


I, Lin Zhen ManHKID188015(3)

瘟疫肆虐至今已夺世界各国去不少生命,情况严重,本人非医科专业,但是早在15天之前已向香港的卫生当局提出了4大建议的防疫安生措施,措施明显地比起目前各国政府所公布有效及科学, 在没有人可提出质疑及瘟疫更盛的情况下不见政府采纳, 这是不文明及对市民生命不负责任的,这就是今天向执事先生写信的原因,本人并非为名或为利,请执事先生参考。

Mar.28,2003 的建议书:

 1.      病毒生存全奈水份空间,传布的媒介亦必须依靠水分无疑,因此病毒可以借空气的湿度籍风力而逸,带菌者的咳嗽带出病毒飞腾空间是传布病毒的来源路径,对策;

a.     降低隔篱病房湿度,立即改装冷气系统回流管道加入静电除尘纲、强紫外光区及采用熏蒸消毒剂,类似加热白醋熏蒸消毒室内空气;

b.     医院、问疹室改变气流方向或临时抽气灭毒罐,防止带菌者突发的咳嗽散逸病毒,令口罩之外加多一层防护措施,勿必彻底保护医护人员;

c.    为带菌者家庭装置临时紫外光灭菌灯并指导使用;

d.     限制带菌者家属外出、上学,出入境填表查询等等;

e.    责令卫生官员紧急出动,强制饮食橱师带口罩,咳嗽者停工否则停牌;

f.     责令学校教师设立学生报告家庭人口流动证记薄,跟进可疑病例者;

g.    全民动员,发动社团、公司跟进公司人员及来港可疑病例者,医管局设立热线;

2.      动员市民同共认识口腔卫生之重要,现lzm毛遂自荐 www.ycec.net/page1.html 文章(英文page2.html ),医局总裁危在旦夕最能公正品味文章精意及推广,望有人引荐,让肝脏腾出右手增强抗毒力可康复于无形中; lzm并此紧急呼吁, 不分老幼青壮年,每天并以近饱和浓度的盐水每天嗽口两次以上及少许润滑喉咙吞入消炎, 可降底病毒传染机会!

3.     口罩并非万能,卫生习惯更可贵,手不干净病从口中入,一切都狂然;

4.     以低量病毒经动物试探抗体产生的最低剂量曲线,寻找非抗生素类的病毒抗体疗法,指引大学微生物病毒科功关、医管局拨款资助责无旁贷;


     Arp.06,2003,本人又发布如下4 敦促书:

        “ 非典型肺炎病毒可称赶上纳米时代的时髦,它确实可以随风起舞令人捉摸不定,  因此N95口罩对75纳米以下的病毒的防御力值得怀疑,医护受感染日多,…  防御措施中的1.a & b对医院的气流隔离法,冷气槽中灭菌灯的装置是简单实用的并应推广到其它公众埸所是非常重要…

   公开信中并重点地指出:“口腔卫生护肝强身及以 盐水嗽口润喉是最有效力亦是最后一招的近身病毒御措施!”人命关天,要求政府卫生当局尽快采纳及推广!

Arp.11, 2003,有见及政府卫生当局无动于中,每天的病毒感染不减,本人又发表对香港病毒 御措施 的检讨一文具体地告知市民不能再迟疑:

1.    应用浓盐水嗽口并少许润喉而吞服,人手一瓶盐矿泉水,高危医护人员应每小时最少1次;银行职员等面对顾客多者每2小时1次, 不管男女老幼一入家门一次不可少,各行业及将来学校复课等可参考类推;

2.   在强调口腔卫生方面着重的是牙腔的彻底清洁,牙线的使用,刷牙后再强烈漱口数分钟以验证牙腔的清洁程度是重点,睡醒后醒臭的唾液万万吞不得,再以两汤匙盐水助肝清肠胃,强肝壮体自然百毒不侵 应是共识,这也正是人类长寿少病之秘

     政府卫生当局为何如此固执? 请见附件2 & 3,布殊总统也应本人的要求向前国家主席江泽民提出要保护香港人的公民权,但香港的法院同样坚持为金钱的目地,公开剥夺司法上诉权,公开违反法律判决,坏事做尽!而整个香港社会包括媒体、社团及本人所在厂商会无一声援,无一跟进,他们害怕受到报复,以至本人的处境迟与16世纪的伽利略受到迫害也快要不差上下了!

