16日正式宣佈禁止民眾打新冠疫苗關閉所有的醫院注射室招顯其英雄本色!

    And Afghan the changed situation already let international honor of USA to big fall, the Taliban power at once announce on Aug., 16, 2021 to forbid public to shoot the vaccine of COVID-19 and close all shoot room of hospital with no anyone to wear a mask to flutter the heroic abilities!  

   因此, 塔利班的英雄本色已令如上已下跪中美或欧盟政權明知造假COVID-19仍要推動及命令務必戴口罩注射疫苗的醫學大騙局的那些不知羞恥国家政客面目進一步全非!

   Therefore, Taliban's hero natural qualities already let to kneel down for Cp China & US or EU powers to be fully aware fake COVID-19 but who still to advance with order anyone must to wear mask & shoot vaccine the medicine fraud those barefaced countries politico to go a step further to everything's changed beyond recognition!


The Merkel yes or no Hitler's grandchild?

    也因此,被質疑為現代希特勒默克爾不樂表态拒絕為阿富汗難民提供援助, 反而由其候選人巴爾博克提議歐盟對中國輸歐產品提高關稅, 顯然只有利再與中國政府私下討價還價以為就可避開协助造假的COVID-19醫學大騙局危害德國及所有歐盟人生命的司法責任?


    Also therefore, then to query as modern Hitler of the Merkel just at once unhappy to refused to give aid for the Afghan refugee, on the contrary of the Annalena Baerbock candidate to propose EU must to lift customs for Chinese products that only favorable with Cp China to bargain to suppose just can to avoid assist the medicine fraud by fake COVID-19 already to harm all EU person life the judicature duty?   But the thought at heart whether still hide fantasy as Merkel to acquiesce fake COVID-19 after contrarily to feel pleased but not show it by compel to wear mask & shoot vaccine only can beneficial to stupid Germany with all EU person that only can to achieve Hitler's dream of unify EU to achieve, and only can to profitable any country dominion that wicked mentality of politico already to be worth EU with in global to opinion of the public!

此外,不興趣配合中美造假表演“確診COVID-19替代安倍晉三繼續扮鬼臉的現任菅義偉首相也知羞多次暗示不想再連再任但反被中國鳳鳳TV笑稱日本為《世界公認的科技大國竟“不敢”做疫苗?,為何?这正是中國王朝慣用的神機妙算企图激怒上當, 所有日本大學均早知所有病毒疫苗全無科學根據,可見日本人中尚有不少正道義士在

Besides, uninterested cooperate with Cp_China & US to fake performance "confirmed diagnosis" for COVID-19 to substitute Abe Shinzo of the incumbent Kan Yiwei  Premier also to know shame so at many times to hint not think again to be reelected!  But just to be jest Japan for aworld accepted scientific power unexpectedly afraid to” do vaccine?by ifeng TV of China, why?  This just is China dynasty to habitually use “One's methods are more than human” attempt to enrage Jp to fall for, but as all JP Uni. even already to know all virus vaccine has not any scientific evidence, so by this can to see in Japanese till have some morally courageous person of right way at here

   以及也有不少日本醫院就不接收納造假“確診COVID-19 所謂感染者也見有報 因此,菅義偉首相也公開聲稱已對今天COVID-19在日本的災患已看到出口,但馬上被日本廣播的『村上RADIO』節目春樹名作家大笑諷刺:或許只是看了想看的情況。  難道春樹先生就可詐稱連如上特郎普總統於白宫演講稱:“肺部氣流防疫法”的“極速曲線行動”成功是“醫學奇跡,我們將一勞永逸地結速大流行!”也可詐傻不知情?简直如中國一間諜奴才可笑至極

  And then, still have some of JP hospitals not to received so-called infector by fake to diagnosis” of COVID-19 also can to see the news!   Therefore, Kan Yiwei Premier because now in Japanese calamity of COVID-19 already to see an exit, but at once by Jp Broadcasting a program of『村上RADIOto mockHe maybe only by his like to see a caseIs it possible that the Mr. Spring Tree just can to arrogation not to know above President Trump at White House to oration for “Lung-Airstreams Epidemic Prevention Method" just is a Operation Warp Speed” of  “medical miracle” , “We will end the pandemic once and for all”…also can to pretend a silly to show not to know?  It maybe as a spy or flunky of Cp China already to funny until!   


But Kan Yiwei  Premier still bold on Sep., 03, 2021 to announce resign not to election and who will effort to follow with interest COVID-19 case by ifeng TV visible already to inform Cp China dynasty, just as expected, Kan Yiwei  who’s bearing of a Japanese morally courageous person is constant!

其後岸田文雄新首相也見誓言要全力終結冠病危機,並於Nov., 08, 2021放寬邊境限制首见無病死例,且感染者暴減90%新聞可見,如此看來,另一日本英雄也將從天而降!

And after, the Fumio Kishida new Premier also to oath will all-out to end of the COVID-19 crisis, so to relax frontier the limit with first no ill to die the news on Nov., 08, 2021 visible, such as apparently, other a Japan hero also will to fall from the sky!


儘管全球不少國家被迫依附經濟勢力雄厚的美國中國, 特別是要聽話配合吹噓由香港特首林鄭如下造假起動的武漢瘟疫,但全已更吃力不討好,因此已更價值各國政府詳細討論,警請切莫也成為歷史罪人!

Though in worldwide to have much country to be compelled to depend on economic force rich USA or CP-China, so today still must to obedient to boast harmony with by HKCE CLam as below counterfeit to start of the COVID-19 plague, but now already to be arduous but fruitless, so already still value anyone Governments to chew over, please must not do become a history sinner too!

中美首脑於2021.11.16日的視訊峰會前的雙方核心權力也務必聯手叫出如 www.ycec.sg/UN/war-felon-hk.htm主頁中也被諾貝爾後悔頒獎早已臭名遠揚的奧巴馬2021.11.08出席聯合國氣候變化大會演講報指實為恐嚇將替代拜登為總統而非特郎普及後拜登總統也只會耍嘴皮習近平要按規則行事而已,因此峰會全在討論臺灣及氣候小事等及只會恥談  根本不存在的病毒朔源來自武漢實驗室的笑話繼續左哄右騙全球以為就可為武漢瘟疫造假的事實可免罪?   但立即在美被謊謬不斷 更有死亡人數已超77萬且大多醫護也要辭職不願協助造假瘟疫,這正是拜登殺人不見血的歷史見證!

As the head of USA & CP-Chinas video summit on Nov., 16, 2021 before this two core power only must to call out as in main page www.ycec.sg/UN/war-felon-hk.htm that by Nobel open to regret to award prizes so already to be notorious of the Obama ex-president to attend COP26 to discourse as  to report who will to substitute Biden for President not the Trump after, so the Biden only can to talk glibly with Xi Jinping who must by rules to act nothing more, so in this summit meeting fully to discuss Taiwan & Climate trifle etc. and only again shame to talk the root no to exist of the “virus tracing” come from Wuhan Laboratory that ridiculous joke to assume just can let the Wuhan plague full to fake the face just can to be acquitted of?   But at once by US news  to point the lie unceasingly!  And still have newsto point in US the COVID-19 death toll already to exceed 770,000 American even quite a few doctor and nurse to resign unwilling to help Biden to fake COVID-19 plague, so this just is to kill without spilling blood by Biden the history withess! 

   因此,拜登又下令如右 福奇NIAID傳染病研究所長2021.11.17騙美國人人務必接種追加劑及才可共用輝瑞德國BioNTech莫德納日賺9350萬美元利益,因此,拜登,福奇 FDA or CDC等廢官就缺德異常!更還可當盡知全美大學及衛生部門的事實不存在?  


Therefore, the Biden at once to order right picture the Anthony S. Fauci of NIAID on 2021.11.17 as again to cheat in US everyone must to inoculating additive only can to to partake of Pfizer, BioNTech & Mårdner vaccine in daily have $9,3500,000 USD the profit, so the BidenFauci & FDA or CDC etc. rubbish officer at this point to wicked unusual!  And why still can as or  already to know all Uni. & Public Health Dept. in USA that fact no to exist?   

So today already to make a fool of oneself in global to cause US Power again have not any Political Morality can to be trust, yes or not

   也如右的德國衛生部長施潘聽話籠物又要配合拜登造假擴大武漢疫情封鎖不惜損害經濟也志在德國人打疫苗非蠢蛋化不可,也不當及如早已傳遍德國各大學盡知所有病毒疫苗全無科學根據並有天責將lzm的四大發明通俗化才可解救所有德國人生命! 儘管包括其e通道的侵權欠債也被lzm討的領事館一聲感謝全無事小,但今違反科學道徳並莫視德國人生命價值才可恨!


    And as right picture the Spann of Germany’s health minister the same as a docile cage object asalso must to tie in Biden to dilate fake COVID-19 plague not to stint to harm economy also to aims for cheat all German to shoot vaccine non to idiocy inalienable, still unsuitable as or early already pass to all DE Uni. to known all virus vaccine fully nil science basis so have heavenly duty let lzm’s four big invent to popularize in Germany only can to save all German life!  It though to include German eGate to tort to be in debt at  the same to dun by lzm but the consulate of HK still without a word of thanks still is a small matter, but today again to against science morality after don't look German life value only odious

     Even still to push fake COVID-19 plague in EU every state as &  the same already clear fact of the Austria too must to wicked to harm Austrian, so today’s DE Merkel Gov. as Hitler the Political Morality none too!


    Though have above by Germany to push forward in EU to build up the momentum for COVID-19 plague fraud, so at once to cause Holland, Austria, Croatia & Italy etc. national to big demonstration and have violence event at visible, but before by masks people to anger hit a palm of the Fr. Make Long President cannot but byFrench health passport are prove effective” the pretext visible at so needn't to seal off all not to shoot vaccine person!  And as Sweden just to be elected only some hours of the primacy woman prime minister Andersson then a notify who must to follow drumming to magnify for COVID-19 fraud after who loath to do so at once to resign on Nov., 24, 2021.

 特別也當這埸由如下香港特首林鄭造假武漢疫情起動國際醫學騙局已被lzm進一步被揭露面目全非通關不後,也急壞了也要配合造假的反共出名又似乎入黨的法輪功叫“新唐人電視台”2021.11.24 報指:『非洲疫苗接種率很底病毒卻未流行』提醒香港特首:要疫苗接種率高的歐盟再為武漢瘟疫造勢配合已不容易了,且也暗中挑撥如非洲人不打疫苗蠢不了,但中西方人人打疫苗蠢蛋化那不就更糟? 因此還不快點叫拜登中國政府出手搞出個非洲變種病毒”否則妳還可再封關騙民打疫苗不蠢蛋化你想做皇後不就更難了

     Particularly is then by HKCE CLam to fake COVID-19 plague of international medicine a fraud further to exposed by lzm that can to see below a part, so the CECLam already to everything's changed beyond recognition and must to customs clearance after, it also to irritable for the anti-CP China to famous but now it looks as if counter to join that Falun Gong group at once to call out the “New Tang Dynasty Television” on Nov., 24, 2021 to report:the vaccine shoot rate very lowly of the Africa but the virus not yet to be in vogueto remind HKCE CLam: if must by the shoot vaccine rate very high of EU to build up the momentum your COVID-19 plague fraud already not easy, so you must to incite in the dark, just is if African not to shoot vaccine cannot to stupid, but opposite all Chinese & Western everyone to stupid by shoot vaccine that no extremely awful?  So you must quick to call out Biden with CP China to get one's hands to work out a "African mutation virus", if not, you still can to shut customs and after still can to cheat HK’s citizen to shoot vaccine to idiocy?  So you fancy doing an empress those no yet still more to be difficult?

 難怪WHO譚德塞又要下跪聽話2021.11.26也顯示不了非洲變種病毒”基因是來自哪種細菌就可突然將冠病新變種毒株命名為Omicron 特別是人人均與病毒共存不必清零也成共識就因世上只有“細菌感染並無病毒感染”早被 PCT/SG03/00145 發明人2003破解才有洗肺醫療法發明才可解救非典危機!即所有的病毒疫苗全無科學根據盡知全球WHO活在此發明蠢蛋的西方醫學年代,以為就可為今禍害全球造假的武漢瘟疫脫罪?難怪特朗普都要退出世衛!已蠢蛋化拜登再加入也毫無意義!

  No wonder WHO Director Tedros Adhanom must again to kneel down to obedient on Nov., 26, 2021 at once to order the "South Africa B.1.1.529 virus is mutation by COVID-19" to denominate for Omicron, but WHO still not to clear the bacterial DNA why can to jactitation?   Especially is everybody coexists with the virus unnecessary zero clearing already is a common view, because in the world only have "bacterial infection" not the "virus infection" already by inventor of PCT/SG03/00145 to eradicate and only had the "wash lung" treatment to invention only can to save the SARS crisis on 2003year!  And then the "virus vaccine" fulls nil science a basis this fact to know the worldwide already, but WHO still to live in stupid era of west medical scienc before this invention to assume just can let today already to calamity global by fake COVID-19 plague can to be acquitted of?  So no wonder the Trump wanted to withdraw from WHO But already to stupid of the Biden again to join the same is meaningless too!


Also by above lure reason, so the CP China at once on Nov., 26, 2021 to announce that African 15states can to avoid interest-free loans to mature to end of the 2020year and after had free six hundred million too.  But as already to know this COVID-19 plague fraud of the South Africa Ramaphosa president to feel lucrative also to take-over to speak will to keep first-class measures to shut forbid constant with active to shoot vaccine, but at once to ignite the fake panic in worldwide to forbid air bus enter on the contrary to let that 15states of African the loss still more bigger!


      Though the president of South African medical association on Nov., 26, 2021 to report:...the Omicron patient only to appear light a symptom nil person to hospital..., but why to include above to be fully aware to fake COVID-19 plague fraud and in Japan nil an Omicron patient of the Fumio Kishida Premier still can on Nov., 29, 2021 to announce will to forbid all abroad passenger to enter a country?  It really is the most absurd thing in the world!

 也就因要歐盟配合為造假武漢瘟疫國際騙局造勢已見難度的拜登總統也心灰意懶了,但就急壞了中美兩幕後權勢,馬上2021.11.28一特指新聞『拜登帶頭違反口罩令?被問如何應對變種病毒避而不答』的恐嚇拜登可見,且也拉出安倍晉三前日本首相聲言要重返政後加入威脅岸田文雄首相也才反向發怒配合鎖國即:經濟全面受損看安倍晉三你怎麼辦? 但中美這兩幕後權勢又馬上可借此說服寧可辭職不幹壞事瑞典安德松女首相再當選也由此而來!

     Also because to call out EU to build up the momentum for COVID-19 plague fraud to harmony with Biden President already had the difficulty and to be downhearted too, so just to very anxious for USA with CP China two off-stage power and influence, so at once on Nov., 28, 2021 by a specialize news:Biden to take the lead to violate the gauze mask order?  So to call on how to shoulder the mutation virus but who to avoid and not answer!visible to threaten Biden, and the same to report the Abe Shinzo ex-Premier to profess will to return regime to threaten as visible, so the Fumio Kishida Premier also in reverse to be angry to tie in to forbid enter Jp country that just is:Abe Shinzo, if the economic all-round loss after to look at you how to deal with?!   But the USA & CP China two off-stage powers at once by this to convince prefer to resignation not to do evildoing of the Sweden Andersson Premier again to be elected also by this come in!

 因此,尽知以臭口液臭鼻屎體外之物造假確診武漢瘟疫妖蛾手段科技大國如日本『鎖國』歐洲『淪陷已成國際笑話,怎麼不叫拜登國際政客口罩廢官及早被罵妖蛾特首林鄭公開在傳媒前聲稱他們正是一堆口罩狗, 因此終身 可不用如上lzm的人人必用四大醫學發明包括其家屬及後的十代人有本事嗎?否則也該國際起訴了!

Therefore, already to know it all by stinking oral fluid or snot” those ectoparasite to “diagnosis” is a COVID-19 plague fraud that just is a goblin moth means” of the technological power as Japan must tolock-countryor EU’ssad-falleven already to become a international joke!  But why not to call out the Biden etc. those useless mask-officer of international politicians with early already been scolded by media is a “goblin moth” of the HKCE CLam to before media to profess their just are a crowd the mask-dogs so lifetime need not above lzm’s everyone must to use of the four major medicine invention to include theirs family members and after ten generations of persons, yes or not to capable?  If not, it is also ought to prosecuted in an international law court!

   可惜的是,由於拜登總統拒絕岸田文雄首相在20221月直訪白宮轉視訊會議的威迫下,岸田首相只好始於2022.1.03日後起動COVID-19國際騙局也於2022.2.02日達到9萬人確診數字!也由於有日本的造假配合,拜登更於2022.1.11造假確診數字誇大到135萬!  更從可見,必是拜登又叫美國疾控中心族游政策向新加坡衛生部威迫也只好將COVID-19確診數字2022.2.01誇大到6264宗! 也諒必被南非醫學會主席笑話WHO炒作奧密克戎疫情更高後的拜登威迫下的南非衛生部長在不足50天內於2022.1.18發狂公告有 35,599,230確診案例及有93,364死亡病例,簡直造假謊言遍天下,也儘管加拿大特魯多總理也於2022.2.01表演確診陽性可令以體外之物造假檢測的醫學騙局可免罪!

It's a pity, because Biden was to refuse Fumio Kishida Premier direct visit to the White House transfer Video Conference to coerce after, so the Fumio Kishida to be forced to start the momentum for COVID-19 plague fraud began on 2022.1.03 to progressively the validat enumeral of COVID-19 and on 2022.2.02 day to reach 13,500,000!  Still more by  visible, it inevitable is the Biden the same call out the US disease control of centre by tour policy to coerce, so the Singapore Ministry of Public Health the same must to magnify the the validat enumeral of COVID-19 to reach 6264 case on 2022.2.01 day!  It also by the president of South African medical association on  to joke the WHO’s sensationalization for Omicron fraud after, the same to coerced by Biden, so on of 2022.1.18 visible, the South African health minister under not enough at 50days frenzied to bulletin already had 35,599,230 diagnosis case and 93,364 case to dying, so to start a rumor of the Omicron lie all over the world, it also though of the Ca Justin Trudeau premier on 2022.2.01 to act diagnosis Omicron but the same by an ectoparasite to stories of the medicine fraud that just can to be exonerated from!

   如上由拜登操控的醫學騙局馬上給香港特首林鄭利用廣泛宣傳, 也就因港人大多都懂吞曬口水避免被確診隔離, 但必有個別確診者也全無病態要入院, 因此連不吞曬口水的寵物倉鼠也要強檢不放過甚至連大廈排放的污水也要檢測如有呈陽性,特首林鄭便立即發狂四處封樓禁足三天強檢, 即其強檢隔離令已比希特勒的逮捕令還要反動透頂也在此無疑!

But above by Biden to controlled those medical fraud at once to employ by CECLam to extensively advertise, also because mostly HK people all know how to swallow up saliva that just can to avoid diagnosis to separate, so only single diagnosis had not any morbidity people the same must to be hospitalized, so the HKCECLam not to let off not know to swallow up saliva pet hamster also must to force diagnosis, even to related building those sewage also must to check after if had positive, the CECLam also to go crazy must around seal off and out-of-bounds area to force check three days, namely its examined and isolated order already than Hitler's warrant still reactionary thoroughly also at this undoubtedly!

 相反的,為強迫英女皇也要聽話,中美兩幕後權勢又馬上起動安德魯王子遭美國已死的愛潑斯坦賤養的一雞婆女子指控20年前被性侵,說不定如不知情安德魯被偷喂“偉哥”一時難忍要做 爱也暴力證據全無,莫怪英女皇也只好將安德魯王子逐出王室!因此,加拿大、澳大利亞及新西蘭等國也要繼續誇大確診數字造勢再強迫國民非打COVID-19疫苗不可,但也儘管英國也要聽拜登將確診數字誇大到每天10萬以上,但心知肚明全在造假為WHO再下跪撒謊奧密克戎變種造勢的首相詹森卻在其「慶生灑會」不戴口罩違規被揭不停諒也由此而來!

On the contrary, for force Britain empress the same to obedient too, so the China & USA two backstage power again at once to start the Prince Andrew by in US deceased Epstein to grow a prostitute to arraign the sex drive before on 20years, it maybe as  is not to be in the know of the Prince Andrew by prostitute to steal feed a "Viagra" so temporary hard to bear but the force proof all nil, so none strange the Britain empress also cannot but let Prince Andrew to be driven out of the royal familySo the Ca, Au & NZ etc. the same also must continue to exaggeration the diagnosis figure after again to force national to shoot COVID-19 vaccine, but though Britain also must to listen to Biden's direct to exaggerate the diagnosis figure to more than 100,000 every day, but to be fully aware WHO again to kneel down to lie Omicron mutation the truth of the Boris Johnson premier not to wear mask on hisbirthday assembleto be against regulations the joke from this too!

 其次,儘管拜登二兒子亨特被誘進中國投資必有重大受賄如奧巴馬的弟弟,但拜登最疼愛的.拜登兒子46歲就死於腦癌為何? 就因美國就不敢偷用 PCT/SG03/00145 冷凍醫療法如中港兩地,這正是下跪收賄拒批在美國10/469,063專利申請的惡果報應!

Secondly, though Hunter of the Biden's second son to induce invest enter China that inevitable to had great bribe-taking as Obama’s younger brother, but Biden the most to love dearly Beau Biden son to die brain cancer only 46age, why?  Just because USA afraid to stealthily use the freezing treatment as HK & China, so this just to take bribes after kneel down refuse to ratify 10/469,063 of USA patent applications of an evil consequence!

也難道拜登,默克爾WHO總幹事譚德可不分是非有樣學樣香港特首可詐稱"非專家" 以為就可免除屠殺公眾生命的反人類罪?!

Is it possible that the Biden, Merkel or WHO Director Tedros Adhanom can indistinct right and wrong to monkey same the HKEO can to jactitation "not a specialist" assume just can to remit to butcher public life that crimes of against mankind!


    It also because as lzm by  fax to HK’s middle and primary schools already near thousand further to remind everyone even can by fake means of diagnosis to prosecution HKCECLam besides, this fax letter also unusual to inform “Lung-Airflow Epidemic Prophylaxis" or also can to for short “Lung-Qigong” that just can let head cold fever everyone need not to eat drug also can to bring down a fever at once, so all plague with WHO or vaccine even can get away right away, and inform all medicine book even must to republication..., as well as: not head cold fever as 3age upward student also must to teach be good at every day to fast exhale again on the same time to self-hit two lung 3frequency upward, as now 10 low temperature also need not to wear cardigan not cold to running nose, and still more can by this to dilate lung-hole let IQ to be promoted to bright-very, so the global enters the high oxygen era over 200age it by this to beginning too!

  也即3疫苖世界大戰也將就此結束寫入史冊!  因此, 如上人命關天的重大是非更值全球公論的時侯也到了!

    Namely the third time vaccine’s world war will be finished and writing into the history at this point! Therefore, above case involving human life is to be treated with the utmost care of the great right and wrong still more merit to opinion of the public at worldwide of the time already come to!


    Therefore, now will to warning Biden can't again wicked to harmony with fake COVID-19 plague to plot to murder global public and must to suspend at once now!

    拜登總統果然有所反省支持於2022.4.21撤銷口罩令及由2022.6.12後入境美國不需新冠檢測! 更重要的是拜登2022.7.20演講時直言自己身患癌症如菲律賓總統杜特爾特2018.10.04患癌笑話特技誘出香港醫管局透過無線TV 表演林哲民發明的冷凍 醫療法均在的去信中仍記憶猶新!

   Biden President just as expected have somewhat to introspection, so the gauze mask order to cancel on April 21, 2022 and on June 12, 2022 after enter USA need not by COVID-19 diagnosis!  Still more important is the Biden President to lecture on July 20, 2022 to be outspoken he self already to suffer a cancer as before the Philippines Duterte President to joke he self already to suffer a cancer on Oct., 04, 2018, so by this joke acrobatics to induce the HK’s Hospital Authority to pass through wireless Tv to act freezing treatment of lzm’s invention at that letter still to remember vividly!


      So no wonder the ex-President Trump to point out: “Out country already to kneel by hit to insult, …still can to install democracy lesson for other country? at visual!   


     Therefore, Biden must have the grand father a temper dare to be outspoken cannot again to conceal the freezing treatment, if not, to die brain cancer of Biden’s dote on son will difficult again to reincarnation re-life!


   Also due to above nil interest to tie in act diagnosis numeral of COVID-19 that Abe Shinzo must to malinger resign on Aug. 2020, but his influence still possible, so Japan first to loosen Korean need not quarantine of the enter limit on May 17, 2022 and the same to allow at large country need not diagnosis & quarantineon June 01, 2022 , and Korea the same to allow all enter who need not diagnosis & quarantineafter on June 08, 2022, but at once lead still by fake plague not customs clearance of HK Gov. to everything's changed beyond recognition!

 因此,安倍晉三2022.7.07是否被蓄意買凶謀殺有關聯已值三思?特別是其後的日本、韓國及澳大利亞等國均要吹噓造假“確診”數字急升及岸田文雄也要於2022.7.14 吹噓騙民要打第4冠病疫苗等顯而易見,就因此等國家領導人均要擔心也被買凶謀殺?!

Therefore, Abe Shinzo whether by designedly to murder on July 7, 07 to be related already merit to think thrice?  Unusual is after the Japan, Korean or Australia etc. even to boast of fake diagnosis numeral to quick rise, and Fumio Kishida Premier also must to boast deceptive fourth needle COVID-19 vaccine etc. to clearly, so this kind of country leader even must to worry the same to murder as Abe Shinzo!


   So above the ex-President Trump anger to be outspoken also thus it can be seen, and today the disorder in global of the focus at here too!

   由於特郎普更於2022.8.08怒批美國政府無能已淪第三世界國家及笑柄, 因此馬上被FBI2022.8.09突擊搜查海湖莊園寓所其後才聲稱帶走11白宮機密檔”, 特郎普律師6月曾簽字稱機密材料都已歸還政府,但FBI隨時可贓嫁禍特郎普將所謂機密文件加入,也難怪特郎普發言人布多維奇Taylor Budowich也指它是民主黨另一次捏造的獵巫行動其中一部分也均於2022.8.15有報可見!

    Because Trump still on 2022.8.08 to fulminate US Gov. incapable already to submerge in a joke of the Third World, so at once by FBI on 2022.8.09 to assault seek Trump’s Mar-a-Lago manor after to profess to bear “11 share White Houses secret papers”, it also though Trump’s lawyer to profess already on June of 2022 to sign profess all the secret papers already to return US Gov., but the FBI still casual at will to add so-called “secret papers” of stolen goods to impute to Trump, also no wonder Trump’s Taylor Budowich spokesman to censure: It is the Democratic Party another once to trump up hunt sorcery acts in among a part also even on 2022.8.15 have news as visual!

   FBI搜查合法也要有人,更要有拍照才可見證有罪才可被起訴!  否則,美國無法無天不可否認!

   Then if FBIs seek order lawful must have human on the spot, still must have the photograp only can to witness presumption of guilt to plaint!   Otherwise, USs anarchy still cannot to disavow!

   由上可見,美國司法部已無權起訴,只志在恐嚇特郎普不要參選,難怪特郎普2022.9.08轉口將於近期決定是否會參加2024年總統選舉有報可見! 是否幕後勢力又如2021初的恐嚇特郎普作交易不再計較選舉被作弄已值公眾關注討論

   From above can to see, USs justice ministry already no right to plaint, only aspirations to threaten Trump don't to join election, also no wonder the Trump on 2022.9.08 to turn mouth who “will on the near future to decide yes or no to join the presidential election of 2024year also have news visual!   That whether have the off-stage powers also as on initial stage of 2021year the same by threaten to deals with Trump no to argue by tease to leave office?  So already value to be worth public to follow with discuss!



Why attempt to substitute for invention of freezing treatment the heat treatment that scandal to pop on 2020.8.16?  

就因如上的拜登2022.7.20演講時直言自己身患癌症又要聽話不給lzm“冷凍”醫療法發明專利如何在美國如中港可偷用? 因此“熱療法”醜聞就如右圖列於2022.8.16出現在鳳凰TV:

That just as above the Biden President to lecture on July 20, 2022 to be outspoken he self already to suffer a cancer, but must to docile no give lzm’s invent patent of freezing treatment why can as in China or HK can stealthily to use?  So as below right photo list the scandal of heat treatment” on 2022.8.16 to pop at ifeng TV:       

就因癌細胞人細胞死亡溫差0.1,強調只要往腸道灌熱漿恒溫43 ±0.1就可燙死癌細胞均由右圖可見熱療法醜聞就此露骨

Only because the cancer cells with human cells the death temperature difference only 0.1, and to emphasize if only let gut to pour a hot liquid and constant temperature on 43℃±0.1℃ that just can to burn die the cancer cells even by right photo visual scandal of heat treatment” at this point to bald! 

由於死亡溫差±0.1 灌腸療法根本辦不到人人盡懂,就不見有傳轉報, 就未知拜登總統會高興幾秒?

Because the die temperature difference only ±0.1℃ of enema therapy basic unable to handle everyone to be known, so no find have media to report, but unknown the Biden President can to glad how much time?                           

    由於人人盡懂確診造假手段COVID-19武漢瘟疫中美兩大對立王朝又要配合下禍害全球不停手,連菲臘親王都要被迫戴口罩活活氣死, 但從 www.ycec.sg/UN/150117.htm 可見早知內情人性正直英女皇也開口『第一次世界大戰都能在1914的耶誕節夜前停戰!』以此希望可“和解”

   Because to be known to all by “stinking oral fluid or snot” those ectoparasite to “diagnosis” that fake means of the COVID-19 plague by CP China with USA two huge in opposing dynasty but not to cease-fire must to tie in still to woes global but still not to stop hand, so include Prince Philip also must to wear a mask alive to anger death, but from www.ycec.sg/UN/150117.htm visual already early to know inside humanity honest Britain Empress also to start to talk:referring to the Christmas Day truce in 1914 during World War I.for this reason hope can to “compromise”!     

特別是從 可見,有關事衍e-系統lzm早就去信UK駐港領事要求務必要將“飽和鹽水”保健法轉告英女皇就可長壽110歲以上,但眼神仍出眾健康如常英女皇會於2022.9.06日在蘇格蘭伊莉莎白.特拉斯(LizTruss)任命新首相不到48時就宣佈辭世駕崩”?為何?

Unusual is at visual about “ABC eGate” system of UK to tort application, lzm early by a letter to UK in HK a consul and to ask must let thehealth hygiene of “saturation-brineto transmit Britain Empress that just can to long life exceed 110 age, after then the eyesight still sublime and health as usual of the Queen at Scotland to appoint new Premiter for LizTruss on Sept. 06, 2022, but not until 48 hours that just can to announce to “pass away”, why?  

   也就因可敬的英女皇已在www.ycec.net/LDBM/cacv332/2006.htm 底部港府新特首已起動叫唆區域法院亂簽一樓令就企圖騙lzm由深圳回港才好造假確診單房隔離謀殺, 英女皇無法面對如此的惡作劇無從可開口阻止悲痛萬分, 也就想借此提前宣佈“駕崩”提醒lzm,也由知內情後其哈裏孫兒英女王駕崩”次日早上面無悲哀搭飛機離開的報導就可見證!

    Also because admirable Britain Empress already on www.ycec.net/LDBM/cacv332/2006.htm that bottom part to know the new HKCE already to start to abet Area Court to disorder sign a sell-building order that just attempt to cheat if lzm from ShenZhen City go back HK just can by fake diagnosis” to single room quarantine to murder, but Britain Empress also unable to face this devilment, and no way to start to talk to prevent from so heart-stricken ahead of time to announce “pass away” by this to remind lzm, therefore, already to know this inside information of the Prince Harry on Empress’spass away” of the next day morning in news not find have a sorrowful face to ride plane to leave that report just can to witness!

   因此, lzm也希望有人會轉告可敬的英女皇務必要放鬆生活空間,就因此今造假的COVID-19疫國際騙局已快近尾聲

    Therefore, lzm also to hope have person can to pass on respectable Britain Empress must to slow down her life space, because todays international fraud by COVID-19 plague already to near the end!

   也就因如上始於911後就以一行賄手段劫持布殊奧巴馬總統,且由如下陳馮富珍譚德塞驚人親密照 片力控下的WHO仍不認可lzm的四大醫學發明才可令當今的武漢瘟疫無冠王朝禍害全球, 連港府官員也幾乎全變種也要缺德語無倫次四處騙人華人在全球聲名狼藉!

   Also because as above to beginning on 911 case after by CP-Chinas bribe trick to abduct US Bush & Obama two President, and by below the ex-WHO Director Margaret Chan with now Tedros Adhanom the amazing intimate photograph to force control of the WHO still not to agree lzms four big medicine invention that only can fraud by COVID-19 plague to calamity global, and include in HKs official almost to mutation also must wicked to speak incoherently to cheat others also already let Chinese in global to notoriety!

   也因此,從可見加拿大外長稱與中國做生意要“擦亮眼睛”,也怒指1970年的中國不是今天的中國”且說:“中國是一個越來越具有破壞性的全球勢力。它尋求塑造全球環境,使它容忍和我們越來越背離的利益和價值觀。”!   特别更如也在可見, 當有內党成員無原則企圖阻止再當選的特郎普也怒指:“他聽起來像中國人, 這正是中國人已臭名遠揚成習慣口語, 就因連港府官員也幾乎全變種首先造假武漢瘟疫是可忍,孰不可忍? 因此更為本主張果老預言「黃禍論」進一步的历史見證

   So on visual of the Canada Foreign Minister to report if with Chinese to do business must remove the scales from ones eyes”, also to anger point: 1970years China not todays China” and to speak: China already is a more and more to possess destructiveness that a worldwide powers.  It just to seek to mold environment in global, if to endure we will more and more to deviate our benefits with values. ”!    Unusual still more on visual, then have inside clique a member unprincipled to keep from again to election that the Trump also must to anger point: him to sound as a Chinese”, this just is Chinese already to be notorious become a habit colloquialism, that because in HKs official almost to mutation in first to start fake COVID-19 plague, if this can be tolerated, what cannot?   So just is this Zhang Guolao’s prophecy main page of the yellow peril theory'' that further history witness!



Today by plague fraud of COVID-19 to calamity global the initial cause at hear!


   也就因2003年的SARS危機 已被lzm’s&洗肺醫療法發明破解,WHO不用3馬上宣佈SARS危機結束! 同時,癌症對人類的危害也如 SARS成爲歷史! PCT/SG03/00145盡知全球

   WHO至今還不敢公認洗肺醫療法已成垃圾桶,即如不將非典病毒改稱“新冠病毒還可再撒謊收賄? 因此,認同香港特首林鄭起動造假的COVID-19手段由變種缺德的WHO總幹事的全球災難也始於此!

