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隱形戰機 探測技術出售






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導致 lzm “洗肺醫療法的發明 香港 SARS 危機的前後  



中西-申訴 為何要全球封剎林哲民的醫學發明


設計及科研服務  (製作中)

Lzm 同樣出色的經濟學成就!

有價各國政府提供 的



設計及科研服務  (製作中)

香港衛生部門的 戰爭行為





 隱瞞“洗肺”醫療法 最悲劣、可恥的手法是 謀殺-發明人 林哲民!



李 國能  积案 如山!




 The sin of HK court


1. FAMV 1/2002;  2. FAMV 16/2004;   3.  FAMV 10/2006;   4. FAMV 19/2006

  5. LDBM-220-2005;  6. CACV-332-2006

主頁: www.ycec.sg/UN/war-felon.htm

The important related letter www.ycec.sg/UN/120617.htm  or pdf

承諾人民幣大幅升值 只爲 換取G-20暫緩讓WHO應用



        全球華人必定要知道,爲何奧巴馬於6 26-27日在加拿大的多倫多舉成G20峯會後的第二天發表了強烈的聲明指出:“…一定看看中國政府是否真的會否在2-3個月內大幅度提高人民幣匯率!…”?  奧巴馬的這一聲明通過鳳凰衛視在28/6的午後直播給中央核心打了招會!

爲何奧巴馬的聲明是如何心情凝重、惱火及憤怒呢?  全球華人必定要知道,爲何胡錦濤到底在412日見了奧巴馬承諾了什麽?  否則爲何可突令奧巴馬喜出望外地面對TV承認決定人民匯率是中國的主權呢? 

原因盡在過去的一年內, 因中國政府面對美國甲流病人己死亡超過了15000人的事實於不顧、仍不停地要求不要 承認及應用 敝司曾在2003年解救中國國難發明的“洗肺”醫療法救甲流病人,更因爲美國是個法治與道德並重的國家,美國政府不能學中國政府一樣可以讓各主要城市包括 香港與澳門 選擇兩家主要的醫院 偷雞摸狗地 應用敝司的“洗肺”醫療法! 特別是獲得諾貝和平獎的奧巴馬更覺得承認及應用這醫療法 是他義不容辭的歷史使命!  奧巴馬 爲雇及 中國政府的面子, 表面上以軍售臺灣及提高人民幣匯率爲角力點 逼使中國政府放棄以行賄及經濟報復手取威脅恐嚇各國政府光明正大地承認及應用敝司發明這一永遠不可替代的 “洗肺”醫療法!

必然無疑的,是胡錦濤在412日見了奧巴馬後承諾將借上海世博會之機 承認及展示敝司發明的“洗肺”醫療法!  然而, 控制不了政治局常委多數的胡主席沒辦法做到 被西方譏爲食言! 更遠一點的還有奧巴馬早在去年4月倫敦的G-20峯會就說服了胡錦濤並約定陪同在7月初歐洲G8+5峯會上向人類社會公佈這一喜訊, 無奈的是江澤民以心臟病發入院召回了胡錦濤,見報的理由爲急緊回國處理新疆暴亂,你信嗎?!

全球華人必定要知道, 胡錦濤爲承認敝司的這一被隱瞞足7年的醫療法也煞費了一翻苦心,也想爲歷史對國民有個清析的交代, 因此,江澤民急病入院成爲阿波羅新聞網於201068日放風的頭條新聞, 這顯然爲重演20076月初黃菊詐死爲被吳儀帶領國企採購團行賄美國會議員家族企業揮金如土揭露出來的醜聞而埋筆!  然而,江澤民卻通過網路在第二天露面的圖像拒絕了胡中央的這一安排,十分不幸,江的風光大葬沒了,也失去了爲党爲國勇於承擔責任鞠躬盡瘁的最後良機!

請詳閱 附件的在剛結束的多倫多G-20峯會前敝司向各國發送的文告!  因此,胡錦濤又只得再次出術將人民幣大幅升值這一鎮國之本之祖宗山墳地作押注爲誘換取G-20暫緩讓WHO應用我司洗肺醫療法救甲流病人,這簡直是荒謬絕倫的!   從奧巴馬上述通過發表了的強烈的聲明告知了中央核心, 即是說:“…看你如何再耍滑頭, 奧巴馬看緊了!”!

