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“洗肺”及“冷冻”医疔法不向市民公 开林鄭主 页


 隐瞒“洗肺”医疗法 最悲劣、可耻的手法是 谋杀-发明人 林哲民!




1. 奥巴马默许劫持MH370而非失踪只为满足小布殊心态却放任WHO屠杀Ebola生命!

2.   同一人马虚构安德鲁王子的性丑闻以压迫牛津大学加入研究伊波拉疫苗的撒谎阵营!

3.   导演失踪MH370为劫持本发明人及方便小布殊脱罪WHO继续杀人!

4.   江锦恒为导演劫持MH370幕后最大嫌疑人,释放人质当务之急,以免被灭口习近平理当立即跟进!

英文版 www.ycec.sg/UN/150117.pdf  or htm

本传Email: www.ycec.sg/UN/150117-cn.pdf  or htm


Any country leaders, MP, Law, Hospital,

Medium & Academic circles 


Sir or Madam:

     由于披穿挂上国家主权外衣的IS恐怖组织正在践踏文明,WHO正在继续滥杀无辜生命, MH370也被劫持并非意外失踪,如下的公开信内容十分重要将告诉你真相:

     Because dressing a coat of sovereign state but is the IS terror organize in the process to abuse civilization, so WHO continue kill at random life , MH370 also to skyjack by them, below the open letter very important and it will to tell you the truth

为方便哄骗市民打疫苗被蠢蛋化, ycec.com 2021.3.03 突然在港被恶毒强行关闭后及拜登的插手, 林郑的疫苗护照才敢马上出台, 如下此信关联的.pdf or.htm 现只可转 ycec.net ycec.sg 才可打开,各方切莫上当!


WHO slaughter Ebola life fast to add Relation to direct MH370’s oddly disappeared together top of evil in 2014year!  

lzm/17.01.2015 in Hong Kong


总序   Head Preface

 页别 1.


为什么WHO要继续放任Ebola 屠杀生命?

     Why WHO continue to nonintervention the Ebola butcher life?




Why did MH370 of Malaysia aviation oddly disappeared



A. 序文  Preface



B. 谁该为马航370客机人为失踪承担上刑事责任?

Who must shoulder the criminal responsibility of MH370’s artificial disappearance?



C.  马航370客机人为失踪疑点

        The doubtful point of MH370’s artificially disappear?




Where the purpose of artificially to make MH370’s disappear?



E.  结论  Conclusion


总序Head Preface

2014年刚过去,但见由奥巴马与中共政权默许下的WHO总干事 继续放任Ebola 屠杀生命已超8500仍不知悔改亦由前一电邮见证:www.ycec.sg/UN/141122-hk.pdf, 难怪海豹也不甘寂寞现身奸杀企鹅模仿此邪恶势力曝光始于Nov 17, 2014

The year 2014 has just past, yet WHO’s Director-General acquiesced by Obama with CP CHina continues to allow the Ebola to kill exceeds 8500 lives still impenitent and witness by before a email meat at: www.ycec.sg/UN/141122.pdf.  It is no wonder that the Seal was also unwilling to stay out of the limelight to show the abilities of rape-killing a Penguin to imitate them of the vicious power so reported beginning on Nov 17, 2014!  

由于来自中共政权及奥巴马联合的网络封锁导致本发明人的电邮能力于给WHO总干事最后通碟信件期满November 14, 2014之日起被停止近50天,因此,WHO总干事继续放任Ebola 屠杀生命仍不知悔改由5000 快速增至今天的 8594!

As a result of the network to seal off by CP China with Obama, so the power of my emails was stopped after my open letter of ultimatum to WHO’s Director-General that expire on November 14, 2014 total near 50days after!   It was very misfortune, the year 2014 has just past, yet WHO’s Director-General still impenitent and continues to allow the Ebola to kill life from 5000 fast to add today’s 8594 person!

