To tell for the west leader, each country of law and order and Chinese of the worldwide!

History was to put down in writing on http://www.ycec.com/UN/SARS-UN-crisis.htm



A gist to conceal the invent of cure SARS and bird flu is to be doubly guilty for the people of one's own country!            An open letter on Oct.23, 2005




A letter to Richard B. Cheney of Vice President of the United States on Oct.28, 2005 




A letter to Prime Minister of European Commission on Oct.28, 2005




A letter to Prime Minister Tony Blair of United Kingdom on Nov.02, 2005 




A letter to Each member of the parliament of United Kingdom on Nov.03, 2005

Chinese htm



A letter to Chinese of the worldwide and each mass media on Nov. 21, 2005

Chinese htm



Protesting for WTO conference in HK




A letter to Chinese of the worldwide and each mass media on Feb. 02, 2006




LZM's warning to organization of medicine-study of US and WHO on Feb.05, 2006




A letter to senator & Congressman of USA on Feb.12, 2006  Chinese












A letter to senator & Congressman of USA again on Apr.29, 2006




A letter to Chinese of the worldwide and each mass media again on May. 15, 2006

Chinese htm



   國共合作倒扁之危機四伏! Jun.11, 2006





      諾貝爾醫學獎欠林哲民及全體華人一個公道! Oct.17, 2006















To tell for the west leader, each country of law and order

and Chinese of the worldwide!

Oct. 17, 2005 (Chinese  PDF )       

The contribution of this year's Nobel Prize in physiology or medicine for discovering that bacteria, not stress, was the main cause of painful stomach ulcers than the invention of cure SARS and bird flu of Lin Zhen Man (lzm) for medical science of the human race which to feel dwarfed!  The Nobel Prize in physiology or medicine to owe down lzm’s and Chinese of the worldwide a justice!  


   Besides, after the 911 case, lzm's invention has help the USA to defeat the terror and to prop up stock quotes from the president-Bush who was to announce and to make use of Lzm's invention of “three measures of aviation securityon Sep.27, 2001.  So the Nobel Prize in Peace it was owing to lzm’s a justice too!  The president-Bush was limited for his term of office, the president-Bush’s a promise for knowledge- property right of Mr. Lin Zhen-Man it will pay to cash in what time?


About the Government of Hong Kong were negatives to value the knowledge property right and judicature, civil rights to fall back critical which must to obtain to follow with global interest, it must to point specially, that the bird flu is troubling in the worldwide today, but the lzm’s invention was to changed the theory of the lung’s infect of combine traditional Chinese and Western medicine, and the medicines of invention it could be cure the SARS and bird flu only at present!  The inventor is indignation to calling on in here again, the west leader and each country of law and order, to esteem the knowledge of property right is the human rights of basic!  Therefore, to urge the Government of China and Hong Kong who to esteem the knowledge of property right and not to tell a lie and conceal which were your values of basic!


It was doubtless that the arch-criminal to conceal who that is the Jiang Ze-Min of the former china chairman! In addition, it seems that without respect to a point of view of the historical or civilized government, the HK and China Government who unnecessary to follow blindly and stupid fealty Jiang Ze-Min to deceive the whole world!  Or else, it shame which are the every HongKonger and every Chinese of the worldwide!  


Lzm no any violate the law, the HK & China Gov. whom to deceive the each country Gov. to conceal mutually the Lzm’s invention of cure SARS include the bird flu, after all, what the reason for used to anything?  Still crueler a fact, in the 2001 year, after the TSANG Yam-kuen to promoted the Chief Secretary for Administration of the HKSARG, it seems that to tacitly agreed the Officer of the Telecommunications Authority (OFTA) of the HK to set up a 500W radiophone antenna at a little distance to aim office of Lin Zhen Man (lzm), so then the TSANG Yam-kuen to promoted the Chief Executive of HK on Mar. of this year, he was unmoved for lzm’s complain which relation it goes without saying that!  At the September of 2005year, in self-defense with no any a way, Lin Zhen-man and a neighbor both jointly to bring a case to court for murder crime of the Office of the Telecommunications Authority (OFTA) and the Department of Health of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region on the LDBM220/2005 case, by a reasonable inference, be bound to both the TSANG Yam-kuen and Andrew Li whom were to have a hand in Department of Justice and judge to become invalid lzm’s to sue the murder point to the Director of the Telecommunications Authority (OFTA) and Director of Health of the HK, so the Ms. Elsie Leung of secretary of Justice who was indignation to dismiss! Now, the kill without spilling blood of the radiate radiophone antenna still at there ……