  It just because as right photo of the ex-WHO Director Margaret Chan with now Tedros Adhanom the amazing intimate relation by Aboluow news purpose to exposure on March 8, 2020 after, today fake Wuhan Crown virus” at once by must to kneel down of the WHO Tedros Adhanom to name for COVID-19, but after by ICTV to formal denominate is SARS-CoV-2 as the kind second of SARS of 2003 too, but just afraid to call “new SARS virus, why?

It also just because the SARS crisis of 2003year early already by& lzm’s "wash lung" medical invention  to eradicateWHO also need not 3days at once to announce  the SARS crisis  to end, In the meantime, the cancer to harm human the same as SARS already to end become a history!   Or PCT/SG03/00145 already completely to know in worldwide ! 

But WHO up to now still no accept this "wash lung" treatment already become a rubbish bin, then if no letnew SARS virus” to change call “new Crown virus” that how to lie again to collect bribes?   So to agree the fake COVID-19 plague trick come for HKCE CLam by variety wicked WHO Director today only can to disaster in global it also starts herein too!


       Therefore, the same at here must to invite in worldwide all circles to go to lower part to consult all the criminal record by HKCE CLam, as or the indictment, because all HK citizen everyone even can to prosecution claims now!

   由於反駁不了訴狀書香港特首林鄭務要賠償已傳香港,決不會叫古特雷斯聯合國秘書長于2021.12.08確診要自我隔離就可讓由CE林鄭導演而出的確診妖娥手段合法免罪難道古特雷斯葡萄牙前總理可詐不知就可缺德扮傻瓜 免罪不被起訴?!

   Because this indictment cannot to retort by HKCE Clam undoubtedly so must to indemnification and already open in HK, and it will not call out by the UNSG António Guterres also to diagnosis after must separate by self on 2021.12.08  that just let the sorcery means of “diagnosis” to direct by HKCE Clam just can to lawful acquit!  Could it be said that Portugal ex-Premier António Guterres who can to jactitation not to know the letter at just can wicked to put on a silly but contrary anyone already can by this evidence to prosecute for claims!


      And inevitable have one to ask President Putin why the same not to know the letter at and also not to watch the website of lzm, because Russia to owe China have 1,540,000 sq. km. of the domain negotiate again by China actively extend to gift on 2020year, so to beneficial for Putin hence afraid to expose fake COVID-19 plague cannot but on 2021.12.17 pretext to inform medium he has no time to log on the net the joke also from this come!

但如特郎普2021.12.17福克斯新聞台採訪時聲稱:『中國毀了整個世界, ...應為新冠肺炎疫情賠償60萬億美元』, 且於2021.9.04還聲稱不可能接種新冠疫苗的特郎普還於2021.12.19接受採訪時大笑他已接種了3疫苗,諒必因特郎普也看到了起訴狀書後就想詐稱“打3疫苗的他也可起訴拜登,但就不敢直言,因此反被支持者喝倒彩也由此而來

 But then the Trump to interviewing Fox News Radio on 2021.12.17 to assert:China already to destroyed the whole world..., should for COVID-19 plague must to compensate 60,000 billion USD!, though the Trump on 2021.9.04 to profess who unlikely to shoot COVID-19 vaccine but why still can to interviewing medium on 2021.12.19 to joke who already to shot three vaccine? That inevitable already to loot at this point CE Clam’s indictment and to call “already to shot vaccine of he also can to plaint Biden", but just dare not to speak bluntly, so at once to catcalls by his supporter also by this come to!


   Even by above this indictment to tremble with fear of the Biden to accept interview on 2021.12.22 to report: "if the health status is as good the same as now, I will again to participate in the election", but the same to fear to indictment by Korean of the Moon Jae-in President also on 2021.12.24 to amnesty ex-President Park Geun-hye, but at & that cant to deny of fact just can to less crime?  And still will not have WHO Director Tedros Adhanom to kneel down with by Biden to coerce any country politico to tie in to exaggerate to start by CE Clam the COVID-19 or Omicron variety virus the fake plague that just can to exempt from punishment!




      In fact, above just is the serious consequence by Chinese dynasty habitually practice "double dealings" means or “One's methods are more than human”!

       因此,當今已行賄陷阱美國政權 唯一的出路是馬上叫拜登詐病辭職如安倍晉三日本首相,然後再讓特郎普重新上總統才可全球百歲免醫時代有望首先在美國實現!以及才可令全球領導權的危機解脫

  Therefore, today already to deep sink the bribe trap of USA Power the only one a way out is must at once order Biden to malinger resign as the Abe Shinzo Premier, and after let Trump again to take up president only can hopeful letCentenaran Exempt-doctor of Timesto start with come to USA! And only can to absolve the crisis of the leadership at world!  

拜登政權WHO 犯罪焦点如下:

Biden power & WHO's guilt focus below

     由於拜登上任前, 如在可見早已傳開美國大學包括食品及藥品管理局,疾病控制中心及HHS部門那些不可否認的主題事實及再附件傳遍全球有名的第1-100律師事務所, 清楚告知今天COVID-19 的檢手段只由臭口水臭鼻涕全來自體外天然之細菌這正是本世紀最可恥的醫學騙局,以及告知這正是不能否認拜登各國領導人WHO同樣顛倒是非的犯罪證據其一

But then Biden to assume office before, as at visible already email to all US Uni. include FDA, CDC or HHS department those can't deny all subject fact & attachments also spread in worldwide famous 1-100 lawyer firm to clear inform today only by out of body of the "saliva or nasal cavity" to "identify diagnosis" means of COVID-19 just current century the most shameful medicine fraud, and the same can't deny by Biden or any country leader & WHO to confuse right and wrong of the of the guilt proof that one at here!


     As well unusual to inform any country lawyer still can by fake "identify diagnosis" means to tort after again by retch thoroughly quarantine & mask order to injure with murder their national those leader as a Hitler or today's mask Biden, so any country lawyer must to assist to die by quarantine & mask order those bereaved to claims only can to save still more life!

但特別 lzm’s電郵各美大學通知可見:『在美國普選的關鍵時間,食品及藥品管理局&疾病控制中心突然在COVID-19確診每天已經超過120,000人幫助拜登欺騙選民及後攻擊特朗普, 因此請通知特朗普,就因當今COVID-19的測試手段只為身體之外全部天然細菌,如果特朗普公開撕下這醫學騙局的假面具及介召"肺部氣流防疫法" 為公眾使用,由FDA & CDC的惡作劇將立即破產及對手拜登同樣會確認敗選』。且也告知在 可見的 "肺部氣流防疫法" 非常簡單3歲小孩也一教即識,只要一用,任何流感或今天造假的冠狀病毒由US FDA & CDC提供的退熱劑無需吃就可退燒, 以及務必隔離, 載口罩和洗手低智商的防預法FDA & CDC包括世界衛生組織均可立即滾蛋﹗

But particularly at that email US anyone Uni. to inform visibleIn the key time of US general election, the FDA & CDC suddenly to fake the confirmed cases of COVID-19 everyday already to exceed 120,000 people only wicked to help Joe Biden to cheat electors and after to attack Trump, so please to inform Trump, because today’s test means of COVID-19 only by out of body all the crude germs, if Trump open to unmask this focus of medicine fraud & introduce the "Lung-Airflow Epidemic Prophylaxis" to use for public, the prank by FDA & CDC will to bankruptcy on the spot and the opponent Joe Biden the same beyond recognition to go aside election! 』。 And also to inform at  or  visible the Lung-Airflow Epidemic Prophylaxis” was very simple to include a child of three age to once teach will be good at, if only to use, any flu or today fraud coronavirus by FDA & CDC that antipyretic no need to eat just can to down, and must to isolate, wear masks & washing hands those low IQ of prevention methods with FDA & CDC include WHO can immediately get away! 

  拜登也因此才2020.12.04日馬上轉口:『在就职典礼首日,我将要求公众100口罩。只是100, 而不是永远,100日而已』有報導可見!

     Therefore, the Biden only can at once to subterfuge on December 04, 2020:to at inauguration first-day, I will to request public to wear 100days gauze mask.  Merely 100days, and not forever, 100days nothing more.on news visible!

也由於美國各州早知口罩有害無益的提出反對,特朗普也公開聲稱:美國人有不戴口罩的自由! 但美國法律界為何不敢支持特朗普就有前法官揭恐怖內幕2020.12.21日有報導可見!

Also because in US each STATE already to know to wear gauze mask harmful useless so to bring up oppose, and the President Trump too open profess: American have liberty not to wear gauze mask!  But why American law scope afraid to support Trump?  So just have before a US Judge to unmask of an inside the terror on December 21, 2020 at news can see too!

但上任後的拜登就馬上缺德反口, 也立即2021.1.24日下令所有入境者務必要攜帶核酸證明+隔离7,及在機場或公眾交通工具務必要口罩, 更計畫100天內為1億美國人接種疫苗

But to assume office of the Biden at once wicked to reverse his mouth, also at once to order all entry country who must to carry a nucleic acid certificate with must to quarantine 7days, and at airport or public traffic tool must to wear gauze mask, and still to plan in 100days for one hundred million American to inoculate COVID-19 vaccine

拜登更於2021.3.03在白宮批評兩州取消口罩令, 且更插手ICANN國際網絡集團配合 HK林鄭政府關閉林哲民專用www.ycec.com 網站及阻止不少國家的網絡公司提供服務從 www.ycec.sg/911/icann.htm 或轉.net or .pk可見, 以為就可讓全球不知 lzm還有人人必用且簡單易用的 "肺部氣流防疫法" 發明存在才繼續哄騙全球公眾口罩、打毫無科學根據的病毒疫苗如不早死也會被蠢蛋化如此缺德的政客心態突顯

The Biden still at the White House to criticized two US STATES to cancel the order of gauze mask, and still to intervened ICANN international network group to tie in HKEO CarrieLam to closed lzm’s www.ycec.com website and to prevent from some of countries network company to supply service on www.ycec.sg/911/icann.htm or .net or .pk visible, because them to feel just can let worldwide not to know lzm still have anyone must to need and simple easy to use of the invention of “Lung-Airflow Epidemic Prophylaxis" to exist only can continue to cheat global public to idiot by wear gauze mask and shoot have not any science basis of the virus vaccine if not early to die also can to blockhead as to wicked politico intention to suddenly noticeable

且如長期口罩更會缺氧導致病發高山症,不論男女的性愛能力將逐日消失常態如出家和尚、尼姑, 其關聯如在香港的出生率已跌至0.87% 有史最低, 將更有害人類的生存空間…,

And if long-term to wear gauze mask still can anaerobic respiration to lead pathological changes a mountain sickness, regardless of any men or women their sex instinct will day by day to disappear and after the normality as to become a monk or nun to same in HK today the birthrate already dropped to 0.87% of history lowest, so to wear mask will to evil human the live space…,

...again to state…



The “Lung-Airflow Epidemic Prophylaxis" at or for shortLung breathing technique

Already to cause President Trump to youthful!

   更由於口罩有害健康疫苗全無科學根據在 www.ycec.sg/UN/war-felon.htm 也均早已告知各國政要,特別是 "肺部氣流防疫法" 的最新發明連如上的特朗普總統在白宮的面對媒體發表為“醫學奇跡”!


   就因如 lzm2020.3.30去信張建宗司長更直言 肺部氣流防疫法『只要60歲以上老者以防發燒病變外,每天早中晚由雙鼻猛吸出氣各3 以上應成為健身慣性活動就有利擴張肺腔不昜萎縮令肺活量升高不缺氧可再長命10-20, 想早哋死都冇咁易』也可簡稱為『肺氣功』才可导致特朗普化的歷史見證!

    Still more to wear a mask very harmful health as  with all vaccine nil any science a basis at  or in www.ycec.sg/UN/war-felon.htm also early already to inform any Country Gov. circles, unusual is “Lung-Airflow Epidemic Prophylaxis" of lzm’s latest invent it to include above the President Trump to face medium at the White House to publish this invent is a “medical miracle” !

And by above right photo or visible, why the President Trump’s face those wrinkle can to not many already to show youthful?

Just due to as lzm a letter to Mr. Cheung Kin-chung of Chief Secretary inform about “Lung-Airflow Epidemic Prophylaxis" to be outspokenif above 60years old man by this to prevent fever disease beyond, every day in time of Morning, afternoon and night by their double nostril fiercely inhale and exhaust repeatedly over three times to become a body-building of inertia it only beneficial can to dilate the lung cavity with not easy to atrophy, so the vital capacity will to increased so again to add life-span of 10-20years, if want early to die who has no easy! or for shortLung breathing techniqueonly can to lead Trump’s youthful this historical at here!

難道拜登還可無人性可言也在其威迫下的领导人WHO 還可繼續示範口罩打造全造假的COVID-19疫苗配合拜登志在騙民蠢蛋化所有美國人才有利其执政拜登也因此不惜公開謀害公眾生命其手段更勝希特勒也不可否認犯罪證據焦點其二!

Is it possible that Biden still can not have humanity to speak as will as by his to coerce those any Country Gov. leader with WHO still can continue to show to wear mask & shoot fully fake COVID-19 vaccine to tie in Biden to aims for deceive public to stupid all American only beneficial his power, so the Biden not to hesitate to murder public life of the means even better Hitler already can not to deny of the witness of crime focus that two at here!


但如美國COVID-19輝瑞(Pfizer)疫苗, 莫德納(Moderna)疫苗其所謂的“抗體成果”並無專利驗證成果可言 拜登上仼後且立即要美國食品和藥物管理局於2021.2.27批准已暫停臨床試驗的強生新冠疫苗緊急使用授權, 但馬上引發美國天主質疑道德問題, 也見有美國衛生官員2021.4.15呼籲暫停使用強生制藥(J&J)生產的新冠肺炎疫苗

    But as US’s COVID-19 Pfizer Vaccine, Moderna Vaccine that so-called “antibody fruitful results" really not have a patent & test and verify fruitful results can to word!   But then Biden to assume office after who at once to order US FDA to ratify already to halt clinical test of the J&J COVID-19 Vaccine can to urgent use, but at once to query is an ethic question by Catholicism of USA, also can to see have a US sanitation official to appeal must to time-out use the J&J COVID-19 Vaccine!

所有造假的COVID-19病毒疫苗"無效阻止全來自體外天然之細菌進入人人必有的臭口水臭鼻涕"可輕易由來自香港荒謬的測試套件"均可再確診"COVID-19感染者早在 www.ycec.sg/HK/YellowPeril.htm 爆笑天下後 缺德的拜登馬上於2021四月叫出印度的總理加入國際撒謊行列首先造假的COVID-19病毒 已經變種"企圖以為就可讓造假COVID-19疫苗" 一敗塗地後免得面光盡失!

But then all to fake COVID-19 vaccine" in vain to hold back come from out of body anyone natural germs into everyone certainly exist in their smell ysaliva & nasal cavity that just can by HK’s test-kit of absurdity equal can again easy to confirmed diagnosis” as a infector already at www.ycec.sg/HK/YellowPeril.htm to explode laugh the world after, to wicked of the Biden at once to call out Indian premier to join international lie line first to fake COVID-19 virus already to “mutation" attempt to gloss over COVID-19 virus to fake ungainly sight, so the Biden at once again wicked proclaim to support at global to abandon the root not to exist of COVID-19 virus patent the protect power on May 05, 2021 also by this come to!


So unusual wicked of the Biden at once again to proclaim to support at global can to abandon the root not to exist of  “COVID-19 vaccine" patent the protect power to aims for further expand international medicine fraud of COVID-19 on May 05, 2021 it also by this come to!

但沒用,非生物病毒絕不會變種! 如屬生物之病毒細菌要其基因變種更務必萬年之後才可! 由此顛倒最基本科學論理的謊言進一步可見,這正是人性盡失拜登US_FDA, CDC or HHS包括WHO不可否認的犯罪焦點其三

But no dice, because all virus not a creature so can not to mutation!  And as belong to a creature the “germs” of virus if want to mutation the DNA still must ten thousand years after only can!   So from this to upside down the basic scientific logic of the lie visible, this just is humanity already to utmost lost the Biden with US_FDA, CDC or HHS with WHO can’t to deny of the crime focus that three at here!

也由於有拜登如上缺德推動,所有明知造假如COVID-19 疫苗其製造商也就不用如過往務必費盡心機編寫謊言有所謂"抗體"的藥品學根據及其專利申請何在?  因此,如今的製造商只須食品和藥物管理局一紙空文的認可就可隨心所欲造假騙民注射及詐取大量巨額金錢! 為何?

Also because have above the Biden wicked to advance, so all manufacturer of COVID-19 Vaccine too need not as before must to exhaust all mental efforts to compile lie have so-called “antibody" of medicines to base on their patent application at where?  Therefore, today’s manufacturer if only by FDA a mere scrap of paper just can to follow their inclinations to deceive people to shoot with defraud a huge money Why





    也如上的加拿大特魯總理為何會有良知提前大選如辭職? 就正因特魯多明知所有的病毒疫苗”全無科學根據早被PCT/SG03/00145 洗肺醫療法及Lzm的“肺部氣流防疫法”最新發明也20202月後進一步在全球天空顯現神跡跡,更特郎普於白宮面向媒體公佈認可為“醫學奇跡…,我們將一勞永逸地結速大流行

      It also as above the Premier Trudeau of Ca why can by his conscience to ahead of time the election period as resign?  That just because to be fully aware all virus vaccine” fully not any science base early by wash lung treatment of PCT/SG03/00145 with Lung-Airflow Epidemic Prophylaxis of lzm's latest invention that also on Feb., of 2020 after further to show “deity merit” at worldwide sky, so still by President Trump on Jan., 01, 2021 at White House to face medium to announce agree lzm this invention just a medicine miracle…, we will end the pandemic once and for all…”!


      But come from Cp China with already to sink into bribe trap of USA two big powers to be at a loss of the Trudeau still must to impetus or make fake the inoculate rate of virus vaccine of COVID-19 and put out to retch thoroughly of the mask order open to harm public life benefits of the crime already can to deny so to mentally and physically spent…, but obvious must have spirits no loose of Prince Philip only can to call out it to waking up!     


 In editing...

Mask Make Long to incur beat soundly a palm the history witness!

So French make and curfew order only can to cancel !

   一切也就因各國均有自私政客操控明知戴口罩只 會有利蠢蛋化國民, 且有WHO譚德塞下跪對 造假的武漢瘟疫認可旗幟在手也就是非不分, 如被lzm追債面盲盲乱下口罩令法國總統馬克龍如右图2021.6.08口罩民怒打一巴後才於10天後取消口罩宵禁令!

    Because all countries even have a selfish politicians manipulate to be fully aware to wear masks only be beneficial to moron nationals, and then they have  WHO Director Tedros Adhanom  already to kneel accept Wuhan plague the fake banner in hand after also at once indiscriminate the right and wrong, as to dun paymentby lzm after no face of the Fr. President Make Long as right photo to anger hit a palm by a masks people on 2021.6.08 and 10days after  only can to rescind the masks with curfew order!

但當ycec.com2021.3.03 突然在港被強行關閉後,就拜登上仼後的配合儘管投訴中,拜登疫苗護照TV展現的第2林鄭也特別興奮馬上在無線TV宣佈疫苗護照,拜登疫苗護照在美國引發了強烈爭論共和黨找到新武器,白官被迫於2021.4.07公佈不會簽發,WHO也只可當天反對,就見次子於2021.5.08日美國高校录取不再被制裁拜登交昜諒不可莫,由此可拜登-疫苗护照內幕關聯並不简单..., 此,禍亂全球確診造假 的醫學騙局停不了

    But then lzms ycec.com to fore closed  in HK on 2021.3.03 after,  it is because despite tie by Biden to assume office after though complain in…, also then Biden's vaccine passport in Phoenix TV to shown 2days after, the HKCE CarrieLam also particularly excited immediately at HKTV announced already have vaccines passports, but Biden's vaccine passport in the US to triggered a strong debate so the Republicans to state find a "new weapons"..., so the white House to be compelled proclaim will not be sign & issue on 2021.4.07,  the WHO also to opposition on the same day!   But after on 2,021,508, the CE CLam’s second son to enroll by a US College no again to punish with Biden's swap that can’t none, so the vaccines passports that inside to be related is not simple ..., therefore, to calamity at world starting from HK the medicine fraud of “diagnosis Covid-19” will can not to stop!

    林郑早在2021.2.22日就帶頭接種科興新冠疫苗哄騙市民 如張果老預言陰險猾賊性質做足個人防護措施謊言四出,但就不將“肺部氣流防疫法”廣介市民, 就因全港媒體全在嚴控中知而不敢言

   But the CE CarrieLam already take the lead to shootKexing Xinguan vaccine” again cheat citizen as Zhang Guolao’s predictedall vile and sinister in nature』must to do adequate personal protective measures the lie around, but solely not to introduce the "Lung Airflow Prevention Law" for citizens, because all media are strictly control in HK as in the know but afraid to speak!     

      也如從 2018.7.16的去信或在中可見事實根據, 難道林鄭就可詐不知疫苗全無科學根據張果老預言千年後的今天 将人鬼不分就此而来

   Also as lzm to send a letter on July 16, 2018 or at visible basis fact, could it be said that CE CLam just can to arrogation not to know the “vaccine” utterly without science to base on?  So ZhGL’s prophecy will the human or ghost no separate at thousand years after thus come to!

   In editing...


Above just to have a France Heroes only can to cancel mask & curfew order, but below the JP, NZ, IN and TW same have or no?

    也由於or .htm可見的肺部氣流防疫法傳遍美國各大學,不少的美國州 早已宣佈取消口罩令,更如orlzm追債的面如土色的安倍晉日本首相也深知 特别是lzm5大發明特别肺氣防疫法無人可擋,還可被中港政話再騙如右图吞 得下?

    Also due toor .htm visible "Lung-Airflow Epidemic Prophylaxis" have been spread  throughout all USA Uni, and many states have already announced to  cancel masks order, still more as or to dun payment by lzm of the Abe Shinzo Premier the same already to know lzm’s five big invention especially is Prevention Law already cant to block and anyone must to use,  so still can to be fooled by CP-China again to swallow lzm’s patent right as right photo, can not?

  因此, 尚有點男子氣概 的安倍晉20208月要詐病辭職不干菅義偉首相可詐称唔知 orlzm追債2017年紐西蘭英格利希首相也要詐病辭職換上阿爾登女首相其後到北京就不敢超24小時就怕被 偷喂春藥受控!

    Therefore, still have some man mettle of the Abe Shinzo at once malinger to resign on August of 2020 only can to let Kan Yiwei Premier can to arrogation not know as lzm’s or to dun payment after the New Zealand Bill English premier who the same must malinger to resign on 2017 and give place to a woman premier Jacinda Ardern, but after who did not dare to stay in Beijing to exceed 24 hours, because who was very afraid by secretly to feed philters to control!



NZ Bill 首相

NZ 阿爾登首相

       由於拜登疫苗護照登造假的確診人數也非下調不可, 更因lzm2021.4.01日起就直接去電港府各部門如2021.4.03食環衛生署直言吿知確診 造假及穀針反骨真相,此時就急壞了EC林鄭, 因此就由拜登出馬配合中國贈送大量氧氣瓶及制氧機教唆也被如lzm追債的印度也要卒於20214初要起動誇大確診人數詐稱“雙重突變病毒”確診讓早被媒體貭疑借國安法將使香港突變淪為人治EC林鄭令已嚴控下的港媒才可繼續配合騙民谷針...

   Still more due of the Biden's vaccine passport to discredit lose already so fraud to diagnosis Covid-19 number must to lower,  and because lzm on 2021.4.01 after have direct telephone some of  HK Gov, department ason 2021.4.03 to FEHD to speak bluntly the medicine fraud of “diagnosis Covid-19” with  to shootKexing Xinguan vaccine” of the abnormity truth,  so at this time to really upsetting  of the CE CarrieLam, so the Biden at once to cooperate with CP China to donate a large number of oxygen cylinders with oxygenerator to instigate them as the same to dun payment & by lzm,  so the India Gov., at once to start  exaggerate the number of diagnosis Covid-19 on April of 2021 and lie to arrogation have "double mutant virus" let already to query by HK media because the National Security Law already to lead HK become "the rule by man" of the CE CLam can order already strictly controlled of HK media can continue to cooperate again to deceived people to shoot vaccine ...

但其後再無利可圖的印度就於20215月中就減慢誇大急壞了CE 林鄭,其絕招一為香港駐台辦於2021.5.18日馬上宣佈停運直插葵英文咽喉、另加上中國軍機的近台威脅及拜登力勸,台灣因此始於2021.5.21日就要表演誇大確診人數超300本土病例 配合林鄭可繼續利用港媒宣傳造假確診再騙民!

       But then India to know already profitless after on among of May of 2021 to slow down diagnosis number at once to upset for CE CLam,  so on news visible is, the trick a is HK Gov. in Taiwan Affairs office at once announced stop motion to straight cutting the throat of TW Kui president, and to add  the military aircraft near TW threaten by CP China with to urge by Biden, so the TW Gov., at once on May 21, 2021 after to start  exaggerate the number of diagnosis Covid-19 every day to exceed 300 local case morbidity to cooperate CLam to employ HK media again to deceived citizen of HK to shoot vaccine ...

    尽管如上述早下跪 的WHO譚德塞也 於2021.6.01日 要聽話“科兴新冠疫苗”列入紧急使用,但從早知毫無科學根據的疫苗只為蠢民手段台灣各界就拒絕是 谷針中國疫苗配合, 此時的林鄭又另兩怪招出齊, 即澳門駐台機構2021.6.16停運及要台駐港辦人員簽一中承諾書威迫...,

      Notwithstanding as foregoing already had to kneel down of the WHO Director Tedros Adhanom to emergency urgent ratify "Kexing Xinguan vaccine" can to emergency use, but on already clear any vaccine have not science basis, so all circles of TW at once refuse to tie in shoot "Kexing Xinguan vaccine" , and on this time, the CE CLam again had two odd skill to shown,  that is, Macao agencies in TW on 2021.6.16day to stopped motion with to coercion the staff of the Taiwan Office in HK must to sign the "promise book of one China" to coerce...





       Just likeZhang Guolao’s predicted that today's world after a thousand years: the world will be overwhelming with ghosts, and people will learn from ghosts.

       也即因如氣概 非凡菲臘親王慘被下跪聽話美國政權活活氣死但其英靈不散, 果然

    Also because above mettle extraordinary of the Prince Philip to tragic by USA regime to alive sulk to death, but his Holy Spirit no to idle, just as expected

    英國也在2021.7.20宣佈全面解封不必戴口罩也由此而來 7天後的英國科學顧問Sage就有報告指:目前幾乎可以肯定將出現一種冠病病毒變種,會導致目前所有的疫苗失效

     Britain as well as to announce all-round lift way block with no must to wear a mask on July 20, 2021.  And on 7 days after, the scientific advisor of BritainSagejust had a report to refers: Now, nearly can to affirm” it will to turn up a virus variety of COVID-19, so it will to lead to today all the vaccine to lose efficacy”.  


It is first to open all the virus vaccine” has not any scientific evidence that can to see already to start too!

      就因世上只有“細菌感染”並無“病毒感染”早被 PCT/SG03/00145 林哲民於20035發明一錘定音 

  Just because in the world only have germs infection” and not have “virus infection” that already by lzm's invention of PCT/SG03/00145 on May of 2003year to give the final word!

    也早在 www.ycec.sg/UN/120617/witness-history.htm 盡知全球政界令所有病毒学家颜面尽失, 且也為全球醫學界特別以病毒疫苗騙局基础的各國醫學部門疫苗組織特別是WHO面临有史以來的最大恥辱!

    Also already on www.ycec.sg/UN/120617/witness-history.htm to fully know worldwide political circles and let all virologist the prestige to wholly lose, the same is worldwide medicine scope especially by virus” for fraud basis of vaccine” all any country those medicine department or any vaccine organization unusual is the WHO to face in throughout history of the maximum shame!

  也就因空氣中細菌種類超千, 由其入肺腔繁殖才有關聯的基因杂物入血留体,細菌小如SARS不易离开才有其基因杂物不断入血如一旦超越肝膽的解毒能力才會發燒, WHO全球醫學界或教科書仍就無知地將所有入肺細菌及其繁殖留下的基因杂物統称為 病毒 及詐稱可在血液中自我繁殖, 因此要打病毒疫苗 就可提高 抗體 防疫哄騙公眾, 也就如此缺德無常全無科學論理的危言聳聽就算非專業學者也一聽即明,因此也才有PCT/SG03/00145洗肺 醫療法的發明及時面世才可解除2003年的非典危機!

     That because the germs kind in air have to exceed thousand, so only by germs into lung cavity to breed only can have some related gene of miscellaneous objects into blood to stay body, if the germ small as SARS not easy to leave only have it's gene objects unceasing into blood and if to exceed detoxify ability of the liver and gall only can to fever, but WHO & worldwide medicine scope or textbook still ignorant to get all into lung with by it to breed remain those gene miscellaneous articles to be generally called virus” and arrogation can to self to breed in blood, so must to shoot virus vaccine” just can to lift “antibody epidemic prevention to cheat public, also as this wicked fickle fully any scientific verification of the alarmist talk even if not a specialty scholar once listen promptly can to clear, so only have the wash lung treatment invention of PCT/SG03/00145 only can at once to lift the SARS crisis of 2003year!


However, not alike type of germ inevitable can to remain it's gene objects to feel free to misrepresentation virus” but not an organism absolutely not can breed in body also can by the medicine textbook of USA or China at  to verify! 

也即當前所謂的COVID-19病毒感染”全由“口水或鼻腔”體外之物、如當地空氣中不同細菌入駐未死也“確診”全為COVID-19感染者務必要隔離, 而今由中港政府缺德造假的COVID-19 的罪行www.ycec.net/HK/YellowPeril-hk.htm 早就清楚無疑, 但仍要拜登政權WHO缺德下跪配合才可亂局全球的焦點也在此!

Also present so-called COVID-19 "virus infect" all by the out of body of the "saliva or nasal cavity", if in the local air   have different DNA kind of bacterium into but till not to die that just have opportunity to "confirmed diagnosis" for a infector of COVID-19 and must to separate, today the medicine fraud of COVID-19 make by Cp China & HK CarrieLam Gov., to unveil the crime as in www.ycec.net/HK/YellowPeril.htm already clear no doubt, but still must have Biden power & WHO mean to kneel down to harmony with that only to troubled times in worldwide the focus at this too!

特別如強力騙民接種造假的COVID-19疫苗後死亡或病變驻院的香港市民已早超數百人, 林鄭政府就會叫出個所謂的醫學專家假稱有其他病態導致與疫苗無關!  而如已被騙打兩針COVID-19疫苗由外國來到香港或香港當地人入境仍會被“確診”被隔離, 林鄭政府更會馬上叫出個狗仔專家詐稱那是病毒已變種如N501Y, E484K, L452R, Delta Mu 以為就可免罪可繼續騙民穀針

   Unusual as at HK to force deceive people to inoculate fake "virus" of COVID-19 already to die or to be hospitalized those HK citizen already to early exceed 500 person, but CarrieLam Gov., only can to call a so-called medicine specialist to fake to state because who have other morbidity no relationship with the vaccine!  And already to shoot two vaccine of COVID-19 those foreign or HK local people enter still must if to "confirmed diagnosis" to close off, the CarrieLam Gov., still can at once call out a dog packs expert to arrogation the COVID-19 "virus" already to variety as N501Y, E484K, L452R, Delta or Mu etc. to suppose can't acquitted of permit continue deceive people to shoot vaccine!

不仅如此更亳無科學根据的 "病毒疫苗抗體" 須驗證如此毒辣希特勒百倍手段CE林鄭政府公佈在全球首先出场  

Not only as this, still more not have any science basis of "virus vaccine antibody" must to test and verify that to outstrip Hitler hundredfold of the sinister means also by HKCE CarrieLam Gov., at worldwide first to make public to come on the stage…

也如在疫苗中添加即如今的COVID-19 細菌包括繁殖由其留下的基因雜物統稱 病毒載體 如一旦入血均會立即被包裹為 血栓 固體質塊等待人體肝臟代謝解毒再經腎臟排泄, 人體臟功能決不會有區種類繁多的不同細菌基因病毒再產生不同基因 "抗體" 功能,難道現代醫學工程可測


Also as in the vaccine to additive as today’s germs of COVID-19 include by it’s breed to remain of DNA’s miscellaneous articles to be generally called the "virus carriers" if once into blood even at once can to bind up become a solid material of "thrombus" to wait body the liver to metabolism detoxify after again by kidney to excrete, but the internal organs of body certainly will not have function to differentiate those manifold kind not alike germs virus of DNA, is it possible that modern medicine engineering can to measure So that simply highly absurd!      

也難道已打COVID-19疫苗者其 臭口水及鼻腔 就無不同細菌入駐未死可由核酸確診

And is it possible that already to shot " COVID-19 vaccine" those who their smell ysaliva & nasal cavity” have not different kind’s germs into and not yet to die can to “nucleic acid diagnosis ?

如今COVID-19醫學騙局焦點也就在此!特別是 "肺部氣流防疫法" 如此簡單人人易用必用lzm的最新發明也早知全球各政界且由特朗普也於白宮面向媒體公佈如上陳述,即只要此"醫學奇跡"防疫法一用就可讓所有瘟疫永遠消失! 而最早知悉此天下無敵防疫法HKCE林鄭難道就可詐傻不教會市民拯救生命可缺德稱:"唔知呵,你都唔係我哋認可的專家" 以為就可否認在www.ycec.sg/HK/CarrieLam-hk.htmlzm的書面往來盡在的事實?

Therefore, nowadays medicine fraud of COVID-19 the focal point also at here!  Unusual is the “Lung-Airflow Epidemic Prophylaxis" of simple anyone can easy to use come from lzm’s latest invention also early to know all worldwide political circles, and as above the state already by President Trump to make public before medium to make public, even if provided let this “Prevention Law" of medicine miracle to use that just can let all pestilence to disappear forever!  But the most early to know this to be invincible throughout the world of this “Prevention Law" of that HKCE CarrieLam who just can to jactitationI not to know, you not an expert to accept by our..." to feel just can to deny with lzm’s in writing contact at www.ycec.sg/HK/CarrieLam-hk.htm those all fact

因此, HKCE林鄭非比尋常騙民並強迫公眾非戴口罩及打疫苗就志在蠢蛋化所有香港市民及中華民族手段已遠超百多年前舊中國王朝的太後不惜鎖國"害民非淺志在所有華人做其奴才手段, 以及是否還在妄想做太後殺人無數且雙手血淋淋還不惜變種為最腐敗透頂的歷史罪人也就在此不可否認!