难怪海豹也不甘寂寞现身奸杀企鹅模仿WHO及奥巴马势力曝光始于Nov 17, 2014

 It is no wonder that the Seal was also unwilling to stay out of the limelight to show the abilities of rape-killing a Penguin to imitate them of the vicious power so reported beginning on Nov 17, 2014!  


Because Swiss life in common with sufferer of conceal medicine invention, so I will send out a letter to Swiss police investigation have power to arrest WHO's Director-General Margaret Chan with penal prosecution, for this reason, the INTERPOL also must to intervene instantly!   

也由于本PCT/SG2003/00145医学发明人身份为联合国属下PCT 组织认可身份人也该有权于国际法庭立案起诉WHO总干事,现向有权于立案之法律工作者发出邀请为民除害,请挺身而出并联络本人

As a result of the inventor status of PCT/SG2003/00145 was to identification by UN a subordinate PCT organize so ought have power to prosecution WHO's Director-General Margaret Chan in International Court of Justice, if you are a ICJ validate lawyer, please help with contact me to rid the people of an evil and prosecution WHO's Director-General!

另外,马航370客机为何会离奇失踪是同样由上述的邪恶势力导演? 只因WHO任何理由隐瞒我的PCT/SG2003/00145医学发明至今超过11年已杀人无数无法下台因此,奥巴马默许下的CP CHina势力导演了MH370失踪只为企图绑架本人而演习! 

Also, why has the MH370 of Malaysia aviation oddly disappeared is similarly artificial and prank directed by above the vicious power?  Because WHO have not any a reason to conceal my medicine invention of PCT/SG2003/00145 that already exceed eleven years up to now to kill innumerable life and unable to get off stage!  Therefore, CP China’s vicious power to direct the odd to disappear of MH370 to tacitly agree by Obama on Mar 8, 2014, that maneuvers an attempt is only for kidnap me!  

江泽民 长期破坏一国两制的国际承诺操控香港法庭逼害 lzm 的证据如下:

1. FAMV 1 /2002;

2. FAMV 16/2004;

3. FAMV 10/2006;

4. FAMV 19/2006;

5. LDBM-220-2005;

6. CACV-332-2006


1. 土地審裁處的恶作剧


3. 香港政府-戰犯    








2. 是誰以安裝手機發射天線 射殺林哲民?


3. 江澤民錦衣衛暗中令北角警方參與唆使租戶拒交租搞死lzm, 結果大出丑!  

4.江澤民錦衣衛同曾葫權勢力暗中令土地註冊署刻意 加工英皇道989e601查冊 毀謗lzm 唆使港島區物業一同杯革出租無恥可悲!




2.產 署盜之無道由此可見



4.  拆屋令也同時危及臨近


5. 稅務局與中銀面光四清






1.恒昌电子起诉 江泽民


3.沙头角 海关 手段辣



6.不感谢lzm拯救中国SARS国难的医学发明,江泽民为何还要下令谋杀发明人 lzm !

7.  江泽民锦衣卫lzm 在深圳的女性朋友也不放过,他们在深圳公务员队伍中特选年青帅哥, 大耍公费死缠,若欲先睹为快, 请登入QQ290619513 浏览相册!(制作中) 


Now the truth is revealed, please join in the reprimand line to save life!

I.        为什么WHO要继续放任Ebola 屠杀生命?

           Why WHO continue to nonintervention the Ebola butcher life?

WHO宣布伊波拉病毒至今杀人已超过5千之后,本人不得不通过传真及挂号信向WHO总干事发出最后通牒信,以及同时传真给联合国秘书长转达在Oct., 27, 2014, WHO杀人不眨眼的臭史如下:

www.ycec.sg/UN/141027.pdf  or Chinese www.ycec.sg/UN/141027-hk.pdf

When the announce by WHO that Ebola has killed more than 5000 lives, I have no choice but to send an open letter to WHO’s Director-General Dr Margaret Chan by facsimile with a registered letter and at the same time forward to UN Secretary-General Mr. Ban Ki-moon on Oct., 27, 2014. The open letter of ultimatum is below:

www.ycec.sg/UN/141027.pdf  or Chinese www.ycec.sg/UN/141027-hk.pdf

海豹奸杀企鹅最新发及出版在Nov 17, 2014刚好在本发明人给WHO总干事最后通碟信件期限之后的第三天,任何人可前往www.youtube.com/watch?v=kqjfW-MZsMo www.youtube.com/watch?v=ABM8RTVYaVw 浏览TV

    The seal rapes penguin, this is a recent discovery and published on Nov 17, 2014 that just after five days on the ultimatum term in letter for WHO's Margaret Chan by inventor!  