To indictment a government official murder it was a human rights of naturally and it was inalienable!  But the government of TSANG Yam-kuen who was an ashamed looks in the heart, so who was not dare to do the plea!  Therefore the government of TSANG Yam-kuen was to spare nothing to discredit the judicature traditions of Hong Kong and to destroy the law of basic for the human rights of ensure! 


The report of 2005-6 global competitiveness of World Economic Forum to announce the HK TSANG Yam-kuen Government which judicature to fall back, corruption and no to esteem the knowledge property right!  The criticism was modest and accurate  The leader and the public opinion of world whom must to follow with interest the HK Government in the course of dictatorship and privatization but it was to cover up in a different form!


In the public eye, follow the Dong Jian Hua of the former Chief Executive of HK who was to stirred up trouble to expelled to step down and the Ms. Elsie Leung of secretary of Justice was resignation indignantly recently, the both had a same reason for cannot lawless to be hardhearted enough to persecute the Lin Zhen-Man! 


In the case of FAMV 16/2004, you can see the Hon Mr. Justice Andrew Li Chief Justice who was to deprive of the right of appeal naturally for screen the three Judges that adjudicated for coveted and to share the interests of costs and not to hesitate to destroy the rule by law basis of Hong Kong to tacitly agree by the TSANG Yam-kuen of Chief Executive of HK!  The Andrew Li was such only to understand to argue speciously with a person of the morality to have problem!  But, since the TSANG Yam-kuen was not only to look down upon this decayed and fall back of judicature, he again to admit and to count on Andrew Li’s recommend, a friend Barrister of years 41 only who is to take over the Ms. Elsie Leung of secretary of Justice, which have an intuitive ability to know right or wrong and to uphold the law and order in here to develop along for the community of uncivilized!


In here to complain tearfully in history for you, the TSANG Yam-kuen has to see with one's eyes the eradiate of airwaves was still to killing Mr. Lin Zhen-man and to harm health for the personnel of High-Storey of WING HING IND.BLDG., in over a long period of time!  Why the TSANG Yam-kuen of Chief Executive of HK has the ability to aloof and indifferent so to reject to cope with to complain? Why the TSANG Yam-kuen of Chief Executive of HK has to reject to dismantle or to go up the antenna?  Is where an intuitive ability to know right or wrong of a Christian?  Is where has mission conscious of a chief executive?


The all walks of life of Hong Kong should be to condemn the TSANG Yam-kuen why not to dismantle the antenna of to kill without spilling blood? Why could be to tacitly agree the Andrew Li of Chief Justice of the Court of Final Appeal wantonly to deprive of the jurisdiction and to damage judicature conventions and to destroy one county two system!


The all walks of life of Hong Kong should be to condemn the TSANG Yam-kuen for what reason to have to conceal and not to esteem Lin Zhen Man’s knowledge property right of invent of to cure the SARS include the bird flu etc.


Lin Zhen Man

Oct.17, 2005

 An open letter to unmask the Tamiflu is not a specific remedy for bird flu, please don’t fool your citizen again!     http://www.ycec.com/UN/Lt-to-world-051023.htm


李國能   積案 如山!

 lzm向你 求助...




1. FAMV 1/2002;  2. FAMV 16/2004;    3.  FAMV 10/2006;     4. FAMV 19/2006