Therefore, the HKCE CarrieLam out of the ordinary to deceive people and force public must to wear gauze mask with shoot vaccine only aims for stupid all HK citizen with all Chinese who this trick already to far exceed Empress Dowager Cixi of before hundred years that old Chinese dynasty the same to aims for all Chinese to become her flunky means, and whether still to wishful thinking become an Empress Also for this reason already to kill innumerable HK citizen even dripping with blood at both hands but still not to stop the handStill more to variety of become a worldwide public enemy so already can not to deny at here


 That One

a.  2018.7.16可見,暫不論lzm在深圳受神經毒氣侵害回港的驗血報告被扣的投訴事件,由於在香港HK1060833專利之洗肺醫療法仍在港被偷用為自己友不為市民公開,特別是對癌症打開活命大窗的冷凍醫療法無蹤影被屠的市民已早超30萬也在此信向CE林鄭展示本發明的論據及2003年早被成功應用報導為附件1., 且清楚告知只要一小實驗就可讓病毒疫苗破產只是一劑有害無益可暗中下毒蠢蛋奴才國民的愚民工具而已

  On the letter of 2018.7.16 visible, that temporary no to discuss lzm at ShenZhen City to incur inroads by nerve gas so must go back HK to blood test of the report to detain the complain case, because lzms wash-lungtreatment of HK1060833 still to stealthily use in HKs medicine department only for their friends and not to open use for citizen, especially is aim cancer patient to open a big window of life that the “freezing” treatment still nil a trace so in HK to kill the cancer citizen already to exceed 300,000 and also in this letter to reveal the invent logic with already success use to report on 2003year by attachments 1. to inform HKCE CarrieLam, and to clear inform only if by a small experiment just can let the “virus vaccine” to bankruptcy because only is a harmful profitless can in the dark to poison only for a fool tool will to stupid or flunky national that nothing more!

b.  CE林鄭只會回信告知已交食物及衛生局但不見回復仍繼續在騙民打疫苗!lzm只好於2018.7.30再去信催促林鄭務必要將洗肺冷凍兩醫療法公開拯救更多生命不得再拖延食衛局仍拒複只由衛生署長玩遊戲草認收後就再無蹤可查!

But the HKCE CarrieLam only can to write back inform already hand to Food and Health Bureau to handle, but who have no reply and still continue to deceive HK citizen to shoot vaccine!  So lzm cannot but again a letteron 2018.7.30 to press for HKCE CarrieLam must let wash-lung” & freezing” two treatment open to save more life cannot again to delay!  But Food and Health Bureau still to refuse reply and only by Health Director to play game admit received and after nil tracks can to examine!

c. 因此,lzm只好於2018.9.10去信鄭若驊政司長要求刑事檢控如上不公開洗肺冷凍兩醫療法官員更繼續騙民打亳無科學根據的病毒疫苗只為毒害市民的法律責任,及將2017.8.25給港大校董國章主席及如上給CE林鄭信附件為證,但鄭若驊司長仍以並無調查案件職能及只為政府提供法律服務兩違規的荒謬藉口拒絕刑事檢控可見!

Therefore, lzm cannot but must by a letter on Sept., 10, 2018 send to Ms. TeresaCheng Secretary for Justice requisition to criminal indictment above not to open wash-lung” & freezing” two treatment use for public those official and still continue to deceive citizen to shoot have not any science base of the “virus vaccine” only for to poison citizen the law duty, and attachments on Aug., 25, 2017 to HKU’s Court & Chairman of the Council Mr. Li Kwok-cheung with above to HKCE CarrieLam two letter to testify, but the Ms. TeresaCheng still by “have not function to investigate” and to tell who only for “Gov. to supply the law service” as this two violate discipline that absurd pretext to refuse to criminal prosecution at  visible!

d.  lzm只好再於2018.9.19去信駁斥並要求轉交刑事檢控科處理也附件CE林鄭, 刑事檢控科也回信告知已在跟進!  

So lzm also to be forced to again on Sep., 19, 2018 by a letter to refute Ms. TeresaCheng Director and request to pass on to handle by accusation offices and same time by attach send to HKCE CarrieLam, and after the accusation offices also have to reply at inform already to follow-up!  

e.  可惜的是, 全港媒體已完全變種仍在非法操控下只會為衛生署以疫苗可提高所謂的病毒抗體哄騙公眾哄騙市民毒打流感疫苗,lzm只好再於2018.10.232018.11.13去信鄭若驊告知連菲律賓杜特爾特總統知癌症有特效的 冷凍 醫療法被隱瞒, 以及 洗肺冷凍 两醫療法已尽知天下,因此,衛生署及食衛局只為隱瞞不惜公開屠殺市民的表證也进一步在此成立!

 But regrettable is, because all medium of HK already to mutation still by illegal to control only can to serve for Dep. of Health to as before equal lzms invention no being only by the vaccine can to lift so-called virus antibody” again to cheat citizen to shoot vaccine, so lzm must on Oct., 23, 2018 at & on Nov., 13, 2018 again a letter to Ms. TeresaCheng Director and attach to CarrieLam to inform include Ph president Duterte already to know to be aimed at cancer to have special efficacy that just is lzms other invention of “freezing” treatment the same to conceal, and wash-lung” & freezing” two treatment also as at  to fully known the world already, therefore, the Dep. of Health with Food and Health Bureau only for conceal so not to hesitate to open butcher citizen of the surface proof already further to set up!

f.  但如上d. 已告知跟進中的刑事檢控科又於2019.1.03反口告知如c.鄭若驊司長兩違規的荒謬藉口拒絕刑事檢控的回复告知  其後,lzm只好再於2019.1.10去信刑事檢控科駁斥並限期2019.1.14日前務必回復並也附件CE林鄭均無認收回复! lzm更於2019.10.12日再去信刑事檢控辦梁卓然資深大律師也全無結果,就因鄭若驊司長違法阻止立案且全在CE林鄭的控制中,梁卓然資深大律師也因此怒而要辭職有見報導也由此而来!

Also the same as above d. that inform lzm already to follow-up of the Prosecutions Division again on Jan., 03, 2019 to turn over the mouth as above c. those two violate discipline that absurd pretext to refuse to criminal prosecution reply lzm by Ms. TeresaCheng Director!  And after, lzm also cannot but must on Jan., 10, 2019 again by a letter to Prosecutions Division to refute and term before Jan., 14, 2019 must to reply and annex fax to EC CarrieLam the same have not any reply! Lzm also still again a letter to the Senior Counsel Mr David Leung of Prosecutions Division on Oct., 12, 2019 and who have admit received on Oct., 17, 2019, but after have not a result too, because to illegal keep from by Ms. TeresaCheng Director and fully control by CE CarrieLam, so after because by this to anger must resignation of Senior Counsel Mr David Leung that have a news can to see from this come to!

g.  Lzm只好於2019.10.04直接去信盧偉聰警務處長遞交報案申請, lzm也應官塘警務處之請前往認簽,更 於2019.10.07 也去信CE林鄭告知本報案的人命關天陳肇始6大衛生官如14天內書面回答不了就應立即逮捕起訴!但盧偉聰處長馬上被CE林郑30天內撤职鄧炳強為處長並馬上被安排上京見中國公安部長被密語施壓後也就音信全無

  Because above the Ms. TeresaCheng Director to be against regulations already normality, in the end, lzm also to be forced to direct by a letter  to Lo Wai-chung Commissioner of Police to render an apply to report a case on Oct., 04, 2019, and after lzm by Kwun Tong police station to request to sign the documents of report case, and still on Oct., 07, 2019 again by a letter to CE CarrieLam direct to inform this report case to human life related to Heaven, if the Sophia CHAN etc. six big hygiene official cannot in writing to reply in 14days that just must at once to arrest to prosecution!  But the Lo Wai-chung Commissioner at once by CE CarrieLam to dismiss somebody from office in 30days and let Tang Ping-keung to do Commissioner moreover at once arrange to visit Beijing after by Minister of Public Security of China to secret discussion to show severity after this report case all messages not find too!



Conclusion One.

因此, 如上a.-g.的書信往來盡在 www.ycec.sg/HK/CarrieLam-hk.htm 不可否認!  

Therefore, as above a.-g. those letters to come and go all at www.ycec.sg/HK/CarrieLam-hk.htm cannot to deny!

難道已殺人無數、且雙手血淋淋的CE林鄭還可詐稱不知 洗肺冷凍 兩醫療法何在? 以為就可免除繼續隱瞞謀殺公眾就可騙民打亳無科學根據的病毒疫苗只為蠢蛋化市民的惡毒心態法律責任

Is it possible already to kill person innumerable and both hands to dripping with blood that CE CLam still can to arrogation not to know the wash-lung” & freezing” two treatment where? And to suppose just can to avoid continue to conceal to murder public that just can proceed to deceive civilian as before to shoot have not any science basis of the “virus vaccine” only for to stupid all citizen that vicious mentality of the law duty?



That Two

          由於如上的刑事檢控要求正式報案處理全被違法阻止立案才可讓陳肇始6大衛生官員逍遙法外繼續騙民打疫苗企圖蠢蛋化市民 lzm也只好CE林鄭上京述職前的2019.12.12日再去信可見, 就由隱瞞洗肺冷凍兩醫療法在港被屠殺的市民早超 30 萬、而被屠殺的國內民眾更在 4仟萬人以上,因此要求林鄭有天責將如上給中聯辦王志民主仼兩信列印面交總理李克強及主席習近平各一份立即處理,否則,歷史罪人的轉拆點均已到此為止!

         Due to above the requisition of criminal indictment with formal to report a case in Police to keep from so only can led Sophia CHAN etc. six big hygiene official to go scot-free again to deceive citizen to shoot “virus vaccine” only attempt stupid citizen, so lzm only cannot but before HKCE CarrieLam go to Beijing to report on official work to go a letter on December 12, 2019 visible, because to conceal wash-lung” & freezing” two treatment in HK to butchered citizen already early to exceed 300, 000 and in internal public to butchered still to exceed 40 ,000,000 persons, so lzm to ask CE CarrieLam have God duty to be ready lzm to LOCPG Mr. Wang Zhi-Man Director two letter at  &  to print after face to hand over Li Ke-Qiang premier with Xi Jin-Ping Chairman each one copy at once to handle, if not, the turn to apart focus of history sinner it will to expire!

         由於港亂四起而EO林鄭偏不處理, lzm也更2019.12.31去信述職回港EO林鄭告知如還不將洗肺及冷凍 兩大醫療法公開繼續屠殺市民,這將是最無恥的歷史罪過!   且也有圖為證告知:【當一16 歲男孩於旺角高處墮下昏迷急救中時,也在警方速龍(小隊)面前:『就有一軍裝色人馬伸手用力轉動及插出在旁牆邊的白膠銅喉水管轉身繼續痛打該昏迷急救中的16 歲男孩!』已令人可怕至極也!】等等才會激發港青學生的憤怒挖地磚扔磚手握雷射筆參與非批准集會也始於此, 但由林鄭同意成立的獨立調查委員會只會等候警監會報告同樣令年青學生的憤怒進一步升級!

         Because chaos in HK around but CE CarrieLam biased not to handle, so lzm also again a letter on Dec., 31, 2019  send to just go back HK the CE CarrieLam to inform if still not let wash-lung” & freezing” two treatment to open and continue to butcher citizen this will is the most shameless history crime!   And have picture to testify inform:【then a 16years boy at Mongkok a high-rise to fall coma in first aid, but before special tactical squad of police:『just have one military garb person reached to turn around with pull out at footing of wall a water pipe of white glue copper after to turn about continue to beat soundly that in a coma first aid of 16years boy! that already amazing fearful until extreme! and so on only can to arouse HK youth student to anger to dig land brick to throw brick and by hand to grip laser pen to partake in not to ratify a meeting also start this, still as   letter to Prosecutions Division Mr David Leung commissioner with affix to Ms. TeresaCheng Director undoubtedly on Jan., 10, 2020, but by CE CarrieLam agree to establish of the independence examine committee only be good at to wait a report by Independent Police Complaints Council the same to cause youth students anger further to upgrade!

       但自CE林鄭促認國安法並為國安委主席後還可指定聆訊法官有損司法獨立但仍一意孤行, 因此首宗《港區國安法》案件只認同光時口號的唐英傑被判囚9, 大律師的議員梁美芬則竟也可反骨形容光時口號含有分裂國家及香港獨立的意思能夠煽惑他人分裂國家已突顯香港的司法獨立已無須真憑實據只須依靠意念評估就可入罪令香港回到70年前內陸反右文革年代!

           It also since by CE CarrieLams autarchy to promote the National Security Law” and self-appointed National Security committee chairman after still can to appoint trial judge to acute impair judicature independence but who still to act willfully, so the head case ofdockland National Security Lawthat only to identificationlight timea slogan of the Tong Ying Kit at this point to judge imprison 9years, but the Leung Mei Fun & Tong Ka-wah two lawyer councilor unexpectedly can freak to describe thelight timea slogan to contain disunite nation & HKs autonomy that meaning, and it may be to incite another person to disunite country that already to jut show HKs judicature fair to be out!  Therefore, already need not hard evidence only by an idea to estimate just can to in disorder to sentence convict to lead to today’s HK already come back to before 70years in inland against rightist & the Cultural Revolution an era!

   以及可公開出售購買的雷射筆也可被裁定管有攻擊性武器罪成也有報導可見!   難道CE林鄭鄭若驊司長刻意阻止將洗肺冷凍兩大醫療法公開繼續屠殺市民的不也公開觸犯國安法245還可否認?

   As well as that can open to sale of the laser pen also can to decide by take over the “offensive weapons” so must culpable to punishment also had news visible!   But is it possible that CE CarrieLam & Ms. TeresaCheng Director painstakingly to hold backed not let wash-lung” & freezing” two treatment to open use and continue to butchered citizen that no too open only is to violating of theNational Security LawO. 24(5) still can to deny?


          However about theNational Security Lawwhether by civil law just can to overturn by common law for the judge principles the same to lead to that HK’s judicature basis of separation of the three powers not to keep that I'll talk about it later!


     Now return to beginning by CE CarrieLam designedly to start fake "Wuhan Plague" to rushed out that cause and effect of fact subject

a.      首先去信政司刑控卓然專員 lzm2020.1.14去信律师会彭韵僖會長第2頁中就開始揭露CE林鄭強調已取得武漢肺炎的基因排序起動防疫的造假新聞就志在繼續隱瞞洗肺冷凍兩醫療法殺民不停手、及騙民狂打流感疫苗非蠢蛋化市民不可的林鄭目的也在此原形畢露!此信也傳真930間律師會力促為民申張正義均有記錄在案!其後的CE林鄭惡搞大律師公會公開現身TV插手律師會內選必也由此而來

        First at again a letter to above Mr David Leung commissioner with lzm other a letter on Jan., 14, 2020 to Law Society Melissa Kaye Pang president of in second page to start exposed by CE CLam to stress already to obtain the gene sort of WuHan pneumonia to start “epidemic prevention” the false news that just aims for continue to conceal wash-lung” & freezing” two treatment to kill public not to stop the hand with cheat citizen to shoot flu vaccine not to fool all citizen inalienable that CE CLams purpose in here to reveal the true nature!  And this two letters also fax to 136 pieces Barrister & 930 pieces Lawyer agency to urge must to uphold justice for citizen equal have record at visible to obvious have some to effort, so after the CE CLam devilment to Bar Association with open to shown in TV to intervene inside elect of Law Society that necessarily by this come to!

b.      2020.1.15去信2頁中可見lzm 就要求立法會梁君彥主席該帶領眾議員前往猩或猴群集居地觀看再叫醫生或專家拜猩猴為師,只要學會用手拍拍左右肺部再咳嗽幾聲就可趕跑入肺細菌、又何來肺炎?也即猩或猴群都懂的"肺部氣流防疫法"也就首先在揭竿而出

Also at on Jan., 15, 2020 the letter’s second page visible, lzm to be on the point of the HK Legislative Council Leung Kwan-yuen chair must lead all Member of Parliament to orangutan or monkey’s throng live land to watch again to call doctor or specialist to worship orangutan-monkey for a teacher, only if to learn by hand to hit lightly the left and right lung again to cough some voice that just can to expel enter lung the germs, and after the pneumonia where can to come?  It also just is the orangutan or monkey group all already to understand of the "Lung-Airflow Epidemic Prophylaxis" also on this first to start a revolution!

c.     但也就由CE林鄭主導造假的武漢肺炎防疫手段另有圖謀,lzm就被迫於2020.1.28去信港大張翔校長首先告知激發港青學生的憤怒挖地磚扔磚手握雷射筆之基因就在如上去信CE林鄭均有剪圖為證警匪難分的事實更告知也就因lzm洗肺醫療法發明2003.5.15傳真給董建華辦公室及中國政府後2003年的非典危機才可馬上解除, 也因此,"肺部氣流防疫法" 也就在此去信港大校長中正式出版,且也如同去信全港其餘8大專學院副件所有立法會議員136大律行包括930律師行包括電郵給大部分師生以及港臺政府部門及媒體均在www.ycec.sg/HK/CarrieLam-hk.htm 林鄭主頁中有記錄可見證史冊, 也即如還要恥談武漢肺炎防疫手段也就連狗都不如

        But also because by EC CarrieLam to leading the “epidemic prevention” means of WuHan pneumonia to make some other plot clear, so lzm to be compelled to Xiang Zhang President of HKU a letter on Jan., 28, 2020 to first inform to arouse HK youth students anger to dig land brick to throw brick and by hand to grip laser pen that gene just at above to CE CarrieLam in letter that have police or bandit difficult to discriminate it can by cut picture for proof the fact!  And still inform also because have lzms wash-lungtreatment invention fax to Tung Chee-hwa CE office with China Gov., on May 15, 2003 after the SARS crisis only at once can to lift, also hence, the “Lung-Airflow Epidemic Prophylaxis" too at this point in to HKU this letter to formal to publish, and as well letter to HK other eight junior college with copy fax to all Member of Parliament, 136 pieces Barrister & 930 pieces Lawyer agency include email to school mostly teachers and students, Gov., dep., with medium of HK or Taiwan those record at CarrieLam main page of www.ycec.sg/HK/CarrieLam-hk.htm visible fact it will to witness in annals, it also if any official again to TV shame to talk the prevention means of "COVID-19" and if any official again to wear mask with to shot vaccine that just not equal to a dog too!

d.      也由於CE林鄭恥談 武漢肺炎另有圖謀不停手,lzm2020.3.05日要去信張建宗政務司司長更告知:『口液或鼻屎中細菌或病毒 仍為 體外 之物豈可用於確診 體內 病態?這正是當今國際醫學騙局且發狂到 病毒 這死物可 人傳人 實為侵犯人權之最大惡行!』…, 且明確告知 隔離令 違反5998.(5)緊急事態之規定已鐵證如山務必要立即解除! lzm回港『隨時被隔離謀殺 』之圖謀明顯,因此要求根據《檢疫規例》4., 批准豁免, 但政務司政務主任回復已交食衛局參閱後也再無下文,lzm只得再於2020.3.30去信張建宗司長告知許樹昌及中大醫學院長陳家亮兩大醫學怪獸又再將確診 雜技提升到熟睡後的臭口水及驗人糞便、尿的垃圾雜技也可出埸!以及將無症狀者強行隔離令全港經濟嚴重受損,更告知口罩有害健康及防疫力有限, 也見政務辦主任有複,同樣無下文!

     Because EC CarrieLam shame to talk COVID-19 had other sinister plot not stopping hand, so lzm must by a letter on March 05, 2020 to Cheung Kin-chung Chief Secretary to clear inform: "in Saliva or nostril excrement those germs or virus" still the “ectoparasite”, then how can use to "confirmed diagnosis" to “internal” the morbidity?  This just is today’s international medical fraud and crazy to "virus" this dead still can contagion from "person to person" in fact is to infringe human rights the maximum!..., and clear inform the “Isolation Order” to violate the Cap. 599 O.8Public health emergency regulationr.(5)emergency situation” the order already irrefutable so must at once to lift!   And inform if lzm go back HK willrandom by separate to murderthat plot obvious, so ask basisQuarantine RegulationO.4 to approve remit, but Cheung Kin-chung by a director to reply already hand over relation dep., to handle after again had not outcome!  So lzm can only again a letter to Cheung Kin-chung on March 30, 2020 to inform the SC Hui with CUHK’s dean Chan Ka-leung this two medicine monster still again let “identify diagnosis” acrobatics to promoted reach deeply asleep after the smelly spit and to check human excrement that rubbish acrobatics also can to come on the stage!  As well as order nil a symptom who to force quarantine to lead HKs economical acute damage, and still to inform to wear mask harmful health with the prevention force finite, it also had a reply but after the same had not outcome!

e.      Lzm同樣也於2020.3.07去信廉署白韞六專員舊話重提在前的投訴未處理外、更也告知上訴法庭何志賢常務官來信造假已結案的CACV 589/2018將於 2020.3.11714宣讀判詞企圖以此誘惑lzm回港『隨時被隔離謀殺 』令CE林鄭圖謀其一明顯,因此附件如 d.張建宗司長信中之造假 確診 已令全港無端廣受其害的醫學騙局要求白韞六專員務必全面介入調查更已責無旁貸,  及並吿知應帶頭引領各政府職工根本無須再戴口罩被愚弄…, 也仍無下文

         Lzm the same also by a letter to ICAC Commissioner Peh Yun-lu on March 07, 2020 still repetition of the old tale after and still inform had an letter come from Appeal Court HO Chi-yin Registrar to make fake already to wind up a case of CACV 589/2018 it will be 7/F., 14law court to read out the court verdict on March 07, 2020, that only attempt this to lure if lzm go back HK just canat will by quarantine to murderthis CE CarrieLam’s brewing that one already clear!  Therefore, lzm also must enclosure above d. to CSA Cheung Kin-chung letter to inform fake "confirmed diagnosis" trick already lead in HK groundless to be cursed with this medicine fraud so ask Commissioner Peh Yun-lu must fully to step in investigate even more to be duty-bound already, and inform must to take the lead every government staff and workers basic need not wear mask to make a fool of..., but still have no the words that follow!

f.      也就因剛新仼的公務事局長聶德權TV 聲稱要強化管治要求公務員在就職宣誓務必效忠特首也令如上的張建宗司長及白韞六專員及手足無措? lzm也因此要於2020.3.08可見的三大主題再次傳遍全港各大專院校, 也更於2020.3.10去信立法會梁君彥主席同樣告知如上林鄭窩亂全港令政府顏臉盡失的事實,以及提醒理當帶頭讓各議員根本無須再戴口罩被愚弄…,也同樣無下文

         Because EC CarrieLams autarchy mentality further to worsen, so by who to appoint the Secretary for the Civil Service Nip Tak-kuen director at once at TV to profess because wish to strengthen govern so all public official at inauguration swear must to fealty Chief Executive that yes or no at once let above the CSA Cheung Kin-chung with Commissioner Peh Yun-lu to tetany afraid to justice handle?    So lzm must on March 08, 2020 after by  visible those three big theme again send out to HKs each Uni. & college, and again a letter to President Leung Kwan-yuen of the Legislative Council on March 10, 2020 the same to inform above EC CarrieLam illegal to bane HK already lead HK Gov., the face is lost to the limit a fact, as well as to remind ought to take the lead allow each councilor ultimate need not again to wear gauze mask only can exempt to accept make a fool of. . . , but the same have no the words that follow!

g.      由於林鄭政府已將 確診 垃圾手段及 隔離令、口罩令 政治妖魔化且首先起動作弄部門lzm只得再於2020.4.10日要去信去信警務處長吿知只要教會 肺部氣流防疫法載口罩就不會有人受害, 以及只要在先 吞曬口水及清曬鼻屎就可讓 確診 造假手段滾蛋、以衛生局再胡鬧糾纏lzm也更於2020.5.15日要再去信立法會梁君彥主席告知顛倒醫學倫理 確診 手段違規所犯的《刑事罪行條例》何在, 載口罩正如一謀殺陷阱等等反駁不了的事實根據在立法會面前無疑

         Because EC CarrieLam already to get COVID-19 that rubbish means of "identify diagnosis" with "quarantine & gauze mask order" to politics demonized and first to start to tease Police Dept., so lzm can only again by a letter to Commissioner of Police on April 10, 2020 to inform if only teaching the “Lung-Airflow Epidemic Prophylaxis" to use and no to wear mask that just will not again have policeman to be cursed with, and if only beforehand "swallow saliva & purge snot" that just can let the "identify diagnosis" fake means to get awaylest by bureau of public health to monkey about to pester!  Lzm still again a letter  to President Leung Kwan-yuen of Legislative Council on May 15, 2020 to inform to overturn medicine ethics that the "identify diagnosis" means to violate of theCrimes Ordinanceat where…and to wear gauze mask just is a murder trap etc. equal cannot to retort that fact base already before at Legislative Council to show undoubtedly!   But the Leung Kwan-yuen only can to look for a unsuitable loanword not to handle already to do people great harm and lead HKs justice basis not to keep this ill effects at can to witness annals!

h.      果然在20205月最後4天就有3警猝死, lzm又要於2020.6.02再去信鄧炳強警長清楚告知這正是載口罩缺氧成慣性累積下的惡果…, 且該讓 肺部氣流防疫法 每天3次以上為健身慣性令肺活量升高不缺氧以免再有警員猝死, 而其後也就再無警員猝死事件見報 

         Just as expected on May last 4days of 2020 at above this mask point had three policeman to sudden death, so lzm again by a letter to Tang Ping-keung Commissioner of Police on June 02, 2020 to clear inform this die case just is wear gauze mask to anaerobic become a inertia after to accumulate of the ill effects…, even shall be the “Lung-Airflow Epidemic Prophylaxis" to use for a fitness inertia to over three times in a day that just can let the lung capacity to go up not again to anaerobic respiration lest again have policeman to sudden death, so after have not this case again at news!

i.      就因CE林鄭蓄意造假的武漢瘟疫暗藏三大陰險企圖,儘管明知肺部氣流防疫法才是任何瘟疫永世滾蛋的最實用發明,也就不廣吿市民相反繼續害民殺民不停手!  lzm只得於2020.6.03去信立法會梁君彥及各議員告知造假確診手段不僅觸犯了Cap.200刑事罪行條例》及《香港人權法案條例》連基本法第28條也包括!且隔離令為立法會批凖立法有錯在先,理當依A501立法議事規則質詢食物衛生局衛生署, 否則等如合夥屠殺公眾生命疑犯?  但梁君彥只會再叫秘書長如前藉口不處理以為就可無罪 就因梁君彥及各議員仍傻瓜瓜如常繼續戴口罩TV配合CE林鄭騙民謀害公眾! lzm更只得最後再於2020.6.13去信 梁君彥列舉六封去信的請求無一處立法會犯罪的5大罪狀何在!以及警告如繼續戴口罩誤導市民的政治化議員也該人人拿出百萬賠償死者家屬...梁君彥也就此不回復讓CE林鄭繼續騙民害民不停手

      It because CE CarrieLam designedly to start fake "Wuhan Plague" to hide three big sinister attempt, so though already to fully aware “Lung-Airstreams Epidemic Prophylaxis" only is all plague can to forever get away of the most practical invention, but who not to advertisement for citizen counter to cause infinite harm to people still no to stop the hand!    So lzm can only again by a letter to Leung Kwan-yuen of Legislative Council with each MP on June 03, 2020 to inform that to fake “identify diagnosis” means not only to offend the Cap. 200 Crimes Ordinance & Cap. 383 HK Bill of Rights Ordinance and include Article 28 of Basic Law! And inform because "quarantine & gauze mask order" to legislate by legislative Council to had faults in the past, so must at once to obey the rules of debate of A510 to interpellation the Food and Health Bureau with Bureau with Dept., of Health, otherwise equate to be in partnership to butcher public life as a criminal suspect But Leung Kwan-yuen only can again to call out the G.S.  as before  by a pretext not to handle to feel can to acquit!   It because the Leung Kwan-yuen & each MP still as a fool to wear mask at TV to tie in EC CarrieLam to deceive with injure public!  So lzm can only again in the end go a letter to Leung Kwan-yuen on June 13, 2020 to list before six letters those ask no one to handle by who that five big crime at where!  As will as to warning if again to wear mask to mislead citizen those politics MP also ought take out one million to indemnify the bereaved, but the Leung Kwan-yuen at this point no reply only can allow CE CarrieLam proceed to deceiving and harming all citizen not to stop the hand!

j.       也因如上的林鄭政府架構已面目全非,  lzm只得再於2020.6.16日去信楊潤雄局長警告不得把學生趕入口罩謀殺陷阱,  也副件給會秘書處、各議員、CE林鄭及電郵各大中小學, 更多醫學騙局的細節盡在www.ycec.sg/HK/YellowPeril.htm 但也必在公務事局長聶德權務必效忠特首恐嚇下的楊潤雄局長也要妄從聽令打工傻仔諒也由此而來!   

     Due to above each frame of CE CLam Gov., the face already to fully ash, so lzm can only again a letter to Mr.Yeung Yun-hung Secretary for Education on June 16, 2020 to warning cannot to hold student hurry into the murder trap of wear gauze mask, and at once annex fax to each MPEC CLam & email to each school of HK etc., still more above details of COVID-19 medicine fraud at www.ycec.sg/HK/YellowPeril.htm , but too necessarily to threaten by CSB Secretary Nip Tak-kuen must to fealty HKCE, so the Yeung Yun-hung too must kneel down obedience as a jobber fool boy that expect from this come to yet!

k.      也由於如上的傳真書信均真名实姓有電話可讓不明者可回電查明, 如 lzm852-3618-7808網路電話 在 2019年全球追eGate專利債早被 HKCE出動通信事務局將來電轉錄音不可直通,以及向中移香港買下的6572-0195 手機也自20204被馬上停用並出售他人壞事幹盡如向通訊局的投訴也沒用,就因全在CE林鄭的暗控下,細節也盡在 www.ycec.net/HK/OFCA.htm or ycec.sg 的總監梁仲賢早也要妄從聽令如一打工傻仔 lzm也因此要於2021.1.23再向CE林鄭的策略顧問成員的通訊事務局譚允芝主席投訴進一步告知由去年6月起的彭麗媛習近平快分手在誘惑誰有機會可當習皇后均有見報』,即是否CE林鄭的心態已變才有國安法立案?    此信特別重要在 www.ycec.sg/HK/210123.htm 可見,lzm已清楚吿知如上由EC林鄭蓄意起動造假的武漢瘟疫醫學騙局只須兩句話就可輕昜破解只志在lzm由深圳回港務必要被隔離才可方便謀殺CE林鄭罪惡企圖其

       It because above all letters equal a real name and have phone can let not clear to call back, but lzms 852-3618-7808 of network phone because as on 2019year in global to dun for eGate patent debt early by HKCE to call out Communications Authority let incoming phone to turn tape so cannot use, and after lzm other a 6572-0195 mobile phone of CMHK the same on April of 2020 to stop use & sale other person to do every evil etc., so as complain to OFCA also useless, that because all fully in secretly manipulate at CE CarrieLams hand, the details at www.ycec.net/HK/OFCA.htm or ycec.sg that the Chaucer Leung director the same must kneel down obedience CE CarrieLam as a jobber fool boy!    So lzm must by a letter to CE CarrieLams tactic adviser with OFCA Ms TAM Wan-chi chairman on Jan., 23, 2021 to complain and further inform:…on the news visible, cause on last year June then the Peng Liyuan with Xi Jinping will be quick to parting that to lure whom have a chance to equal Xi empress.  Then whether the CE CarrieLams state of mind already to change only have “National Security Law” to be legally registered   So this letter was very important on www.ycec.sg/HK/210123.htm visible, lzm already clear to inform above by CE CarrieLam to designedly start fake of the "Wuhan Plague" medicine fraud only need two sentence just can easy to eradicate that only aims for if lzm from Shen Zhen City go back HK must to quarantine only can convenient to murder just is CE CarrieLams evil attempt that one


       Unusual is Yuan GuoyongSC Hui etc. so-called medical experts still cannot to deny of the "virus vaccine" to make fake and all nil science base that only aims for continue to conceal lzms “wash lung” & "freezing" two treatment invention only can convenient again to deceive people to shoot vaccine only for stupidenslave citizen too just is EC CLams evil attempt that two


          And still more unusual is cannot to deny that practical merit to be invincible throughout the world of the lzms latest invent of “Lung-Airflow Epidemic Prophylaxis" also not to introduce for citizen to lifesaving, but contrary still must to deceive people must to wear gauze mask too aims for if not to shoot vaccine by fraud who also can gradually to become a stupid citizen it even more undoubtedly is CE CarrieLams evil attempt that three


       Is it possible that cannot to contradict above CE CarrieLam’s threes big abnormal evil attempts that still also is a Special Judge the status of OFCA Ms TAM Wan-chi chairman who can to arrogation unknown just can to get rid of the law as a jobber silly girls

l.      也從可見lzm3618-7808網路電話於2021.5.22日在通訊事務局暗控下全不可用,lzm也只好要由2021.5.252021.6.16日止傳真給全港近1200間中、小學如 www.ycec.sg/HK/210615a.pdf (ora-z & za-zz) 及轉日期均可見告知:『特首林鄭及貴楊潤雄局長明知有肺部氣流防疫法可用也非下令載口罩及穀針虛假疫苗,是否非法公開謀殺謀害公眾不可已鐵案如山?』,且也提醒:『天主教及貴教職有天責去電貭問袁國勇許樹昌,如此簡單的防疫法亦冇本事發明為何還不將肺部氣流防疫法介召市民拯救生命?是人或畜生更值公論!難怪月娥在前有史最黑!』,更也告知:『全港被造假確診後所有的經濟損失者包括違規犯法口罩令缺氧必會病患高山症的學生等人人均可從本去梁君彥立法主席包括楊潤雄局長等各官方信均無人可反駁勝訴超然均可下載列印出庭為證提出百萬以上賠償!