   Anyone could be browse the TV at:




Nowthe WHO's Margaret Chan with Obama are a pair seal right in the process of raping and killing West African to accept the ZMapp drug and wait for the Ebola vaccine, but, other the African countries are like those helpless spectator penguins


About the specifics of Ebola, you should to see in www.ycec.sg/UN/120617/witness-history.htm 

由于来自CP China增强网络封锁本人的电邮能力自上述最后通牒的十一月14日开始,因此,起诉WHO总干事只得延迟,以及更有奥巴马的默契,WHO总干事也因此更加有恃无恐、继续杀人不眨眼,虽至今仅50天,但WHO已通过伊波拉病人屠杀生命已激增到了8千!

As a result of derive from the network to seal off my Email ability that strengthen by CP China and start above the deadline of ultimatum at November 14, 2014, therefore, prosecution the WHO’s Director-General cannot choose but delay and as well as agree by implication from Obama, so WHO’s Director-General Dr Margaret Chan continued to secure knowing that she has strong backing to kill without blinking an eye!   Although it has been only fifty days, WHO killed more than 8000 lives through Ebola!

由于世卫组织总干事 陈冯富珍博士至今回答不了本人上述的最后通碟信件,以及仍拒绝在期限内向贵国卫生部公开承认及推荐PCT/SG2003/00145国际专利本人的洗肺医疗法特别是伊波拉灾难的国象才是唯一拯救生命医疗法及药物,世卫组织总干事简直是明目张胆的杀人狂魔!

Hence, as a result of WHO’s Director-General Dr Margaret Chan up to now can not reply to my above letter of ultimatum, and once again refuses to admit and recommend my invention of wash lung” treatment in PCT/SG2003/00145 to the Ministry of Public Health in your country that only it can save the lives of all the Ebola’s patient the only one treatment and PFCO drug, therefore, the WHO’s Director-General Dr Margaret Chan simply is a homicide fiends unscrupulously!  

唯一可喜的是,在www.ycec.sg/UN/141027.pdf的最后通牒信中提到WHO在近期还接纳了加拿大卫生部所谓研发的埃博拉病毒疫苗VSV-EBOV   尽管有奥巴马指示美国国家卫生研究院撒谎伊波拉疫苗测试成功Nov., 27, 2014见报志企图误导催促瑞士研究人员认同加拿大卫生部提供的“伊波拉疫苗”,   但由于细菌感染才是SARS埃博拉元凶而非“病毒”是PCT/SG2003/00145中本世纪最成功的医学发现就在该最后通牒信中清楚无疑已导致WHO无可辩驳颜面尽失且众所周知!

The only gladsome thing is, in the ultimatum letter of www.ycec.sg/UN/141027.pdf that bacterin of VSV-EBO lie by Ministry of Public Health of Canada and accept by WHO, notwithstanding Obama had order sanitation graduate school of America to lie their “Ebola bacterin test-success” to appear in the newspapers on Nov., 27, 2014 in attempt to press for Swiss research worker identification those bacterin of VSV-EBO supply by Ministry of Public Health of Canada, but as a result of the “bacterial infection” only the prime culprit of SARS or today’s Ebola not the “virus” is the most success’s medicine-discover in this century that clear indisputable that my ultimatum letter already led to WHO’s lose in prestige completely as known by everyone!

