
Ministry for Heath and                                                      By Fax & Post!

Second Minister for Finance

Republic of Singapore


Dear Mr. Lim Hng Kiang,                            


     I am Lin Zhen Man, a permanent residence of Singapore, the ID Card No. Is S2665604D.


Since February 2003 years, SARS infection has wreaks havoc in China, Hong Kong and many other countries in the world. Its effects had send repercussion throughout the entire international society.  The death rate has been high and the Chinese and western medical social were quite helpless about this.  So China, Taiwan , Hong Kong, Singapore and Canada etc. were listed on travel warning district by World Health Organization and pecuniary loss surmount thousand a hundred million, Mankind is faced with death threat.


Knowing how to treat the SARS virus infection had became the top most urgent matter in the Southeast Asia. During this urgent and difficult period of time, the inventors had came up with an innovative medical scheme to save lives, the newest of medical scheme is “Surface Treatment of SARS-Infected Lungs”.  Due to the urgency of saving lives, the draft was fax to the Hong kong chief executive and Chinese leader on 15 May 2003. The English version was also forwarded to “WHO-Padey”, “WHO-Liden” by Mey-Verme, Mrs Cnia (WDC) and the leaders who were holding the Geneva meeting on 20 May 2003.


About the above-mentioned two paragraphs that are background of my invention, the paper of medical scheme and medicament-prescription are also emailed to your department by my wife using on the above date.


On 04 June, 2003, I arrived at the Singapore Changi Airport, a taxi-driver had told me that it is now unnecessary to fear SARS virus now, because a new method of treating SARS Virus known as “Lung washing” has begun about seven days ago. Miss J. Ly, your office employee, had told me that this medical treatment is currently under observation and thanks to her, I had to inquire about a letter faxed (6252 4056) to Dr. Leo that he was attending a patient in Tan Tock Seng Hospital on 06 June. 2003 ( attach 1.), but there was no reply as yet.                 


     Coming back to the subject, attach 2. show a patent applied in Singapore Patent Office in 11 June, 2003, as that my intellectual property has been put to use now and this invention is the only treatment of the SARS . The Singapore Government has the responsibility to buy my invention of the Surface Treatment of SARS-Infected Lungsin the treatment of the SARS Virus.


 I therefore ask the government to depute an impartial judge to estimate my intellectual property.


With the best blessing from!


Respectfully yours!


Lin Zhen-man


June.17, 2003 

Tel : 6325 9220  Fax : 6224 1677  am 10:00



10 Ava Road Ava Tower # 19-07  Singapore 329949  Tel: 65 63533647 Fax: 65 62585636



brief introduction




a letter faxed (6252 4056) to Dr. Leo

 06 June. 2003



Singapore Patent Office  receipt

 11 June. 2003



patent applied in Singapore Patent Office

 11 June. 2003