爲何人民幣大幅升值會嚴重地損害國家利益呢? 今天,如此龐大中國經濟體系的中央管理層竟無一可獨當一面的經濟專家坐鎮早爲人厚柄, 所見的只是中央的決策者 只會讓皇家的鳳凰衛視曾瀞漪專訪些所謂的專家偷偷師套套口供、並讓討論會吱吱喳喳、小肚雞腸地“雄辯一翻”所謂的人民幣升值的利弊! 這就是今天中央經濟決策過程一幕,現人民幣大幅升值竟被群無知的決策者用來 阻緩 敝司“洗肺”醫療法拯救生命 並令 共和國蒙羞 史冊! 因此,敝司只得慷慨解囊釋放真知卓見,再次爲解救國難, 請那班爲人民幣升值的利弊爭論不休所謂的專家學者們列隊聽教

若純從整體經濟發展過速做爲人民幣升值的誘因而論, 特別是在物質過剩今天的中華大地, 只要擴大人民幣的發行量用以提高國民的福利水平、及照顧社會的弱勢群、或用以指令中國西部的大規模人口的徒遷城建… 其勢必強烈地推動內需並可減緩過剩勞力, 從而意味著可減少出口貿易順差避免國際爭端又可令工薪族群受益並加速催生及壯大社會的中産階層, 更重要的一環是可以縮短社會貧富差距。  然而, 務必並如何將通貨膨賬可控達致推動整體經濟發展中所預設的框架之中仍是中國經濟舵手們心中要有一盤棋的另一課程。


明顯的是,若人民幣指令性高企, 哪怕只要有5% 企業倒閉、或部分外企趁機套現他遷,人力資源的過剩勢將加劇! 或許也同樣意味著可減少出口貿易順差避免國際爭端, 但是社會貧富將進一步拉開距離,富者不勞而獲,貧者則杯水車薪還須苦爭飯碗…, 又或許有人會說也可同時擴大人民幣的發行量, 那未免本末倒置,另一層次的貨幣發行危機又即將開始! ……

總而言之, 明顯的, 隱瞞救人的醫學發明本身就是一種不道德、恥於開口收買人命的畜生行爲!  目前又進一步出賣上述如此重大的國家利益也只不夠只會暫緩延遲WHO承認敝司的醫療法於一時而己 

現重述敝司2010410日公開信之要意:… 以歷史的角度平心而論,胡溫核心領導已到了非主導公審隱瞞敝司醫學發明主謀才足以洗刷及擺脫當政期間隱瞞醫學發明歷史罪孽!… 因此,並請收到本傳E的有關人等轉告胡溫領導人:

1.  請速承認敝司“洗肺”醫療法救民爲國;

2.  請尊重敝司知識産權並賠償敝司的血汗投資;

3.  停止以卑鄙手段操控中港法庭掠奪金錢及破壞發明人家庭;

4.  請公審隱瞞承認敝司“洗肺”醫療法發明的主謀人還歷史公道還胡溫   自身清白!


如须任何进一步的说明及资料,请联络: 852-36187808/ 86-755-25353546 或者也可联络 290619513-QQ 国内人可通过动态网浏览敝司的:

 www.ycec.com & www.ycec.net



201071  lzm




江澤民 長期破壞一國兩制的國際承諾, 操控香港法庭逼害 lzm 的證據如下:

1. FAMV 1 /2002;

2. FAMV 16/2004;

3. FAMV 10/2006;

4. FAMV 19/2006;

5. LDBM-220-2005;

6. CACV-332-2006 正式结案

江澤民 的親信習慣以升官位為誘逼法官違法判決林哲民巨額訴訟費用掠奪金錢!

1. 土地審裁處的恶作剧


3. 香港政府-戰犯    








2. 是誰以安裝手機發射天線 射殺林哲民?


3. 江澤民錦衣衛暗中令北角警方參與唆使租戶拒交租搞死lzm, 結果大出丑!  

4.江澤民錦衣衛同曾葫權勢力暗中令土地註冊署刻意 加工英皇道989e601查冊 毀謗lzm 唆使港島區物業一同杯革出租無恥可悲!