因此,瑞士研究人员宣布暂停加国产伊波拉(Ebola)疫苗的临床实验于Dec., 12, 2014见报   理由为“接受该疫苗的小部分人,出现未预料的副作用。”,其实,,只要须降低疫苗”中含“病毒”之百分比,“未预料的副作用”就可不存在! 只是所预期的所谓 抗体 细菌感染无关紧要!瑞士研究人员与加拿大卫生部就此知耻有意退出撒谎战场而已

Therefore, Swiss researcher to stopped the clinical experimentation and announce on Dec., 12, 2014!   The reason is “part of the inoculate person to appear unanticipated side effect”!   In the fact, as to lower the percentage of virus in bacterin, all the “part of the inoculate person to appear unanticipated side effect” it will be not to existence, nevertheless, that anticipate so-called the “antibody” in the body for those “bacterial infection” at the lung that have nothing to do with crucial!  So Swiss researcher with Ministry of Public Health of Canada them to have a sense of shame and drop out the lie-battlefront wittingly!     


In the meantime, the ZMapp drug that Obama lied about vanished from the international media!

当上述的西方医学界或WHO羞耻到露出不穿内裤之时,不知羞耻的WHO总干事 陈冯富珍无计可施、立即指示计划主管Dr David Hoover傲慢地声称将授权Ebola血清并声称提供给了利比里亚卫生部测试医治Ebola病人由BBC NewsDec.15, 2014见报!但Ebola血清同样如疫苗荒唐,为何?因普通感冒发烧人之常情难道治愈后的病人血清不同样有其所谓的“抗体”?!难道他们就可免疫不再感冒发烧了?!道理及医学逻辑就如此清晰无疑已无须本人在此揭穿!

Then above mentioned Western medicine scope or WHO is ashamed for showing their true colors, the shameless WHO’s Director-General Dr Margaret Chan is at her wits' end now, so she immediately order the program director Dr David Hoover haughty to profess WHO will authorize and supply the Ebola blood serum to Ministry of Public Health of Liberia for test Ebola patient to appear in from BBC News on Dec.15, 2014!  But the Ebola blood serum is as absurd as the bacterin!   Why?  Because ordinary fever naturally and normally is possible that cure after the blood serum had not so-called “antibody”?!  Is it possible that they no longer have fever again?!  Therefore, by this simple reason and medicine logic, it is undoubtedly clear that those already need not be exposed here by me!

上述的事实已不容否认,为换取更多来自CP China的行贿,奥巴马再次指令FDA即美国的食品药品监督管理局表演“批准”另一撒谎主题为“Biocryst流感注射剂”企图再次左右媒体蛊惑众生发布在Dec.23, 2014! 由于“流感注射剂”不见交代任何医理其荒唐程度比疫苗更甚且路人皆知!

The above fact is undeniable, to barter for more bribes from CP ChinaObama once again ordered his FDA to play another subject of Biocryst flu injection” attempt again to captivating media with all living creatures and published on Dec.23, 2014 Because the FDA did not to confess any principles of medical science in the Biocryst flu injection”so the absurd degree still more the “Ebola-bacterin”!   

由于奥巴马或其严控制下的医学界其撒谎本领就如此笨蛋及低俗不勘!  因此,奥巴马不惜浪费公众资源又紧急只得指令美国药管局“出面批准”罗氏控股在埃博拉病人体内“测试病毒”在Dec.30, 2014见报!奥巴马企图死抱“病毒”为撒谎“基础”愚不可及的行为也就进一步在此暴光!

Because the lie abilities of Obama or control by his that medicine scope were as a fool useless, so Obama still does not stint to squander public wealth again order the FDA urgent to authorize the Roche Holding Ltd (RHHBY) to test the Ebola-virus in patient body that “LightMix Ebola Zaire rRT-PCR” as reported in the newspapers on Dec.30, 2014 So Obama attempt not to abandon the “virus” for the lie base that was most foolish and further to be exposed! 

