To Geneva  (WHO)

World Health Organization conference

World Health Organizotion

To whom it may concern:


-----Original Message -----

From: Mey-Verme, Mrs. Sonia (WDC)

To: 'ycec'

Cc: 'WHO-Padey' ; 'WHO-Liden'

Sent: Tuesday, May 20, 2003 10:36 PM

Subject: RE: please pass to WHO, thank!

I am forwarding your email to WHO in Geneva


Sonia Mey-Verme

Office of Public Information-Press

Pan American Health Organization

Tel 202 974 3036

Dear ,

At the time when the world health conference is underway, I would like to propose my new SARS treatment plan to you and the WHO. Called “Surface Treatment of SARS-Infected Lungs”,  this plan was faxed to the Hong Kong chief administrative executive and the relevant Chinese leader at 4:30 PM May 15 2003. It takes only a few days for the plan to begin clinic trial and I’m sure that plan will benefit the world.

Main Points:

*         The sterilizing liquid injected into lung lobes is the surface treatment liquid for O1 therapy of the lungs. The formal name for this liquid is Per fluoro chemicals(PFC) and the sterilizer is Ozone.

*        This method of introducing supersonic wave with sterilizing liquid may make SARS virus less adsorptive and quickly clear viruses in the lungs. This new and practical therapy works like bombing the SARS virus with smart cruise missiles. The missile is single oxygen (O1) separated from ozone, hence “O1 Therapy”!

Please to look-through my web site of and I hope WHO push to all national of government sanitary department urgent to engineer to clinical practice,  save person as same fire fighting!

I would like to refer to my April 17, 2003 letter to WHO and would also mention WHO-issued report on the causes for SARS cases in Taoda Building. On April 17, 2003 Hong Kong media says WHO experts agree with the report submitted by the Hong Kong Health Bureau. But we find some points in the report do not hold water:

1.      The WHO report agrees that the SARS case in Taoda Building results from fecal sewage in thedried-up U-shaped pipes.  I think it is incorrect, because the report provided by the Hong Kong Health Bureau does not specify which dwelling in the building has the dried-up U-shaped pipes?

2.      The breakage of the sewage pipes only on the 4th floor of Taoda Building mentioned in the WHO report is not definitely the source of infection,  because few people to life below the 7th floor are infected,  but the sewage cannot flow upward, why can to prove to be cause the widespread infection above the7th floor?

Now,  the Hong Kong Health Bureau justifies its mistakes with the WHO report.  That is unfair for Hong Kong citizens and will contribute to the breakdown of social justice of the Hong Kong community.  Therefore, the report must be corrected to avoid misleading other countries in their SARS-containing efforts!

But on the other hand, the Hong Kong government has been controlling the epidemic actively and effectively. Surface Treatment of SARS-Infected Lungs will find applications, and SARS will no longer be fatal. WHO tourism warning against Hong Kong has led to the anxiety of Hong Kong people and put Hong Kong into great trouble.


I beg WHO to lift the tourism warning before schedule.


Respectfully yours


Zhen-Man Lin


Hong Kong D188015

May.20, 2003



To Geneva  (WHO)

World Health Organization conference

World Health Organizotion

To whom it may concern:

Dear ,

-----Original Message -----

From: Mey-Verme, Mrs. Sonia (WDC)

To: 'ycec'

Cc: 'WHO-Padey' ; 'WHO-Liden'

Sent: Tuesday, May 20, 2003 10:36 PM

Subject: RE: please pass to WHO, thank!

I am forwarding your email to WHO in Geneva


Sonia Mey-Verme

Office of Public Information-Press

Pan American Health Organization

Tel 202 974 3036

籍著世界衛生大會的舉行, 本人僅此向大會及WHO推薦本人醫治SARS的最新方案成果, 該方案爲“肺部SARS的表面處理”, 已於2003515日下午4:30傳真給香港的行政長官及中國領導人。 該方案只要數天的時間便可進入臨床驗證,該方案應該惠及世界各國。


注入到肺葉的消毒液體是表面處理液體的單氧疔法。這種液體的正式的名字是全氟化合物(PFC) 消毒劑則爲臭氧。


      請從 的本網頁看而不漏,及本人希望世界衛生組織可推廣給所有國家的衛生部門緊急策劃臨床實踐,救人如同射擊搏鬥!

本人亦重提於417日向WHO的信件, 亦將提及世衛發表的香港淘大大廈的感染成因報告。417日香港的報紙說WHO專家認同了香港衛生署提供的報告。但我們發覺報告有很多是沒有根據的:

1.      WHO報告書贊成淘大的感染由U型管乾枯污水渠傳染不是正確的, 因为香港衛生署提供的報告没有舉例指出該大廈有哪一單位的糞便渠U型管乾枯的單位;

2.      世衛報告即然承認的淘大大廈4樓的污水渠爆裂不足成爲感染的来源,因爲被7樓以下的單位少有人被感染推翻;那麽污水渠又爲怎麽會倒流而上成爲7樓以上單位大量感染的證據?

現在是香港衛生署拿著WHO的報告書爲自已的錯誤辯護, 這對香港市民不公, 無形中加速香港社會公義的崩潰! 因此報告書有須要更正, 免得誤導其他國家對SARS的防疫措施!





Respectfully yours

Zhen-Man Lin

Hong Kong D188015

May. 20, 2003