4.  拆屋令也同時危及臨近


5. 稅務局與中銀面光四清






1.恒昌电子起诉 江泽民


3.沙头角 海关 手段辣



6. 深圳海关的不羁

7.不感谢lzm拯救中国SARS国难的医学发明,江泽民为何还要下令谋杀发明人 lzm !

8 江泽民锦衣卫 lzm 深圳的女性朋友也不放过,他们在深圳公务员队伍中特选年青帅哥, 大耍公费死缠,若欲先睹为快, 请登入QQ290619513 浏览相册!(制作中) 




請參閱敝司如下公開傳E文告 (中英)


加拿大 G-20 summit 及奧巴馬的歷史使命!

G-20 summit in Canada and Obama’s history –mission!

June 20, 2010 lzm/HK

     G20峯會又即將於Jun 26-27在加拿大的多倫多舉成 由於WHO 報導的全球豬流感至今死亡人數超過了30千人,其中美國人幾乎占了一半!        

      The G-20 summit oncoming will be on Jun 26-27 at Toronto of Canada. As a result of report on WHO, the death toll of swine flu of H1N1 exceeded thirty thousand people and almost half of them are Americans!  

      與此同時,本人於 February 24, 2010 經廣泛傳Email的文告向WHO、諾貝爾的病毒專家、諾貝爾和平奘得主及各國媒體揭露 疫苗可有效防疫豬流感 是醫學界的謬論與無知!  並且,疫苗是可害及所有胎兒,因此,本人要求WHO應立即停止推廣及應用!  Email的文告主見見下頁或本人的網站主頁 www.ycec.net/UN/war-felon.htm  不可否認的, the Vaccines are injections that give you a high level of immunity to a virus.” 的神話已經破滅!  中國己停止注射疫苗及暗中賠償動員近百萬的疫苗孕婦墜胎, 而香港正公佈表示要銷毀90% 剩餘的疫苗!反而是例 US CDC and Ca CDC等西方國家網頁還在推廣疫苗去毒害他的國民!   自持文明的西方國家CDC對此的無知與藐視生命的固執是令人憤怒的!

   At the same time, I had through sending E-mails unmasked of the H1N1vaccine to WHO, all the Nobelist’s virus specialist, all thePeace Prize of Nobelist and all media to exposed that the Vaccine’s effectiveness in preventing the H1N1 swine flu was a fallacy and illiteracy of medical science circles after on February 24, 2010.     Furthermore, the Vaccine can cause harm to the fetus.  Therefore, I request WHO and CDC to stop using the vaccine!   The proclamation of E-mail can found in main page of my website, www.ycec.net/UN/war-felon.htm or below.  It was undeniable that the fairy tale of vaccine is ruined now.     Therefore, China government stopped to vaccinate and in the dark compensated about a million vaccinated expectant mother. Hong Kong Government announced that they would be destroying 90% of surplus H1N1 vaccine!   Oppositely, the CDC of US, Ca etc. western country was still popularize the H1N1 vaccine to poison his national!

面對著上述如此龐大的死亡人數以及疫苗帶給人類社會如此嚴重的危害性, WHO爲何沒有自主權仍去承認及應用本人發明的 洗肺 醫療法拯救H1N1病人生命?  這必將是全球媒體觀注焦點! 

Facing that confront the huge death toll and the vaccine that are harmful of mankind society, why WHO did not have his decision-making power to admit and use my invention of “ wash-lung” medical treatment to save H1N1 patient? 


因此,本人再次在此呼籲,所有的各國媒體必須本著良知關注並催促你的國家領導人包括特別是新任諾貝爾和平獎得主的奧巴馬總統有否膽量在多倫多 G-20峯會提出 討論是否讓 WHO 承認及應用  唯一可拯救所有H1N1病人生命 洗肺 醫療法的議案,同時更可讓世間人看清楚中國政府會有什麽否決議案的理由


For the above reason, I once again call upon all media conformity with intuitive ability to differentiate bewteen right or wrong.      To follow with interest and urge your country leaders, especially new Peace Prize of Nobelist President Obama if they have courage to bring up a bill to discuss whether to allow WHO admit and use application“ wash-lung” medical treatment that could save all H1N1 patients in this G-20 summit at Toronto of Canada.   At the same time all global village people will be clear about what reasons the Chine Government will have to overrule the bill!

President Obama was fool by China many times for this treatment therefore he won the Nobel Peace Prize! 