另外,当本人于Nov.,20, 2014后分别向50余个非洲国家首脑及卫生部揭穿为什么CP China要全力以付阻止各国承认本人不可取代的PCT/SG2003/00145医学发明,见www.ycec.sg/UN/120617/witness-history.htm  2014.11.20栏节查阅!那是因为前主席江泽民在99年前行使国家权力配合他的土匪政策抢劫本人的血汗工厂之后便立即关闭法院大门! 因为我的血汗工厂属中国的外资企业,拥有亲自发明设计远远超越所有的机器王国如日本、韩国同业水平远近闻名且列为非卖品的全自功工业机器设备,如其一的说明书从www.ycec.sg/HC/spring_coil.pdf 可见!

On the side, then I had a letter to part fax to fifty African country leaders with their Ministry of Public Health to show up why CP China shall be all-out to prevent from any country to admit and use my medicine invention of PCT/SG2003/00145 in hospital!   Please to see at:  www.ycec.sg/UN/120617/witness-history.htm  that layout at 2014.11.20 and link the any one name of fifty African countries, because the ex-Chairman Mr. Jiang ZM of China was officiating country power to match up his bandit policy to rob my factory of sweat and toil in Shen Zhen City of China before 1999year and after close Court gate!    Because my factory of overseas-funded enterprise in China possess my invent design of full automatic machinery equipment far to surpass all the machine kingdom as Japan, Korea and Taiwan the same trade since 1984year to be known far and wide and line up the not-for-sale item, as a type catalog at: www.ycec.sg/HC/spring_coil.pdf


But it was very unfortunate that today’s Ebola death toll rise every day, however on behalf of west power politics that Obama not to know clear the right and wrong still with CP China to haggle over prices on top of at table or bottom:

其一, 奥巴马在December 19, 2014 签署法案对台湾出售4艘护卫舰尽管违反“8.17”公告的承诺;

      I.      Obama signed a bill to sell four frigate to Taiwan and violate the promise in“8.17”bulletin; 

其二,新闻可见,当奥巴马在上月开口指责人民币贬值之后,有见CP China承诺 人民币不会大幅贬值;

II.     It is perceived that at TV, then Because Obama open his mouth to censure RMB devaluate after, CP China promised the RMB will not devaluate by a wide margin;

其三,资助小布殊的弟弟(John Ellis Bush竞选下任总统志在安抚George Walker BushCP China公开宣扬的行贿Neil Bush目的没有两样,因本人早在www.ycec.sg/UN/121012.htm 明言起诉小布殊!

III.               Support for the brother John Ellis Bush of George W Bush to run in an election president same CP China to make public bribe Neil Bush that purpose not have both, please see the www.ycec.sg/UN/121012.htm or pdfbecause I had clear to say I will prosecution George Walker Bush regret his promise for me!  www.ycec.sg/911/Patent_Application_in_US.htm


上述可见,尽管奥巴马政府及WHO学术上全无招架之力继续隐瞒我的发明拯救Ebola生命, 但为换取中共政权更多的行贿,由Dec.13, 2014新闻公开所见,他们纠集了亚细安加三(中国、日本和韩国)的卫生部长级特别会议特意安排在泰国曼谷举行志在压迫泰国在对抗伊波拉疫情工作上,达成共识和承诺阻止不在当月批予本人PCT/SG2003/00145在泰国专利!

As seen above, notwithstanding Obama Gov., or WHO they have not any reason to continue concealing my invention of PCT/SG2003/00145 to save Ebola patients, but they exchanged for more bribes from CP China, so they are to get together Asiatic other country include China, Japan & Korea to specially map out a conference at ministerial level of Public Health aims for hostility Ebola epidemic situation to reach agreement to stop from grant me the Thailand patent of PCT/SG2003/00145 on December of 2014year

由于上述的事态严重,中国总理李克强于Dec.19, 2014随后访问泰国,他奉命行事以大米换高铁并特惠等大手笔行贿引诱泰国总理于Dec.21, 2014到达北京签署协议,  但他无法理解任何大手笔特惠均无法弥补红衫军危害泰国10年的动乱损失以及承认PCT/SG2003/00145在泰国专利拯救生是泰王不可动摇的心愿及基本原则!