          Also at visible lzm’s 852-3618-7808 of network phone on May 22, 2020 after cant to call out in secret handle by OFCA, so lzm cannot but must to change by fax send to in HK nearly 1200 middleprimary schools on as www.ycec.sg/HK/210615a.pdf (or turn to a-z & za-zz) with turn to 2021.5.25-2021.06.16 that not alike numeral code of date for IP address visible to inform:CE CLam with your Yeung Yun-hung director to be fully aware have  “Lung-Airflow Epidemic Prophylaxis" usable but still to order must to wear gauze mask with shoot false vaccine, that yes or not illegal open to murder with plot to injure public cannot already to borne out by ironclad evidence?』, as well to remind:Catholicism with your teacher have sky-duty to call Yuan GuoyongSC Hui, as this simple Prevention Law too not abilities to invent why still not to let “Lung-Airstreams Epidemic Prophylaxis" to introduce citizen to save life Who are people or a brute still more have worth to opinion of the public!  So no wonder current Yuet-Ngor throughout history the most to black!, and still again to inform:All in HK by fake “identify diagnosis” after all the pecuniary loss those citizens include under illegal “gauze mask order" those anaerobic respiration necessarily can to illness for mountain sickness all students or kids etc. everyone equal can from  to President Leung Kwan-yuen of Legislative Council include to Yeung Yun-hung Secretary for Education etc. each official letters those same unmanned can to retort detached and equal can download to copy after to appear in court to do a testimony to bring up exceed a million the indemnification!.

         因此,也顯然必有不少全港中、小學均有要求教協大律師公會出面已令楊潤雄教育局長面目全非並可要求賠償, 也必有去電d.早知確診造假手段載口罩害人不淺早被lzm逼得口啞啞張建宗司長只好於2021.6.20在其網誌表示要放寬社交距離措施並將儘快公佈詳情後必也刺中CE林鄭蛾喉,因此不用5便可突然通知國務院由其提名由李家超替為政務司長,難怪張建宗司長馬上在TV尚有半年合約任期且健康從無病假也可不用事先知會即可馬上開除突顯CE林鄭當小肥豬想殺就殺, 且更可馬上教唆內地官媒新華社及《人民日報》2021.7.31日並無過錯根據只以一面之詞起動必須剷除『教協』這果毒瘤見只為滿足CE林鄭心願才可輕易叫楊潤雄下跪馬上終止關係、以為就可不必書面回應教協為如上全港各校盡知載口罩令穀針只會蠢蛋化師生妖蛾手段移交的投訴個案以為就可免罪被起訴

Therefore, too obvious have some of HKs school have to requests HKPTU & HK Bar Association to come forward interpellation already lead Yeung Yun-hung Secretary for Education to everything's changed beyond recognition and can to claims indemnify, also certainty have to call as above d. already to know the fake means of “identify diagnosis” with to wear gauze mask to do people great harm that early by lzm to call after lisp that Cheung Kin-chung Chief Secretary for Administration cannot but on June 20, 2021 at his web log to show will to loosen social contact gap measures and will as soon as possible to announce the details after also to prick in moth throat of CE CLam, so need not five days just can at once inform by State Council of China to nominate come from CE CLam by Lee Ka-chiu to substitute for, no wonder the Cheung Kin-chung at once at TV to complain who still have six months contract term of office and health since have not a sick leave, it just is the CE CLam can need not to prior inform just can at once to expel to regard as a small fat pig to kill if who want! And after still can at once to abet in inland an official newspaper of the Xinhua News Agency &People's Dailyon July 31, 2021 only one-sided statements but have not a fault basis to start must to root outHKPTUthis a malignant tumor by visible that only to satisfy CE CLam’s dream only can easily to call Yeung Yun-hung to kneel down at once to stop relation that just need not to in writing reply byHKPTUfor above HK schools already totally to clear to wear mask & shoot vaccine only can to stupid teach with students that evil moth means to hand over of before complain case to suppose that just can to be acquitted of by prosecution!

        儘管教協否認之前有過錯可言,也如去信CE林鄭之有圖為證的警匪不分等六大事件均不處理才會令學生憤怒挖磚扔磚對抗,難道教協無責為不幸的學生及被捕教師的要求問責 反而 也被大公、文匯等中媒同樣不問毒瘤根據何在只會刻意抹黑, 教協只得於2021.8.10日宣佈解散 以及更可叫出早已是非不分的港媒如星島日報龍七公老妖八道 Delta變種病毒騙民加辣谷針有理力助妖蛾蠢蛋化所有師生及全港市民不可突顯林鄭禍心不變一國兩制徹底不存

        And though theHKPTUalready to deny before have blamable can to say, too as the letter have pictures for proved so lead the police or robber not to recognize etc. six big cases but CE CLam equal no to handle so only can to lead students anger to dig brick after to throw brick to resist, is it possible that HKPTU without the duty for unlucky student & to be captured teacher to ask duty?  On the contrary by TakungpaoWenweipo etc. sects mediums of China the same ignore the basis of malignant tumor at where only can painstakingly to discredit, so the HKPTU cannot choose but in advance decide to drop out HKCTU and to announce disband on Aug., 10, 2021!  As will as still can to call out early already right and wrong not distinguish of the HK mediums as Sing Tao Daily of the Long Qigong this old monster to talk nonsense  is the Delta of variety virus so to cheat people to add hot shoot vaccine justified to force help evil moth not to stupid teach with students with all resident cannot and to protrude shown the CE CarrieLams evil intent constant!

m.   同樣可怕的是,CE林鄭的插手就突令教協解散後也針對早不滿指出 繞過基本法, 有違人權公約普通法基礎原則而立國安法提議務必修改立法條例的大律师公會及律師會均恐嚇要終止關糸 以及如鄭若驊也於2021.6.12公告律政人員可任資深大律師已獲林鄭認可令造假COVID-19瘟疫後收入可憐港律師恐嚇要靠邊站,也更以港律師可應試後前往大灣區執業為誘兩大左哄右騙手段公開配合中央及早已下跪的港媒抹黑TV及報導可見,林鄭還可公開插手律師會會長內選果然其後就由聽話的陳澤銘為新會長並於2021.9.15發表聲明指:對法庭判決誤導性及有偏差的批評須制止!也即全力支持由CE林鄭指定的國安法聆訊法官可借 意念評估 颠倒司法原則而立國安法就可亂判一通連批評都不可進一步令香港的司法公義全面崩潰!

         The same fearful is, by EC CLams intervene suddenly leadHKPTUto disband after who at once to be aimed at before discontent to detour Basic Lawand disobey the human covenant & basis of common law to lawmaking National Security Law to point out must to modify regulation that HK Bar Association & Law Society of HK the same to intervene equal to threaten will to stop relation!   As will as to call out by TeresaCheng Director on June 12, 2021 to be violation of the Constitution to bulletin her subordinate can to accept a Senior Counsel already to agree by CE CLam to threaten because to fake COVID-19 plague after the income pitiable HK’s lawyer must to stand aside, and still by HK’s lawyer can to examination after can practicing in China Great Bay Area to do temptation this two big left coax right cheat means to open harmony with CP China & early already to kneel down of majority HK medium to discredit at Tv or news visible, why CE CLam too still can to intervene the inner president elect of Law Society of HK?  Just as expected that after by a docile Mr. Chen Zeming for new president so at once on Sep., 09, 2021to show a state: “...aim at court the misleading & have aberration of judge to criticism must to put a stop to...!  It also just is all-out to support by CE CLam to appoint that judge of National Security Law just can pretext by “an idea to estimate” to upside down judicature principles that just can confused to judge and cannot to criticism, so today in HK’s judicial justice already further to total collapse!

n.       也同樣如此可怕, 而CE林鄭更直接利用只須“意念評估有犯罪企圖”就可定罪的國安法利箭對準學生會、支聯會、民陣等社會團體、以及也始於20219月中便也以此起動抹黑記者協會, 也即由CE林鄭導演就志在令如上全知造假確診COVID-19手段禍害全港的各社團及法律界均要下跪不得出聲更不為民起訴

Still more fearful is, HKEC CLam again direct to employ only need by “an idea to estimate have a crime attempt” just can to punishment crime by National Security Law this sharp arrow to aim at student association, HKASPDMC & Civil Human Rights Front etc. society group, as will as too start out on Sep., 10, of 2021 to blacken the journalists' association, it just by CE Clam to direct only aims for let above to omniscient to fake "identify diagnosis" of COVID-19 means already to calamity in HK those each association & law scope equal must to kneel down cannot to call out still cannot for citizen to prosecution!

o.    當東方報於2021.9.18日怒指澳門早有健康碼可與內地通關,但港府廢官就以私隱擋箭牌通關無望!而林鄭馬上在19日報稱已在深圳面見韓正指示跟進通關事宜,特別是務必委派李家超帶領已被罵成廢官的陳肇始許樹昌等於2021.9.26日到達深圳的前一天,CE林鄭更有本事點指澳門政府於2021.9.25日借口也只兩檢疫酒店保安已“確診”就要全民檢測表演瘟疫恐慌此手段3個月前也要澳門停運駐台機構逼台灣也要加入造假的武漢瘟疫林鄭就企圖讓韓正的通關跟進才有藉口要繼續封關以為就可讓蓄意不用健康碼通關之醜聞無罪可言

               So then Oriental Daily News on Sep., 18, 2021 to fulminate Macao early had the Health Code can use with inland to customs clearance, but HKCEs rubbish officer just by privacy” for a shield to lead the customs clearance hopeless!  And then the CE CLam at once on Sep., 19, 2021 to news already in Shenzhen City to meet Han Zheng vice-premier and after will by whos order to handle, unusual is who must to appoint Lee Ka-chiu director to lead already to revilement as rubbish officer of the Sophia CHAN & SC Hui etc. on Sep., 26, 2021 to Shenzhen City the before one day, as above k. had three big evil attempt unfinished of CE CLam to root no intend to customs clearance, so who still can be good at in the dark to instruct Macao Gov., on Sep., 25, 2021 to pretext because had two security guards of quarantine public house to “identify diagnosis” so must be inspection for all people to act fake plague panic after to stop health code refuse to customs clearance lest CE Clams face to ugly!  And this both sides means the same as three months before too order Macao Gov., too must to stop in TW organization to force join COVID-19 to fake the act line..., and just can convenient vice-premier Han Zheng by this pretext to delay customs clearance to assume just can let CE CLams designedly disuse Health Code to customs clearance that people's wrath & scandal to innocent maybe to say!

      但如CE林鄭利用國安法強逼各社團及律師會等提交資料才是真正侵犯了私隱人權法, CE林鄭為何就不阻止立法? 且健康碼絕無私隱可言! 而實際上就因如將去信CE林鄭的策略顧問及通信辦譚允芝主席告知搶劫lzm在港電話及武漢瘟疫造假的事實也在底部告知地產代理不要認可刻意趕走lzm在新威園e601的租客後被騙再不得代理,其後的林鄭勢力lzm的親戚也威迫不得代貼街招出租, 就是要威迫lzm回港才可隔離方便謀殺!就因CE林鄭的間諜在微信中已知lzm也有深圳健康碼如回港不用檢測那還有機會把lzm隔離謀殺林鄭也因此立即收緊入境限制!

            But as CE CLam to utilize National Security Law of the sharp arrow to compel each association & Law Society ect. to submit data just is true to violate privacy” of human rights law, but why CE CLam still not to keep from to legislate?  And the Health Code absolute have not any privacy can to say, and in fact it because as  the letter to CE CLam’s tactic adviser & OFCA Ms TAM Wan-chi chairman to inform to rob lzm in HK a phone call & fake COVID-19 of the fact at bottom by write to notify land agent don’t to agree by painstakingly expel lzm’s tenant of Sunway Gardens e601 after to cheat again cannot to act for rent out, and after the CE CLam’s powers include lzm’s relatives also to coerce cannot replacement to stick the rent out poster, the attempt quite right wish to force lzm go back HK only can easy by quarantine to murder!  It because after the spy of CE CLam in WeChat to known lzm in ShenZhen City to have the Health Code if by this need not to “identify diagnosis” that still have opportunity to murder?  Therefore, CE CLam also at once to shrink enter border to limit!

p.     而事實上,也就因空氣中細菌千種以上如不入肺繁殖又何來病毒入血?也即人人必與病毒共存的天然環境永世不變,難道CE林鄭及其廢官也可蠢到如此地步也可裝傻不懂? 也難道戴口罩疫苗者就無『臭口水』可避開造假的確診可『清零』?  簡直儘是蠢豬一頭頭

     However the actuality is that because in air the germs have thousand upward and if only in mouth cavity or nostril to perch not into lung to breed also where still have the virus can into blood?  It accordingly is everyone inevitable must with the germs or virus to coexist this natural environment will forever constant!  Is it possible that CE Clam & her rubbish officer too as a stupid swine can to feint silly not to know?  Also could it be said to were mask & shoot vaccine after that just not havestinking spit or snotcan to avoid fakeidentify diagnosistozero clearing It simply full of the clumsy pigs a bunch

    但已壞透的CE林鄭更於2021.3.27-8就叫她認可的袁國勇許樹昌這兩大畜生專家出來撒謊要『清零』更要7成以上市民打疫苗後有抗體才可通關! 因此被穀針不到40就有“1357異常事件且60%要住院也見有報! 且由CE林鄭發號施令造假在港武漢瘟疫死亡人數均由各醫院本要病死的老者替頂、更遠低被的死亡人數

   But already bad to the bone of the CE CLam still can on Mar., 27-8, 2021 to call out Yuan GuoyongSC Hui two brute expert at Tv to lie must tozero identify diagnosiswith 70% upward citizen to shoot vaccine after had antibody only can to customs clearance!  So by deceive to shoot vaccine not up 40days that just had 1357 singles to fall ill of unusual case and 60% must to be in hospital also had news visible!  And by CE CLam to issue orders to make fake in HKs death toll of COVID-19 equal by each hospital original will ill to die those old persons to substitute for, but still far low to shoot vaccine of the death toll!

   因此急壞了CE林鄭配合中共政權要如上可見的拜登馬上叫出印度政府撒謊有“病毒變種”讓畜生專家可再騙民非疫苗無效可再騙民穀針也由此而來 ! 且當CE林鄭的間諜又從微信中探知lzm將會叫在新加坡已打疫苗的港人回港貼街招處理租務後又馬上於2021.5.08宣告均要住酒店檢測阻止且讓與新加坡的「旅遊氣泡」也就此泡湯! 

     Therefore by this to worry to go bad the CE CLam must to tie in Cp China to want above visual Biden at once to call out India Gov., to lie have “virus variety” let her brute expert only can again to cheat civilian not the vaccine of COVID-19 no avail so can again to cheat shoot vicious that vicious motive by CE Clam also by this come!  And then CE CLam’s spy in WeChat to find out lzm to call in SG already shoot vaccine the person go back HK to replacement to stick the rent out poster to handle after who at once on May 08, 2021 to declare equal must to live in public house to quarantine to keep from and to proclaim with Singapore thetour air bubbleto dashed! 

   但心腸已壞透的CE林鄭志在仍手握『檢測隔離才有機會直接叫lzm報案要逮捕起訴的袁國勇陳肇始6大衛生官員出手謀殺、才可繼續隱瞞人人必用他的4大醫學發明, 以免冇生存被激發的林鄭鬼把戲顯見,就算騙不了也可強迫戴口罩同樣可蠢蛋化全港市民及中華民族才有利她的妖魔執政妄想為皇後更慈禧惡毒手段也就在此不可否認 

   But the conscience already to bad nil of the CE CLam to aims for still can to grasp of the sharp arrow of "quarantine" of COVID-19 to suppose only have a chance to direct call out by lzm to report a case in police must to arrest prosecution of the Yuan Guoyong, Sophia CHAN etc. six big hygiene official to dispose of murder only can continues to conceal everyone must to use lzm his four big medicine invention lest nil face to live to arouse that CE CLam’s dirty trick to obvious,  even if cheat to shoot vaccine to be ineffective it also can by force wear mask the same can to stupid all HK citizen with Chinese nation only beneficial who’s evil spirit to rule and vain hope for an empress even better for empress dowager cixi that vicious means too at this to cannot deny!  

q.  是否也就因在20206月前就有反共法輪功自由網胡意吹噓不滿在港有『國安法』的彭麗媛兩母女已遠離習鬧矛盾分居報導誘惑下的『國安法』才可在港實施?且見大律師公會指責『港版國安法』不諮詢公眾史無前例及彭定康批林鄭是香港史上可悲的內奸也有見報!

          It yes or not because before June of 2020 that even have contrary CP of falungong the liberty net purposely to boast of because ill feeling in HK will have National Security Law so the Peng Liyuan two mother daughter already to far away Xi Jinping noisy conflict to separation from this news to allure that National Security Law only can to carry out in HK?   And can to see to censure by Basic Law that why the HK National Security Law no need to consult the public unprecedented with the Christopher Francis Patten to criticize the CE CLam is in HK unprecedented sad a hidden traitor it also had news can to see!

     其後的習近平2020.10.13日為深圳特區40周主持年慶前先訪潮州,第二天又見法輪功自由網有報彭麗媛穿上旗袍向聯合國教科文組織致賀詞及後也到潮州是否在誘惑林鄭要直追習近平后而準備敬禮讓位也直公議? CE林鄭也顯然於2020.10.13日到深圳,但習近平卻於第二天突回北京張顯全無心理準備? 而CE林鄭也要公佈押後施政報告2020.11.3日藉口向部委商討優恵政策急訪北京,其後回港就見上TV興奮直言:“我已恢复自我了,是否已追到手或全在自導自演只志在暗湧末來權勢力控各政府派別

     That after of the Xi Jinping before on Oct., 13, 2020 for ShenZhen special area to host 40years celebration first visit ChaoZhou city, but on second day can to see the liberty net of falungong to report the Peng Liyuan already put on a cheongsam to congratulations for UNESCO and after alone the same go to ChaoZhou city whether to temptation for CE CLam must to firsthand chase Xi Jinping for empress and to already prepare to give place with congratulate it also to merit public discussion too?  So CE CLam also go to ShenZhen city on Oct., 13, 2020 obvious, but Xi Jinping contrary on second day to suddenly go back Beijing to show utterly not a psychology to prepare?   So after the CE CLam too must to delay her administrative report and on Nov., 03, 2020 to pretext will to discuss a preferential policy with a ministries and commissions to urgency visit Beijing..., and then CE CLam go back HK after at once can to see at Tv to very excited to speak bluntly“...I already to restored self... ”, whether to woo Xi Jinping already in her hands or fully in self directed and acted to  aims for dark to gush in the future powers attempt to force control each factions of HK Gov.,?


     Also because Xi Jinping with Peng Liyuan wife at FuJian Province to boating happy together to had news visible!  But the question key is CE CLam why can by National Security Law for a sharp arrow only can to persecute above the HKPTU, Bar Association, HKASPDMC, Civil Human Rights Front & journalists' association etc. society group must to dissolved, but that just afraid to start to be aimed at HK’s Falungong to ask police station to dispose of?   Yes or not still have a great quantity scandal still at liberty net hand only can lead CE CLam must to think thrice before acting?

r. 特別是東方日報2021.9.19報稱在港:...乳癌女性殺手 港15萬人高危...』,這就是如上結論一CE林鄭詐稱不知lzm發明的冷凍醫療法才是癌症唯一有效的醫療法並已報案,但盧偉聰警處長馬上被開除阻止立案處理这正是林鄭殺人無數的历史見證 

       Unusual is as Oriental News on Sep., 19, 2021 to report in HK:...the milk cancer is the killer of female, and in HK have 150,000 persons to high danger! ..., this just is above Conclusion One., that EC Clam to arrogation not to know lzms invent of freezing” treatment only is valid of the treatment and already to report a case in police, but the Lo Wai-chung Commissioner of Police at once to expel by CE CLam to keep  from not to handle, so this just is the CE CLam to homicide countless of the latest history witness!  


Conclusion Two.

首先由上a.可見,始於2016年旺角暴動等港亂事實及CE林鄭造假起動武漢肺炎罪惡志向因由均不可否認可由所有律師會見證!也由上b-e.可見lzm "肺部氣流防疫法" 發明一用就可叫任何瘟疫及造假確診手段滾蛋!但林鄭就志在隔離謀殺lzm不可否認也已罪責難逃  

First by above a. visible, the start on 2016year the riot of MongKok etc. so-called Chaotic Truth in HK with then to start fake COVID-19 by CE CLam the evil aspirations exactly to aims for to deny lzms invent of wash lung & freezing” two treatment invent to exist that equal to witness by all Law SocietyIt also by above b.-e. visible lzms latest invent of Lung-Airflow Epidemic Prophylaxis" so at here to start, and if to use that just can let all any plague & fakeidentify diagnosis” means to get away!  But CE CLam to aims for quarantine to murder lzm that evil attempt one cant deny to guilt can to escape too!

特別由f-j.的書信在20206前更令CE林鄭及部門包括港媒、大小律師行及各大中小學盡知病毒疫苗全無科學根據只是蠢民工具以及載口罩更為市民的謀殺陷阱同樣不可否認 為何全港媒體及各立會議員也均變種只懂將公眾利益放在 嘴巴上胡扯白拿市民工資、更只會“自掃門前雪”?   因此才可令CE林鄭妖魔手段百出不用健康碼通關如上k.才可繼續騙民要70%後才可通關只為蠢蛋化市民為快同樣不可否認的CE林鄭罪惡企圖其二.同樣罪責難逃 

Unusual cause above f.-j. before June of 2020 those letters still to lead CE CLam & each Dept., include media, Bar Association & Law Society with all school to know the virus vaccine all nil science to base on only is a fool tool, and to wear mask still more is a murder trap the same cant to deny!  But why all HKs medium & each MP can to mutation only let the public benefits at mouth to blabber to waste citizens wages still only can to “sweep at self-gates front the snow”?    So only can let CE CLams evil means to hundredfold as no to use the Health Code to customs clearance as above k. only can continue to cheat must had 70% to shoot vaccine after only to customs clearance only for stupid citizen happy to CE CLams evil attempt that two. the same cannot shirk responsibility for the crime!

更如上k-r.CE林鄭利用『國安法利劍迫害全港非建制派社團也均大多解體、突變獨裁者公平社會面孔盡失全無 但如東方報明知港乳癌15萬人高危,但為何就可詐傻無知不敢質疑揭露CE林鄭為何還要繼續隱瞞lzm冷凍醫療法發明且已不惜殺人無數也如CE林鄭雙手血淋淋為全民公敵如上 k.其三大罪惡企圖更值全港公論

Still as above k.-r. CE CLam to employ that sharp arrow of National Security Law to persecute not organizational system those association equal already majority to lift, and mutation an autocrat to let fair society the face lose at all!  Last as the Sing Tao Daily to know the milk cancer had 150,000patient to high danger, but why just can to feint a stupid or ignorant so afraid to query CE CLam why still continue to conceal lzms invent of freezing” treatment invention already to kill citizen countless to as CE CLam already to both hands bloody for a public enemy of all the people at above k. that three big evil attempt it also to value opinion of the public in HK


Above  just is above Zhang Guolao’s prediction that in the world on a thousand years after, the man's world will be billowing by a wicked game, and people will learn from a specter above Demon e means by CE CLam other a history witness



That Three,


      Because as above in Conclusion Two. visible by HKCE CLam’s painstakingly to fake already curse global of the “Covid-19 Plague” hers three big evil attempt it already cannot to deny but still unblushingas early to reprove by news for a “moth goblin” to deceive public to shoot vaccine, and the trick by every means to betray HK to come back 60years before as Xi Jin-Ping also must to weep to go and work in the countryside that anti-rightist or the era of Cultural Revolution, and the trick still more fierce-looking, as follows:

a.  如由2021.10.08的報導指,區域法院沈小民法官在前依常規將有關修例風波案14名被告者全脫罪裁定,而後必被恐嚇卒要向終院申請提早退休欲帶妻兒移民英國後的隔天CE林鄭就馬上現Tv怒叱:不想開口挽留即以此通知終院顯見今天的香港特首如何插手司法公正判決的手段且兇神惡煞

      As news on 2021.10.08 to point, the Judge Shum siu-man of area court in conformity with a law to get 14 defendants of the case of the amendment fully to rule acquit!  But after to threaten inevitable so must to apply early to retire to face Final Court and will lead his wife & son to emigrant UK by news the second day, so the CE CLam at once to shown on HKTV to shout angrily: no open mouth to stay!  So by this can to witness today’s HKCE how to intervene in HK’s justice fair to judge and her means was very fierce-looking!

b.  也即如上其二 q. 直指就因是否CE林鄭要直追習近平為皇后還有大量醜聞仍在自由網手中才會務必要三思而行不敢要警署以國安法利劍對付法輪功發佈10天後的大公網也出奇於2021.10.08報指:逾七成市民支持依法取締法輪功」,但李家超政務司長馬上於2021.10.10表態務必支持HKCE施政 取締法輪功不了了之

      It also as above Conclusion two q. that to be outspoken whether the CE CLam in case to pursue Xi Jin-Ping for a queen still had many scandal in Falun Gong hand of DYNAWEB so only must to think thrice before her act afraid to ask police station by National Security Law this sharp arrow to aim Falun Gong? And then this q. to issue 10days after of the www.takungpao.com also unusually on 2021.10.08 to report:...more than 70% of the citizens support to according law to ban Falun Gong...』,but Lee Ka-chiu chief secretary at once to declare must to support CE CLam’s administration on 2021.10.10, so to ban Falun Gong the case to settle a matter by leaving it unsettled!

c.    CE林鄭2021.10.06在立法會宣讀施政報告時被一女議員大罵施政報告全無血肉可言Tv.可見,但CE林鄭竟可馬上大笑轉口...對,我已盡力了所以血肉全無了...突顯如上張果老預言,儘管無線Tv的直線轉播中斷,但施政報告左哄右騙手段相已不可否認, 但只要水清就可見王八如下

Because CE CLam to read out her Policy Address at Legislative Council on 2021.10.06 and after to abusive by a woman MP: “...in your Policy Address that flesh and blood all nil!” it can to see at HKTv, but CE CLam unexpectedly to turn mouth with impudence to laugh out loud:...yes, I already to do all one can so the flesh and blood all nil...suddenly to show above the prophecy by Zhang Guolao, it though the HKTvs straight-line propagation to break off, but in the Policy Address those means of left wheedle & right to deceive that already cannot to deny, but only if the water to clear that just can to see a tortoise, as follows:

   施政報告(1-21.-18. 段中如只會一面之詞張顯國安法』為何不反駁如上其二 m.-n. 段被批由其違規而立已令香港的司法公義全面崩潰的事實?  以及亂套『愛國者治港只為個人獨裁,更也如上其二 a.-l.段造假武漢瘟疫三大罪惡企圖才是真正的『不愛國反人類文明 的敗類者,有本事否認嗎?

     Policy Address1-21.-18. Section in that only can by one-sided statements to magnify theNational Security Lawbut why cannot to retort above at Conclusion Two m.-n. section to accusation this Law by against regulations to set up and already lead in HKs Judicial Justice to total collapse those fact  As will as to muddle things uppatriot to rule HKonly for personal autarchy, still also as above Conclusion Two a.-l. section to shown by fake COVID-19 Plague that had three big sinister attempt who just is truenot to be patriotic & turn over mankind civilization a scum, capable can to deny

   施政報告(3)新氣象新 19.-31. 段中也只會胡扯只在其妄想中也只在口頭上的北區規及『雙城三圈CE林鄭漏嘴直言為概念願景面臨土地不在政府手中開發審批程式繁複環保等問題也早在2013年的陳茂波發展局長規劃中就無法處理...『東湧填海』早在CE林鄭上任前就規劃完成但至今仍拖拉不見,更如真正有效其2018年提出的『明日大嶼願景』就至今一無施政成效可見!由此可見其施政真實內容全在呃鬼吃豆腐

    Policy Address3the subject is “new meteorology & new coming” on 19.-31. sect., but the CE CLam still only can to blabber by her vain hope as that north-area to plan withboth city & three circleand slip out to speak bluntly those ground power not to hold by Gov., and to build the approval procedure with environment-friendly very inextricably since 2013year unable to handle by Paul Chan director of development...,and as theTungChung to fill-seaalready work out before CLam on HKCE Office, but uptoday still slow to lose oneself, still as true valid of theVision for Lantau Tomorrowto bring up by CE CLam but still no the results visual in her Policy!  So by this can to see her Policy true meat fully on cheat ghosts to eat tofu!

      施政報告(4經濟新動力”主題之38.-80.篇更只在胡扯『融入國家發展大局』對目前香港毫無意義十四五規劃』!建設國際創新科技中心”等項只在胡扯並浪費大量公款其施政可言! 且如由CE林鄭刻意針對lzm內地的投資工廠在1999年前被搶一空事件另有企圖的『港資港法港仲裁』更妖蛾化手段實為其施政惡果稍後再揭...

      Policy Address4the subject is “economical newly power” on 38.-80. sect. still only to chat idlymelt in State Development whole situationas the14th five-year planat present meaningless in HK As Build of international innovation the Technology Center” etc. the same to drivel large public money no come from her Policy results visible, and painstakingly to be aimed at lzms invest factory in inland before 1999year by rob empty-handed case by CE Clam to make another plan of theHKs property to arbitration by HKs lawthat more goblin moth means only is CE CLam’s Policy an evil consequence that after again to unmask...

         施政報告(5增加房屋及土地供應 81.-94.篇已在北區找到350公頃土地可建33萬公屋單位也全只拿出張地圖用紅筆劃上 三圈 詐稱為深港 雙城如上3陳茂波無法處理的問題多多如是...因此更無施政成效可言,也被東方報罵只會玩花臣雙城施政一無所有的CE林鄭還真不羞恥2021.10.13前往與 雙城無關的廣州市長遞交施政報告隔天才到深圳另有所謀必然!結果,由CE林鄭造假起動武漢瘟疫封關已公費大赤字的深圳政府立即醒目2021.10.12在港發行50億人幣債卷一筆笑談雙城之計不遲必然! 也更見即日也插手將lzm所在的鹽田區委陳清書記升為副市長是否另有圖謀也稍後再述...

               Policy Address5the subject is “Add houses & land to supply ” on 81.-94. section to show already in north area to find out 350 hectare land can to build 330,000 public housing units it also only to hold a map after by a red pen to draw “three cricle” again to jactitation for ShenZhen-HKsBoth City” to policy, because as above3Paul Chan director unable to handle the problem countless..., so still not the policy results desirable, and by Oriental News to swearword CE CLam only can to play tricks, because her policy ofBoth City” empty-handed, it though the “Both City policy nothing with GuangZhou City, but the CE CLam still unblushing on 2021.10.13 first to render her Policy Address to give over the mayor of Guangzhou, so next day only go to have correlate ShenZhen City to have another plan inevitable!  Just as expected, because by CE CLam to fake COVID-19 Plague to shut customs already lead the at Gov. Expense have huge deficit of the ShenZhen City Gov. at once arresting in HK to sell wholesale 5000 million RMB bond to benefit from after again to talk with a smile of the “Both City” plan no late inevitable!   And also can to see on that day to intervene let lzms location that ChenQing secretary of Yantian District Gov. to upgrade for a vice mayor that whether to make some other brew also after again to state...

         施政報告(6建設宜居城市95.-119.恥談碳中 和目標也只須建議市民少用煤氣轉用電氣就可並突顯與其施政Q水平,相反令造假武漢瘟騙民戴口罩趕入缺氧呼吸謀殺陷阱 CE林鄭妖魔面孔突顯

                  Policy Address6in subject is “Build Livable City” on 95.-119. section the same to talk nonsense the “Carbon neutralization” a target, but also only must to propose citizen to less use coal gas and turn for electric furnace that's enough so protrude to shown her policy the level was low IQ, and opposite by her fake medicine fraud of COVID-19 Plague after again to cheat civilian to wear gauze mask to expel in anaerobic respiration of the murder a trap, so the evil spirit of CE CLam’s face was to jut manifest!


       Policy Address7in subject is “sustained to improve people's livelihood” on 120.-136. section still had not to improve measures in Policy visible, and opposite is the CE CLam can designedly did not let above lzms "brine health hygiene" & "Lung-Airstreams Epidemic Prophylaxis" to introduce for citizen to save life why still can shame to talk how to improve the people's livelihood?

       施政報告(8教育願景137.-148.篇同樣在恥談有施政改善措施可見,更因CE林鄭對所有病毒疫苗全無科學根據也早知只為愚民工具,如上其二 l. 傳真給全港近1200間中小學後的回信如告知應將鹽水保健法”及肺部氣流防疫法應為通識教改善民生的“教育願景”及建設宜居城市”的基本保證! 但CE林鄭只會詐傻如上其二 m.教協解散及恐嚇大律師公會及律師會後反而馬上於2021.10.11示教育局根據國旗及國徽(修訂)條例下令所有學校務必每上課日要升國旗通識政治化,且還可上Tv.吹噓今天的香港才真正走上一國兩制道路令前行政長官所有官員面目突黑!

             Policy Address8in subject is “Education Desire” on 137.-148, section the same in shame to talk it have policy to improve the measures visible, it just because the CE CLam already early to know all virus vaccine all nil have a science base and only for a fool tool, as above That Two 1.  fax to HK nearly 1200 pieces schoolmaster after as a write to reply by lzm to inform ought to let "brine health hygiene" & "Lung-Airstreams Epidemic Prophylaxis" into the “General Education materials" only can to improve people's livelihood of the “Education Desire” with “Build Livable City” those are the basic guarantee!  But the CE CLam only can to make faces as above That Two m. to intervene leadHKPTUto disband with to threaten HK Bar Association & Law Society of HK after contrary at once on 2021.10.11 to order Education Bureau to base on "The National Flag and National Emblem (Amendment) Ordinance 2021 to order all school must on each a school day to rise a national flag let the “General Education " to Politicization, and the CE CLam still can on HKTv to boast of todays HK only true to walk up One Country Two System the way, so that already let before all the HKCE with all official of Gov., to everything's changed beyond recognition!


It seems, HK's students also must to get into as news to point is the Xi Jin-Ping then that year run to “work in the countryside or mountain areas of “Cultural Revolution” the time too need to crying or laughing have no choice toIntegrating in expand overall situation of countrycannot also by a definite date it's not far now!

d.     也就因香港的司法倫理標準已全面崩潰,如上施政報告4)『港資港法港仲裁 CE林鄭的垃圾手段才敢出手,為何?  如從   www.ycec.pk/Jzm-hk.htm 可見,當lzm在深圳的港資於2007.10.12起訴江澤民深圳政府務必為搶劫知識產權工廠資產被非法拍賣案務必全面解決,但深圳中院收取起訴文件後就此不立案至今有用嗎?是否已取代宋祖英也把江澤民抱上大腿更值公議?