但歷史是不會忘記的, G-20前次在美國的峯會中, 中國主席耍無賴留足紐約以拒絕出席峯會威脅了奧巴馬不得在G-20討論 是否讓 WHO 承認及應用 上述洗肺 醫療法的議案,奧巴馬一時心軟作罷導致了今天美國的死亡人數己加大了一倍 爲了讓美國人民可以應用這個醫療法, 中美爭拗老是拿 “匯率”  “軍售臺灣” 說事!  但看今天的新聞, 中國外交部發言人已證實中國主席胡錦濤己接受了加拿大總理邀請出席在多倫多舉行的二十國集團(G20)領導人第四次峰會,但發言人又提出 威脅 說如果 G-20 討論“匯率”, 胡錦濤將拒絕出席! 

Histories are not to be forgotten. In the previous G-20 Summit in America, China chairman threaten President Obama by staying in New York. He wanted President Obama not to mention about the “lung-washing” medical invention in the G-20 summit.   However President Obama’s mistake increased the death toll by a fold.   To let Americans use this invention, America used the issue of arm fire selling to Taiwan to negotiate and the exchange rate to pestering. However in the current news China foreign affair confirms that Chairman Hu have accepted invitation by Canada president to G-20 summit.  They threaten that if the currency exchange issue is brought, Chairman Hu will not attend the G-20 summit.


歷史會否重演, 奧巴馬已披上了諾貝爾和平獎的戰衣袍灰甲,邪惡與文明的惡鬥交鋒又開始了, 奧巴馬還會膽怯中國的威脅心軟呢?  我堅信尊敬的總統奧巴馬是一個社會文明堅強的衛士! 這將留給媒體爲歷史作注解!

Will the history replay?  Now President Obama had already put on the armor of Nobel Peace Prize, a battle of evil with civilization will start again.  I have absolute faith the honorable President Obama is a resolute protector of s civilization The media will answer if president Obama will cower in fear or put up a fight to annotate in history! 


最後, 我希望特別是美國的媒體及兩党的國會議們支援奧巴馬總統爲死亡的H1N1豬流感美國人雪恥討回公道完成他獲得諾貝爾和平獎尚未完成的歷史使命!

Lastly, I hope that especially all the American media and all the members of Congress of two-party system to support President Obama avenge and return justice for death for the H1N1 swine flu patients and accomplish his unfinished history-mission to obtain the Nobel Peace Prize!   


Lin Zhen-man

June.20, 2010.



The vaccine can pernicious to the entire fetus, WHO must to stop for using!

February 24, 2010

   本信向 WHO 、每個國家的醫學界及媒體公開!

  This letter open for WHO, all the country’s medicine scope and medium!


首先,我再次嚴肅地在此指出,所有的感冒或流感、肺結核或禽流感等包括今天的H1N1其病理本質均爲細菌感染,而病毒感染是一個錯誤過時的慨念,而病毒只是細菌在肺部繁殖感染的副産品,但WHO至今仍執迷不悟,仍還在應用這個錯誤過時的概念指導各國以福特敏及疫苗對抗H1N1豬流感草菅人命!  請見本人在2009430日向全球各界發表了主題爲:絞死WHO陳馮富珍不足爲豬流感死者贖罪!”的公開,一年過去了,豬流感死者無數,然而疫苗的後遺症更是後患無窮,WHO陳馮富珍簡直就是一個殺人不眨眼的大魔鬼!

In the first instance, I must in here solemn to point out again that the bacterial-infection is the pathology’s essence of all the flu, phthisis or bird flu include today’s H1N1, the virus-infection is the bacterial-infection’s residual product!  But the WHO was to adhere obstinately to error and up to now to application this virus-concept of wrong and out-of-date to guide all country of UN wrongly used theTamiflu and vaccine to resist H1N1 swine to treat human life as if it were not worth a straw!  Please to see the open letter of subject is the “Justice to gibbet the WHO Dr Margaret Chan cannot be atone for the bereaved of swine flu!”, one year to pass away, the death toll of H1N1 was over twenty thousand now, however, the vaccine’s sequela that still more no end of trouble for the future, the WHO Dr Margaret Chan simply is a big devil of to kill without batting an eyelid, below:


