LZM  Patent  Office

10 Ava Road Ava Tower # 19-07 Singapore 329949  (http://www.ycec.com )

Tel: 65 63533647 Fax: 65 62585636    Email: lzmyc@singnet.com.sg


Patent Cooperation Treaty                                              

International Bureau of Wipo                                           anjali.aeri@wipo.int

34 Chemin Des Colombettes                                            Fax: 41 22 338 71 50

1211 GENEVA 20 SWITZERLAND                                     Apr. 27, 2004  

Legal Officer


Ms Anjali Aeri


Dear                                         Denunciation  


We had communication last year about my invent of PCT/SG03//00145.


USA is a country of democracy with rule by law and PCT Contracting State, by the PCT Contract to stipulate, PCT Contracting State cannot refuse any one applicant of PCT application into the Designated Office for the purpose of obtaining national patents.


Under the PCT Article 13 2(a) and US patent law, I had end the apply form to US patent office by register mail on July.29, 2003, so I had received a bill from the bank of credit card that was USD $530.- of  US patent National fee paid on Sep.08, 2003.


The bill from the US patent office had shown my application number in US patent office it was 10/469,063, but I did not receive the Corrected Filling Receipt at the present moment.


I had send many Email and call the Mr. Carroll of US patent officer on Tel: 1703 308 4357 and further a letter send by Fax & Post on Jan. 05, 2004, and a letter send by register mail on Jan. 25, 2004.


I had send out countless inquiry and then the respond was unanticipated! From the July.29, 2003 till today that was past whole10 months!  You can call to inquire about the Apply Number 10/469,063 in US patent office on Tel: 1703 308 4357 to confirm everything, my patent apply to put on one side now!


I find that my intellectual property got to discriminate against by a patent big country and it was unforgivable and unimaginable!  USA in the world had to export very great intellectual property to look for protect! But in this case, the US patent office administration an improper act was unlovely!  From another angle, the PCT application was publication on Nov.20. 2003, so the Apply to put on one side by office that would be shown to imply infringement act!


Therefore, under the PCT Article 66 (1), I had a right to denunciation; please under this Treaty by notification addressed to the Director General and US patent office!  


 Urgent! Urgent! Urgent!




Yours faithfully,


applicant : Lin Zhen Man

10 Ava Road, Ava Tower, # 19-07

Singapore 329949  Apr. 27, 2004 


cc. US patent office  ( USPTOInfo@uspto.gov )

Commissioner of Patents

Washington, D.C. 20231

Director General

Tel:  1703 308 4357

Fax: 1-703 306 9142

Ms. Anjali Aeri  Legal Officer

Patent Cooperation Treaty                                              

International Bureau of Wipo                                         

34 Chemin Des Colombettes