           Because today in HK of the justice ethic already to total collapse, as in above the Policy Address4thatHKs property to arbitration by HKs lawof CE CLam’s rubbish means only dare to get off her hands, why?    As from www.ycec.pk/Jzm-hk.htm visible, then lzm at ShenZhen City the HK-funded factory to prosecute on 2007.10.12 to be aimed at Jiang Zemin with ShenZhen Gov., who must fully to settle to rob intellectual property & factory property fully lawless to auction the police case, but ShenZhen Intermediate Court only to collect indictment files after thus not to put on record up to now How to useful?  Yes or not also already to substitute for Song Zuying to hug Jiang Zemin up to thigh that still to value public discussion?


     That still shameful is before by Lands Tribunal a prank to work out a bankruptcy case of lzm also aim for at ShenZhen city of lzms property to auction, but because to offend internal a statute unworkable, but today goblin-moth means hundredfold the CE CLam again as below to intervene ShenZhen Gov., to suddenly change official after still to be out on duty Ms.TeresaCheng Director with ShenZhen Court on 2021.5.15 to sign abankruptcy to help program..., so as above a. not to docile Shum siu-man Judge also must force get away to resign that other autarchy an evil spirit means to contrast before Jiang Zemin’s Central secret order” still prank the sinister trick to shows undoubtedly here too!

e.   而如上一無是處CE林鄭施政報告5三圈雙城胡話之未來前景如此虛偽無實的施政報告也已被罵玩花臣路邊女騙徒還要可怕但只志在哄騙公眾支持再執政5年心態而已!也就因全港媒體全在暗控中,如報導均指其於2021.10.18跌傷入院,但一早就自行上車出院及其不用綁吊的右手右手心向下而非向上才少痛的圖片可見其右手手肘輕微骨折造假,就怕於2021.10.19面對記者如被追問如上的施政醜聞因此要造假受傷還可藉口要休假10多天以免面對媒體後醜態百出CE林鄭處事花招百出如妖蛾已全不可信 也即如此非正當女人出軌還可雞雞巴巴哽咽感謝家人的支援!

          And as above already devoid of any merit of the Policy Address5by CE CLam to jactitation of the “three cricle Both City” that future foreground such sham nil Policy Address also to rail furiously play tricks than at wayside woman trickster still ugly fearful only to aims for coax public to support again to be in power 5years the purpose that is all!   But also because all HKs medium fully secret in control, as news to report CLam to be hurt by a fall on 2021.10.18 night to hospital, but in the morning just can by oneself up go a car to leave hospital and need not to tie lift right hand and a picture to shown herright palm down no upward inevitable to pain less” so can to see her “right hand elbow to light fracture” to forge, because CE CLam to fear on 2021.10.19 to face reporter if to question as above the scandal of Policy, so she must to forge hurt and still can to pretext who must rest more than ten days lest to face medium after her scandal will still many, so to Policy by trick hundredfold as a goblin-moth of the CE CLam already fully incredibly!    That’s thus not a right woman to “derailed” still can to blabberchoke with sobs to thank household” to support!

f.    特别如上其二 l.盡知全港學校教職的袁國勇許樹昌是兩大畜生已無須公論,其後噈冇曬面 一時少見出場Tv願為CE林鄭造假武漢瘟疫繼續騙民穀針及害人不淺載口罩,但馬上急壞了如上k.有三大罪惡企圖CE林鄭, 因此妖蛾手段又出場,即插手内地袁國勇100萬美元 生命科學獎以為就可繼續造假武汉瘟疫CE林鄭替死鬼 及以為如上其g. &全港lzm報案務必逮捕起訴袁國勇事件,難道以為就可卸責免罪可續任行政長官不知羞耻到了極點

        Special as above That two. l. that already fax to all teaching and administrative staff in HKs school to full know the Yuan Guoyong & SC Hui merely tow big brutes and already need not to public opinion, thereafter had not face for a short while seldom can to seen at Tv willing to tie in CE CLam continue to fake COVID-19 Plague continue to cheat civilian shoot vaccine & no small harm is done to wear mask, but at once to worry at above That two k. had the three big abnorrnal evil attempts of the CE CLam, so her goblin-moth means again to come on, that is at once to intervene in inland let Yuan Guoyong to obtain one million USD by a “life sciences awards” to assume just can continue to fake COVID-19 Plague to put on a scapegoat for CE CLam And as above That one g. the & already all to know fully HK that lzm to report a case in police must to arrest Yuan Guoyong etc. case, is it possible that to assume just can to shirk the responsibility to be acquitted of and again just can to be reelected HKCE?  That simply to unblushing to reached the extreme 

g.     也特别如其二 i. -p. 見不通關正是CE林鄭三大罪惡企圖謀略 其根基,因此,袁國勇許樹昌兩大畜生及衛生事務廢官就出奇2021.4.24日詐稱變種病毒可在空氣中浮沉幾小時 因此密封隔離房,就因志在lzm回港才可方便有密室下毒謀殺更可進一步騙民穀針被蠢蛋化滿足CE林鄭企圖也由此而來

        It also special is as in above That two. i.-p. section visible not clearance customs just is CE CLam’s three big evil attempts that substruction, therefore, her two big brutes of Yuan Guoyong & SC Hui with other sanitation rubbish officer to be unusual to arrogation mutation virus can drift in air same hours" so must to seal up in isolate the room, this means only to aims for if lzm go back HK just can convenient in secret room to poison murder and only can further to deceive the people to shoot vaccine to fool only can to content CE CLam’s attempt by this means come and go just!

h.    且是否通關全由CE林鄭暗控中,如2021.10.03由星島報許樹昌內地要求病人的出院後須額外進行14天醫學監察,期間兩次檢測呈陰性才算完全康復。而港只須體內病毒含量低維持10天即可出院由此可見只是港府本身個別小事健康碼為基礎的通關碼根本無關,且全港均清零何來病人? 但許樹昌馬上胡扯,報指他預計會有第二輪的兩地專家對接會議;而根據澳門經驗,相信商討還需至少4-5個月,這就是CE林鄭暗控許樹昌等等廢官缺德也要配合早有預謀破口而出蓄意不想通關可索 賠控吿的法庭證据其一

        And whether to clear customs all by CE CLam in secretly to control, as SingTao Daily to point on 2021.10.03 by SC Hui to call: "inland require patient to leave hospital after must extra to proceed 14days by medicine to supervise, in the time must twice to check to shown negative only is to full recovered.  But in HK only internal virus the content low to keep 10days after just can leave hospital. ", so by this can to see this case only is HK Gov. itself a single trifle with by "health code" for basis of the "clear customs code" radical to be irrelevant, and today in HK whole "zero clearing" where come to patient?    But the rubbish officer SC Hui at once to blabber by news: "He expects to have second two places expert to joint meeting, and base on Macao’s experience to believe to discuss still must at least 4-5 moons".  This just is the CE CLam to dark control the SC Hui etc. rubbish officer to wicked also must to tie in her premeditate first thing to blurt out her designedly not to "clear customs" can to claims indictment of the court witness that one!

何?如上其二 o.之澳門CE賀一誠為何也會給CE林鄭上床表演藉口只兩“確診”就要全民檢測停用健康碼不通關以免面目難看?現由許樹昌廢官驚曝與內地商討還需至少4-5個月這正是CE林鄭不想通關暗控下的預先佈局! 但被騙上床要吃偉哥不通關經濟必死澳門CE賀一誠也要222021.10.18日宣佈恢復與國內通關不用14天隔離更無須打疫苗更令如上CE林鄭缺德佈局一顯無疑 

Why? It is as above That two o. visible MacaoCE HoIatSeng him why can by CE CLam to call go bed to act to pretext only two identify diagnosis that to be going to whole people to test and stop "health code" not to  "clear customs" lest CE CLams face ugly?  So now by SC Hui etc. rubbish officer to blurt out with Mainland discuss least need 4-5 moons this just is not to "clear customs" in dark to control of beforehan the layout!  But to cheat go bed must to eat Viagra not to "clear customs" in Macao the economic collapse of the CE HoIatSeng him also must at 22days after on 2021.10.18 to announce to restore "clear customs", and not need 14days to quarantine still not need shoot vaccine, so already let CE CLam’s mean layout to shown undoubtedly!

國內人如不生病入院其健康碼就可長期四處通用無人不知,   難道CE林鄭就不可有樣學樣讓病入院記錄的市民健康碼通關  且早明知所有病毒疫苗全無科學根據只為愚民工具CE林鄭還要缺德騙民強調如全港打疫苗70% 通關且還要胡扯內地收緊入簡直廢話連篇

 And in internal people if not fall ill to be hospitalized their "health code" can long-term to all-purpose without anybody not to know!  Is it possible that CE CLam cant to learn let nil ill to hospital record those citizen to have "health code" can to "clear customs"?   As will before already to know all virus vaccine fully had not science base only is a fool tool of the CE CLam why still can wicked to cheat civilian to emphasize if all HK to shoot vaccine low to 70% that just can’t to "clear customs" and still must to blabber is the inland to tighter entry, that simply reams of rubbish!

i.   如上國內人的健康碼盡在手機號碼可隨身出行就如此簡單, 譚耀宗2021.10.17詐稱內地收緊入不予上京開會又在第2天又撒謊港康碼自行申報通關返內地前一段時間行蹤有難度,為何 也即香港早有的粗話:『撲街仔,我幾時丟你老母使唔使同你講啊?, 特別是之前的行蹤與當前的健康根本無關以及前一段時間”是多少天講也说不出口更羞恥 因此這正是反動透頂侵權事件 也難道港康碼”可不用智能手機蹤可查 CE林鄭譚耀宗撲街仔詐傻總不該讓人大常委扮演一丑小鸭吧?

       Still as above the internal "health code" all in intellect cell phone it can with one to exit that just this simple, but the Tam Yiu-chung of NPC again on 2021.10.17 to lie is inland to tighter entry so who can’t go Beijing to hold a meeting, and again on second day continue to lie the "health code" must by oneself to report "clear customs" before in HK a span the whereabouts have difficulty, why?  So as in HK early had a four-letter word: Street urchin, I what time to sexual intercourse with your mother yes or not must inform you?!     Unusual is before the tracks with current health radical nil relation, and the a span” is how much day also not to say out still shame!  Therefore, this just is a tort case and already to reactionary thoroughly!  Is it possible that HK "health code" maybe neet not to use intellect cell phone nil tracks can to check?    So if CE CLam must by Tam Yiu-chung to put on a street urchin to lay it too unnecessary let a deputy of NPC to play as an ugly duckling?


           Even the rubbish officer of Innovation and technology Bureau also on same day about "clear customs code" the tracks declaration mode to bring up three plan, as the pass customs who then into a supermarket still must to declare tracks for you?  So the rubbish officer of ITB simply to stupid from A to Z!  So no wonder the ex-HKCE CY Leung at once to refute simple "clear customs code" why can purposely to complicate it can to see at news too!

j.    也就因如在 www.ycec.sg/HK/patent.htm 所有虛假病毒疫苗進一步破產或本主頁上部事實早盡知全港、國内及全球!特别如4年前去信許樹昌只好以銳利言詞去信醫管局梁智仁主席均明確告知病毒疫苗全無科學根據只須一小實驗就可破解立即下令停止只為築建蠢蛋化全港新一代的愚民平流感針! 及也均明確告知 鹽水保健法 只要一公開可令全港平均壽命120 歲以上..., 梁智仁CE林鄭2019.12.01撤換個男女難分的範鴻齡主席後其三大罪惡企圖造假之武漢瘟疫才可馬上起動殺人不眨眼

Too because as in www.ycec.sg/HK/patent.htm the  to show, all false virus vaccine already further to bankruptcy or this mainpage the top of  visible fact the same early to knowledge in HK, Internal & worldwide!  Special is before 4years lzm already by a letter to SC Hui with on 2017.03.27 to be forced by sharp spoken language fax a letter to Hospital Authority Dr Leung Pak-yin Chairman equal clear-cut to inform all the virus vaccine nil science a basis and only if by a small experiment that just can to do away with, so who ought to stop only for set up a fool balcony by flu vaccine to stupid HK’s new generation And also clear to inform the brine hygiene” only if to open just can let in HKs life expectancy to exceed 120 years..., but Leung Pak-yin on 2019.12.01 by CE CLam to replace by a both sexes hard to tell apart of the FAN Hung-ling for Chairman, so after her three big evil attempts by fake COVID-19 Plague only can at once to start and to kill people do not blink!

k.    更如 www.ycec.sg/UN/war-felon-hk.htm 主頁的等被lzm罵成反動醫官的曾浩輝,即在10年前甲流危機時的衛生防護中心曾浩輝總監仍蓄意隱瞞lzm解救非典危機的洗肺醫療法發明只會偷用為自己友不公開繼續屠殺市民生命,也明知疫苗全無科學根據大手筆派錢浪費公款也要哄騙公眾要打甲流疫苗,但被lzm罵遍全港其就馬上心知肚明犯罪的曾浩輝寧找不工作也於2012辭任並提議銷毀疫苗也獲CE曾蔭權批准有功全港市民

Still as the mainpage at www.ycec.sg/UN/war-felon-hk.htm those & etc. visible by lzm to scold is a reactionary doctor of the Zeng Haohui official, namely before 10 year’s swine flu crisis the particular period of the Zeng Haohui director-general of Centre for Health Protection still designedly to conceal lzm to save SARS crisis of the “wash lung” treatment invention and after only can to steal use for self friendly, so not to open hold on to butcher citizen life, also to be fully aware the virus vaccine nil science a basis but who still big spender to waste public funds to cheat public to shoot swine flu vaccine, but then lzm to scold all over in HK after so at once understand tacitly know to guilt,  so the Zeng Haohui to prefer couldn't get a job also must to resign and to proposed to destroy vaccine after also to obtain ex-CE Donald Tsang to ratify so to have merit for all HK citizen!


    As will as to destroy vaccine by the Zeng Haohui to proposed the influence to touch above CE CLam’s three big evil attempts, so her must endeavor to cheat Zeng Haohui to go to bed for a Hospital Authority a member on 2020.12.01, just as expected as or by lzm to praised to turn head to be a decent man of the Zeng Haohui why can again to mutation still can to drivelto shoot vaccine have three big security” to help CE CLam to tie in that early should’ve closed the door of “Scientific Committee on Vaccine Preventable Diseases” those Liu Yulong, Kong fan-yi, Ho Pak-leung & Huang Jiaqing etc. rubbish officer still can wicked to cheat public to shoot vaccine to harm people with kill life only to delight for oneself!

l. 難道還可學如上f.袁國勇許樹昌如此簡單的肺部氣流防疫法冇本事發明的兩大畜生不介紹給市民救生且任何瘟疫傳染病可永世不見,造假病毒變種有用嗎?如再隱瞞lzm洗肺冷凍兩醫療法發明有用嗎簡直笑話連篇!

         Is it possible still can to learning as above in f. the Yuan Guoyong & SC Hui even this simple "Lung-Airflow Epidemic Prophylaxis" even not abilities to invent this tow big brutes them also not to introduce to lifesaving for citizen after just let any Plague an infectious disease all can to forever invisibility, so again to fake the virus mutation helpful yet?  And if again to conceal lzm’swash-lung” & “freezing” two treatment invention still helpful yet?  So it simply the joke to page after page!


Unusual is as above the ex-President Trump already put to good use to youthful, still as above the Japanese Kan Yiwei  Premier also no this mainpage to see today by fake COVID-19 Plague the exit no to endure shame so resign!  Therefore, if again to adhere obstinately to error, CE CLam with above her rubbish officer must to hand over all property to indemnify victim citizen and must to lifelong to go to prison that only can to appease the people's wrath!

m.   現也要警告的是,如冇本事否認上面的事實的CE林鄭傳染病顧問主席梁子超等所謂專家都好如再大歪嘴巴明知缺德也要協助哄騙谷針謀害市民不通關,或如2021.10.20報指的立法梁君彥32名議員均也報名接種流感疫苗也志在騙民穀針才可通關更如立會議員田北辰,工聯會長吳秋北也不該傻瓜瓜被利用如上i. 當個撲街仔上報胡扯人人均有智能手機港康碼有難度協助騙民不通關難道就可為CE林鄭蓄意不通關只志在她的三大罪惡企圖脫罪? 因此更值公論!

           In current also must to warning is, if not skill deny above fact by CE CLam or her infectious disease adviser chairman Liang Zichao etc. so-called expert all good, if again to big crooked mouth to be fully aware wicked also must assist to cheat shoot Vaccine plot to injure citizen not to customs clearance, or as nows on 2021.10.20 of the Leung Kwan-yuen of Legislative Council with 32one MP even sign up to shoot flu vaccine that also aims for cheat civilian to shoot vaccine only can to customs clearance, still as the MP Tien puk-sun with Trade Union Ng Chau-pei President also not ought to as a idiot to employ as above i.to put on a street urchin to report blabber in HK everyone equal have intellect cell phone of the "HK health code" to exist difficulty to assist CE CLam to cheat civilian not to clear customs, is it possible that by this street urchin play just can for CE CLam’s designedly not to clear customs only to aims for her three big evil attempts just can to be acquitted of?  So still have value to opinion of the public!

n.   包括如上一眾畜生廢官只會公眾利益放在他们的臭口上左說右道白拿市民工資是否恥望如上f.袁國勇也可獲百萬美元賄賂張果老預言千年後的今天全是些卑鄙齷齪陰險猾賊性質..., 只知賄賂不問廉恥禮義, 於是人鬼無別

    And including as above all rubbish officer equal only can to hold the public benefits to set their smelly mouth to left say or right gossip to defraud citizen’s wages, and whether in shame wish as above f. the rubbish officer Yuan Guoyong the same can to catch million USD a bribe?  Zhang Guolao’s prediction after thousand years of today: "...in fully are sordid insidious sly a crafty pervert..., only to know bribery not to consider the sense of propriety, and so human and ghosts alike."! 

       但須切記,不要以為香港的司法公正全被CE林鄭破壞一無所有 已困難公眾起訴也必會上天有報應入地獄遲早而已

         But must to keep in mind, please don’t to assume today in HK’s law justice already by CE CLam to destroy so empty-handed will hard by public to indictment also certain existence by heaven to recoil on into inferno first or last nothing more!

o.   如上由CE林鄭通關三大罪惡企圖均不可否認,如上其二 o.東方報怒指為何不學澳門早有健康碼可與內地通關後CE林鄭通關責任推給韓正又借口要借口找對接內地專家胡扯港康碼有異國內健康碼無病人出院記錄通關胡說八道連鳳凰TV邱震海也噁心在此通關狡辯期馬上聲稱在國內都不強調打疫苖,CE林鄭仍再找如上廢官胡扯健康碼也要有谷針記錄等,諒如上h.給澳門CE賀一誠喂多顆偉哥後又於2021.10.23宣佈由港入境澳門未滿21不得經澳往內地令林鄭心花怒放,也即是否通關全在林鄭暗控下, 但問題的關鍵是東方報及各媒體為何就不敢追問撲街CE林鄭:難道通關只為院病人服務?

         Because as above by CE CLam not to clear customs her three big evil attempts none cant to deny, and as above That two o. by Oriental Daily News to anger point why cant same Macao before just can by Health Code can with inland to clear customs after, so CE CLam at once let duty shift off to Han Zheng vice-premier after again by a loanword it must to find inland expert to talk over and to natter "HK health code" not same inland "health code" have not to leave hospital a record so to block clear customs by this to gibberish, and still can to see the Qiu Zhenhai of Phoenix TV also nauseating on clear customs the sophistry time to assert in inland even not to stress must to shoot vaccine, but CE CLam still find out above her rubbish officer to blabber the "HK health code" too must have to shoot vaccine the record, and inevitable as above h. again to eat some “Viagra” for the MacaoCE HoIatSeng after who at once on 2021.10.23 to announce from HK enter Macao no full 21days cant go to inland so let CE CLam to burst with joy, that is whether to clear customs full by CE CLam to control in secret, but question the key is as the Oriental Daily News or other medium why dare not do to cross-question the street urchin CE CLam: Is it possible that clear customs only servicing to hospital the patient?

     即如CE林鄭有心通關,只要讓無入院記錄有意通關者買個中港通用的中國移動香港手機號用上智 能手機為港康碼內地專家還可胡扯不通關? 反而如東方日報筆下風雲男子漢於2021.10.21指:林鄭不如手痛下

          Namely if CE CLam to have the intent of to clear customs, so long as let not hospitalized record inclined to clear customs those who to buy a HK/Mainland current cell phone by China Mobile HK to use smartphone to show "HK health code" after, then the inland expert still can to blabber not to clear customs?  On the contrary as Oriental Daily ofPen down wind and cloudsthe editor manly man on 2021.10.21 to advise: CE CLam not equal to leave office by hand pain!   


       So by this can to see to look at people all are enemy of the street urchin CE CLam already into a blind alley!

p. 2021.10.04-5星島東方日報可見港癌症破3.5萬宗創新高經濟日報也於2021.10.12報稱本港每年逾4700名女士患乳癌星島日報也於2021.10.23子宮頸癌發病率急升大公文匯也指港多團體推婦女免費HPV測試但有用嗎

      And still on 2021.10.04 & 2021.10.05 of the Sing Tao Daily with Oriental Daily News visible HK’s cancer already to exceed 35, 000 cases a new high, the Economic Daily on 2021.10.12 also to report: Every year in HK to exceed 4,700 madam to fall ill Breast Cancer, and the Sing Tao Daily same on 2021.10.23 to report: Cervical Carcinoma the morbidity quick lift yet!, so the Grand Document collection in the same time to indicate: the HKAC multi-body to recommend woman can free by HPV to test!, but did it valid well?

難道全港傳媒就可詐冇收閱如上通關原由真相的傳真信?也不知如上其二 l.的全港近1200中、小學教職只要學會或早在2016.10.07去信陳漢儀衛生署長也附件還為政務司司長林鄭收閱中的飽和鹽水家用保健法一用就可讓子宮頸癌化為烏有且讓疫苗見鬼去醫生也可終身遠離lzm也在電話中告知陳漢儀秘書鹽水對皮膚 滲透性 的消毒能力無藥可比正是當前的醫學盲點理當介召給市民享用  更如林鄭信之癌症唯一有效冷凍醫療法的成功應用由附件可見早由經濟日報2003.9.03報導,或張建宗司長的信均傳真有記錄可呈庭作證,難道全港各傳媒也可詐稱不知

Is it possible that all HK’s media just can to arrogation have not received  above not to clear customs of the cause fact of the fax letter?  And too not to know above That two l. in HK all nearly 1200 middleprimary schools only to learn at  or before on 2016.10.07 a letter fax to Chen Hon-yee Director of Health with annex to Chief Secretary CLam to clear known if by saturated brine” family hygiene to use that just can let the cervical carcinoma etc. to disappear completely can let the vaccine to go to hell and doctor just can too lifelong far away!  Unusual is lzm also in telephone Chen Hon-yee’s secretary to inform: “because the brine point to skin the permeability to asepticize the might nil medication comparable that just is current medicine a scotoma, so must to introduce to enjoy use for citizen! ”.   Still as fax to CE CLam that aim cancer only in force the "freezing" treatment to success use by attachments 1. from 2003.9.03 already by Economic Daily to report, or as  to Cheung Kin-chung Chief Secretary etc. letters those equal had the fax record can to turn in law court to witness, is it possible that all HK medium also can to jactitation not to know?


Then just to as with CE CLam to cooperation to murder all in HK’s cancer patient it still can to have a clear conscience?  If each HK’s medium again to adhere obstinately to error dare not do to show up, that will sooner or later also as theApple Dailyby CE CLam to hold National Security Law the sharp sword to skeleton utterly without and to bad reputation in history!

q.    由於如上的CE林鄭蓄意隱瞞冷凍醫療法及飽和鹽水家用保健法不可否認,全港女性均在病癌恐懼中生活且癌屍遍地,如去信鄭若驊律政司長所述之無線TV只會中計為菲總統杜特爾特癌症笑話中展示以冷凍治療法的成功應用也告知死因庭,林鄭不知悔改就因全港各傳媒不敢揭其真相,且由其提名任命何佩珊女士首現國徽監誓為海關關長後更於2021.10.23的「巾幗建新力論壇勾搭冀將來有更多女性在政府中擔當領導角色出顯有意拉攏女性官員支持其連任特首

Because above CE CLam designedly to conceal the "freezing" treatment with “saturated brine family hygiene already can’t to deny, so at HK all woman equal to life in cancerphobia and cancer corpse to everywhere, as  the letter to Ms. TeresaCheng secretary for justice to point out the WirelessTv only can to fall into a trap in the cancer a joke by President Duterte of the Philippines after to shown the "freezing" treatment the same to success apply and also fax to Cause of death court, but the CE CLam still impenitent that just because all HK medium afraid to tear off the truth, and by her appoint of the Ms Ho pui-shan to first present by state emblem to Oath foe a chief of customs after still on 2021.10.23 at theWomen Power Forumto accost woman: Hope future have more many women in Gov. to bear chief role! to manifest her purpose to rope in to support her reelect Chief Executive!

但如鄭若驊這女性高官有用嗎也就如上其一信件可見非比尋常隱瞞 冷凍 醫療法及飽和鹽水保健法事實非讓全港女性陷入癌症恐慌CE林鄭問心無愧脫罪 還有多少不缺基本女性道德可值再任特首已值全港討論

But as the TeresaCheng secretary this a woman high official useful yet?  That’s it as above That One those letters visible to conceal the "freezing" treatment with “saturated brine” family hygiene out of the ordinary fact and insist on all HK woman to sink into cancer panic of the CE CLam still can to with a clear conscience to acquittalSo still have how much no lack basic woman morality whos can to take HKCE office that already have worth to discuss in HK!


And still the key is, at present in HK’s medium still have how much manly man?  Or also still have how much valorous newswoman to dare to face  CE CLam to be outspoken rebuke?

r. 由於人命關天的歷史已到最後期限!...

   Because the human life to relation providence this history already to reached deadline date!


Conclusion Three.

       1. 首先由上a.可見CE林鄭插手司法判決兇神惡煞面孔一覽無遺! 且由b.可見由李家超司長支持的表證已成立如上 e.其二 q.還可出軌有理“感謝家人支問心無愧?已令所有港女面孔盡失還要支持再任2021.11.13法輪功自由網也指習夫人彭麗媛將走到台前近期高調露面引熱議,必急壞了CE林鄭2021.11.14報稱月底率團訪問湖北武漢又要浪費公款在國內走南闖北商討合作機制”? 難道非“一國兩妻”才為真正的“一國兩制”也見其在暗語波動出場,總不該讓習近平難堪吧? 如上 e.東方日報也要勸其不如借手痛下 台已更值全港公論!

    First as above a. visible CE CLam to intervene in justice judge face after the face to devils already to a panoramic view! And as above b. visible by Lee Ka-chiu chief secretary to support the prima facie evidence already to set up just as above e. or That two q. to betray her husband still can justified to “Thank household support” to have a clear conscience?   So now already to let HK’s woman the face to lose all why still can ask to support to be reelected HKCE?      And then the Liberty Net of Falungong on 2021.11.13 to point the Xi Jinping’s wife Peng Liyuan who in near future will go to platform to lofty tone show up to spark a heated discussion, so to worry by CE CLam after at once on 2021.11.14 to report who will lead a group to visit Hubei City of Wuhan again to waste public money in internal to roam to discuss the cooperation mechanism Is it possible that not by two wives of one country” just can for genuine one country, two systems that also to see by her password to undulate to come on the stage, but always not ought to embarrass for Xi Jinping yet?     Also as above e. of the Oriental Daily too must to advising CE CLam not equal to take advantage by her hand pain to leave office already still value to opinion of the public in HK!

        2. 如上c. 施政報告全在胡扯為廢紙一張無人可否認,已無須再改結論!而如上d. f. g. 針對lzm插手深圳政務及其不通關企圖謀殺lzm其手段還多多如是,稍後必補也暫不必結論!

            Another as above c. CE CLam’s Policy Address in all to nonsense as a waste paper and having no people can to deny, so need not to change the conclusion again  And as above d. f. g. who to be aimed at lzm to intervene the Gov. affairs of ShenZhen City with not to clear customs the attempt to murder lzm her means still have much of such is, so later to add need not on this time to conclusion!

 3. 如上h-o.不通關更也為騙民穀針企圖蠢蛋化全港市民也不可否認,可見全靠CE林鄭指示其疫官不問廉恥如上i. 譚耀宗被禁通關上京故意撒謊將責任推給國內行政手段同樣否認不了!  如由大公文匯也於2021.11.15日報指:“香港有近27.5貧窮兒童約一成需賣紙皮幫補家用生活環境惡劣創下近十年新高等事實, 也因此已令全港經濟損失重大並民不聊生,這正是無法否認的害人不淺可起訴CE林鄭及其疫官務必賠償呈庭的見証其一

   But as above h.-o. that not to clear customs it even more for to cheat civilian to shoot vaccine only attempt to idiocy all HK citizen also can’t to deny, so it visible is fully by CE CLam to order her plague rubbish officer ignore shame as at above i. that Tam Yiu-chung of NPC to lie who banned to clear customs so can’t go Beijing to shirk is inland control means the lie same can’t to deny!   And as Takungpao website on 2021.11.15 to report: "in HK to have nearly 275,000 poor children and about 10% must to sell rubbish paper to help out family expenses of that very bad surroundings already to start a new high" etc. fact, And for that reason already making the economic losses of whole HK and all people can't live in peace, so this just is can’t to deny to do people great harm to permit to prosecute CE CLam & her rubbish officer must to indemnification can to witness in a court of law of that one! 

 4. 更嚴重的是如上p-q.星島東方經濟日報等如實將全港婦女癌症創新高癌屍遍地的報導可見,這更是蓄意隱瞞“冷凍”醫療法及“飽和鹽水”家用保健法的CE林鄭殺人不眨眼又一不可否認的鐵證! 但當在如上揭露後,殺人不眨眼CE林鄭反而強制這三家日報不得再報導以免阻止殺人為快!

And even more serious is as above p-q. by the Sing Tao DailyOriental Daily News with Economic Daily etc. truly to news visible in HK all woman the cancer to start a new high and the cancer cadaver to everywhere, so this just is purposely to conceal the "freezing" treatment with “saturated brine” family hygiene by CE CLam to kill without blinking an eye again can’t to deny the evidence!  But then by above to expose after, to kill without blinking an eye of CE CLam on the contrary to force this three daily can't again to report lest to prevent her to kill person instead for happy!

  很難想像的是這三家日報也就此如小貓小狗不敢以民生為上再報,且當CE林鄭遲遲不通關也才見東方報怒指特區庸官張弛無道... 淪為笑柄”,難怪特區庸官今在港的野豬四竄有用嗎?  就因傳媒全被控不敢以民生為上向市民揭穿如上由CE林鄭臭口水臭鼻屎體外之物起動造假的武漢瘟疫才真正淪為笑柄!

  But very difficult to imagine is, why the three daily also at this point can't by the people's livelihood for highest principles as a small cat or small dog afraid again to report?  And then CE CLam to slow not to clear customs after only can to see  the Oriental Daily News to anger to point: the imbecile officer of HKSAR to relaxation dim-witted...to submerge a laughingstock, no wonder the imbecile officer of HKSAR as today’s wild boar throughout everywhere in HK , did it fruitful?  That just because today’s HK medium all in control so afraid to by people's livelihood for morality to expose above CE CLam by smell saliva & stinky booger those out of body something to fake start the COVID-19 plague only is a big laughingstock!

5.  特別如上c. 批其施政報告 (8)可見全港中小學盡知被罵畜生的袁國勇還可又被CE林鄭 偉哥 後又要為其蓄意特定所謂的通關熔斷機制 2021.11.11報指要百分百穀針才可通關,就不見有內地專家敢到港撒謊又令CE林鄭不通關拖拉要商議的詭計破產   CE林鄭鬼計百出指示新冠疫苗專家委員替她扮演替罪羊頂罪2021.11.15報指要把穀針降低到3歲小童也非蠢蛋化不可儘管“肺部氣流防疫法”一用就可終身免疫還可如上的特朗普也可年青化,但就不介紹給市民就要殺人為快,否則還有疫苗可蠢蛋化市民嗎?以及媒體不變貓也成小狗了廢官多多如是,看lzm發明人又可如何?

        Unusual as above c. that Policy Address (8) visible in HK all middley & primary schools as at to know by lzm to abusive the Yuan Guoyong brute still can by CE CLam to feed viagra” after again to support her other a bad design that so-called To clear customs the circuit breaker” on 2021.11.11 news to report must 100% to shoot vaccine only can to clear customs”, but not news can to see have an inland expert to dare into HK to lie and again let not to clear customs to slow must to confer by CE CLam’s trick to bankruptcy!    But CE CLam still full of tricks to order the committee of experts of COVID-19 vaccine” must to displace who to act a scapegoat on 2021.11.15 to report must let the age of shoot vaccine to lower to 3years child non-idiot cannot, it though the "Lung-Airflow Epidemic Prophylaxis" to use just can lifelong to immunization still can as above put to good use of the Trump also can to youth, but just not introduce for citizen and to be going to kill person for pleasure, otherwise still have the vaccine can to idiot citizen?  As will as all HK medium already to become a cat or a small dog even the rubbish officer so many of them, now to look at lzm inventor you again can how going to do?

    6.  由此可見,惡毒心態貼地的CE林鄭已無法 回頭是岸可救!由於民憤已太大及時間已有限,因此現要勸其老是在家苦等受辱支持的林兆波丈夫及親戚均要如東方日報勸其可否避免被全港受害者起訴也要交出所有資產作賠償

             Thus it can be seen, the vicious mentality to next-ground of CE CLam already unable repent and be saved!  And now because the popular indignation to be very large and the time already finite, so now must to advise always in home pains to wait for insulted to support her Dr. Lam Siu-Por husband with all relative even must as above the Oriental Daily to persuade at once to leave HKCE office, that only can to look at whether can to avoid the same to prosecuting by all HK’s sufferer also must to hand over all property to indemnify!

       也更由上可見,中華民族全球公敵也就在此,全港全球公論更免不了 已

         It also by above visible, the Chinese nation and Global the public enemy just in here too, so must to opinion of the public in HK with worldwide that already to unavoidable too!


 That four.


     From above visible, also because the CE Clam by fake COVID-19 plague not to clear customs that means of three big vicious attempt already to unmask without anybody can to deny, the same to be enraged God, so the queer celestial phenomena of "blood moon" to appear on night of 2021.11.19 and God again order the "sky dog to eat moon woman" to more black in history, as below picture:

  而且比如下CE林鄭不通關難看就插手深政大換血後2021.5.26月全食 更急烈


如上結論三 5. 怒責CE林鄭3歲小童非穀針蠢蛋化不可後的新冠疫苗專家委員” 才於2021.11.20稍改建議3-11歲小童延遲到明年2月才打,顯見其穀針的惡毒心態也仍不變!

