LZM  Patent  Office

10 Ava Road Ava Tower # 19-07 Singapore 329949  (http://www.ycec.com )

Tel: 65 63533647 Fax: 65 62585636    Email: lzmyc@singnet.com.sg


Patent Cooperation Treaty                                 E-mail: publicinf@wipo.int

International Bureau of Wipo                                     Tel: 41 22 338 9547

34 Chemin Des Colombettes                                      Fax: 41 22 338 8810

1211 GENEVA 20 SWITZERLAND                               Nov. 06, 2003 

Office of Legal and Organization Affairs and PCT System

Mr. Francis GURRY

                                                        cc. Mr. Roberto CASTELO

Dear Sir,  


I am referring to the letter faxed and posted on Oct. 31, 2003. I want to complain about my misfortune, please see the letter to Dr.Julie L. Gerberding of Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Of USA on Nov.03,2003. ( attach 1 at my website)  The political persecution is obvious and wrong to aim at an innocent resident it was very indignant and unfortunately hurt to my sister.


The Chinese government has not been friendly to me since 2000 year, they understood the problems my sister and brother-in-law faced in the USA. Of that, they should be speaking to me of their illegal behavior! Therefore, they plan to hit them with national strength and money means first.  My sister was working in a big company's research-department of USA, under the recommendation and lead of my sister and their research-department had divided the research-business to university's department of China in 1999.  The Chinese Gov. had found and associated president of the big company very conveniently; my sister had been expelled as well as gets company's innocent accusation in court in 2001year!  After this, the pressure of judicial terror as well as unemployment force my sister that her was care for reading in American for me and avoid fore me very fear and her had no any reason!


Therefore, my sister refuses enter my patent application in American Patent Office using her identity! I can’t imagine the threatening feeling that my sister is currently facing now. Perhaps, there is reason why American lawyers are not frequently approached for any application?


I had invented the “Three Measures for Air Flight Safety, the US Patent Application No. 10/029,951, the title is DEVICE FOR PRECAUTION SKYJACKING AND SYSTEM”; you can verify this as President Bush had announce appropriation five-hundreds millions U.S. Dollars to refit the US own passenger plane on Sep. 27, 2001.  America Gov. had guaranteed to tell me to be assured to apply the patent in USA!  But China through the diplomatic means of the Hong Kong Gov. to request do not acknowledge, in view the news report in all Chinese mediums it can find in trade trace that was very obvious, why China Gov. does not oppose Taiwan to buy weapon from America?  And why did the P. C of RABIN & BERDO. Of Washington did not file its reply before the deadline of Nov.14, 2002 points out that they are secretly trying to make the inventor unable to get the patent! Why does the inventor have to file it with speed post on his ownAnd the American lawyer had to wiped the invention essential factor intentionally which was not agreed by inventor? China Gov. had powerful force for the aim to destroy my invention.


Another obvious example is that I had a patent under application in Thailand, please see the attach 2 which is a contract and I had paid on Last ten-days period of Sep.2003.  The lawyer is Mr. Maung Maung Are of Inter Consultants law & Accounting Associates of Bangkok Thailand, the Tel: 662 381 0679 but he had disappeared and does not reply the patent registration number in Thailand patent office!  It is obvious, that there is the interference from a national-force at the backstage Dear Francis, I have no ability to oppose the national dictator, if PCT International Bureau cannot help me to enter national stage and to get the registration number, my all effort will be wasted.


The west have gone through the Galileo grieved and wake up to emphasized human rights, but in Chinese world, the human rights was dream for still, my trouble is similar to the persecution suffered by Galileo in the 16th century!  The west civilization and the rule by law of international society should not repeat its history.


I hope that you can insist the PCT law’s principle and help me, thank you!



Yours faithfully,


applicant : Lin Zhen Man

10 Ava Road, Ava Tower, # 19-07

Singapore 329949

Nov. 06, 2003     



The attach file





http://www.ycec.com  //


letter to Dr.Julie L. Gerberding of Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Of USA




Apply in Thailand- contract




LT-Austrian Patent Office

Oct.29, 2003











letter-CDC- Dr.Julie L. Gerberding





