Surface Treatment of SARS-Infected Lungs

HK   Zhen man Lin     May. 20, 2003

 I.  Preface

About the functions of the lungs.

The lungs mainly serve to redistribute the blood from the right ventricle via the lung artery to various lung sub-arteries and capillary vessels in the alveoli, thus achieving gas exchange introducing oxygen and releasing carbon dioxide. Then the blood returns from the lung veins to the left atrium and mixed at a certain proportion in the right ventricle. That is the big circulation of oxygen-containing blood in the arteries providing energy for the body! (Fig. 1.)

Here the medium for gas exchange is not special, just like pumping the air to the bottom of a fish jar to produce bubbles and the oxygen enters the water by rubbing against the external spherical surfaces of the rising bubbles. Our alveoli work like the bubbles in the fish jar and have a large surface area for air contact. The contact area of the dense alveolus tissues in the lungs is up to 70 m2! Tiny blood vessels are spread over the surfaces of these tissues to complete ¨gas exchange〃 or, in other words, pulmonary ventilation, via distribution through the blood, interstitial layer and cells. That is the basic idea of the lungs according to modern medicine.



Fig. 1.

On the medical history, Lung diseases have been numerous. Tuberculosis used to be an infectious disease hard to cure but now it can be cured 100% thanks to the discovery of multiple antibiotics. Infant pneumonia is also a common disease, not to speak of pneumococcus. This article describes how to treat SARS.

First, treatment by the traditional Chinese medicine. This method mainly relies on absorption function of the intestines and stomach, which impedes the development of the traditional Chinese medicine. Traditional Chinese prescriptions only help the intestines and stomach to share the burden of the liver, thereby only can to  improving our immunity.

    However, the prevailing SARS cures at present are based on Western medicine. The Chinese mainland advocates such antibiotics like tetracycline and erythromycin while Hong Kong regards ribavirin and steroid as effective SARS-containing medicines, but Canada, which had used ribavirin for a long time, has now stopped using it because it may have serious side effects.

However, no matter how to, the antibiotics had whether absorbed by the intestines and stomach or injected via the veins, cannot take the place of the method of transporting anti-bacterium factors in the blood. We call this method blood therapy. Because, many elements in the anti-bacterium factors cannot be absorbed by the intestines and stomach, so the Western medicine takes the lead by this therapy.


That is why the medical circles are focusing on how to improve the efficiency of the ¨anti-bacterium factors〃.

But, as shown in Fig.2, if the injection point is found in the arteries of the lungs, then the ¨blood therapy〃 may become much more effective, as proven by the noticeable flow ratio of the artery and lung circulation. SARS-containing clinic practice is thus more effective. However, we want to point out that the efficiency direction of the ¨anti-bacterium blood therapy〃 of SARS is wrong.

Because must come to define with air for an interface, so SARS infection is a kind of surface ulcerous infection. That is a new medical definition, which is likely to revolutionize lung treatment! Therefore we use a familiar industrial term ¨surface treatment〃 and to include a technique of supersonic treatment.  That is like applying purple liquid medicine to the ulcerous skin and is much more effective than ¨blood therapy〃 using any antibiotic.

Discuss at this point, we can optimistically predict that once the ¨surface treatment〃 technique here recommended has found clinic applications, then what SARS patients need to do is just go to the hospital to have their lungs washed, and SARS will no longer be fatal, at the same time can to be good for other pneumonia disease.

Letˇs learn something about the physical properties of SARS before dealing with the subject matter of this articleSARS treatment:

1.   Fig. 3 is downloaded from the Internet. SARS virus is smaller than 50 nanometers. SARS virus has numerous crown-like developments, making it adsorptive. Overcoming such adsorption is significant for the ¨surface treatment〃 technique recommended in this article. When we contract bacterium-induced faucitis, we just wet our throat with brine and the pain immediately subsides, because some bacteria are ¨washed away〃 by brine, as proven by observing an electronic endoscope. This traditional inflammation relief method through brine is well-known to all. Inspired by this idea, I think such a simple method can also prevent SARS virus from entering the lungs through the mouth and throat.


Fig 3.

2.  Super-small and super-light virus is visible only through an electronic microscope and the 75-nm N95 standard respirators we use cannot keep out SAES virus, so SARS virus spreads by means of the tiny water drops and dust particles in the moving air. In view of that, we can work out a series of effective preventive measures like the ¨surface treatment〃 method recommended in this article.


II.  Five lung ¨surface treatment〃 methods

1. Antibiotic gasification and absorption;

2. Massage and sternutation;

3. Taking out and sterilizing lung lobes;

4. Local quick freezing for sterilizing of lung lobes;

5. Injecting sterilizer into lung lobes.

Discussion 1 

The method of antibiotic gasification and absorption is not new. This method is effective at the early stage of infection and may serve as a preventive measure before and after medical operation. This method presupposes that the antibiotic in question must be dissolvable in 37 water.