Due to the seriousness of the above situation, China Premier Mr. Li Ke-Qiang visited Thailand on Dec.19, 2014. He acted on order and used a huge sum preferential bribe and exchanged rice with high-speed railway entice Thailand Premier reach Beijing to sign contact, but he was unable to understand any preferential will not make up for the 10years turmoil in Thailand the loss by Red-shirt-corps and admit PCT/SG2003/00145 in Thailand patent to lifesaving is Thailand king’s inalienable aspiration and basic principles


 So please see the photo on the right, the expression of Mr. Li Ke-Qiang’s eyes and Thailand Premier that unsophisticated smiling face that no wonder hence to bring about all Asia medium to insane discuss is the “ A big hand to drag a small hand! ” as wheedle a child alike and worry he can not to substitute for the Mr. Tasin of ex-Premier again to confuse Thailand that unknown temporarily?! 


At the same time shown by CP China’s phtv.ifeng.com that Russia a delegate lately, today the monetary crisis that Russia President Mr. Putin still publicly reject CP China’s support lest republication a tragedy of fox to pay New Year's call chicken that as today’s George Walker Bush with Obama their submit because their younger brother was bribed by CP China so nowadays very difficult to step away from the stage!

更早在2014. 11.15 G-20招召开之时,面对WHO继续在屠杀西非人生命,普京与其它领导人同样收到本人传真信件要求讨论被拒后怒而离场,今天,普京再次向各国领导人面前展示他的眼光及不可被行贿的人格值得载写入史册!

It for some time already that G-20 convoke at USA on Nov., 15, 2014, then face WHO carry on to butcher West African life, President Putin with other Leaders same to received my fax letter, but then Putin requested to discuss incur refused by Obama after so he angrily went home to sleep!   Today, President Putin once again display to other countries’ leaders face to show his insight and personality that can not to bribe so to merit write in history!

上述这一切全在聪明的英女皇眼里,特别是圣诞节前的Ebola已杀人超过7500,但又见奥巴马还在与CP China讨价还价,因此在Dec.25, 2014圣诞节发表演讲要他们“和解”,尊敬的女皇指出:

As above mentioned, the whole shoot fully in eye of intelligent Queen Elizabeth II, then Ebola already killed exceeding 7,500 before Christmas 2014year, but to face Obama only can to dicker with CP China again, therefore, honorable Queen delivered a speech at Christmas wished for “Reconciliation”, Queen was to point out at below:

    “埃博拉病毒病毒已经在西非杀死超过7,500 人,在塞拉利昂,几内亚和赖比瑞亚占多数。照顾病患或感染上埃博拉病毒身体的人们特别容勿暴露在病毒中已有365医务人员死亡,他们中大多数本地人员。”

    The Ebola virus has killed more than 7,500 people in West Africa, the vast majority in Sierra Leone, Guinea and Liberia.  People caring for the sick or handling the bodies of people infected with Ebola are especially exposed to the virus and 365 healthcare workers have died most of them local staff.


        So Queen Elizabeth II wished for “Reconciliation”, she said, referring to the Christmas Day truce in 1914 during World War I.”


Queen Elizabeth II a loanword to request Obama not again to bargain with CP China and ought to take the lead let international society to admit the invention of PCT/SG2003/00145 for save Ebola patient, because Obama have his decision-making power!  

     但十分不幸的是,从牛津大学被扣押上加入研究伊波拉疫苗撒谎阵营的历史舞台只为隐瞒鄙视本发明及继续欺骗公众手段并由BBC news January 06, 2015报导!   难道牛津大学有能力替代WHO总干事驳回本人发出在www.ycec.sg/UN/141027.pdf 的最后通牒信?  但牛津大学为何要出卖百年信誉?  由此可见那是ObamaCP China 连手制造了安德鲁王子的性丑闻!

