
致傳媒公告 Jan. 25, 2004

     SARS在中國重臨, 禽流感在韓國, 日本, 越南, 泰國流行 CDC證實, 美國的兒童每星期大約有近百人死於流感! 然而, 我們針對SARS, 禽流感包括所有流感病毒最直接最有效的醫療發明自May.15, 2003交給被中國, 香港政府卻被隱瞞著使用, WHO的官員明知也置身事外, 以至事隔8個月後的今天, 流感病毒每天依然在奪命殺人! 人民亦還在SARS恐怖之中, 這就是刻意隱瞞醫史的罪惡證據!

     西方傳媒從來是維護世界公義的力量, 如果不揭露不跟進, 世界文明則將大倒退!

     為了揭露隱瞞, 發明人向世界各醫科大學發出聯合測試邀請, 請你瀏覽 www.ycec.net/testing-contract.htm ;

     發明人憤怒地在此遣責這種隱瞞的罪行草管人命 阻醫學史上的重大突破, 如果你想更清楚隱瞞罪行的背後, 請你瀏覽 www.ycec.net/lzm-confession-210104.htm 發明人緊急向各界推荐認購全球130多個國家的專利申請權以打破隱瞞封鎖! 請你瀏覽 www.ycec.net/SARS-Patent-sell-off.htm

     發明是獨一無二的改寫了醫療史, 帶給人類社會此不必再研究任何過往的流感藥物以及疫苗, 發明的副加價值更與每一位地球村公民生活密切相關 如下:

1.      是唯一可醫治SARS并沒有任何副作用的藥物;

2.      可醫治的范圍包括 禽流感等等任何 流感;

3.      針對癌症的冷凍醫療法(USA是唯一允許的國家);

4.      可醫治范圍包括老年人肺塵病者;

5.      包括吸煙者肺部的清洗護理:

很明顯的, 發明是醫學史上的重大突破,隱瞞者的如在殺人無棄!揭露隱瞞是傳媒的責任! 不能因爲傳聞的中國人壽前不久在香港,美國上市曾有個別傳媒主持人獲批股受惠而置身事外!

另外, PCT國際專利的公開出版, 購買專利申請權已可以得到簽約國的臨時保護,  請你的國家衛生部立即釆納全新的醫療方式針對拯求流感病人! 尊重知識產權是一個國家文明程度的因素, 兩者都必須兼顧!

 例如美國, 如果不是隱瞞, 美國的疾病中心肯定會珍惜美國人的生命樂意采用, 8個月因流感死亡的這近2万多人不會妄死! 這對美國媒体來講還有比這重要

立即采納應用我們的發明拯救生命 因此請相關利益集團或專業的投資人仕盡快研究決策購買申請權, 并敦促美國專利立即審查10/ 專利申請, 體現愛惜國民生命, 尊重知識產權在美國實施, 體現美國社會的文明!

請前往 www.ycec.net/SARS-Patent-sell-off.htm  各相關的利益集、社會名流或專業人仕,藥業集團、煙草大享推薦130個國家的醫治肺部病毒感染的專利申請權,共同分享數拾億美金重大商機!




在發明者的自白書執筆之時,又從新聞報導中傳來, 香港對來自日本的家禽入口釆取了臨時措施防止禽流感的爆發!除此之外越南 也因禽流感死了6個人.

而來自美國疾病防預中心CDC網上的報導,日期是January 8, 2004,報導(CDC News Conference Transcript)指出單就2004年的第一星期,就有93名美國的兒童死於流感!


流感痘苗只能減少已知流感的感染率而已!死亡率始終居高不下,類固醇等藥物對流感病人的副作用極大, 特別是小孩, 高熱以及藥物的副作用對將來智力發育的傷害是嚴重的!

對於流感病人,我們發明的方法是直接的肺部殺菌而無須任何的其他藥物治療,流感病人與SARS病人一樣可以立即回家! 這將是今後各國共同的醫療模式!並且,大量的病房可以減少,大量的相關藥物研究可以終止!






請研究 www.ycec.net/SARS-Patent-sell-off.htm !  及另見www.ycec.net/lzm-confeession-hk.htm或英文的www.ycec.net/lzm-confeession.htm  lzm自白書,就可讓你清清楚楚!

Now medical science as threaten from the flu was helpless!

When the inventor was writing this confession, there has been again news report that the Hong Kong has moved in to prevent an outbreak of the deadly bird fluby announcing a temporary ban on poultry imports from Japan.  In addition, the Vietnam had six patients who died for bird-flu.

The report subject CDC News Conference Transcript by Director DR. JULIE GERBERDING on January 8, 2004 was concerned about children: Today's Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report does report that 93 children have died of flu so far this year, and that's a very, very sad and sobering figure.

The Press Office Press Release of CDC had published in his website on November 17, 2003the news release was revealed: Each year in the United States 36,000 people die from complications related to the flu

The influenza vaccines get vaccinated can only reduce the influence rate, because death rate is held high all along, the side effects of the steroids etc. medicine for flu patient had been confirmed to be very large We thought it especially the children; the body high temperature and the side effect of medicine for intellectual growth will injury was very, very serious!

It is understandable that the side of lung bubble had an interstitial-layer, but the place of interstitial-layer do not contain any blood vessels to control, because the place can deposited germs and not fears any medicines includes antibody of vaccine, this is our foundation for invention.

For the flu patient, our medical method of invention was to directly kill the virus in the lung and unnecessarily using any other medicine, the flu patient can go home immediately!

This will be the countries common therapy type in the future! Also, in large quantities sickbed can decrease, in large quantities related medicine thing research can be terminated!

Each sanitary department of countries government has to pick our invention to cure patients suffering from flu. This is the only one option that they have, therefore, the achievement our invention patent value is unprecedented!

We are shout especially in this, America had emphasize intellectual property especially and was one big country of patent, examining and approving the application number 10/469,063 for practice in advance it was to be worthy of for praise, the American disease control centre emphasizes people's life and take the lead to application it will be human medical civilized advance


The additional values of patent are huge

In our website of www.ycec.net/SARS-Patent-sell-off.htm, your can see the additional value of patent includes cleaning the smoker’s lung and aged lung dust health protection, the additional value was invaluable!

The additional values of patent include the freezing-therapy patent for cancer! This kind of medical therapy has first succeeded in the hospital of Hong Kong to apply on August year 2003.  Please turn to the suitable investor; you can get the rich repayment for us.

Please after long deliberation for out www.ycec.net/SARS-Patent-sell-off.htm and www.ycec.net/lzm-confeession.htm , let you understand the whole story of inventor