  也即如上結論三 4-5. 就因港媒已全被控如小貓小狗不敢以民生為上揭其真相!



   And comparison below not to clear customs of CE Clam to intervene SZ Gov. to big re-organize after the "moon to total eclipse" still intense

    Even the famous writer of "ill-favoured Chinese" Mr. Boi-Yin his wife XiangHua Zhang also to know the ugly still inferior to the "yellow peril chaos in global" by CEClam’s those "ill-favoured HK person", though still have 3years of the contract also must to always stop to publish on 2021.11.18!  

    And as above Conclusion three. 5. to anger reproach CE Clam even 3years child non-idiot cannot by shoot vaccine?  So after the "COVID-19 vaccine committee of experts on 2021.11.20 only slightly to modify the 3-11years age child can delayed on Feb. of next year to shoot, so to obvious, the CE Clam’s vicious mood by shoot vaccine still constant too!

   Also as above Conclusion three. 4-5., because HK’s medium already to control as a little cat or dog just afraid to report the truth for natural instincts of people's livelihood!

     更如結論三 5. 中笑稱內地專家就不敢到港撒謊港康碼”有異國內拒通關,CE林鄭的蓄意不通關拖延2個月以為可頂罪後的2天才見有10多位內地官員及所謂的專家2021.11.22pm07抵達政府總部,也只在港遊玩4天後才見由無線Tv2021.11.24pm6:30新聞中唯一不滿的只是港人可隨意買退燒藥但內地就不可,但怎不乾脆自稱為狗何須用 肺部氣流防疫法 lzm免費的醫學發明那退燒藥個別人稍有用如上其三 i.撒謊阻通關譚耀宗也要於2021.11.22報指已收人大秘書處通知可通關入境了也令CE林鄭的蓄意不通關再難阻止!

Still as in Conclusion three. 5. that to laugh state of the inland specialist just dare not do in HK to lie of the "HK health sign" have different internal to block customs clearance, so again for CECLam’s prepared not to customs clearance to delay already nearly two months to feel can as a scapegoat that two days after only had ten many inland official and so-called expert to arrive at Gov. headquarters on 2021.11.22pm07, but only on HK to do sightseeing 4days after only by wireless Tv that news to report the only one resentful is in HK can feel free to buy an antipyretic but in inland can not, but why not clear-cut to call oneself just a dog so need not to use the “Lung-Airflow Epidemic Prophylaxis" of lzm’s free medicine invention that antipyretic only to be of use!   Still as above That three i. then tose lie to expose after of the YaoZong Tan also must on 2021.11.22 to report already to received NPC’s secretariat a notify can to customs clearance also let CECLam’s prepared not to customs clearance again difficult to keep from! 

    且如上結論6. CE林鄭丈夫及親戚均要如東方日報勸其下臺後以免也被索賠,因此又見法輪功自由網 2021.11.13報指彭麗媛將走到台前?近期高調露面引熱議』顯然不想其誘惑CE林鄭出軌無果又2021.11.20報指千古第一預言奇書”預言的7個女人還有2人未現身即又暗湧指慈禧後不就是你CE林鄭彭麗媛2人可一國兩妻嗎?法輪功如此的“意識春藥”之妖魔手段果真千古少見  難怪CE林鄭信心十足2021.11.23報指正式公佈本周日將率團到訪湖北武漢市浪費公款也要藉口“商談合作機制但其後又見大公文匯又於2021.11.25轉口指要“考察當地建設和企業,有必要嗎是否法輪功已叫彭麗媛走開了否則還可走南闖北偉哥還有媒體可跟隨報導嗎?

        Just as above Conclusion three. 6. to want CECLam’s husband & relation even must as the East Daily to advise to quit the situation after lest to claims by citizen, so again to see Peng Liyuan will walk up to platform? the near future that lofty tone to show up to lead fever discussa report by Falun Gong's free network  on 2021.11.13 this obvious no think who to allure CECLam to be derailed nil outcomes, so again by  on 2021.11.20 to report by “long time the first prediction unusual book” to prediction had 7 women still have two not to show, then again to hint after the Ci Xi no just is you CECLam & Peng Liyuan two women but why can to one nation two wife?  Also just is the Falun Gong by this "sense aphrodisiac" that a demon means really long time rare too!  No wonder the CECLam again reliance sufficient on 2021.11.23 to report will on weekend to visit Hubei Wuhan city to squander public money also must by a pretext to “confersuperior superior cooperation basis”, but after again to see grand duke wenweipo again on 2021.11.25 to transit to point mustto inspect locally construct & venturewhy to be necessary?  Yes or no the Falun Gong already to call Peng Liyuan to walk out otherwise still can to travel extensively send "Viagra"?  Furthermore have other medium can to follow report?


    Also because CECLam already thorough let in HK the most basic judicature justice to overturn so as  by sing tao daily to call who asold woman to sell cucumberalready to let proper human nature morality principles etc. to sell out!

  且現只靠所有公務員務必要宣誓效忠政府即要當傻瓜打工仔不論是非也要盲從否則開除等惡毒手段到處可見,連港法官、律師精英移民潮也突起,如連署支持國安法科大史維校長城大郭位校長及港大校委會國章主席等均要炮唔撈... 難怪大公文匯2021.11.24報稱全球最具吸引力城市排名的香港首次跌出前十!

  And now only to by all public servant must to make a vow to fealty Gov. that now to regard as a fool jobber boy and anyway right and wrong also must to follow blindly or else to expel etc. vicious means to be seen everywhere, and even HK judgelawyer picked troops that emigrant tide also to break out, as to block support National Security Law of the President Shiwei of HKUST, President Guo Weiwei of CityU & HKU Chairman Guo Zhang etc. even to resign..., no wonder grand duke wenweipo on 2021.11.24 to report HK in global attraction list first to fall front ten!

 因此,全港現存的一眾廢官均要配合嚴控下的港媒哄騙公眾如由鳳凰網2021.11.14報稱在“修例風波”間任職《金融時報》記者黃淑琳CE林鄭拒續簽入港, 指她:...抹黑港府“打壓”和香港警方執法, 美化亂港分子和暴徒是慣常操作;她無視後者對香港社會造成的巨大破壞, 稱他們為民主而戰...明知問題的關鍵是2019.12.31CE林鄭信及如上其二. 2-6所揭均有剪圖為證的事實就不處理才令年青學生的憤怒進一步升級,也才有「光復香港 時代革命唐英傑旗幟必然,但法援律師就不見敢以此剪圖為證的事實替唐英傑辯護及可反訴CE林鄭政府! 因此才有7月初在港街頭驚現“孤狼式恐怖襲擊”一名男子在銅鑼灣街頭用刀刺傷員警後自殺身亡民憤事件發生

So, now in HK to in stock disabled officer even must to tie in by strict control those media to cheat public, as  by Phoenix on 2021.11.24 to report at "mend example disturbance" to take office in "Financial Times" reporter yellow pure Lin by CECLam to block enter HK, point she:...to discredit HK Gov. "hit press" police to enforce the law, to beautify unrest member and as ruffian of the usualness work;  she to ignore the latter correct HK society to cause huge destroy, and to speak them "fight for democracy". ..., But question the key is as  on 2019.12.31 a letter to CECLam and above That Two-SIX paragraph to show up the fact even had cut photo for prove, but no to deal with only to let student’s anger further to upgrade, so only hadRestore-HK Era-Revolutionof Tang Yingjie a banner inevitable, but the legal aid lawyer just dare not do by before thos cut photo fact to plead for Tang Yingjie and still can to counterclaim CECLam Gov.!  Also hence only had on the July beginning at HK a street to showsolitary wolf of the terror raidby a man at Causeway Bay a street to use a knife to stab a constable after suicide die those scandal event to occur!  

CE林鄭又馬上插手法援不得自選擇律師更違基本法35條規定,以及只靠法官的“意念評估”就可亂判一通基本法8廢草,如上其二 m. 大律師公會也因此提議務必修改立法條例,但馬上被罵終止關係不也基本法18突變為8豆腐人大代表面目全非!  也即由CE林鄭的缺德施政才引發修例風波”亂局已不可否認更值全港公論

But CECLam again at once to intervene legal aid cannot free to select lawyer still to disobey 35 regulations of Basic Law, as well as only byan idea estimateof a judge after that just can to disorder judge already let 8 regulations of Basic Law as a waste material, as above That two m. of the Bar Association also hence to suggest must to alter the legislate regulation, but at once to foul-mouthed want to stop relation the same let 8 regulations of Basic Law as a smelly 8 bean curd and deputy to the NPC the face to beyond recognition?! Also then by CECLam’s mean administration just to igniterevise regulations disturbancesthat disorder situation already cannot to deny still worth to opinion of the public in HK!

且由CE林鄭蓄意不通關只志在她的三大罪惡企圖早被如上其三揭露無疑,特別如上結論三 4.可見明知女癌屍遍地也非繼續隱瞞冷凍”醫療法及“飽和鹽水”家用保健法才可再騙谷針全港婦女可“出軌當家常便飯?  被指全港受害者起訴,但如上又被法輪功喂了口意識春藥”後的CE林鄭2021.11.25公民與社會發展科的教師顯赫特首憲制地位,即就想哄騙如上其二 l. 之全港女教師不要帶頭起訴她有用嗎?

Even by CECLam’s prepared not to customs clearance only aims for her three major crime attempt early by above That three to exposed undoubtedly, unusual as above Conclusion Three 4. visible to be fully aware the female cancer corpse already everywhere in HK but her still continue to conceal the "freezing" treatment with “saturated brine family hygiene only can to cheat shoot vaccine let fully HK’s female to stupid only can toimproperand to regard as potluck?  And then to point out can to prosecution by HK’s sufferer after, but as above again by Falun Gong to feed aconscious of aphrodisiacafter of the CECLam again on 2021.11.25 to facecitizen & teacher of society develop courseto eminent her constitution status of HKCE, that then only to reckon by cheat as above That two 1. those fully HK’s woman teacher don’t to take the lead to plaint her, but useful?


Namely now already to water clear of the tortoise visible, so fully HK everyone even can by 35 regulations of Basic Law etc. statute to plaint CECLam and her scrap officer to look at how to plea permit to flee!


   HK area National Security Lawillegality to practice those sufferer permit to claims that law basis below:

1.   儘管港區國安法》由人大常委2020.6.30表決根據基本法18條規定列入附件三只須特首簽署刊憲就可,但由18條規定清楚指明:...任何列入附件三的法律,限於有關國防、外交和其他按本法規定不屬於香港特別行政區自治範圍的法律可見國安法並非“港區自治範圍的法律不得實施!

           Though theHK area National Security Lawby NPC to base on 18 regulations of Basic Law to included in appendix 3 on 2020.6.30, and only by HKCE to sign publish statute just can, but by a order of 18 regulations to show clearly:...any to be included in appendix 3 those law, to limit about national defensediplomacy with other according to this law regulations that not belong to HKSAR law of self-rule scope.visible National Security Law really not " HK area law of self-rule scope " so can’t to practice!

2.  儘管18條最後規定指明除非人大常委宣佈已進爭狀態”或港區政府也宣佈“進入緊急狀態”才可將全國性法律在香港特別行政區實施”,而港區國安法》顯然並非全國性法律更不得在港實施

     Also though the order of 18 regulations final to specify only if NPC to declare already into "war state" or HK area Gov. also to declare " into a state of emergency " only can let "nation-wide Law in HK area to practice ", but theHK area National Security Lawto obvious not the nation-wide Law still can’t to practice in HK!

3.     由上可見今天港區國安法在港違規實施的移民潮亂局就來自CE林鄭如非一大蠢婆也為其蓄意犯法見証 也就因基本法27規定香港居民享有言論、集會、遊行、示威等自由,及28保證居民不受任意或非法逮捕、拘留、監禁等或非法剝奪居民的生命。 也即如上唐英傑光復香港 時代革命」旗幟只是在批評CE林鄭執政不當欲回歸真實的一國兩制國家安全無關,且如基本法8條也清楚表明香港原有普通法之審判原則保留,即不得以意念評估起訴判決根據!

        From above visible today’sHK area National Security Lawin HK to lawbreaking practice after the immigrant disorder that just come from CECLam if not a big fool old woman also to do her purposely offense a witness! It too because on 27 regulations of Basic Law to order HK resident to possess speechassemblyparadedemonstrate against etc. freedom, and the 28 regulations also to ensure resident not to bear arbitrarily or illicit catchdetainimprison etc. or illicit to deprive of lifeIt then as aboveRestore-HK Era-Revolutionof Tang Yingjie a banner merely to criticize CECLam’s rule unsuitable want to return true one nation two systems with national security not relation, even as 8 regulations of Basic Law also clear to declare in HK original the common law that justice principles must to retain, then can’t byan idea estimatefor a basis to indictment with sentence!     

4.     且如基本法104條更清楚規定CE林鄭、主要官員行政議員、立法會議員包括所有法官和其他司法人員均要宣誓擁護基本法基本法23條也規定特首務必廉潔奉公、盡忠職守,也由於基本法52()也清楚規定如特首無力履行職務必須辭職因此港區國安法》理當立即停止在港實施!

     Just as 104 regulations of Basic Law still to clear order CECLammain official with administration councilorlegislative MP include all judge & other judicature staffs even must to make a vow to support Basic Law, and 23 regulations of Basic Law also to stipulate HKCE must to integrity and fairnesspractice loyalty duty, also by 52 regulations () of Basic Law clear order if HKCE unable to do one's duty must to resign! So theHK area National Security Lawshould be at once to stop put into practice in HK!

5.   也因此,不論為大蠢婆蓄意犯法CE林鄭都好,交出所有資產賠償由其違規實施港區國安法受害者,也才可令以基本法一國兩制基礎成為笑話!

     Also hence, anyway CECLam is a big fool old woman or purposely to offense all good, she to surrender all property to indemnify by her to disobey practice ofHK area National Security Lawthose sufferer, this only can to exempt the Basic Law to do basis of one nation two systems to become a joke!

6.  院起訴書稍後在此列舉可參...

     The indictment in higher court little after will at this to listed permit to referral...

.  武漢瘟疫不通關全港受害者人人均可索賠的法律根據下:

    Fake COVID-19 plague & not customs clearance all HK’s sufferer everyone can to claims those law basis below:

1即以口水或鼻涕且當衛生署其後又將 口或鼻 挖取深度提髙,但不論如前由印度詐稱有 雙重突變病毒 德爾塔病毒 或今又再造假的非洲變種病毒也均體外之物,豈可一再用於 確診 武漢瘟疫隔離作弄民眾不通關CE林鄭造假騙局也只須在此一句話就可破解如撲街婆不可否認,且人人一聽即明無疑人人索賠呈庭的關鍵證詞其一

    Just by “smelly spit or smelly snot” even then Sanitation Office after again to use in “mouth or sose” to dig the depth to deepen, but anyway as before by India to arrogation had double mutation virus” of “delta virus” or now again to fake Africa mutation virus” also same is the ectoparasite, so how could repeatedly to use “diagnosis” for COVID-19 plague must to “quarantine” to tease public not customs clearance that fraud by CECLam also on this in a word just can to crash as a street old woman can’t to deny now, and everyone to hear after inevitable clear undoubtedly, so everyone even can to claims to file a petition the key testimony that one!

2.  且如英文雙語2020.5.15梁君彥立法主席信也傳真CE林鄭全港媒體、117間大律師行、900間律師行、各部官員議員均有傳真記錄可供法庭認證其罪已不可否認! 如信中1.就清楚指控:目前衛生署的核酸快速檢測法只可區分實為細茵微生物(現仍統稱為病毒)生死狀態而已,死者為蔭性,尚有動力活者則為陽性,但就不可分辯其DNA!也即將不論是普通感冒或各類種流感等所有空氣中不同族類的微生物均統一假稱為武漢新冠病毒感染者或『隱形患者』務必隔離?且由下A.-D.見證觸犯的法規條例:

   And as Englishor bilingual the letter to President Leung Kwan-yuen of the Legislative also fax to CECLam & full HK’s medium117 barristers900 law firmeach department official with MP even had the fax record can supply Court to attestation, so that crime already cant to deny!  As in letter 1. just had to clear accuse: now Department of Health those fast detection method by “nucleic acid” only can to discriminate germs ornow to generally called virusthat life and death state nothing more, the death for a negative, if still have the power to live for positive, but cant to explain that DNA!  It also let no matter is ordinary cold or other not alike influenza etc. all in air not alike clan those microbe even to fake forWuhan COVID-19 virusthat infected person orinvisible patientmust to quarantine?  Just can by below A.-D. to witness to offend of the rule of law regulation:

A. 如此確診手段首先觸犯了 Cap.200《刑事罪行條例》O.71偽造的罪行及 包括 O.73 O.93涉罪者首先包括港大、中大及理大醫學院這班所謂的醫學專家

    As the “diagnosis” means first to offend Cap.200Crimes OrdinanceO.71 to forge a crime with include in O.73 & O.93the involve guilt first to include HKUCUHK & PolyU Medical College those so-called medicine;

B. 如此確診手段只為隔離令開路但仍暗藏謀殺他人動機也觸犯了 Cap.212侵害人身罪條O.14,律政司刑事檢控辦也已責無旁貸

    As this “diagnosis” means only for “quarantine order” to lead the way but still to hide murder another person a motive also to offend Cap.212Offences against the person OrdinanceO.14, so the Criminal prosecution office of Department of Justice already to be duty-bound;

C. 而如上同時傳真收閱的全港媒體及各立法議員明知偽造的確診手段也不去電貭疑更反而進一步集體罩口罩出埸協助愚弄全港市民同樣觸犯了 Cap.200刑事罪行條例O.73 及無棄 O.93 協助犯教唆犯,一經循公訴程式定罪,可處監禁 14

      And above in the meanwhile to receive to read fax of the HK’s medium with each legislate MP to be fully aware to forge “diagnosis” means also not call to query, and still on the contrary further by group to wear a mask to come on the stage help to mock citizen the same to offend Cap.200Crimes OrdinanceO.73 and not different from as in O.93 of the abettor or instigator, so as soon as by public prosecution just can to declare sb. guilty and can to imprison 14years!

D.特別如媒體議員更理當為公眾利益出面質疑衛生署及所謂的政府專家團隊,如此偽造的確診手段是否公開侵犯人權並該告知公眾?否則,同樣觸犯了Cap.200 O.159A. 串謀罪也將表證在此成立

   Unusual as medium with each legislate MP still should for the public benefits to come forward to query Department of Health with so-called specialist corps of Gov., as this to forge of the “quarantine” means yes or no open to encroach on human rights and must to inform public?  Otherwise, who the same to offend the Cap.200 O.159A.of the conspiracy crime that Exterior Syndrome also will be to set up at this!

3可惜的是,梁君彥2020.5.28藉口非立法會申訴處理範圍之事,lzm只得於2020.6.03英文雙語再去信警吿隔離令立法會批凖有錯在先,且戴口罩不就等如一謀殺陷阱市民均被愚弄及全港經濟損失重大個人訴求,務必根據A501法議事規則22.貴主席有責任向衛生署提出質詢並指明書面答復,否則也違反基本法73條的立法會職權規定等,也傳真CE林鄭全港媒體、各律師行大律師行、各部官員議員均有傳真記錄,但梁君彥在此公眾生命利益當前不知悔改仍藉口不處理lzm2020.6.13 英文雙語只得再去信梁君彥要求向衛生署提出質詢並 務必書面答復,以免可公訴定罪如下:

    It pity is, Leung Kwan-yuen to reply on 2020.5.28 by to pretext not Legislative right of petition handle range the case, so lzm can only on 2020.6.03 by Englishor bilingual letter again to warning the “quarantine order” is by Legislative to approve had faults beforehand, and the “wear mask no as a murder pitfall”, citizen even by this deceive and in HK the pecuniary loss already great no personal complain, so must by A501 of legislate rules O.22 you chairman have duty to face Department of Health to interpellation and to specify must in writing reply, or else also to violate 73 regulations of Basic Law those order of legislation powers etc., this letter also fax to CECLam & full HK’s mediumall barristersall law firmeach department official with MP even had the fax record, but the Leung Kwan-yuen still in this public life benefit before impenitent still by  to pretext not to handle, so lzm again byEnglishor bilingual letter to Leung Kwan-yuen on 2020.6.13 to request must to interpellation Department of Health and must reply by writing, lest can to public prosecution below:  

其一,立法會議員有監察政府工作職責,在如此的刑事罪面前不質詢已觸犯公職人員行為失當罪表證首先在此成立且更已合乎《證據條例O.15 可公訴定罪

That one The legislate MP have duty to supervise Gov. work, but if on this penal offense before no to interrogate already to offend public service  staffs the acts of improper crime that Exterior Syndrome first at this to set up and still to accord withproof statuteO.15 can by public prosecution to declare sb. guilty!

其二,詐稱不屬立法申訴處理範圍也觸犯了Cap.284失實陳述條例》、偽造文書罪Cap.200刑事罪O.36 & O.38更等如合夥屠殺公眾必然首先也令Cap.201防止賄賂條例O.12A串謀之罪表證成立,及由O.19也可見不屬免責辯護,律政司可據O.23獲取證據更由O.24可見閣下更有自我舉證否認責任;

That two To arrogation not belong to Legislative complain to handle scope also to offend Cap. 284 Misrepresentation Ordinanceto forge document crime & O.36 & O.38 of Cap. 200 Crimes Ordinance still as partnership to butcher public and inevitable first letPrevention of Bribery Ordinanceof Cap. 201 O.12A the Exterior Syndrome to set up, and by O.19 also visible no belong to exempt duty defend, and the Department of Justice can by O.23 to catch proof still can by O.24 visible Excellency still have self to give proof to deny duty;

其三,拒絕質詢食衛局如同合夥強迫市民戴口罩也觸犯 Cap. 427刑事罪行(酷刑)條例》;

That three.  To reject inquiries Food and Health Bureau as to partnership force citizen to wear mask also to violate Cap. 427Crimes (Torture) Ordinance;

其四,立法會批准造假確診手段之隔離令也觸犯 Cap.212侵害人身罪條例O.5串謀唆使謀殺 Cap.383香港人權法案條例》;

That four The Legislative Council to ratify fake “diagnosis” means that quarantine order also to offend Cap. 212 Offences against the Person Ordinance O.5 to Conspiring or abet murder with Cap. 383 Hong Kong Bill of Rights Ordinance;

其五,也在閣下拒絕質詢的庇護下,衛生署又繼續利用造假的確診手段令才7天可用的健康碼均要仠元以上難道繼續合夥打劫市民金錢有錢分?顯然已令 Cap.210盜竊罪條例O.2 已確認可公訴,廉署更可根據《廉政公署條例O.10 無需手令可逮捕歸案

That fiveAlso by Excellency you to refuse interpellation the protection after, Food and Health Bureau again to continue use the fake “diagnosis” means let only seven days can use of the health sign even must $1000 HKD upward, is it possible that continue to partnership to rob residents money have to allot?  That obvious already let Cap.210Theft OrdinanceO.2 to affirm can to public prosecution, the ICAC still by Cap. 204 Ordinance O.10 nil need hand order just can to arrest bring to justice;

4食衛局、衛生署、律政司、教育局廉署均如上全在CE林鄭直接控制下均要如貓狗乖乖聽話才有飯吃! 而港區國安法》又被違規刊憲實施後並也馬上針對民主派議員、大律師公會等社會團體出手及令港媒高層大變動後的新聞自由全無,不敢揭露國安法有違基本法不得實施,也不敢質問人大常委代表:如你們一立法港區就要實施那還有一國兩制 

       But the Food and Health BureauDept. of HealthDept. of JusticeEducation Bureau & ICAC even as above all by CECLam direct to control must to obedient as cat or dog only have meal to eat!  But theHK area National Security Lawagain Illicit to print statute to carry out after and at once to be aimed at the democratic party MPBarristers etc. society group to dispose of and let HK’s medium the superior to big change after the freedom of information all nil, and afraid to expose theHK area National Security Lawhave violate basic law cannot to carry out, also afraid to question a deputy to the NPCIf you at once to legislate in HK to be going to carry out that still have the one nation two systems?

如唯一可存的無線Tv也只會為其造假武漢瘟疫加油添醋哄騙公眾不被穀針也非要戴口罩蠢蛋年青一代不可,如英文雙語去信楊潤雄教育局長,也同樣傳真全港政界及傳媒可呈法庭作證索賠,就因盡知肺部氣流防疫法”一用就可終身免疫更可年青化讓醫生遠離不敢介召公眾救生  特別如的終院首席馬道立也要笑駡CE林鄭:委「指定法官」應不問政治!更難怪立法會也均「清一色」的報導有的是! 

It as now the only one to keep the wireless Tv also only can for fake COVID-19 plague to exaggerate a story to cheat public if not to shoot vaccine also must wear mask to clumsy young generation inalienable, asEnglishor bilingual that letter to Kevin Yeung Yun-hung of Secretary for Education, also the same fax to fully HK’s political circles & medium even can testify in court to claims, that because to entirely know the “Lung-Airflow Epidemic Prophylaxis" to use just can to lifetime immunization and still can young let the doctor to far away but who still afraid to introduce for public to lifesaving Unusual as the power of final adjudication the chief MA Tao-li also to deride CECLam: To appointdesignate judgeshall not to consider politics!  Still no wonder the Legislative also evenall of the same colorthat report to have plenty of!

5.  由上1-4.可見,由CE林鄭造假起動武漢瘟疫只須如上一句話就可破解及其不通關只志在騙民接種疫苗及戴口罩非蠢蛋化全港市民不可罪惡企圖、且由其一眾廢官特別是梁君彥立法主席不分是非的支持已犯罪證據確鑿不可否認 

    From above 1-4. visible, by CECLam fake to start of the COVID-19 plague only by above in a word just can to eliminate, and her not to customs clearance only aims for deceive people to shoot vaccine & to wear mask also aims for stupid all citizen inalienable the evil attempteven by her a gang of disabled official unusual as Leung Kwan-yuen of Legislative Chair no to part the right and wrong to support already to guilt the valid evidence irrefutable!

6.  更因COVID-19疫苗在全球無效露骨特別在港更有早超6千宗針後異常報告,因此更令CE林鄭的蓄意不通關已醜態百出,因此才有WHO譚德塞2021.11.26日變態再下跪將冠病造假變種命名為“Omicron”以為就可為毫無科學根據的COVID-19疫苗護航,諒必是已入党的法輪功也有插手协助,因此在其自由網就突見Omicron病毒變種出現中國有救』一閃而過,因此CE林鄭在其後馬上要衛生部門以造假確診手段將全無病態的市民編輯為“奧密克戎”確診個案,還會叫袁國勇、許樹昌、梁子超、孔繁毅、梁卓偉徐樂堅CE林鄭認可的無知專家出台造謠變種病毒翅膀會到處垂直或橫向飛奔傳播再讓陳肇始、張竹君兩缺德婆娘以找“隱形傳播鏈且有潛伏期”要四處封樓禁足三天,還搞出洪门宴仓鼠”两大笑剧也志在骗民5波疫情爆发”要护已為民”接种變種COVID-19疫苗才更笑話天下!難怪民主黨主席羅健熙袁海文也於2022.1.25見報指責:政府應增抗疫透明度,除每日確診數目外也要重症數目及住院日數,才可讓公眾瞭解疫情嚴重程! CE林鄭就無機會可讓陳肇始、張竹君再出台撤謊騙民了就如此簡單!

     Still because the COVID-19 vaccine at global to bald no nullity unusual in HK still had to exceed 6000 cases to shoot after of the unusual report, hence still let the CECLam’s designedly not to customs clearance already ungainly sight to hundredfold, so only had early to kneel down of the WHO’s Tedros Adhanom again to abnormal let COVID-19 to fake variety to name Omicron to assume can for fully nil science basis of COVID-19 vaccine to escort, that expect is already to enter CP of the Falungong also have to intervene help, so on the Liberty Net at once to seeOmicron virus variation to appear after the China savablebut flash to pass, so after the CECLam at once call out the Ministry of Public Health by fake diagnosis means let a nil morbidity a citizen to edit for a Omicron to diagnosis case, and still call out by CECLam to agree as Yuan Guoyong, SC Hui, Liang Zichao & Gabriel Leung etc. those ignorant expert to rumor the variation virus have the wing can everywhere vertical or crabwise to fly spread, and again let Chan Siu-cheeChuang Shuk-kwan two wicked woman by to look for stealth spread chain even have the latent phase” a pretext to around shut building and must to forbid-foot three days, and still to work out vast-gates banquet & hamster” two big farce also to aims for cheat have fifth stage epidemic erupt” so must defend oneself for people” to shoot COVID-19 vaccine of no variation only still to joke the world!  So no wonder the Democratic Party chair to censure on news: now Gov. must to add the transparency of resist epidemic, rid of every day the diagnosis sum after also have the serious disease sum with in hospital date, only can let public to know the severity extent of epidemicThen the CECLam at this point nil chance let Chan Siu-cheeChuang Shuk-kwan again to lie deceive people also this simple!

7.  也因此,已成孤島的香港市民如不通關所有受害者,被騙打疫苗非載口罩不可特別是學生,被騙錢住酒店隔離的受害者,及是不肯被騙打疫苗非要“一週一檢疫”騙錢否則將被開除恐嚇的所有公務員等,特別是CE林鄭蓄意隱瞞“冷凍”醫療法令全港癌屍遍地死者家屬人人均可提出仟萬以上索賠!

       Also hence, already to become a isolate island’s HK citizen if no customs clearance all the sufferer, or by cheat to shoot vaccine & must to wear gauze mask essential unusual is student, or by cheat money must to reside a public house to quarantine’s sufferer, and no willing by cheat to shoot vaccine must to a week once quarantine to be forced to get money by fraud otherwise can by threaten to expel all official etc., unusual is the CECLam still intent to conceal the "freezing" treatment so already to cancer-corpse everywhere those bereaved everyone even can to bring up $1,0000,000 upward to claims!

均可不必聘請律師只須 HK$1,040.-法院起訴書,28天内答辯不了的CE林鄭及其一眾廢官務必被裁定個人賠償,也才是今天香港的公義社會制度全被CE林鄭出賣盡無可救港走出孤島的唯一通道!

As well as even need not to employ lawyer only must HK$1,040.- to file an indictment in High Court, if in 28days cannot to plea of the CECLam with her a gang of disabled official also must to decide personal indemnify, that also just is today HK’s justice social system fully by CECLam to betray all nil only can to rescue HK to walk exit the isolate island’s only one a passageway!



Due to become an isolate island already to cancer-corpse everywhere and not customs clearance even CECLam’s vicious attempt not to change, so still let Heaven once again to be enraged on 2021.12.06 to send UFO come to HK!


   As the right photo, Heaven again to be enraged on 2021.12.06 in three days at Victoria portto outstrip one hour that Kowloon bay & Kwun Tong etc. sky to spiral to appear let public to wonder!

是否外太空人的介入警告不可再屠殺市民不停手? 否則CE林鄭也於2021.12.13日收到刀片恐嚇後由警方介入多天后也無蹤可查?

Also whether have human of the outer space to intervene warning non-permit again to butcher citizen no to stop handOtherwise CECLam on 2021.12.13 to received a blade threat letter after by police to step in many days also nil tracks can to investigation?


  Even on this year that final once the astronomical spectacle of the Gemini meteor shower also on the same day to come on two days!

2021.12.06 UFO in HK

    也即在警告CE林鄭人人與病毒永世共存天文地理規則絕不會可在你嚴控下的不少媒體不敢為公眾利益出聲貓狗、以為就可教唆衛生官員所謂醫學 顧問專家 早于2018.11.13去信政司長也傳真給CE林鄭均清楚吿知不得隱瞞 洗肺冷凍 兩醫療法以屠殺市民為快回到非鎖國不可的清王朝慈禧太后年代,及今不通關再哄騙公眾務必要載口罩打疫苗非蠢蛋化市民不可移民潮等大災難之根源也就在此,因此不必聘請律師均可起訴賠償才可救港走出孤島的唯一通道,如下:

    It also then to warning CECLam everyone with the virus forever to coexist that astronomy geographic rules never by her stern confinement those medium afraid to for the public profit to come forward as a cat or dog, and to suppose that just can to abet hygiene official & so-called medicine “adviser specialist” as on 2018.11.13 letter to Cheng Yeuk-wah Secretary for Justice also fax to CECLam even clear to inform cannot to conceal "wash lung & freezing" two treatment to butcher citizen for a fun come to “must to lock-cuntry inalienable” of the Ching CiXi overlord era, and now by no to customs clearance again to cheat public must to wear mask & stoot vaccine non to stupid citizen inalienable that emigrant tide etc. calamity the source also at here, so need not to employ a lawyer just can to plaint amends that only can to rescue HK to go away the isolate island’s only one a passageway, below:

8.   髙等法院起訴書也只須 HK$1,040.- 細節如下:

    To file an indictment in High Court that only must HK$1,040.- , the details below:


  How to indictment CECLam in High Court at or can to referral!

B 如何起訴陳肇始局長在可供参考!

    How to indictment Chan Siu-chee director at or can to referral!

C 如何起訴袁國勇可供参考!   

  How to indictment Yuan Guoyong at or can to referral!

D 如起訴許樹昌中大醫學院陳家亮院長可供参考

     How to indictment SC Hui & CUHK Medical College Chan Ka-leung at or can to referral!

E 如何起訴衞生署長林文健傳染病處主任張竹君衞生防護中心總監徐樂堅及前仼署長陳漢儀可供参考!

     How to indictment Dr Ronald LAM Director of HealthCommunicable Disease Branch director Chuang Shuk-kwanCentre for Health

          Protection Controller Dr. TSUI Lok Kin & before Director CHAN Hon-yee at or can to referral!

F 如何起訴呼吸系統專科醫生梁子超可供参考

       How to indictment the respiratory system specialist Liang Zichao ator can to referral

G 如何起訴生防護中心轄下兩個科學委員會成員稍後...

    How to indictment Centre for Health Protection two science committee members little after...

H 如何起訴其他所謂的“顧問專家”港大李嘉誠醫學院長梁卓偉等稍後...

    How to indictment other so-called “adviser specialistHKU Medical College Gabriel Leung etc. little after...

I ...