Further misfortune is the Oxford University was under pressure to seize and join the historical stage of lie camps only for conceal means to despise my invention of PCT/SG2003/00145 and continue to deceive public by BBC news publish on January 06, 2015.  Is it possible that the Oxford can to substitute for WHO’s Director-General to turn down my ultimatum letter at www.ycec.sg/UN/141027.pdf?!  But, why Oxford shall sell out the one's lifetime prestige?  Thus it can be seen is the Obama with CP China cooperate to fictitious a sex scandal point to The Prince Andrew, Duke of York and publish on January 03, 2015


Now, our civilization of world became worse than before, Obama and WHO’s Director-General still stand at the world-stage and kill Ebola patients in broad daylight!   Naturally, it can't do without CP China to lift the under tabletop and on the table that bribe counters in two levels  In addition to Obama with part of west politico only can to covet the bribe and to control all medium, why the CP China could be evil to this extent This is because the CP China is one of the rare non-electorate government!

II. 马航370客机为何会离奇失踪?

Why did MH370 of Malaysia aviation oddly disappeared

A.       序文  preface


 Why is the Air-flight disaster death toll in 2014year so coincidentally 911 people? It has already sparked hot discussion among the media! It was unusual that the MH370 oddly disappeared with the current technology.

 小布殊于2001.09.26 pm 4:00透过驻港总领事馆的一个名叫Mr. Tomy Liu 的高级职员打电话代表布殊政府:“Mr.LinZhen Man, 我代表布殊总统向你表示感谢,保证你在美国的专利申请。,这就是小布殊对本人的庄重承诺, 于是小布殊总统于2001.9.27在芝加哥机场公布签署拨款5亿美金协助飞机公司应用了本人“航空安全三措施”发明从此解除了911经济危机!详情见www.ycec.sg/911/Patent_Application_in_US.htm

President George Walker Bush pass through Mr. Liu of USA consulate in Hong Kong to tell me on September 26, 2001:"......Mr.Lin Zhen Man, I was on behalf of American Government express and President Bush thanks to you, and to guarantee your patent application to give in American... ” This is a solemn promise for me by an American President!   Hence, President Bush proclaim he will be sign order on Oct. 1, 2001 to establish a $500 million fund to help the airlines make security modifications to their fleets under my invention of “three measures of aviation security” at Airport Chicago on 2001.9.27, so the economic crisis of 911to remove from this moment on!  All the details can be found at: www.ycec.sg911/Patent_Application_in_US.htm


But, the ex-Chairman Mr. Jiang ZM of China use “bandit policy” to call it by the fine-sounding name of “lead in and protect foreign capital!”, then he was in minister office of the electronics industry on 1982-85year, because reject by me to sell the developed machine of not-for-sale item for his inferior factory in his hometown, now, so he just success rob my hard earned factory that design invent by me all the first developed machine in world after, he on the nail to order and forever to closed the Court entrance since 1999year just in time to show self-satisfaction, so he did not accept if I to obtain above 911 USA patent will be well-known in world the face! 

    因此,江泽民用尽心机以默许小布殊总统卖潜水艇等武器给台湾及另一手行贿小布殊弟(Neil Bush,其后由他的儿子登报承认!),结果,布殊总统不仅反悔对本人的承诺,并下令美国专利局荒谬理由的手段作废了该专利的申请,详情见:


              Therefore, the ex-Chairman Mr. Jiang ZM exhaust scheme to tacitly agree with President Bush to sell submarine etc. arms for Taiwan and by another a hand to bribe Neil Bush of President’s brother and publish admit by his son on November 27, 2004, so the outcome is the President Bush was to regret his President promise for me and order to US patent office use a absurd reason to void my invention of “three measures of aviation security”, all the details you can to see at:


B.     谁该为马航370客机人为失踪承担上刑事责任?

Who must shoulder the criminal responsibility of MH370’s artificial disappearance?


If my above mentioned invention of “three measures of aviation security” the safety systems have any loophole, it will not be much appreciated by President Bush and announce at Airport Chicago on 2001.9.27, but why did the MH370 of Malaysia aviation oddly disappeared

上述这是一个十分简单的问题,因为最后操控航机的钥匙不在机师而是机场控制中心手上通过通信卫星遥控!因此,任何劫机的行为永远不会发生,这本人发明的“航空安全三措施”之一! 而且该可修改密码的钥匙为航机主人购入时由波音公司将客机一齐提供交货给主人再转交当日两地机场控制中心! 除了如在乌克兰被击落MH17的客机及近期被雷击的QZ8501客机不在航空安全三措施”保护之外! 