Discussion 2

The method of massage and sternutation is more suitably called physical therapy. It works like this: pressing the alveoli by applying force on the lungs and detaching the virus from the cell wall of the alveoli. Facing the nose toward the sun may help to induce sternutation, which is recommendable at the early stage of infection or as a preventive measure. Therefore sunlight sternutation device will be popular on the market. Sternutation is the best exercise for the chest and lungs, and sneezing three times a day is good for senior citizens. The benefits of such an exercise are hardly known but good news for people with weak lungs. This method is just preventive but not effective in detaching the highly adsorptive SARS virus.

Discussion 3

Taking out and sterilizing lung lobes is not just a dream, involving the invention and clinic application of external blood oxygen adding device. This method includes liquid medicine submersion and temperature difference treatment, the latter being the latest medical concept not only suitable for lung patients but also for cancer patients and others. Further exploration of this method may help to replace antibiotic blood therapy with this method:

a.      External liquid medicine submersion is more flexible that internal liquid medicine submersion. Liquid medicines that do not damage alveolus tissues are few or none, but an effective liquid medicine for lung lobe submersion will be more effective and attractive if combined with supersonic wave.


b.     What is temperature difference treatment? The organs and virus under treatment have difference physiological temperature curves. Temperature difference effect is achieved by selecting a temperature point which is fatal to viruses but from which the organs treated can revive. It is not important whether this method is recorded in medical literature, but the method proves simple, what is essential is the revival rate of the organ under treatment. This is a highly recommendable method.


Discussion 4

Local quick freezing and sterilizing of lung lobes is also based on temperature difference effect but technically it is an improvement on the above three discussions. Taking out lung lobes without cutting off arteries and veins may minimize the damage to the organ and inter-organ contact, making this method practicable. It is difficult for the lungs but feasible for ¨semi-detached organs〃 like. The nut of the problem is that the quick-freezing equipment involved is not as simple as an ammonia cyclic refrigerator. The clinic freezing device must work in contact mode and is capable of lowering the temperature of an organ of about 1 kg to -30-50 within 5 ~ 10 seconds. Many medical fields are gone up and breakthrough will so as rely this kind of technical accomplishment, This is made to the trade circle of science and technology requirement.


Discussion 5

Injecting sterilizer into lung lobes is the subject matter of surface treatment technique of this article. I do not specialize in medicine but just a little medically minded. Inspired by the idea of relieving oral and throat inflammation with brine solution, I managed to find some suitable solvent and sterilizer, but it has to undergo clinic test. But Iˇm sure that so long as some qualified chemist proposes and there is an adequate range of solvents and sterilizers, SARS will be overcome!


III.  O1 Therapy for ¨surface treatment〃 of the lungs

The sterilizing liquid injected into lung lobes is the surface treatment liquid for O1 therapy of the lungs. The formal name for this liquid is Per fluoro chemicals (PFC) and the sterilizer is ozone.

This method of introducing supersonic wave with sterilizing liquid may make SARS virus less adsorptive and quickly clear viruses in the lungs. This new and practical therapy works like bombing the SARS virus with smart cruise missiles. The missile is single oxygen (O1) separated from ozone, hence ¨O1 Therapy〃!

The effect of the regular antibiotic therapy currently used is limited in that this therapy entails blood exchange, and it is also limited by blood density. For example 50nm-minus SARS virus hides in the medium layer inaccessible to the capillary vessels, so the mortality rate of this ¨blood therapy〃 is still over 10%. The ¨blood therapy〃 of Western medicine has reached its biggest potential. On the contrary, ¨O1 therapy〃 is highly effective and is likely to reduce the death rate to zero.

1. Selection of PFE solvent;

2. Properties of ozone sterilizer;

3. Lung ¨surface treatment〃 design flow;

4. Test with animal lung;

5. Special of operating table.

1.    Selection of PFE solvent

PFC comes to our mind when we select a liquid medium for cleaning alveoli. Clinic cases are available for PFC breathing technique. We can rely completely on such an effective sterilizer or antibiotic to kill SARS virus. PFC has the characteristics:

1. No color, taste or smell, not poisonous;

2. Low surface tensile strength, not dissolvable in water or fat;

2.  High dissolving coefficient for oxygen and carbon dioxide, high density and low solubility, higherdissolving coefficient for ozone;

4. Volatile under indoor temperature and body temperature, not changeable into other matter via catabolism;

With the above features, PFC qualifies as a lung surface treatment liquid.  It has a dynamic function.  On the one hand, oxygen can pass through it to achieve constant gas exchange in the lungs, and on the other hand, the liquid PFC can permeate any alveoli, so that the O1 element in PFC can freely trace SARS virus. The volatility of PFC ensures that no sequela will appear. What is more, PFC can also clean the lungs of damaged cells, cell fragments resulting from inflammation, and SARS virus residuals.

