LZM's warning to member countries of WTO/WHO

 Per trading minister of WTO/WHO member



Sirs/Madam  This is the historical witness,

to expose conceal for medical science invent and

how to murder the inventor


     Using air as an interface definition, the bird flu, like SARS and other types of flu infections, is a superficial bacterial infection of the lungs.  Such bacterial infections can only be dealt with superficially. This can be said to be the law of the conversation of energy. And according to the law of the conversation of energy, any medicine which is to be ingested into the stomach or injected cannot be considered as a specific medicine, in the context of superficial bacterial infections.


     To explain further, the Tarniflu relies on absorption through the intestines and stomach in order to enter the blood stream to produce antibodies and to neutralize  the  viruses  produced  by the  bacteria  infection,  Obviously, neutralization of the virus and killing of the bacteria are two totally different matters.


    While the vaccine can certainly bring about the production of antibodies in the blood, and neutralization of viruses is indeed the specialty of Tamiflu, the effect of Tamiflu really depends on the type of the bacteria which produced the virus in the first place! Yet the China and HongKong governments have been conducting intensive propaganda campaigns emphasizing the neutralization of viruses by Tamiflu and the specialty of Tamifiu, with no explanation as to how to kill the bacteria. This clearly demonstrates an ignorance of medical science and an effort to deliberately conceal the truth!


    Therefore, the Tamifiu will not be able to kill the bird flu and SARS bacteria. The China and Hongkong governments are jointly deceiving the people! In actual fact, the China and Hongkong governments have been using LZM's invention secretly to cure SARS and bird flu patients since 15 May 2003.  However, their inability to publicly use the invention has resulted in the deaths of many from SARS and bird flu. This has also resulted in many phthisis patients not being able to benefit from the invention of the PFCO medicine! Such is the sorrowful state of the Hongkong society!


      The China and Hongkong governments should respond to LZM's criticism!   LZM's patent application of PCT/SG03/00145 has now been submitted to the relevant patent authorities of 80% of WTO/WHO countries, any government¡¯s policy of medical treatment and to renew the textbook which can't do without this invent, therefore, please do not assist in concealing the truth, in insulting civilization, falsifying medical science, and deceiving the people of your country, thereby leaving a bad name in history.


    Please be concerned with the civil rights of Hong Kong and to look through the website www.ycec.net/Lt-to-world-051017.htm and remind your government to stop concealing the invention of curing SARS and bird flu!


     I hope that per member country of WTO/WHO can have the full control over the bird flu in your country.


                                                                                                                         Lin Zhen-man


                                                                                                                         Hong Kong Dec.16,2005     


 (to connect with the behind page and to see the murder means )

Protesting for WTO conference in HK

Dec.16, 2005

Per trading minister of WTO/WHO


Sirs/Madam ;


        The fair trade and intellectual property are WTO¡¯s principles and the important vital of society civilization with extend by standard of the human rights. Therefore, the WTO/WHO has the duty to norm and investigate the morality, behavior of any member countries.      


         At present, at the location of WTO conference, if the WTO have not look into the unfair deal of HK Government towards Lin Zhen Man (lzm) of a HK citizen and unceasingly to deceived to tease for all HK citizens that Tamiflu it could cure bird flu for this reason to tort (use in not public) lzm ¡¯s invention to cure the SARS and bird flu, at the same time to persist in murder for lzm, the WTO conference at this state for conference, didn¡¯t the WTO not feels shameful?


        The WTO must follow with interest the HK Gov. to deprive of the civil rights on the cases of LDBM 220/2005, FAMV 16/2004, FAMV 21/2002 and FAMV 1/2002 etc and not to value intellectual property and simultaneously for concealing lzm¡¯s invention to cure the SARS and bird flu! 


        The China, HK Gov. did not thank lzm¡¯s invention that saved over one thousand China and Hong Kong person after on May.15, 2003, but the China and Hong Kong Government did not thank the lzm of inventor, the Donald TSANG Yam-kuen of HK Chief Executive who was to continued holding thus below the 500W power antenna of mobile phone at short range to aim and murder the Lin Zhen Man (lzm)! (www.ycec.com which have detailed explain!)

Radiation 270 multiples for over the standard!          The evidence of murder below!



The WTO/WHO must to follow with interest the HK Gov. was to become an uncivilized!

The trading minister of each country, please pass on to your Government, the lzm¡¯s medical invention which was into the Patent Office of your country now, the Tamiflu is not effective in curing the bird flu, the UN in the middle to harmony with the lie which is not intolerable!   

If you are a civilization and rule by law of country, please don¡¯t assist; endure the China, HK Gov. to conceal! Or else, your country should be to it same the China, HK Gov. to furtively to use lzm¡¯s medical invention and get an accusation of no to value the intellectual property, still in important, to deceive as will as your country people!  

                                                                                                       Lin Zhen-man


                                                                                                       Dec.16, 2005