9.   從上起訴許樹昌發表7天後,就因許樹昌只是會偷雞洗肺的一名抗非鬥士而已根本冇本事書面答辯必賠無疑的被告者! 因此,鳳凰衛視吳小莉馬上於2022.1.10會見許樹昌大派“偉哥”,果然於2022.1.30获得全球呼吸学科2名由大公網所報但就不見有何學術功勳可言,顯然有CE林鄭在暗中點指,否則還機會再騙民載口罩谷針非蠢蛋化及封關不可的CE林鄭如上三大罪惡重演不停手

       From above that how to indictment SC Hui to publish 7days after, just because SC Hui merely a imitation “resist SARS a warrior” only can "steal chicken to wash lung" that is all radical no abilities to plea in writing so must to indemnify surely of the accused!  So the ifeng Tv Sally Wu at once on 2022.1.10 to interview SC Hui to largess "Viagra", just as expected on 2022.1.30 to report the SC Hui to obtain global breathe science the runner-up by Takungpao net, but not find have any learning an exploitan exploit can to perceived, that to obvious have CECLam in the dark to instruct, if no still have chance again to cheat civilian to wear mask & shoot vaccine non to stupid citizen inalienable with shut customhouse inalienable that CECLam’s as above the three big crime still can to replay no stop the hand!

10.    特别是CE林鄭更想利用如今造假確診的“奧密克戎”瘟疫阻止特首大選只想偷雞連仼,不惜全港經濟全面損害更人命關天也要繼續變態利用希特勒還要反動透頂造假確診後瘟疫騙局,這正是早被報罵為妖蛾的進一步見証! 也因此,lzm也只好如在www.ycec.sg/HK/220120a.pdf (或由ab-z & za-zz 及由220120伸延到220230日期)且及www.ycec.sg/HK/220131-2a.pdf (or2b-z 3a-z & 4a-z ) 包括初三後的www.ycec.sg/HK/220204a.pdf (orb-z & za-zz) 已傳真給全港千多間中、小學告知人人均可起訴CE林鄭及其一眾騙民庸官賠償,及提醒中西醫科書均要重編...,且理當知會港大中大兩醫學院學生要提前三思是否可轉學科不要被騙浪費青春 特別是肺部氣流防疫法”也可簡稱叫肺氣功就可令所有瘟疫醫科專家滾蛋,以及不感冒發燒者如3以上學生也要教會每天急呼氣同時自拍兩肺3次以上的肺氣功,如今10多度低溫也可不穿毛衣不冷流鼻涕,更可借此擴大肺孔智商高升聰明絕頂,全球進入200歲以上的高氧時代也將由此開始!

      Unusual is the CECLam still in suppose to employ as today the same to fake diagnosis’s Omicron plague to stop from the HKCE election only longing to steal-chicken to renew her term in office, and not to stint all HK’s economy already in full to harm even human life to very important also to want continue to use compare Hitler still reactionary fake diagnosis after the plague fraud, this just is early by press to reprove as a goblin-moth further witness!  Also hence, lzm cannot but as in www.ycec.sg/HK/220120a.pdf  (or let a change to b-z & za-zz & can let 220120 change to 220230 date), and as www.ycec.sg/HK/220131-2a.pdf (or change to 2b-z, 3a-z & 4a-z ) include 2022.2.04 after the www.ycec.sg/HK/220204a.pdf (or a can change to b-z & za-zz) that already fax in HK to excess 1000 schools, to inform everyone even can to plaint CECLam with her a pack deceptive nonentity official with to remind all the medicine book of Chinese and Western even must to republication..., and must to inform HKU & CUHK two college of medicine those student must to think thrice whether can to transfer subject dont by deceive to waste youth!  Unusual is the “Lung-Airstreams Epidemic Prophylaxis" or can for short “lung breathing technique” just can let all plague with medicine specialist to get away!  As well as: no cold fever as three ages upward student also must to teach every day to fast exhale again at the same time self-pat two lung three frequency upward of the “lung breathing technique”, if 10°low temperature also can no to wear cardigan nor cold to snivel, still can by this to dilate lung hole let IQ to be promoted & wise utterly, therefore, global into 200ages upward the high oxygen era also will by this to start


Also then to use not worth vaccine of that World war III will at this point to end to write in annals!

11.  由於如上如何起訴CE林鄭的訟因二.3.更清楚指明人人必病毒共存的天然環境永世不變人人都懂且始於2022.1.20已盡知全港中小學,因此常上Tv騙民要清零檢測才可通關的林鄭特首也要馬上轉口動態清零以為就可脫罪也由此而來!

    Due to as above orhow to indictment CECLam that cause of action two.3. still clear to point out: everyone must with virus to coexist of the crude environment will forever constant and everyone even to know, even start 2022.1.20 after already wholly know all HK’s middle or primary school, so usually to Tv cheat civilian must to “zero clearing check” only can to customs clearance of the CECLam also must at once to transit “dynamic-check” to assume can to exonerate just by this come from too!

12.  動態清零源起何方?也就因不少西方國家早在去年就大笑COVID-19瘟疫實為天然界病茵偶然入口鼻而已,因此改變政策要「與病毒共存」並大笑自知造假核酸檢測手段的中國才有每天才100上下的 確診人,但就不知肺部氣流防疫法”早已由深圳向北遍傳內陸連醫保費也不進一步令各地方政府的經濟收益進入底,因此要由所谓專家建議收取每人每月20元「呼吸稅」又成天大笑話後更無力為造假確診瘟疫造勢,因此,衛健委的梁萬年要於2021.11.14表態動態清零清零遮醜  但反被林鄭特首以其動態歪念變種特創出來勢洶洶第五波疫情以為就可為其不通關墊腳再騙民,也2020.4.10的去信警務處長更因大多市民也懂吞曬口水再讓林鄭檢測就可免被隔離受害令確診人數也少得可憐,但歪念百出林鄭特首仍继续衛生署2022.03.03撒谎有76911確診的最高人數

     But the “dynamic-check source where?  Also because have some west country early on last year to loud mock the COVID-19 plague is true in natural world a germ chance into mouth or nose nothing more, so to change policy mustwith virus to coexistand to laugh at self-knowing fake nucleic acid  tests means of the China every day only had 100up or low case of the diagnostician number of person, but just don't know the “Lung-Airstreams Epidemic Prophylaxis" already from Shenzhen city to spread inland so include the medical insurance fee need not to buy also let each locality Gov. those economical into the valley bottom, hence must by so-called expert to suggest everyone each month 20 Renminbi to pay the breathe taxagain to become a big joke after still unable for fake diagnosis plague to Drum-up Campaign, therefore, the Mr. Liang Wannian of National Health Commission at once on 2021.11.14 to declare must use “movement zero clearing” not “zero clearing” to hide one's shame!  But CECLam at once by this “movement devious" variety to build break in in full fury of the fifth fluctuate epidemic" to suppose just can let her no customs clearance to excuse again can to cheat civilian, but as on 2020.4.10 the letter to police director, and chiefly civilian already to know if to swallow spit again let CECLam to check” that just can to avoid seclude to be cursed with so let the diagnosis head count to less pathetic, so twister of the CECLam still by Ministry of Public Health on 2022.03.03 to lie had 76911 the diagnosis maximum number of people!

13.  动态清零只志在再骗民載口罩打疫苗蠢哂才有利獨裁統治已盡知全球,如加拿大阿爾伯塔省宣佈取消疫苗護照,如上被lzm笑話的拜登總統也要支持2022.4.21撤銷口罩令及由2022.6.12後入境美國不需新冠檢測

           Thedynamic-check” only to aims for deceptive to wear mask & shoot vaccine to fool only favorable autocracy reign already full to known in global, so as the a province of Canada to rescind the vaccine passport, or above by lzm to joke of the Biden President also must to support to rescind the mask order on April 21, 2022 and on June 12, 2022 after enter USA need not by COVID-19 diagnosis!  


All media of HK already to clear the COVID-19 diagnosis to fake still afraid to report!  So the humanity & morality at where?

14. lzm被逼要2021.4.12-3東方報、星島信報明報文匯報傻婆听大公經濟報傻婆听蘋果報香港商電台、有線電視香港新聞網翡翠Tv媒体均有去電直言但祸害全球造假新冠檢測原產地的CE林鄭政府仍手握違基本法第18 條規定不得登憲實施的《港區國安法利器下令所有港媒均要如貓狗下跪聽話騙民支持造假的檢測手段也如衛生局已雙手血淋淋也要繼續殺民為快

    As lzm must to call all media of HK on April 12, 2021 after to be outspoken the COVID-19 diagnosis to fake, but had not to call by English, pardon!




All HK Gov. Dept. also to clear the COVID-19 diagnosis to fake and the Airflow Prevention Method valid surely, but still afraid to change policy?

so the “One Country Two System" to remnant how much already value to opinion of the public!


16.被逼無奈lzm也要2021.4.01-13電各政府部門直言檢測造假,如海關機場食環署福利署、山頂纜車公司水務署法援署、公務員事務局平機會政制及內地事務局教育服務處環保處民政事務處政府新聞處民安隊懲教署運輸處傻仔聽房屋署、2021.4.08通訊及創意產業科傻仔聽郵政局天文台傻女聽商經發展局建築署屋宇署土木工程拓展署渠務署機電工程署地政總署傻女聽規劃署傻婆聽財經及庫務局統計處公司註冊處物流服務署稅務局2021.4.09破產管理署 創新及科技局香港檢測和認證局效率促進辦公室產業署2021.4.15禮賓處廉政公署

        And lzm also must to call all Gov. Dept. of HK on April 01, 2021 after to be outspoken the COVID-19 diagnosis to fake and the Airflow Prevention Method valid surely, but had not to call by English, pardon!

17.也如lzm早在2020.3.18就已黄定光廖長江國麟40議員告知去信張建宗政務司長也傳真給所有議員均有記錄可見,直言此信的重要性務必詳閱,即隔離令違規立法及以臭口水臭鼻屎體外之物確診體內病態醫學騙局以及更有氣流防疫法”一用就可任何瘟疫全冇均均在此信冇人可駁,但所有議員如白領市民工資也不敢為民出聲已令港府走進醫學騙局獨裁基本人性何在? 也該是時候自我良知全港市民有所交代是否?

It also as lzm early on March 18-20, 2020 already to call WONG Ting-kwongLIAO Cheung-kong or Leekoklong etc. 40 LegCo members to inform the  letter to Cheung Kin-chung of Chief Secretary for Administration that also fax to all LegCo members even had record visual, and call to be outspoken this letter’s importance so must detailed to read!   Because the quarantine order to breach rules to legislation and by “smelly spit or nostril feces” those ectoparasite to diagnosis in body the morbidity this medical fraud with still have the “Lung-Airflow Epidemic Prophylaxis” only to use just can let any plague fully to end even in this letter not one can to refute, but no find have one member may be dare to emergence for the people's livelihood to waste citizen’s earnings already let HK Gov. to walk in autocracy by diagnosis this medical fraud that basic humanity at where?  So now also ought to confess of the intuitive ability to know right or wrong by self with fully citizen of HK!   Yes or no?

18.特别如上 3., lzm2020.6.03雙語再去信君彥警吿隔離令立法會批凖有錯在先,且确诊造假戴口罩不就等如一謀殺陷阱! 此信更議員、媒體大律師公會各律行等參閱均有記錄在案可查!是否均在如上1.所述違規而立國安法利箭下冇人敢天責、人道盡失?

Unusual as above 3.of lzm before on June 03, 2020 by a letter or or bilingua to LegCo Leung Kwan-yuen chairman to warning the "isolation order" to ratify by legislative have mistake formerly, and the "diagnosis" to fake even the “wear masks not like a murder trap"!   So this letter the same fax to each LegCo members each medium each barrister each lawyering etc. to consult equal have the record can to check!  But whether even as above 1. to state that to breach rules to legislation ofNational Security Lawat this sharp weapon before so no one to have the courage to speak one's mind already the duty of gods with humanity to full lose?

19. 兩年後的港府不要臉亂世百出lzm因此也要於2022.5.31梁君彥議員主席辦事處直言,且將前給一學特注傳真提醒務必跟進如再不為民出聲, 協助衛生局特首謀殺市民的 刑事罪 將不可否認! 其他如宇人林健李慧克勤健波梁美芬葉劉淑儀謝偉俊林哲玄70議員均有直言錄音傳真注存檔提醒人證物證俱全,如有需要必再公 

   But two years after of the HK Gov. still shameless to troubled times by every means, so lzm also must on 2022.5.31office of LegCo Leung Kwan-yuen chairman to be outspoken, and by before give a school’s letter to specially indication must to tag along: if again no to give off sound for citizen, to assist Health Bureau to murder citizen the criminal offense will cannot to deny!  As  CHEUNG Yu-yanor LAM Tzit-yuen etc. seventy  LegCo members even have to be outspoken with to specially indication to remind, now the human testimony and material evidence already to every variety, ...if to need it will be to bulletin again!

20. 也如lzm2022.5.30林哲玄議員辦事處已清楚直言是非,但明知確診造假且有防疫法林哲玄醫學界議員竟敢2022.7.12配合衛生局電 台節目胡鬧安心出行紅黃碼制可行只在密謀如何口罩疫苗蠢蛋化所有市民不惜進一步搞死曬香港? 另lzm2022.5.26田北辰議員後於2022.7.14出電台安心出行實名制擾民為何也不敢直言確診造假更有防疫法瘟疫何來?這才是擾民的最惡毒焦點!

   Also as lzm  LAM Tzit-yuen councilor office on 2022.5.30 clear to be outspoken the right and wrong, but this come form medicine scope councilor already to be fully aware diagnosis fake and have Lung-Airflow Epidemic Prophylaxis, but why have the audacity on 2022.7.12 to tie in Health Bureau at radio station to be mischievous the relieved-egress must have the Red-Yellow system to conspire by Mask & Vaccine how to stupid all citizen and not to stint further to calamity HK?   And lzm the same TIEN Puk-sun councilor office on 2022.5.26, though he after at radio station to fulminate the true name system of relieved-egress to disturb civilian on 2022.7.14, but why also afraid to point out the diagnosis to fake and still have Airflow Prevention Method after the plague at where?  Because this only is to disturb civilian of the vicious focus!

21. 更如lzm2022.5.31後均有去電123全港議員楊浩然議員也將前給一學信中特注傳真提醒務必跟進:如再不為民出聲, 協助衛生局謀殺市民的 刑事罪 將不可否認!  也同彭家浩區議員楊哲安區議員仇栩欣區議員周卓奇區議員郭偉強區議員李清霞區議員馬文南區議員黄宏泰灣仔區議員吳寶強九龍城區議員陳耀雄觀塘區議員覃德誠深水埗區議員林健文油尖旺區議員廖成利黄大仙區議員余漢坤離島區議員盧婉婷葵青區議員李冠洪議員周賢明西貢區議員冼卓嵐沙田區議員區鎮濠大埔區議員陳琬琛荃灣區議員黄丹晴區議沈豪傑元朗區議員人證物證俱全, 如有需要再公佈詳情!

        Still as lzm also on 2020.5.31 after even to call 123 person all DC member!  AsYEUNG Sui-yin, the same before give a school’s letter to specially indication must to tag along:  if again no to give off sound for citizen, to assist Health Bureau to murder citizen the criminal offense will cannot to deny!  And same asPANG Ka-hoYOUNG Chit-on CHAU Hui-yan CHOW Cheuk-ki KWOK Wai-keungLEE Ching-har SouthernPaul ZIMMERMAN Wan ChaiWONG Wang-tai Kowwloon CityNG Po-keungKwun Tong CHAN Yiu-hungSham Shui PoCHUM Tak-shingYau Tsim MongLAM Kin ManWong Tai SinLIU Sing-leeIslandssYU Hon-kwan Kwai TsingLO Yuen-ting NorthLEE Koon-hung Sai KungCHAU Yin-ming Sha TinSIN Cheuk-nam Tai PoAU Chun-ho Tsuen WanCHAN Yuen-sum Tuen MunWONG Tan-ching Yuen LongSHUM Ho-kit now the human testimony and material evidence already to every variety, if to need it will be to bulletin again!

22.首先,如上議員或港媒為何均不敢追問衛生防護中心張竹君這撒謊婆怎解會老舊過中國衛生部不敢公佈有多少確診病態者?多少病態者? 或許也有議員衛生局幕後黑手繼續呃鬼食豆腐衛生署副署長也於2022.7.17確診,林文健署長都要隔離哦! 核酸檢測造假的官方騙徒遍地在港就此可見  更於2022.7.13就首先拉出許樹昌胡扯:香港已築免疫屏障確診輕症為主,以為就可以“輕症”狡詐造假確診均冇病態”遮醜張竹君繼續左哄右騙公眾防疫法才是真正的免疫屏障醫學臭蟲有本事否認嗎?

       First, as above councilor or medium etc.of HK equal afraid to cross-examine the Centre for Health Protection that lie old woman of Chuang Shuk-kwan director why can sly to exceed China’s Ministry of Public Health afraid to notify every day have how much morbidity or no morbidity of the diagnostician?  It maybe also have councilor to query, but the Public Health Bureau or an evil backstage manipulator continue cheat ghost to eat tofu” to point the vice-Director of Health also on 2020.7.17 to diagnosis, and the Ronald LAM of Director of Health also must to quarantine oh!  The nucleic acid tests to fake of the official trickster everywhere in HK just by this to visual!  The evil backstage manipulator still on 2022.7.13 in first to pull out the SC Hui to blabber“in HK already build a immunization shield, the diagnostician by slight symptom for mainly!”, to assume only by slight symptom to cunning in HK all diagnostician equal no morbidity to hide shame just can let Chuang Shuk-kwan can continue to left coax right deceive public!  But at Lung-Airflow Epidemic Prophylaxis only is genuine a immunization shield, so this medical bedbug have abilities to deny?

23. lzm早於2017.3.13去信常戴抗非鬥士假面具實只會偷雞洗肺許樹昌警告不得再高永文站台向公眾撒謊流感針抗體可抵制流感害人不淺! 但如上9.也被大派“偉哥”的許樹昌,也被林鄭政府太平紳士, 因此至今仍不知羞恥敢出台媒體撒謊家常便飯令鬼勢滔天人將學鬼張果老預言突顯!

     As lzm early on 2017.3.13 by a letter to only can stealthily to "wash lung" and usually to wear a false mask of “resist SARS a warrior” to boast that expert HUI Shu-cheong HUI Shu-cheong to warn cannot again for Health Bureau ex-director Ko wing-man to platform to lie the flu vaccine have antibody can to resist flu again to cause infinite harm to people!  But as above 9. to dispatch "Viagra" the HUI Shu-cheong also by ex- CECLam to crown is a Justices of the Peace, so the HUI Shu-cheong up to now still shameless dare to disclose in medium to lie as potluck to cause now the billowing by a wicked game, and person will to learn ghost from a specter of Zhang Guolao’s prophecy to prominent!

24. 也如lzm更早於2017.1.16去信申訴專員公署劉燕卿專員要求申訴衛生局長高永文及衛生署, 即他們只會偷用解救非典國難lzm洗肺醫療法發明後再隱瞞不公用尽是沒人性的殺人狂魔,申訴要點並包括明知所有針對病毒感染的流感疫苗均虛假並毫無效用, 或如lzm更早2016.11.01去電衛生署直言也回復全無,也明知疫苗只是現代化的愚民手段均無人可駁,但劉燕卿仍與高永文犯罪通姦, 再去信譴責也冇用,更多詳情在www.ycec.net/HK/patent.htm,   也即始於解救非典國難洗肺醫療法也早為免疫屏障無人可駁高永文也獲金紫荊星章有報後也要去信禮賓處長更告知“冷凍”治療法也令癌症疫苗包括所有流感疫苗醫學騙局只為愚民工具無疑

       Also as , lzm even early on 2017.1.16 by a letter to Ombudsman Ms Connie Lau to claim complain Health Bureau ex-director Ko wing-man with Department of Health, that is them only be good at to stealthily to "wash lung" of lzm’s treatment invention only can to save SARS national calamity after again to conceal not commonage for citizen,  so them full of no humanity to kill people of the mad demon, and the gist of complain still to include them already to be fully aware all aimed at “virus ”to infect those flu vaccine equal false and without utility, or as with lzm still more early on 2016.11.01 Health Bureau to be outspoken, but still no reply up to now,  so to be fully aware the vaccine merely modern an obscurantist means equal no one can to refute, but the Ko wing-man still with Ms Connie Lau to sin adultery, so again letter still ator to condemn no dice, even more details at www.ycec.sg/HK/patent.htm visual, also then to start by "wash lung" treatment to save SARS calamity early for a immune shield the same no one can to refute, and then Ko wing-man to awarded a Gold Bauhinia Star after lzm also must by a letter to Director of Protocol still to inform the "wash lung" treatment also can let cancer vaccine include all flu vaccine equal a medicine fraud only for an obscurantist means surely!

25. 更遭糕的是,造假瘟疫已由如上人證物證俱全盡知全港後,上天UFO震怒7高溫撲地警告!如大廈圍封強檢核酸檢測”造假两大惡作劇lzm的直言罵遍全港後, 儘管也見袁國勇、孔繁毅等所謂4專家改倡棄圍封強檢及學校快測”, 但仍大歪臭嘴巴要混合免疫打疫苗2022.7.16星島報可見!

     Still too bad is, above plague to fake already had the human testimony and material evidence to having and wholly to know in HK still no to change after, so the God with UFO also to rage on July to high temperature beat land warning!  But as mansions to siege quarantine again by nucleic acid tests to fake this two large prank already by lzm to outspoken revilement suffuse in HK after, though also to see Yuan GuoyongIvan Hung etc. so-called 4 specialist to change propose discard siege quarantine with school’s quick tests”, but still big crooked their stinking mouth mustmix immunizationto shoot vaccine by SingTao Daily on 2022.7.16 visual!  

26. 但港府的幕後黑手羞恥不停手又拉出衛生局長盧寵茂2022.7.16布局撒謊兩周後確診或升兩倍 防疫措施不能躺平,更於2020.7.24 拉出如上24.早知有洗肺及今氣流防疫法的兩大免疫屏障多年冇面出高永文也要由大公報編輯他亦認同安心出行實名制並引入紅黃碼系統繼續騙人且也於2022.7.28拉出立會議員簡慧敏表演快檢陽性正居家隔離, 但如簡慧敏特注傳真提醒務必跟進但為何反被利用騙民核酸檢測”造假?且也於2022.8.03-4拉出金管局總裁余偉文勞福局啟明副局長楊恩健消防處長及環境及生態局長助理等高官表演快檢陽性隔離, 難道如上16.lzm去電各政部門直言檢測造假白費戴口罩傻曬也不懂吞曬口水快檢麻煩不也, 這正是幕後黑手以疫苗口罩蠢蛋化全港市民惡毒佈局!

       But in HK Govt. backstage the evil manipulator still not to stop hand and again to pull out Chung-mau Lo Secretary for Health on 2022.7.16 to layout lie: “two week after the diagnostician or to rise doubleso the prevention measures cannot to loosen”, still on 2022.7.16 to pull out above 24. that early to know have "wash lung" treatment with now Airflow Epidemic Prophylaxis two immunization large shield and many years no face to disclose that Ko wing-man also can by HK TKWW toedit him also to identifyrelieved to walkmust to true name system and to lead intoRed-Yellow Signsystem continue to deceive people; just also on 2022.7.28 to pull out councilor KAN Wai-mun to act positive by quick tests and just in home to quarantine, but asKAN Wai-mun with specially indication fax at to remind must to tag along, but why abnormity can to employ to deceive citizen the nucleic acid tests no to fake?  Even also on 2022.8.03-4 to pull out HKMA Chief Executive Eddie YUEUnder Secretary for Labour and Welfare Ho Kai-ming, Director of Fire Services YEUNG Yan-kin with Secretary for Environment and Ecology an assistant etc. high official the same to act positive by quick tests must to quarantine…, is it possible that above 16. lzm also to call HK Gov. each department to be outspoken the nucleic acid tests to fake in vain?  Or to wear gauze mask already to fool also no know to swallow spit after again to exempt trouble as?   Negative, this just is the evil manipulator at HK Gov. backstage to attempt by vaccine with gauze mask to fool all citizens no to stopping of the vicious a layout!

27. lzm報案非逮捕不可的陳肇始前食衞局長及陳漢儀前衞生署長也於2022.7.27也被林鄭政府公佈獲取金紫荊銀紫荊兩大星章誘惑各高官, 明知lzm兩大免疫屏障也要繼續騙民核酸檢測”大廈圍封強檢的兩大造假惡作劇已令一國兩制全無且為反骨個人獨裁政權…, 也就於2022.7.26何栢良這奴才總監在疫情記者會建議取消每日公佈確診數字以免醜態百出因此,張竹君這撒謊婆於2022.8.04馬上騙民已超5000確診仍無須公佈有冇病態比例仍老舊過中國政府   

  And even as lzm to report a case must to arrest of the ex-Secretary for Food and Health Sophia Chan with ex-Director of Health Constance Chan also on 2022.7.27 to proclaim by ex-CECLam’s HK Gov. to awarded the Gold Bauhinia Star with Silver Bauhinia Star two large Star to lure each high official, just is to be fully aware have lzm’s two large immune shield also must to continue cheat citizen to nucleic acid tests and siege building to restriction-testing this two large fake pranks already let One Country Two System to empty-handed and reversely is an individual autocracy…, even also on 2022.7.26 to pull out HO Pak-leung this flunky director-general at epidemic a press day to suggest to cancel every day to announce tests an amount lest shameful conduct hundredfold…, so Chuang Shuk-kwan this lie odors old woman at once on 2022.8.04 to cheat citizen the tests positive already to exceed 5000 amount, but still need not to notify have or no morbidity the rate figure still sly to exceed Chinese Government!  


Just as Zhang Guolao’s "yellow peril theory" exact prophecy to bane global

to start by HK Gov. to bridle abnormal no one can to refute!  

28.  右圖鳳凰Tv 笑逐言開節目主持人姜聲揚也於2022.7.26揭露現已是科學時代, 找個專家說說就行?不也領導人要他們怎麼說都可也如東方報2022.7.14-龍吟虎嘯:新聞霸權是政治工具! 也見2022.8.06政情專頁報稱已打5的『白老鼠』議員鄧家彪確診, 為何就不敢揭穿檢測造假,反在仗義執言胡扯為幼兒接種疫苗保平安, 還要騙民更如『白老鼠』竟連lzm5年前就已警告去信也可一忘而盡? 是否如上1..違規而立的國安法利劍下的東方虎也要政治工具狗窩不敢直言,特別是無線Tv進狗窩不惜全民為敵是否?!


   So as right photo the farce-views host Jiang SY of ifeng Tv on 2022.7.26 to unmask: …now already is science era, to find a expert to inaugural just can?  Not too, if leader to want them how to say even can…;  also as Oriental News on 2022.7.14 a subject of dragon chant tiger roar: News hegemony is a politics tool!  And Oriental’s political-situation theme on 2022.8.06 to report already to shot five vaccine stitch as awhite mouseof the TANG Ka-piu MP member also to tested positive, but why afraid to expose tested means to fake?  On the contrary at Oriental’s “speak boldly to uphold justice” to blabber: for infant shoot vaccine can ensure in safety!  Why still must to cheat citizen to shoot vaccine as to kneel down News hegemony awhite mouse?  But actually include lzm before five years already by a letter to warn also can to forget completelyWhether as above 1. to lawlessNational Security Lawthat sharp arrow of the Oriental’s tiger-roars also must into a politics tool kennel so afraid to speak bluntly, still as  to other medium unusual is the Wireless Tv also must into kennel not to stint to act public enemy in HK, yes or no?

29. 難怪聯合國人權事務委員會於2022.7.26促廢《國安法》及煽動罪以免執法部門空泛演繹如警方使用過分武力,才可免公民及政治權利被侵蝕,歐盟也馬上聲明支持! CE林鄭信在警方速龍(小隊)面前還可暴打急救中16 歲學生均有剪圖為證呈庭也已令政制局反駁言之無物,更如射筆又非刊憲的禁賣品,豈可空泛演繹亂判,如經濟日報也可點接法官臭口水就不敢質疑義氣全無但最重要的是如上1..所指的國安法》有違基本法18條規定並非“港區自治範圍的法律不得實施! 或如上19.-21.已盡知各議員,被控變態港府毫無作用已人權法治基礎盡失一國兩制成為空話, 移民潮也因此狂升

       No wonder UNHCHR be good at on 2022.7.26 to urge cancelNational Security Lawwith stir up crime only can lest enforce the law department to vague deduce as police to undue use military might, that only can to exempt citizen with politics to corrode, so the EU also at once to proclaim to support!  As lzm to CECLam in letter to show before police (fast dragon a team) why still can to violence to hit in first aid a 16 ages student that even have cut photo can file a complaint to do proof in law court, so already let HKSAR to retort to be devoid of substance, still as Laser pointer also no to publish-statute of the forbid article, why can by vague deduce disorder to judge, and as the Economy daily also can to prettify connect the judge’s odors spit still afraid to query so the moral prestige to hardly any!  But the most is at above 1. visual to point out the National Security Lawto violate 18 regulations of Basic Law really not a "HK area law of self-rule scope" so can’t to practice!   Or same at above 19.-21. as  already to know each LegCo with DC member, but to face already to bridle abnormal HK Gov. all the utility no to find, so the human rights with basis by law rule already all to lose and to lead the one country two system to become a hollow words, the emigrant tide also hence to mad to rise now!

30.  2022.8.22翡翠Tv可見,澳門保安司長黃少澤在召開修改《國安法》公開諮詢新聞就直言港區《國安法》由中央立法,也就如上1.29.港區《國安法有違基本法一國兩制早為空話響徹雲霄!

   From 2022.8.22 new of the Jade Tv visual, then Security Director Mr. Huang of Macao to convene how to modifyNational Security Lawthe time at once to speak bluntly theHK area National Security Lawto legislate by CP-China center, also as above 1.& 29. theHK area National Security Lawto violate Basic Law already to cause the one country two system to become an empty talk to rend the skies!

31如上10.其一的,或如 2021年的去信潔心林炳炎中學有複再去信鹽水保健肺部氣流防疫法或簡稱肺氣功均在可見如此無人可駁兩大免疫屏障均應進通識教育也盡知全港學校,就因劉瑤紅校長也是通識教師聯會顧問必有作為也盡知各媒體及各議員如,但新上任的李家超特首被訪問時自稱天天有練(只入肚凸腹氣功已幾十年繼續傻民戴口罩避開不用吃藥可立即退燒肺氣功免疫屏障翡翠Tv可見,豈知識聯會馬上如教協也被解體2022.7.16新聞可見!    

  And as above 10. that one , or as on 2021year by a letter to Kit Sam Lam Bing Yim Secondary School had a written reply after again go a letter in that “saturated brine hygiene” with “Lung-Airstreams Epidemic Prophylaxis" or for short “lung breathing technique” equal at  visual as no one can to refute those two big immune shelter even must in to the general education also to know all school in HK, because the Ms. Liu Principal also is an adviser of Liberal Teachers Association necessarily capable of great achievements, and also to know all mediums on  & MP as , but the new ECLeeKaChiu on a visit only to call oneself in daily have to drill the “qigong” but only enter belly to raised abdomen already some decennium, so by this to avoid need not to eat drug just at once can to bring down a fever of lzm’s lung breathing technique” this immune shelter from Jade Tv visual only can continue to silly citizen to wear a mask, and the Liberal Teachers Association at once as the education association to order lift on 2022.7.16 the news visual!

 32.    也特別如上14-21. lzm的去電直言揭露後, 就少有議員高官願出台被「賣仔」表演核酸檢測隔離白老鼠』繼續哄騙市民要戴口罩疫苗就急壞了嚴控港府幕後黑手馬上點指李家超特首於2022.8.26委任6名副局太平紳士 結果,心有壓力的商經發展局丘應樺創新科技及工業局孫東初確隔離均有見報! 不可原諒的是lzm也早在20214月就已商經發展局 及創新及科技局直言核酸檢測造假也白費心機也是時候要自我交代不得再白領市民工資了!是否?

          Also particularly as above 14-21. lzm to call to speak bluntly to expose after, that thus few have MP with high official willing to Tv as capturedsell pigletto act bynucleic acid tests” must quarantine as awhite mousecontinue to silly citizen to wear a mask with shoot vaccine, so at once to worry by strict to control HK Gov. of in off-stage the manipulator to order ECLeeKaChiu in first to appoint six deputy chief for peace gentleman!  So still have the Commerce and Economic Development Mr. Algernon Yau with Secretary for Innovation, Technology and Industry Mr. Sun Dong the same to diagnostician and must to quarantine even in the news visual!  Unpardonable is lzm also early on April of 2021year already to call &this two Director Office to be outspoken the nucleic acid tests to fake already in vain?    So on this time by self to confess cannot again to waste citizen wage!  Yes or not?

33.  更可怕的是如上24.所揭, 也早在www.ycec.net/HK/patent.htm 就有比爾蓋茨揭穿疫苗的十大罪證!》更有去信陳漢儀生署長只須一小實驗就可令所有病毒疫苗破產, 也同傳高永文無語回駁! 5年前已臭曬名但新任行政會議成員高永文躲在一邊拾來天后又於2022.8.27出場造假有疫情2012年的週一嶽視生命為草芥打太極配合!  因此,食環署馬上下令出席宴會者須快測陰性及公務員事務局長楊何蓓也要於2022.8.28出場六個月至三歲幼童提高接種率, 衛生防護中心首席醫生歐家榮也要傻瓜2022.8.30確診, 何栢良梁子超梁栢賢及醫衛生局長戶寵茂常出場配合為第4階段「疫苗通」騙民鋪路由文匯網可見

      Still fearful is as above to unmask at 24., also early on www.ycec.net/HK/patent.htm that visual Bill Gates to expose vaccine have ten big crime proof!and still had lzm by a letter to Director of Health Chen Hon-yee at  to witness only by a small experiment that just can let all Virus Vaccine to bankruptcy, the letter also Fax to Ko wing-man but nil can refute!  Then on five years before already to notorious and now the member Ko wing-man of administration council also must to hide to exceed ten days after again on 2022.8.27 to appear on Tv to tell stories have epidemic as in 2012year the ex-director Zhu York Chow of Health Bureau to look at life as a trifles still to hit tai chi to tie in!  So the Food and environmental Hygiene Dept. at once to order those to attend banqueting must to Quick Tests Negative with Civil Service Bureau Mrs Ingrid YEUNG Secretary also must on to 2022.8.28 to proclaim for 0.6-3year child to lift a rate for the inoculate, and the Centre for Health Protection that chief doctor Ou Jiarong also need to play a fool on 2022.8.30 to tested positive, and the HO Pak-leungLiang ZichaoLeung Pak-yin with Secretary for Health Chung-mau LO also usually to come on Tv. to tie in forVaccine Throughof fourth phase to pave a road cheat citizen…even by HK Wenweipo can to see!

34. 難怪無病僅74歲不老前保安局長李少光也於2022.8.14睡夢中猝死離世, 這就是違規口罩令下缺氧令腦部神經失常的見證如lzm早於2000.6.02 去信鄭炳強警務處長注明猝死口罩警員因由!