 2. Characteristics of ozone sterilizer

1.  The molecule formula of ozone is O3, which is an allotrope of high-energy oxygen and is dissolvable in water and various liquid chemicals;

2.  Low-density ozone is colorless and smells like a special grass. It is blue at high temperature and its density is 1.5 times that of air;

3.  Ozone sterilizes by releasing single oxygen atom to oxidize and damage the cell of the virus, leaving pure O2, which is treasure for the lungs;

4.  Ozone dissolved in water sterilizes more forcibly and quickly, and it is dissolvable in liquid PFC;

5.  When the density of ozone exceeds a certain limit, its sterilizing function is a matter of seconds;

Therefore, ozone is a good choice as an alveoli sterilizer. The following figures are downloaded world-recognized experiment documentation for ozone sterilizing.

Ozone sterilizing



Types of viruses and pathogens

Sterilizing efficiency


20 mins

     Type-B hepatitis surface antigen (HbsAg)



5 mins

Type-A flu virus



30 seconds

Poliomyelitis virus type I (PVI)



20 seconds

Coliphage ms2



1 minute

SA-H and human-wheel virus type 2


* 12.6mg/L

4 minutes




3 minutes




10 minutes

Mycoplasma, Chlamydia, and other pathogens


* Red indicates every liter of lung surface treatment solution contains 12.6mg ozone, which may serves as a reference when we consider the test dosage of ozone.


3.    Lung ¨surface treatment〃 flow

The treatment flow takes the treatment of the right lung for example, reserving the breath of the left lung for the time being. The final purpose is to treat both lungs at the same time. Process 3 can be used only after process 4, Test with animal lung, before real human clinic practice. It must be noted that the test with animal lung is intended to prove it applies to process 3, Human body treatment. The advantage of the reverse sequence is saving time.

       a. Surface treatment clinic (must be professional anesthetist except for bio-chemical test of body energy) diagram:

b. Surface treatment clinic scheme

 4.   Test with animal lung

      Test with animal lung includes two stages: test with one lung of the baby pig and test with both lungs. This process simulates process 3, as specified below:

       a.  Inject pure PFC into three without virus influence of baby pig



Pure PFC injection

 10 mins

Pure PFC injection

30 mins

Pure PFC injection

120 mins


Change of blood oxygen amount

Heart pulses

Symptom description

Change of blood oxygen amount

Heart pulses

Symptom description

Change of blood oxygen amount

Heart pulses

Symptom description































      b. Inject 12.6mg/L PFC into three virus-free pig to test its reaction to high-density ozone:



Pure PFC injection

10 mins

Pure PFC injection

 30 mins

Pure PFC injection

120 mins


Change of blood oxygen amount

Heart pulses

Symptom description

Change of blood oxygen amount

Heart pulses

Symptom description

Change of blood oxygen amount

Heart pulses

Symptom description































     c. Inject 25.2mg/L PFC into three virus-free pig to test its reaction to high-density ozone:



Pure PFC injection

10 mins

Pure PFC injection

30 mins

Pure PFC injection

120 mins


Change of blood oxygen amount

Heart pulses

Symptom description

Change of blood oxygen amount

Heart pulses

Symptom description

Change of blood oxygen amount

Heart pulses

Symptom description































    d. Inject 12.6mg/L PFC into three infected of baby pig to test its reaction to high-density ozone:



Pure PFC injection

10 mins

Pure PFC injection

30 mins

Pure PFC injection

120 mins


Change of blood oxygen amount

Heart pulses

Symptom description

Change of blood oxygen amount

Heart pulses

Symptom description

Change of blood oxygen amount

Heart pulses

Symptom description































Note 1.        The above a-c tests are intended to test whether PEC solvent with or without ozone has bad effect on the lungs. In test c, the density of ozone can be further increased until a reliable pig lung reaction curve, which may serve as a reference for chemists for preparing prescriptions for human treatment.

Note 2.      Test d is intended for SARS inflammation, needing an infected pig. Tests with difference densities can be worked out by analogy, but the baby pig under test is much more resistant to diseases than man. Usually, after 1-3 medicine reaction tests, similar results can be obtained in the tests with various dosages and can be observed via a microscope, and the bio-chemical lab can work out a guide report for the chemists in a short time. The test planning is for your reference only.

5.    Important points in designing the operation table

The operation table should be designed such that it can turn horizontally so that the patient on the table can turn left or right at least 45 degrees to facilitate the treatment of the left and right lungs.



Zhen-man Lin

HK D188015(3)    May. 20, 2003