Specifics of letter:  www.ycec.net/lzm/080508.htm  or www.ycec.net/lzm/080508.pdf 




List of the Particular Specification


I.      Subject:  Using latest monetary policy to revitalize your country and oppose the finance, goods big country!

II.     Subject:  the key to lengthen 10year life fore you

III.    Subject:  The latest surveys technology of deep-sea submarine

IV.    Subject:  To open to booking of my writing copyright


I.     Subject:  Using latest monetary policy to revitalize your country and oppose 

                    the finance, goods big country!


           Preamble and Brief Introduction


Since 1998, I came to learn foreign currency market. With several years of observation, I had developed a deep interest for monetary policy. Especially with the change of China¡¯s planned economy, I feel that there was no any monetary policy plan made for control of the economic growth. At www.ycec.net/Advice.htm, information on my prompts for the China monetary policy leaders thus senses their lack of knowledge, until recently this week, i watched Phoenix Satellite channel television news and heard from Hu Jintao and Wen Jiabao will study economy .However is was too late and the essential tuition fees are doubled now.


In brief, there is no monetary policy specialist in China. China¡¯s success is only her huge hardworking population with low expectation.  However, the monetary policy of Hong Kong which is just the small skill of same the little daughter-in-law to under income for careful spend, only various countries of Europe state I think who was find the secret of monetary policy to form an alliance, but U.S.A. since after from to get out of the gold standard that was to reap huge benefit of the monetary policy and further to strengthen their hegemony! 


And at this moment, every not English series which developing country that especially the monetary policy of those people little country that was for the most part to master in hand of those specialist or scholar who was well-versed in the ¡°prefabricate a frame¡± by west economical, so their horizons is limited and conduct difficult, please see the www.ycec.net/billion.htm .


In a word, it is as that invent for simple to curing the SARS and all other infect disease of lung by me on May.15, 2003.  At that time, the China president Hu Jintao was very to praised like this judgments and saying that: ¡°Our country was to need this person of such judgments no other than!¡± on May.23, 2003.  But it is to be regretted, that still to grasp power and does not set free is that Jiang Zemin of former China president him is a person of arrogant and fickle and same the China vice President Zeng Qinghong criticized that Jiang Zemin who have a mistake but no to correct and regard as himself is a founding father always on Dec.12, 2007. Please to see this website www.ycec.net/UN/080309-hk.htm 


The aforesaid is only some branches due to being born years before universities were built resulting me in missing the chance of study in university.  However with self-studying, I had gained a wider range of knowledge. With great thinking skill, decision and logical reasoning, I discovered that the flexible monetary policy can solve any difficult problem or a modest answer that can solve more than 90% of the problems in your country!


So on September of 2001, I used the WebPages, www.ycec.net/billion.htm  and used a nickname Dr. Tan and made advises to China Government on how to finance 10,000 billion promoting the development of China in her monetary policy.  But at that time, the total savings deposit of China was only several thousand billion.  Therefore, I suggest tuition fee that was one billion RMB to express the importance of the brand-new monetary policy theory!  Due to not having a degree in economy and my factory illegal auction two years ago under orders of Jiang Zemin, former China president, showing Jiang Zemin¡¯s boastfulness, jealousy. Evidences shown from www.ycec.net/Advice.htm  that expands power in their monetary policy, their lacks of abilities in coming out with a long term plan!


Similarly, taking example the economic organization of Association of South-east Asian Nations have a good development that do not to limit in customs mutually beneficial of regional, only from the interaction of monetary policy it can to the slow development to be reborn!


  However, how is it to accomplish the interaction of multinational monetary policy, which is the highest confine of my originality nucleus economical theory!  But the population quality and number it will have definitely different corresponding policies, here only to reveals briefly!


Inquire and your confidence is tested


Because I do not have the record of formal schooling of corresponding or the well-known status of the international finance, after your country offers the national conditions CD, I can answer and solve three problems of difficult problem of existing policy of your country's finance and support for confidence to test in writing, however, the answer will not to regard involving the above-mentioned the monetary policy criterion of changeable key theories as, and that needn't to make widely known and to touch my family first by business affairs Department of consulate of your country in Singapore.


II.     The key to lengthen 10year life fore you

Preamble and Brief Introduction

This is a more important to human society of invention.


On the Dec.10, 2001, I was to publish in the last a section of a pleader letter to Dong Jian Hua the former chief executive of Hong Kong in first and that is an great invent to enough to extend the average life-span up to ten years which inference succeed for application. The website of letter is www.ycec.net/hk-cn-chief/Djh-011210.htm.  So, Dong Jian Hua who was to take advantage of this invent reported to Jiang Zemin with his official work at Beijing same time to intercede to stop the directing against order on December 19, 2001.  So Dong Jian Hua¡¯s success that to lead the Zhu Rongji former premier to praise and admire him that ¡°¡­fine person not many of world this¡± at the TV same the day.


Later on, I was from a related official to verify, a reason to remove the force-out order for me publish that I was so a person of to ¡°loyalty¡± for Jiang Zemin too!  Thus it can be seen that Jiang Zemin¡¯s a word it could to change my destiny, it is obvious that inside in Communist Party there is no values at all, some only absolutely obedient of palace instruction!  Also thus it can be seen, this political fashions of China with the autocratic imperial power not any different from!  But the good conditions are seldom, after the one week, then Jiang Zemin to say: ¡°¡­we are to doing science¡­¡± at the TV, the remove order that was to countermand by Jiang Zemin too.  It was to came to be known, they are think Dong Jian Hua was to be fooled because a word of me and can to play the role of ¡°rare good person¡± just!