今天的主題是,爲什麽疫苗是孕婦流産的最大元兇? 爲什麽不流産的胎兒也將催生是不同程度的低智慧兒童,如下將一一爲你釋解內心疑問:

Today’s subject is, why the vaccine is the maximum arch-criminal for an abortion of expectant mother?  Why will those survive fetus can to catalysis child of low intellect in disparity degree Below:


. 疫苗及福特敏的功效極其有限

I. The curative effect of vaccine and Tamiflu most limited


第一, 在立足於流感病理學的角度論證甲流疫苗無害有效之荒謬性之前“爲何大多的流感病人不吃藥或吃一些普通退燒藥也會病癒?” 這看似一表面簡單、通俗問題,但仍病因學教科書中迥避的的醫學盲點,有必要事先公諸於世

First, before of foothold on the point of view of pathology to proof the absurdity of vaccine, “Why no to eat any medication or to eat some ordinary antipyretic who mostly flu patient could be to recover?”, this look at seem a question of simple, understandable by the general public, but it still a medicine-scotoma at today’s the textbook of aetiology, so have necessary in advance to make public:     


『 那是因爲當細菌在肺腔繁殖的生態  尚末建立之時,正如在停留在一杯水面上的蚊子,杯水一動蕩蚊子必然就會跑掉! 然而,人體肺腔天生本身就有如此的動態本能來抗拒排擠大氣中的細菌! 也因此,如果病人在感染初期能夠及時地吃感冒藥如福特敏去中和病毒或注射疫苗針引發的微量抗體只能有效維持體能于一時或只爲延長如此肺腔本能的動態能量的作用時空 由此可見,沒有任邏輯基礎可以證實吃藥或注射疫苗是直接有效殺死或阻止細菌繁殖的!』

 That because then the ecological environment it will not to establish of germs reproduce at the lung, the germs just as some mosquitoes stay on water up of a cap, if unrest the water the mosquito inevitable it will be good at to slink, however, the human body innate it oneself have such this instinctive movement to resistance or edge out the germs of from the atmosphere!  Therefore, if the patient could be to eat some of medicine for colds as the Tamiflu for counteract virus on the early days of infect, or vaccinate at the just time have lead out of the virus-antibody which only effective to keep of the body-energy for a short time only for extend the space-time of act on of movement energy of lung!  Thus it can be seen here have no any logic-base could be to confirm to eat any medication or to vaccine it could be immediate and effective to kill the germs or to hold back the breed of germs!


因上述全新簡單的醫學解釋將有助醫生的作出極其重要的診斷立論避免誤殺病人,那就是:一旦細菌在肺腔繁殖所産生的病毒總量超越了如福特敏的中和病毒能力或疫苗 誘發的微量抗體時,就意味著流感病人的體溫將會上升,儘管39度體溫是否修正處方的臨界點尚待進一步的驗證,如果主治醫生不能在臨近高燒超越39度之時不處方“洗肺”殺滅在肺腔繁殖的細菌,那麽將可預知該高燒的病人己命在旦夕也…

The above-mentioned aetiology can be contributed to doctor doing a most important diagnosis argumentation to avoid manslaughter to a patient, it was namely: if the germs to breed in the lung that virus of total sum to transcend as Tamiflu’s counteraction-power or antibody-power bring out by vaccine, namely implication that the body temperature of flu patient will run up, notwithstanding the 39 whether the critical temperature of amend prescription that still to wait for test and verify further, but if the doctor in charge do not before adjoin 39 that time to prescription wash-lung to kill all the germs of lung, so in that case, we could be anticipation the high fever patient life will Death may come any minute


上述也由此可見,從病理學的物理角度出發,任何感冒藥包括特福敏的解毒能力及接種疫苗所誘發的抗病毒抗體的醫療效用極其有限的!  我在此忠告所有的醫學界,從病理學角度上也完全可以輕易論證,疫苗的效用遠不如在感覺不適之時及時吃上幾顆普通感冒退燒藥片!

The above-mentioned also can be seen, any medicine for colds include Tamiflu’s counteraction-power or antibody-power bring out by vaccine which medicine-effectiveness will be most limited!    I will in here to sincere advice all medicine scope that by view of pathology also could be to demonstration easily that the vaccine effectiveness it very not equal to on then the sense unwell timely to eat some ordinary medicine for colds!    