     So no wonder have no ill only 74age not old ex-Secretary for Security Ambrose Lee also on 2022.8.14 in sleep to sudden death, this just is by illegal mask order to anoxaemia only can to lead brain a nerve to abnormal witness, as  lzm on 2020.6.02 by a letter to Tang Ping-keung Commissioner of Police in that already to explain to sudden death constable by gauze mask the origin!

35. 由於又有 如上33.新任行政會議成員高永文的主導,尽管大廈污水必有陽性細菌永世不變及以體外之物造假檢測人人盡知,但被罵大蠢婆的CE林鄭仍要圍封強檢儘管如上25.也見袁國勇孔繁毅CE李家超4專家知恥後改倡“棄圍封強檢學校快測”,因此, 2022.8.31報指李家超住所等多幢樓污水陽性要圍封強檢, 難道民政總署浪费公款派逾20萬快測包有用嗎?現已輪到新特首李家超如何回應近親近鄰了!

      And now still by above 33. already to notorious Ko wing-man to leading, though all the block’s sewage pipe necessarily have the positive germs forever constant and by ectoparasite to false to nucleic acid tests already to be known to all, but by public to abusive is a big idiot woman of the CECLam still order must compel to siege quarantine, despite as above 25. visual HK four expert to shame after also must to change initiativve discard siege quarantine with school’s quick tests but still to say not by new ECso on 2022.8.31 by a report point at ECLeeKaChiu’s dwelling etc. many block’s sewage pipe have the positive germs also must to siege quarantine!  Is it possible that Home Affairs Departmen still squander public funds to send 200,000 quick tests bag to be helpful?  So now is to shifts the ECLeeKaChiu how to reply near kindred or neighbor?

36. 也必有人質問如上22.張竹君這撒謊婆如何處理確診有冇病態者? 何栢良奴才總監馬上2022.8.12倡向無症狀確診者或2022.8.17籲長者確診5日內處方新冠口服藥, 但馬上被鐘南山稱至今沒有藥物能預防新冠?中和抗體集體失色2022.8.21從鳳凰網可見的港府奴才官員被刮了一大巴! 也如東方報2022.8.09激濁揚清4針死亡 5針染疫」, 但就不敢直報告民疫苗騙局早被解救2003SARS國難lzm洗肺醫療法發明一錘破解  即以打疫苗抗體騙民防疫已進一步面目全非 也未知新特首李家超如何處理「疫苗通這一禍國殃民醫學騙局

    Also inevitable have one to question as above 22. that lie woman of Chuang Shuk-kwan how to handle to diagnosis of yes or no morbidity those who?  So the HO Pak-leung this flunky director-general at once on 2022.8.12 to advocate must let no morbidity who or on 2022.8.17 also to call if elder to diagnosis in five days must to prescription COVID-19 oral pill, but at once byZhongNanshan to declare up to now have no drug can to prophylaxis COVID-19?  And the counteract antibody to lose color” or failby ifeng net on 2022.8.21 visual all HKEC’s flunky official already fully to hit face a big slapAlso as Oriental News on 2022.8.09 that to eliminate vice and exalt virtue to shown:「shot four vaccine die, five shot infect epidemic, but just afraid to blunt inform citizen the vaccine fraud already early by lzm to save 2003 year’s SARS national calamity thatwash lung” treatment invention to one beat bankruptcy!  So if again by to shot vaccine have antibody to cheat citizen can to epidemic prevention already further to everything's changed beyond recognition!  Also to unknown now the new ECLeeKaChiu how to handle theVaccine Throughthis already to bring calamity to the country and the people of the medicine fraud?

37. 也就因造假檢測下的違規口罩令疫苗騙局進一步禍亂全港,特別是有害口罩疫苗抗體騙局小孩或學生均有個性異常,如嬰幼兒有哮喘濕疹、心肌發炎等及失業港青慘被「賣豬仔」的報導也多多如是, 因此導致如大公文匯網2022.8.21的調查指:近四成受訪家長呻疫情令親子關係變差! 但如鹽水保健肺部氣流防疫法或簡稱肺氣功均在可見適用幼兒, 為何對此也清楚無異的高永文及如上一眾廢官也不廣介市民通識仍要騙戴口罩疫苗偏要為快?  愛國必先愛民,也未知氣功大師新特首李家超可否挺身而出優先處理

   It also because byfalse nucleic acid teststo be against regulations of the gauze mask order with vaccine fraud already further to calamity fully in HK, especially is under harmful gauze mask with vaccine antibody fraud those child or student even have the personality to unusual, as baby to have asthma eczemamyocarditis etc. and as unemployed HK’s young man some of low intellect pitiful as apiggies for salethose news so much for that, hence to lead as HK TKWW on 2022.8.21 the investigate to point: nearly 40% the interview patriarch to groan because epidemic situation to let parent and child the relation to worse!  But as the "Saturated Saline hygiene" with “Lung-Airstreams Epidemic Prevention Law” or for short “Lung-Qigong” even at  visual also to apply to baby, why to this also clear not different from the Ko wing-man with above a bunch of useless officials also no extensive introduce citizen for general education and still to cheat must to wear a mask with shot vaccine to harmful to babies and infanticide for happiness?   Because to be patriotic sure to love the people in fist, so also unknown the great master of “Qigong” that new ECLeeKaChiu can or not to present oneself to have priority handle?

38. 由於如上13.被笑話的拜登總統也要支持撤銷口罩令及入境美國不需新冠檢測!連安倍晉三被謀殺後的日本及韓國也要被迫誇大確診數字, 因此也激怒了上天, 百年難遇的全球暴雨、旱災高溫也始於此,長江也要多地見底, 武漢瘟疫禍根之地高溫超30…, 但日本始於2022.8.23逐步取消入境核酸檢測證明要求, 澳門更早2022.8.03入境珠海免隔離通關, 包括中國海關總署2022.8.25公佈始於31日起無需再申報核檢及既往感染情況疫苗接種日期資訊回到2020.1.25狀態, 但就急壞暗控港府的幕後黑手,李家超2022.8.31到訪深圳再不全部免檢通關還有疫苗通可行? 即首先叫政務司長陳國基2022.8.28田北辰議員2022.8.30Tv胡扯逆隔離可行性高檢疫不符內地政策轉移公眾視角、當中國海關總署免隔離檢疫公告冇到! 翡翠Tv馬上點播港區圍封上門強檢深圳狗樣,果然也立即於2022.8.31首先封控lzm住宅區強檢更學港狗特產紅黃碼呼之欲出深圳經濟進一步受損!因此,李家超網訪,港深免隔離通關再次無蹤

        Also as above 13. in virtue of by a joke of the Biden President also must to support to rescind the mask order with to enter USA no need again by COVID-19’s nucleic acid tests”!  But then Abe Shinzo ex-Premier to murder after the Japan with Korea also must under pressure to exaggerate the definite diagnosis of numeral, so also to enrage the God, a century difficult to pin down of the global rainstormdrought or high temperature also to start in this, as the Changjiang River also many place to see the bottom, and COVID-19 plague this source of trouble site that WuHan City still more heat to exceed 30days…, so Japan beginning 2022.8.23 after gradually to cancel enter Japan the prove of nucleic acid tests”, and Macao still early on 2022.8.03 to exempt quarantine can to customs clearance, to include Chinese General Administration of Customs also on 2022.8.25 to notify start 2022.8.31 after nil need again to register nucleic acid tests with before the infect case and to shot vaccine date to come on 2020.1.25 the state, so this at once to urgent spoil in dark control HK Gov. the backstage manipulator, as ECLeeKaChiu if on 2022.8.31 to visit ShenZhen city no just can whole nil need nucleic acid tests withVaccine Throughfeasible?  So the ECLeeKaChiu at once to call out the Chief Secretary for Administration Chan Kwok-ki on 2022.8.28 with TIEN Puk-sun MP also on 2022.8.30 at Tv to blabber thereverse quarantineto feasibility high and exempt quarantine no conform to in inland policy to shift public viewpoint, to regard as Chinese General Administration of Customs the bulletin on exist!   And at once at Jade Tv visual to broadcast in HK how to siege quarantine also want ShenZhen Gov. to learn dog's pattern, just as expected at once on 2022.8.31 in first to siege control lzm’s residential area to quarantine, and still to learn HK dog's specialty that red or yellow sign a system also to come alive, and also let ShenZhen city’s economy with fame further to loss!   Also hence, the ECLeeKaChiu at once to change by net to visit, so the HK with ShenZhen city the exempt quarantine to customs clearance also again to no tracks!


Above Zhang Guolao’s prophecy today’s people or specter to inseparate that other a prank below:


Because in dark control HK Gov. of the backstage manipulator still to calamity in HK to lead now the

One Country Two System with legal system still the humanity all to lose also no one can to refute at here!

39.  也由上其二.d.e.可見, 如令禍亂全港快3造假瘟疫三大企圖其一早在2000.3.05日去張建宗政務司長信中就已清楚揭穿:如lzm深圳灣入境回港必由許村昌謀略而出的單房隔離再放毒謀殺! 即如可免隔離通關又何來機會謀殺lzm因此2020.3.11日就首先何志賢常務官造假一份上訴法庭通知騙lzm回港的第一, 更也始於20211底部可見就趕走lzm在英皇道新威園e601的租客再通令所有地產代理所有親戚均不得代理出租令lzm損失早超30萬租金就想騙回港的第二也出場,但lzm不上當,因此李家超為特首後的8月底,可見鐘沛林律師行去區域法院亂簽一造假賣樓令馬上趕走租客令lzm的生活費全無盡顯毒如蛇蠍第三司法打劫竟可出場!

www.ycec.sg/LDBM/cacv332/2006.htm 底部1-9.就有更多詳情盡可見!

Still more the details on www.ycec.sg/LDBM/cacv332/2006.htm at bottom the1-9.paragraph visual!

       Also as above That Two. d.e. visual, as to date to disasters in HK to be going to 3 years of by fake COVID-19 plague that one of  three big attempt already by a letter on March 05, 2020 to Cheung Kin-chung Chief Secretary in the letter already clear to show up: If lzm from the Shenzhen Bay enter HK, who be bound to by SC Hui to intrigue out that single room to quarantine and then to poison murder!  So if permit exempt quarantine to customs clearance that how still have the murder an opportunity?  Therefore, in first to call out the Mr HO Chi-yin registrars on March 11, 2020 to fake a notice of High Court to cheat lzm must go back HK, so this just is the First Magic Whim, and after still on Jan of 2021 as at the bottom visual to expel at 989 Kings Road, Sunway Gardens Blk. e601 lzm’s tenant and again to order all land agent with relatives equal cannot to act for to rent out, so lzm’s loss already to exceed $300,000.-HKD that just attempt to cheat lzm must go back HK of the Second Magic Whim also to come on, but lzm not to fall for, so then the new ECLeeKaChiu to inauguration not enough two month, as at visual to by the Chung & Kwan, Solicitors to District Court in disorder to sign a fake sell building order and at once to expel tenant to lead lzm’s cost of living at all nil to show as vicious as a viper by judiciary rob that Third Magic Whim actually can to appearance!

40. 也即如上新特首李家超只好網訪以免去深圳面對如上中國海關已公告免隔離可通關從而難堪, 也更令通關民望無門報導也由此而來

          So above the new ECLeeKaChiu cannot but must to change by networt visit not to ShenZhen city lest to face above already by Chinese Customs to bulletin of exempt quarantine can to Customs Clearance thus to humiliating, so the public hope nil phylum to report also by this to come from!

41. 以及也在 可見的lzm要於2022.11.24日去信陳國基政務司長揭露已禍亂全球始於香港造假瘟疫騙局的根由就来自江澤民港惡势力操控下的两大惡作企圖均已清楚無疑! 但由其特工的跟蹤两天後也要目睹此信後面目猙獰回頭不了江澤民也要被傳言死都不敢留屍更要遺囑拋骨灰入大海,但其後也同樣見此信知真相後的勇威習近平主席就下令不再核酸檢疫可通關,也因此,lzm就可免檢疫隔離謀殺的風險2023.1.10日可以回港處理此信中的第三怪招也由此而來!

     As will as also at  or .htm visual lzm still must on 2022.11.24 by a letter to Mr Chan Kwok-ki of Chief Secretary for Administration to unmask already to calamity in global 3years but start at HK to fake COVID-19 plague fraud of that origin just come form from J_Zemin in HKs vicious power to conn have two big malice attempt that equal already clear surely!  But  by who agents track, two days after also must to see this letter to sinister in appearance cannot to repent of the J_Zemin also by hearsay to die afraid to keep corpse so must to dying words must to throw his bone ash into ocean, but also equal to see this letter to know truth after the valiant Xi JinPing Chairman at this point to order no longer to nucleic acid quarantine permit customs clearance, also hence, so lzm just can exempt by quarantine to seclude murders risks on 2023.1.10 can go back HK to handle in this letter of the Third Magic Whim that also hence to come!

42. 也因lzm2023.1.10日回港後立即要999報案在先,官塘警署的不當處理手法令人驚訝!也在可見的lzm要於2023.2. 09日去信向蕭澤頤警務處長投訴,也於2023.2.11日在可見另要去信監警會王沛詩主席投訴,更於2023.2.14去信向鄧炳強保安局長可見的均全無成效! lzm也特別要於2023.2.18日也可見的還要去信物業監管局上司的民政及青年事務局麥美娟局長, 也要傳真電郵附件給立法會議員參閱要求是非問責

     Also because on 2023.1.10 can go back HK but must at once to telephone 999 to report a case in police beforehand, but the KwunTong police station that unsuitable handle trick amazinSo at  visual lzm must at once on 2023.2.09 by a letter complain to Commissioner of Police (CP) Mr SIU Chak-yee, and at  visual on 2023.2.11 again by a letter complain to Independent Police Complaints Council (IPCC) Ms Priscilla Wongand even at  visual lzm the same must on 2023.2.14 complain to Mr. Tang Ping-keung Secretary for Securityunusual also at  visual lzm still must on 2023.2.18 complain to Secretary for Home and Youth Affairs Miss Alice Mak, and also must by Fax or Email attachments to each legislative member to consult ask to reprove!


Why to cut water cut electricity & rob lzm in bank fund that baton EOs Fourth Magic Whim again can to appear

43.也就因由李家超為特首後才導演而出如上就想騙lzm回港的第三怪招已在警方面徹底破產但造假有賣樓令的幕後黑手就怕lzm上法庭處理,因此其特首辦就又要出點指水務署長中電lzm原帳號已於2007.4.01終結要截水截電,也在可見就想令已回港lzm在官塘永興工廈13/F., C-4辦公室無法工作及生活,且更要進一步點指稅務局長配合中銀也於2023.3.10清倉搶曬lzm帳戶金錢,可見的lzm2023.3.18要去信中銀劉連舸董事長問是非,但就因其面目全非也於第二天辭職

    Also because LeeKaChiu to take up EO after only to direct above just suppose cheat lzm go back HK that Third Magic Whim already at Police front to go under!  So to fake have sell building Order that backstage manipulator just to fear lzm to handle in court, hence must by EO offices force to handle by Water Supplies Dept. & at visual CLP Power to arrogation lzms a/c already on 2007.4.01 day to end so must to cut water & electricity, that only to attempt lead lzm in his 13/F., C-4 gallery office of Wing Hing Ind. Bldg unable to work with life, and the EO office further to order the Tax Bureau to tie in China BankHKon 2023.3.10 day at once let order lzms a/c to clearance rob all money, so at  visual lzm must by a letter to China Banks chairman on 2023.3.18 day to ask the right and wrong, but to look ashen of the chairman also must on second day to resign!

44. 也在 & 可見的金管局律政司刑檢辦專員2023.3.23均在敷衍回復!  如上刑檢辦專員在回復中就只會詐稱律政司職責只為政府部門效命...,難道就想缺德壞事幹盡的家超政府都可否認不為反動透頂獨裁政權?

   Because above letter to LeeKaChiu EO the same attachments to HK Monetary Authority with Director of Public Prosecutions of Dept. of Justice, but also at & visual same by a perfunctory reply on 2023.3.23 day, as the Director of Public Prosecutions in her reply to arrogation Dept. of Justices duty only to obey orders for Government Dept. . . ., so is it possible that just think to wicked to do every evil those Government Official all can to deny already for a reactionary thoroughly autarchy regime

45. 也就在稅務局長推動下中銀金錢行劫已超嚴重也在可見的lzm也要於2023.4.11日去信葛海蚊董事長再問是非,也在可見的金管局2023.4.17又再敷衍回覆因此也在可見的lzm也要於2023.4.21日去信金管局余偉文總裁再三問是非!  

   Also because by Tax Bureau director to drive with China Bank’s money rob already to exceed acute, also at  visual lzm complain to Ge HaiWen new chairman on 2023.4.11 day to ask the right and wrong again,   and at visual lzm must again by another a letter to HK Monetary Authority Eddie YUE Chief Executive repeatedly to ask the right and wrong

46. 也就因也在可見的lzm也要於2023.2.17日去信政制及內地事務局曾國衛局長也副件傳真給中聯辦鄭雁雄主仼轉告主席及李克強總理處理,也當李家超特首訪京時的李克強總理也要警告「人在做天在看、蒼天有眼!」,且習近平也再次強調要「按規律辦事, 特別是港澳辦夏寶龍主任也于2023.3.06會見李家超特首就直言香港再不能搞錯方向和搞亂自己,更要按規律辦事!」均有如實報導, 但就不見李家超特首停手按規律辦事」且如上的第四怪招又可以妖魔黑洞馬上超頭出埸!

       And also at visual lzm early on 2023.2.17 must by a letter complain to Secrretary for Constitutional and Mainland Affairs Mr. Erick TSANG Kwok-wai the same must attachments to ZhengYanXiong Director of CenterLian Office pass on to Xi JinPing Chairman with Li KeQiang Premier to handle, so then the LeeKaChiu EO to call on Beijing after the Li KeQiang Premier also must to warning:a person to act have the God to seeso the blue sky have an eye, even the Xi JinPing Chairman also again to emphasize must:to follow law to perform work! , unusual is the Xia BaoLong Director of HK and Macao Affairs Office also on 2023.3.06 to interview LeeKaChiu EO to speak bluntly:HK can not to flub direction with to gum up self, still must to follow law to perform work! that equal had truly report, but only not see the EO LeeKaChiu to stop the hand to:to follow law to perform work! , even as above by his Fourth Magic Whim again can by an evil spirit the black hole to ChiuHead at once to appear

 47.    也如在 & 可見的lzm也要於2023.3.172023.3.22日再去信李家超特首, 才有李家超特首也在 可見於2023.3.27日的簡單回復! 也儘管如今特首敷衍回復有異前特首必會告知會將本投訴信轉交被投訴的部門處理, 但生活空間全無的lzm無奈也要於2023.3.31日也 可見的也要首先去信蕭澤頤警務處長! 儘管欲報案的詳情已清楚無疑,但2023.4.21日才見由平郵寄出如上特首回復指要找33017默警長敷衍了事 可見!

       And as at & visual lzm also must on 2023.3.17 & 2023.3.22 days again go two letters to EOLeeKaChiu after only had a simple reply at visual on 2023.3.27!  It though the perfunctory reply to different as before EO necessarily good inform will to pass on the mutuality complain dept. to handlebut the life space to nil of lzm however also must again by a letter atvisual on 2023.3.31 to CP Mr. SIU Chak-yee, It though in letter all the report cases those details already to clear undoubtedly, but CP director by post on 2023.4.21 send out the simple reply as EOs reply to perfunctory must to call on 33017 constable of Mr. Mo also at visual!

 48. 也就如上lzm2023.3.17日的去信李家超特首就已提及何時可將本第一免疫屏障及“洗肺”及“冷凍”兩大醫療法不再偷用向市民公開?且何時不再騙民戴口罩及打疫苗? 但特首其簡單回復只會轉彎抹角指要找醫衛局,因此, lzm2023.4.07日也要去信盧寵茂局長可見的更也指明務必要清還只會偷用本專利發明的45欠債!且此信也在可見也副件給各立法會議員區議員及傳真給各媒體參閱問政!

        It also as above lzms on 2023.3.17 to EOLeeKaChiu that just already to point out in what time only can let lzm’s “wash lung” & "freezing" two treatment invention not longer to stealthily use in what time can open use for citizenAnd in what time never again to cheat citizen to wear mask with shoot vaccine But the LeeKaChiu EOs simple reply only can full of twists and turns to point out must to call on Health Bureau, hence the lzm also must go a letter to Chung-mau LO of Secretary for Health atvisual on 2023.4.07 further to inform cannot tort stealthily use lzms invention and must to pay off the patents owe money of 45 hundred million!  Even this letter at  visual the same by attachments fax to Legislative Assemblies each memberarea members with all medium to see to ask politics

 49. 也就如上lzm的去信李家超特首也均副件港澳辦交及夏寶龍影響巨大,如星島日報就指夏寶龍沒接見的三類人就如盧寵茂局長及眾多的議員,且如上已收信的盧寵茂局長就不敢回復,更也不敢面見於2023.4.13來港的夏寶龍主任,也只好當夏寶龍主任于2023.4.18日回京後的第2天才自曝他於2023.4.12日感染新冠病毒就想以此遮醜

    Also because as above lzm’s letters to LeeKaChiu EO the same by attachments fax to CenterLian Office pass on to Xia BaoLong Director after the influence immensity, so as Sing Tao News at this point to point the Xia BaoLong Director no to interview those three types person as Chung-mau LO Secretary with numerous MP members, unusual is nasty-nice EO offive also to defer on 2023.4.17 only to bulletin EO in the act of to fix up the call on at HKs trip of Xia BaoLong Director, so above the Chung-mau LO Secretary just as a small wild-dog him just afraid to reply lzm’s letter, still more afraid to face on 2023.4.13 already come to HK of the Xia BaoLong Director, so the Chung-mau LO Secretary only forced to then Xia BaoLong Director go back Beijings second day of 2023.4.18 only to expose him on 2023.4.12 to infect COVID-19 virus that just to think can by this to hide his shame! 

 50. 但如上有收lzm去信其後的盧寵茂局長仍不知悔過,首先叫梁子超這敗類專家2023.4.17日上報吹噓【變異病毒】已多樣化,也於2023.4.18出動袁國勇上報吹牛騙民Omicron變異株BA.5的高度傳染性, 儘管中國疾控局於2023.4.21日就指本土Arcturus-﹙大角星﹚未形成傳播優勢, 盧寵茂局長仍再叫徐樂堅2023.4.22日及許樹昌也於2023.4.23上報騙民及早接種疫苗均在星島文匯網均有見! 也即不知悔過的盧寵茂局長就堅持不公開及廣教市民救生均在lzm去信中清楚無疑的兩大免疫屏障非要繼續殺民害民為快! 也即由知內情的東方日報轉彎抹角點指的正是特首大棋盤其一!

     But as above had to received lzms  letter of the Chung-mau LO Secretary still to impenitent, so him in first to call out LEUNG CHI CHIU this scum expert on 2023.4.17 to report in news to boast the [variation virus]already variety, and also to call out Yuan Guoyong on 2023.4.17 to swank cheat citizen the Omicrons variation stem [BA.5]that height infect..., though the Chinese disease control organization on 2023.4.21 already to point local Arcturus not to become the spread superiority, but the Chung-mau LO Secretary still can call out the Edwin Tsui Lok Kin on 2023.4.22 with SC Hui also on 2023.4.23 the same in news to cheat citizen must seasonable to shoot vaccine those news equal in Sing Tao News or Wenweipo visual!  Also just is impenitent of the Chung-mau LO Secretary still to keep up no open even in lzm’s letter already to clear undoubtedly that two big immunization shield to insist continue to kill with evil civilian for happy So then to know the inside story of the Oriental News just at once evasive to point out just is the large chessboard of LeeKaChiu EO that one!

 51. 且如上由報所點指的特首大棋盤其二也在李家超特首於2023.4.19日就帶領如上48.段知特首妖招詳情的立法會議員訪問大灣區就企圖在議員面前威風凜凜, 但就有4議員憤而藉口不跟隨,特別是竟不見有地方官員肯出面接待面光失色, 李家超特首也只好帶隊訪問深圳東莞兩地無關政要的企業遊手好閑廢渣有報導可見!

       Even as above by news to point out is EO’s large chessboard that two, so the LeeKaChiu EO again at once on 2023.4.19 to lead as in above 48 paragraph already to know EO’s witchcraft details those all members to visit big bay area only attempt at members before to majestic-looking, but just had four members to resent by a pretext no to follow, unusal is unexpectedly have no any locality official to be willing to come forward received, so the LeeKaChiu EO already to sinister in appearance!  So the  LeeKaChiu EO also cannot but to lead the way to call on in Shenzhen with Dongguan to be irrelevant politics essentials those business as squad waste residue of lazy good-for-nothing that equal had the news can to see

 52. 特別是如上46段的夏寶龍主任于2023.3.06會見李家超特首就直訴更要按規律辦事後,特首2023.3.27日下命廉政胡英明專員也在可見上京面見夏寶龍主任企圖說明不按規律辦事因由,但可見lzm早於2022.9.28就已去信胡英明專員特首上任後以造假賣樓令司法打劫早令其清楚無疑, 但又如何可在夏寶龍主任面前左哄右騙? 更特別是lzm去信後如上的盧寵茂局長也要扮傻不敢面見夏寶龍主任, 也因如深圳也均知lzm兩大免疫屏障,特首也還可點指高永文70醫護於2023.4.20日北上擬破內地執業困局,且也要點指鄧炳強2023.4.24日明訪京拜訪政法委港澳辦,更還要點指陳國基2023.4.26日上京拜訪港澳辦均有新聞可見, 連於2023.5.01日的東方報民調都要笑稱獲批909億的醫管局白袋公帑, 也即其用心也就在以此教唆內地不要公開lzm去信盧寵茂局長的兩大免疫屏障非繼續殺民害民為快特首大棋盤焦點其一也就在此呼之欲出!

 53. 也即因如在可見的再去信李家超特首也告知其警棍特首仲犀利乜都得, 即可無法無天的不良“尊稱”已被傳開 也如在可見的由稅務局主導由中銀香港搶劫清倉lzm帳戶金錢之事因此要直接去信金管局余偉文總裁是非!  就因有特首辦人馬在後點指, 中銀就堅持不回復lzm的去信問責要點,但也在可見的金管局余偉文的回復仍一再回復要等中銀有回復才可處理公開違規違法拖而後快以此配合特首大棋盤司法打劫lzm也就在此進一步可見證!

 54.   更特別是務必要針對如上48.段深知特首妖招詳情的區議員發惡! 因此特首大棋盤其三之「區議會存(三不准)」也首先藉口香港不能亂也亂不起出臺於2023.4.25日的文匯網可見 其後就將區議員的直選大減至88席,參選者以“符合愛國者治港”原則也必須通過由政務司長仼主席的資格審查委員會審查, 也即誰是“愛國者”並非你說說就可算數的妖魔也可超家出場, 179席全由特首委仼的警棍全面獨裁手段2023.5.02日公告的新聞可見!

 55.   如上正是今天也當夏寶龍主任為廢物,再由做乜都得警棍特首大棋盤已撤底走向個人全面獨裁、只要隨便有個狡辯理由為藉口就可無法無天!  如於2023.4.27有樣學樣消防隊長偕妻遊日也可涉拖日女入男廁性侵也見星島有報, 且此醜聞也在國際傳開令多國公佈非制裁港府高官不可的新聞也有的是!

 56.   也即張果老預言千年後的今天只求有利於己,不問廉恥禮義的香港禍患時代已來臨!難怪內地客嘆香港落後、資深公僕大逃亡等香港沉滯不堪的東方新聞也多多可見! 更難堪的是2023.5.03日所報的港新聞自由全球180排名才140位遠遜新加坡, 即全由我警棍指揮下高官說了算, 這正是不問廉恥禮義個人獨裁的惡果其一!

 57. 由於如上54. 可見的警棍全面獨裁手段也見東方日報的笑看天下也於2023.5.03日笑指:奴才又多是欺善怕惡!因此其大棋盤又要出動陳帆議員就以家傭論」恐嚇區議員務必要乖乖下跪聽話!等等的如此惡作劇已在國際傳開, 美媒也要直批香港區議會改革方案,美國州擬禁止中國及香港人購置土地包括租房也不可也見懲罰升級有報可見!

 58. 特別是如上.1.2. 的《港區國安法》違反基本法不得實施已清楚無疑,顯然並非全國性法律更不得在港實施無人可駁,更也因全由特首指派下的法官可“意念評估”審判, 因此全港媒體官員議員全在此恐懼下均要下跪不敢出聲, 但從新聞可美議員也于2023.5.10籲華府制裁29香港國安法制定法官也在可見!這正是今天警棍特首在港可“你說一我謊二 更可無法無天就不按規律辦事全面獨裁也當夏寶龍主任為廢物的罪惡焦點也就在此!

 59. 且由於如上51. 警棍特首深圳東莞兩地不見有地方官員肯出面接待面光全無, 其就想挽回面孔的大棋盤又馬上起動, 就因首先要約好重慶女副市長張國智迎接才於2023.5.10日只帶幾個行政官員隨行訪問3顯威均有報導可見!  警棍特首就不按規律辦事必促恕如上46. 習中央夏寶龍主任馬上于2023.5.11日公佈重慶市原副市長熊雪涉嫌嚴重違法正受中紀委調查,連市委也要表態:以案為鑒!即以此警告各地官員不可被面訪顯威也見鳳凰網有報導!









也難道拜登,默克爾WHO總幹事譚德塞可不分是非有樣學樣詐稱 "非專家" 以為就可免除屠殺公眾生命反人類罪?!

Is it possible that the Biden, Merkel or WHO Director Tedros Adhanom can indistinct right and wrong to monkey see monkey do same above the HKEO CarrieLam to jactitation "not a specialist" assume just can to remit to butcher public life of the crimes against humanity!

因此, 如上人命關天的重大是非更值全球公論的時侯也到了!

Also therefore, above case involving human life is to be treated with the utmost care of the great right and wrong still more merit to opinion of the public at worldwide of the time already come to!





Because the in Shenzhen City even zero “diagnosis” to ugly no customs clearance of EC Clam, so who at once to intervene

in SZ Gov., to big change substitution no normal?

    也為何林鄭出席2021.4.20日 在海南岛博鰲亞洲論壇年會要於2021.4.16日下午先到深圳?  就因深圳均零“確診”令林鄭不通關的決定難看務必要密會深陳如桂市長“造假確診”配合才可但一事無成, TV可見林鄭只好2021.4.19直扑海南島必有密會習大大海南雞飯”令博鰲會因此要由副主席王岐山代習報幕?! 且在林鄭前往廣州參加粵港澳大灣區(GBA)必也先面見副总理韩正覃偉中副省長後 有2021.4.24報指將替仼陳如桂為深市長且監委主任中法院長及檢察院長也同日大換外不常規!

          Also why EC CLam  to attended at Hainan Island of the Boao Forum for Asia (BFA) annual conference on  April 20, 2021 who must ahead of time to call on Shenzhen City on April 16, 2021?   Because before in Shenzhen the equal to “diagnosis zero let EC CLam not to customs clearance the decision ugly, so CLam must to secret discussion with Shenzhen Chen Ru-Gui Mayor must to fake diagnosis number” to cooperate but to get nowhere, so only can on April 19, 2021 dash to Hainan Island necessarily secret meeting Xi Jin-Ping to eat the "Hainan Chicken Rice" , so the BFA must by vice-chairman Wang Qi-Shan to substitute for announce”?!    And then CLam to GuangZhou City attend meeting of GBA inevitable ahead to secret discussion to Han Zheng vice-premier with Tan Wei-Zhong vice-governor too, so by news can to see,  the Tan Wei-Zhong at once to make public will to substitute Chen Ru-Gui  for Shenzhen Mayor and  three director of  CNCAintermediate courtprocuratorate in this time to big change of blood unexpected no routines!

      此刻的沙塵暴再襲中國“吞噬”數省多城的恐怖畫面馬上曝光!  沙塵暴也来到深圳但一到20林哲民居住地前一街道口也就停止,上天UFO 果真有眼!

     So at the moment the sandstorm again to raid China after swallow up many city of some province the terror picture at once to eexposure This sandstorm also come to ShenZhen City, but reach ShanTouJao 20 Area of lzm’s live place ahead one street also to stopped, so the God really clear-eyed!

   特別是深圳賽格大廈2021.5.18-20三天大晃動上天警告, 覃偉中仍於2021.5.19日正式上仼深市長後從報可見馬上指lzm所在的鹽田區新冠肺炎疫情防控部於2021.5.26日通報撒謊77.59%接種疫苖配合林鄭騙民穀針,但鹽田沙頭角就不見有穀針宣傳, 因此人人看了哈哈全笑!

  但就不見有港媒膽敢跟進查實,是否擔心林鄭已有國安法利劍在手務必要裝聾作啞?   因此更引發上天震怒,也在當天月全食月娥有史最黑!




       Especially is the SEG building of Shenzhen in 2021.5.18-2 0 big rock three days, but Tan Wei-Zhong still on May 19, 2021day formal go to Shenzhen Mayor office by May 26, 2021 news visible, at lzm location YanTian Area the Covid-19 Epidemic Control Dep. at once order by new Mayor to lie announce had 77.59% already to shoot vaccine tie in EC CLam again to cheat HKcitizen, but in YanTian Area ShanTouJao, SZ City here not find have any propaganda, so anyone to see after fully to laugh at!       

    But still not find have any HKmedium dare to inquire about, it whether to worry the EC CLam already have the sharp sword of National Security Law at hand,  so must to pretend to be deaf and dumb?   Hence still more to lead the Heaven to be enraged, so at May 26, 2021 this day to total lunar eclipse lead Yuet-ngor it since the dawn of history the most black!

    是否欲針對在深回港不昜的lzm有意動粗的佈局令上天震怒 更值探討?!    

    That whether to be in the dark to be aimed at not easy returning to HK the lzm wittingly to use force layout to lead Heaven to be enraged?! 



      Above just is the world today:  overwhelming with ghosts in the future, and people will to learn ghost of the historical testimony!


     More historical records comments on can be found in Chang Kuo-lao’s prediction now this special column to undoubtedly!


      整 理 中...

     In editing...







Total 175 countries in Beijing, Taiwan & consulate in HK

早已全 肺部氣流防疫法 從何而來

Already early to known Lung-Airstreams Epidemic Prevention Law" from where to come!

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Because www.ycec.com suddenly in HK to vicious force closed on 2021.3.03 after and to intervene by Joe Biden,

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