仅有及特效的措施都不敢用, 死了那么多人,社会各阶层面临着巨大困境,董建华是好特首,很多事都管不到的,管多了会逼他下台!这是香港人的不幸,香港的文明己经所剩不多,世界各国都在严峻地关注,执事先生可以择优选用,这跟布殊总统采纳本人的“航空安全三措施”完全两样,只要措施能够防止病毒扩散,无须注明是谁的,死的人都是同胞,都是朋友,他们是无辜的,本人没有要求得到任何回报。



Respectfully yours


Zhen-Man Lin

Hong Kong D188015

Apr.17, 2003









On the influence of oral hygiene on the human life

Oct. 16,1997



Letter to USA in HK of Consulate

Sept. 27, 2002

To_USA in HK of Consulate270902.htm


Letter to America President Mr. Bush

Sept. 27, 2002



On Virus Control Measures in Hong Kong

Apr.11, 2003



中英文在 www.ycec.net/To_WHO-200503.pdf

To Geneva  (WHO)

World Health Organization conference

World Health Organizotion

To whom it may concern:


-----Original Message -----

From: Mey-Verme, Mrs. Sonia (WDC)

To: 'ycec'

Cc: 'WHO-Padey' ; 'WHO-Liden'

Sent: Tuesday, May 20, 2003 10:36 PM

Subject: RE: please pass to WHO, thank!

I am forwarding your email to WHO in Geneva


Sonia Mey-Verme

Office of Public Information-Press

Pan American Health Organization

Tel 202 974 3036     www.paho.org/org

Dear ,

At the time when the world health conference is underway, I would like to propose my new SARS treatment plan to you and the WHO. Called “Surface Treatment of SARS-Infected Lungs”,  this plan was faxed to the Hong Kong chief administrative executive and the relevant Chinese leader at 4:30 PM May 15 2003. It takes only a few days for the plan to begin clinic trial and I’m sure that plan will benefit the world.


          Main Points:

*       The sterilizing liquid injected into lung lobes is the surface treatment liquid for O1 therapy of the lungs. The formal name for this liquid is Per fluoro chemicals(PFC) and the sterilizer is Ozone.

*       This method of introducing supersonic wave with sterilizing liquid may make SARS virus less adsorptive and quickly clear viruses in the lungs. This new and practical therapy works like bombing the SARS virus with smart cruise missiles. The missile is single oxygen (O1) separated from ozone, hence “O1 Therapy”!

Please to look-through my web site of www.ycec.com/SARS-to-die-e.htm and I hope WHO push to all national of government sanitary department urgent to engineer to clinical practice,  save person as same fire fighting!


I would like to refer to my April 17, 2003 letter to WHO and would also mention WHO-issued report on the causes for SARS cases in Taoda Building. On April 17, 2003 Hong Kong media says WHO experts agree with the report submitted by the Hong Kong Health Bureau. But we find some points in the report do not hold water:


  1.      The WHO report agrees that the SARS case in Taoda Building results from fecal sewage in thedried-up U- shaped pipes.  I think it is incorrect, because the report provided by the Hong Kong Health Bureau does not specify which dwelling in the building has the dried-up U-shaped pipes?

  2.      The breakage of the sewage pipes only on the 4th floor of Taoda Building mentioned in the WHO report is not definitely the source of infection,  because few people to life below the 7th floor are infected,  but the sewage cannot flow upward, why can to prove to be cause the widespread infection above the 7th floor?

Now,  the Hong Kong Health Bureau justifies its mistakes with the WHO report.  That is unfair for Hong Kong citizens and will contribute to the breakdown of social justice of the Hong Kong community.  Therefore, the report must be corrected to avoid misleading other countries in their SARS-containing efforts!

But on the other hand, the Hong Kong government has been controlling the epidemic actively and effectively. Surface Treatment of SARS-Infected Lungs will find applications, and SARS will no longer be fatal. WHO tourism warning against Hong Kong has led to the anxiety of Hong Kong people and put Hong Kong into great trouble.


I beg WHO to lift the tourism warning before schedule.


Respectfully yours


Zhen-Man Lin


Hong Kong D188015

May.20, 2003