     上面的事實已十分明顯,不論是SARS、禽流感或今天的H1N1病人,根據上述如此清楚無疑的病因立論之後,如果主治醫師仍不修正處方以洗肺的醫療法去拯救病人,那麽,該主治醫師豈不變成一個“謀殺”之罪人?   因此,本人再次在此呼籲in charge 的醫生應拿出道醫德責任共同責備WHO 陳馮富珍切莫貪圖中國政府的行賄繼續協助隱瞞 PCT/SG03/00145 或流覽 www.ycec.net 洗肺醫療法的發明應用!

Above the fact was very clear, no matter that is SARS, Bird Flu or today’s H1N1 patient, under above such as clear and undoubtedly aetiology-argumentation, if any physician in charge still have not to doing correct the prescription to “wash-lung” for save patient, the physician in charge is not that to become a guilty person of murder!  Therefore, I once again to appeal in here, all the physicianin charge must take out his medical ethics to common to blame the WHO Dr Margaret Chan cannot to covet China Government’s bribe continue to assist conceal the “wash-lung” treatment of PCT/SG03/00145 or it could be find at www.ycec.net !


. 疫苗己是孕婦流産的最大元兇

II. The vaccine was the maximum ringleader of an expectant mother


第二, 是衆所周知,疫苗就是以低含量的病毒注射用以誘發體內抗病毒機能爲原理,一般而言,疫苗針劑的病毒含量以體重區別爲概率,一般健康的人尚可接受,但當前WHO指引如此的針劑病毒含量並無區分孕婦與懷中的胎兒有著完全不同的承受能力,因此可以預見疫苗對胎兒的腦部  健康的損害程度將是嚴重的,最不幸者將一屍兩命或流産,然而不流産是否可慶倖呢? 答案將是否定的!  病毒製造成年人的腦幹萎縮休克或不同程度的白癡病人早爲當代科學所肯定,更何況是微弱的小生命! 所以,WHO指導向孕婦注射疫苗將製造不流産的胎兒成爲未來不同程度的低智兒童一群! 

Secondly, everyone know that the pharmacopoeia principle of vaccine is injecting a low content virus to bring out body’s immunity system.  In general, the quantity contained of an injection vaccine use as weight difference for a probability, usually a health person still permissible, but current virus quantity contained of vaccine injection not differentiate between an expectant mother with fetus their have totally different sustain power that guide by WHO.  Therefore, it could be anticipated that the vaccine will critically damage the brainstem health of fetus; the most misfortune would be a loss of two lives!  However not to abortion that whether could be to gratify to have been favored by luck?  The answer is no.  The virus can make adult brainstem-atrophy leading to shock or lower degree of thinking skill patient it already affirm by modern-day science, furthermore the fetus with feeble life force!   Therefore, WHO guided the expectant mothers to vaccinate it will to make all fetus of not abort to become tomorrow which a group of not alike degree low children! 


上述可見,疫苗對孕婦胎兒的傷害是有目共睹,香港就有不少的孕婦或嬰兒接種疫苗流産及死亡的個案報導,但香港政府自持在誘騙市民同意注射疫苗針的同時還要市民簽立下自我承擔不良後果不能追究政府責任名曰的“同意書,因爲,中國政府頑固隱瞞洗肺醫療法的的行爲已進一步強加給人類社會是無窮的災難,希望國際 人權組織可以關注跟進!

The above-mentioned it is thus clear that, the vaccine could be to injure an expectant mother with her fetus was to be there for all to see, at the Hong Kong news have many case report to shown have many expectant mother and baby after to inoculate the vaccine so abortion and die, but the Hong Kong Government was to restrain oneself he have a letter of consent that was sign by per one citizen of agree after to vaccinate must to shoulder if have any ill effects, but this a letter of consent was to sign cajole by Hong Kong Government…, because China Government stubborn behavior to conceal the “wash-lung” treatment of PCT/SG03/00145 that already to go a step further to force for mankind was boundless catastrophe, so I was hope international organize of human rights can to follow with interest!


                           Lin Zhen-man 

                     Feb.24, 2010.


    Below is our anger condemn against mankind crimes of WHO Dr Margaret Chan in the past, please support president  Obama, the China still a politics-hoodlum control’s country, the still more true express please link to www.ycec.net/UN/war-felon.htm:




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