

PCT-Patent-Description and Publication   


Inventor's Confession





2003year the biggest scandal and 2004year the hugest patent value!

Those incompetent WHO official should be expelled!

Jan. 28, 2004


Please forward this complaint to related department of the United Nations


 Our invention of curing SARS apply to all flu diseases including the bird flu today, after SARS case, the bird flu begins to kill people in Asia, but WHO officer still conceals our invention of curing SARS which apply to all flu diseases including the bird flu today!  You cannot turn a deaf ear to this!


Our invention had special efficacy for curing all flu; anyone who sees our specification of invention will approve so!  Our invention helped the China and Hong Kong Gov. to cured all SARS patient after May. 15, 2003, but WHO official assisted them to conceal the whole world!


The SAR Gov. Mr. Tung of chief executive of Hong Kong said in year 2003, if WHO official professors accept our treatment to cure the SARS, we will also follow suit! 


To the end, who is to conceal of chief instigator?  The problems remain to be solved for UN (the United Nations) and remains as a medium to follow through!


The concealment led to the many deaths of bird flu patients in Asian countries, because they do not get the correct treatment from our invention.  I was knocked out by the statistics from US CDC, nearly 100 of the US children dies from flu viruses per week!  The family members of the dead can act against this act of concealment


They have no any reason to conceal, pleas browse at


     To expose the concealment, the inventor had sent out the invitation for collaborative testing to the medical universities worldwide, please glance over in   


Please oppose the concealing behaviours! Otherwise, there will be more deaths occurring! Those incompetent WHO official should be expelled!


The invention was to rewrite the medical history genuinely and bring us limitless commercial opportunities, please look-through at


The inventor is one to be in distress of the Chinese manufacturer of Hong Kong meeting member, the power below to bear this responsibility!   Therefore to part with something one treasures and to have the aid of your good qualities and commercial wisdom, I have sincerely invited you to share our patent market that will exceeding ten billions US dollar, please to look-through at, in our website it shows that my patent application rights have over a hundred countries. 


There are SARS outbreaks again in China, the bird flu infection in South Korean, Japan, Vietnam and Thailand now. The Centers for Disease Control and prevention of the US (CDC) had confirmed that every week it has about a hundred American children dying from the flu infection.  However, then our aim at SARS include all flu virus that the most direct most effective of the medical invention from May.15, 2003 is sent to China, Hong Kong Gov. office, but they had been concealed from using it, so the flu virus continues to kill people still every day!  The WHO officer knew the facts, so after the matter 7 months today, people had been deceived in terror from the SARS, the intentional concealment of medical history is equal to covert killing of lives, the criminal evidence is reliable, the death from flu of American child of family members may be look into responsibility by taking legal action, so WHO officer must make self-criticism!


The western medium was always defending for world public justice, if not exposing and not follow up with this case, the world civilization will be backwards!


Apparently, this invention will be make a significant-breakthrough in medical history, the concealment will cause deaths!  Exposure of the concealment is the medium’s responsibility!


These Americans ought not to die, this subject for American medium, is much more important than any other matter!


Evidently, the immediate practice of our invention to save lives is very, very important!


The American Patent Office prior to handling of this patent application of invention (Apply No. 10/469,063) embodiment cherishes life, respect intellectual property in American enforcement, embody the civilized power conform with Americans’ benefits completely


If you have any further queries, please do not hesitate to contact Email to and !


Thank you!


Lin Zhen Man