Time pass by quickly, I had sent another pleader letter sent to Dong Jian Hua again on August 7 2002, I inform above-mentioned reasoning successful invention that had an effect unexpected, the web address of Chinese letter is www.ycec.net/hk-cn-chief/Djh-020807.htm and the letter addition two photos to prove of my gray-headed to change.  At generally speaking, an early youth to be come a wood anemone to have or an 80years old man have the all black hair too, and then common people to step into the old and feeble time which gray-headed degree with the position and ages difference etc. having no any rules, so the inherit-gene is the explain of now medical science only one that!  At generally speaking, so a people, after then appearance him have gray hair, that to deepen degree it will to grow with each passing day and not to be turned back for a common view. But my invention it could change the normality to restore physiology in not alike degree or gene modification or promoting the effect of return to youth and it could be to build up a logical exactly, so this is lack in that contemporary medical science, also people are in aspirational!


After six years, nobody will believe that I was younger by 6years! But the images of www.ycec.net/lzm.htm prove this!  In above-mentioned letters, I told Dong Jian Hua, former chief executive of Hong Kong that I needed to dye hair regularly since 1999.  My friends, family and barber knew nothing about this!   Today as I reach an old age, I manage to keep my hair¡¯s color at its original state like 10 years ago.


Because I have two great invention is not being respected in international society, still more the bored mean to oppress of economical and judicature by Jiang Zemin through the China and Hong Kong Government at long time, so I must to have money to defending mankind dignity, so I was to announce for the world at here, if an important personage or wealthy and understand to treasure of this invent for the demand and him can to give up to spend to barter for share at ahead of time, or for this uncontroversial Nobel prize to have interest and who was not to stint the cost, I as will as can to transfer the ownership of intellectual property.


Please needn't to make widely known and to touch my family first in Singapore.


III.    The latest surveys technology of deep-sea submarine

Preamble and Brief Introduction


This is a very unwilling decision.  First, this deep sea surveys technology to still need pour money to prove and improve;  Second, this innovate application it although no same all the science and technology of into the open, but it may be to list the secret defense preparations in the science and technology advanced country;  Third, transfer this application of technology only to suit who must a democratic state use to defend only;  Fourth, because a police official of Shenzhen city of China told me if I have military science to sell to foreign it will a traitor, although this country has already been forced me to have no way as this, a preferential right will to give they, but it must by a definite date in three months.  


Same the above, please needn't to make widely known and to touch my family first by business affairs Department of consulate of your country in Singapore.


IV.     Subject: To open to booking of my writing copyright

Preamble and Brief Introduction


Because I must some money to defend dignity, I prepare to open to booking of the work copyright and the subject matter as below:


   1.       Title:   The conjuring trick incantation and dissolution method

       of western economics

Content range:   An edition of public

From the sad degree of China to rise abruptly to see the power of conjuring trick incantation of western economics and to see the argumentation process of my latest monetary policy¡­


Readers target:   Teach and student of economics, finance and to scalp foreign exchange who was required readings.


              Work category:        Practical novel is estimated to have 400,000 words

Writings classification:  fiction of writing realistically, about 400 thousand numbers of words.


      2.       Title:    The 10 years of Battle fought between Chinese and Western


The scope

of content:  The theme revolves during the last 10 years where Mr. Jiang Zemin,  Bush and myself fought for a tiresome historical war. The foundation analysis human nature, by the money game looked the life ugly performance looked the one country two systems falseness, practicalizes for the history.


of the work:  Writing or painting of realistically narrative collection, consist of about 1,300,000 words.


              Content range:  Just as the name, the writing range that was to gather fruitful results of the sect of modern life sciences and include to eliminate the false and retain the true for China acupuncture, sect of per kung fu religious and Yoga who¡¯s achievements to history location at last!  Also for above thesis two that¡¶The key to lengthen 10year life fore you¡·to exquisitely carved and ready the wisdom to keep in history.


                 of the work:  Reasoning to expound and fascicle an anthology, consist of about 1,300,000 words.

              Readers target:  Required readings of medical science circles; China acupuncture, sect of per kung fu religious and Yoga etc. which supporter required readings.


3.   Unofficial history of human life sciences


         Content range:  Just as the name, the writing range that was to gather fruitful results of the sect of modern life sciences and include to eliminate the false and retain the true for China acupuncture, sect of per kung fu religious and Yoga who¡¯s achievements to history location at last!  Also for above thesis two that¡¶The key to lengthen 10year life fore you¡·to exquisitely carved and ready the wisdom to keep in history.



           of the work:   Reasoning to expound and fascicle an anthology, consist of about 1,300,000 words.

Readers target:  Required readings of medical science circles; China acupuncture, sect of per kung fu religious and Yoga etc. which supporter required readings.

4.¡­To Be Continued¡­



Yours faithfully,

Lin Zhen-Man

May.08, 2008

10 Ava Road Ava Tower # 19-07 Singapore 329949

Tel: 65 63533647 Fax: 65 62585636  Email:   ycec_lzm@yahoo.com.hk  lzmyc@singnet.com.sg




Specifics of letter:  www.ycec.net/lzm/080508.mht     or Return to main webpage!