Above mentioned question is very simple, because last the key of steer not at hand of aircraft commander on the contrary by the control center of both airports pass through communications satellite to remotely control the aircraft! Therefore, any acts of skyjack will not occur, this is one measures of in my invention of “three measures of aviation security”!         Furthermore, the key of alter secret code from Boeing company with the passenger plane at the same time delivery to host and again pass on to today the airport control center!  That except as by to shoot down at Ukrainian the MH17 or lightning strike that QZ8501 those not exists to protect by the above “three measures of aviation security”! 


Therefore, above the opportunity of skyjack only keep for one of Malaysia between Beijing the airport control center!  Only when they could be to confirm all the communications satellite not to work, or else that two control center must to some extent confess first for all passenger family members!

C.      马航370客机人为失踪疑点

The doubtful point of MH370’s artificially disappear?


 According to the news report, the MH370 airliner was found missing at territorial boundary between Malaysia and China, so above the key of alter secret code as a rule it must pass on to the control center of Beijing-airport, therefore, the skyjack maximum suspect it will in connection with the “China authorities”! 


Above the estimation further could be confirm at the beginning time by MH370 disappear, why all the communication a signal of cell phone to hide from view by mobile telecommunication of China and up to now that not find to confess for public?  Or else why the Chinese communication with IT industry that 29 person of passenger have not anyone to call that was incredible?  Therefore, in this skyjack act it had the relations with “China authorities”  that was self-evident already!


That still to see by the news, the MH370 was to control and fly over Malaysia peninsula to the Andaman archipelagos, and nearby a Coco Islands was to rent for China use a naval base and an information collect center by Myanmar government!  the news point out the MH370 to have already fly to 13716 meter height to outstrip the normal height for coma passenger include aircraft commander to easy skyjack!


 In virtue of the Coco Islands has an airport in extend, but from the more bad to estimate, the MH370 airliner may be to landing nearby sea level after all airliner staffs with passenger still had time to “rescue” but actual as “kidnap-arrange” go to the Coco Islands!  


Above the result it inevitable must to tacitly agree by Obama, because all airliner staffs with passenger include have four American have not one to death and promise by above the “China authorities”, so Obama also would like to look at the unfathomable powers from the ex-Chairman Mr. Jiang ZM how to play?!  


As well as it had an official media of China was first to announce Chinese name list in MH370 airliner with   purpose to wipe off two passenger name it seems the four American also are priority to be set free!   Therefore, the President Obama was very calm and purposely avoided all media for a total 9 days up to query by some of medium after only can to find at TV!  So the President Obama obvious to participate in skyjack or an insider! 

现值得一提的是,本人之前也曾用心地钻研究对深海潜艇的最新的探测技术,并于2008年北京奥运会前的58日向各国政府领导人传真披露了并有价出售成果,见www.ycec.net/lzm/080508-hk.mht, 更进一步于December of 2012year专辑在www.ycec.sg/Explore-submarine-hk.htm 可见,但直到的2013322俄罗斯军工综合体新闻网322日报导,美国应用物理科学公司本周赢得了美国海军一项价值1520万美元的类似本人5年前已成熟发明可应用的合同! 但仍不见总统奥巴马有下令该先进的科技参与澳大利亚附近的深海搜索行动,如此也可见奥巴马的撒谎本领有限容易露出马角!

       Now, it is deserve to be mentioned that, I also diligently to study intensively the latest surveys technology for deep-sea submarine and before 2008year Olympics of Beijing to publish and fax for each country leader on May. 08, 2008.  The details can be viewed in this link www.ycec.net/lzm/080508.mht, and after monograph to compile at my www.ycec.sg/Explore-submarine.htm on December of 2012year, but up to five yeas after it only can to see a  news report by the war industry news-net of Russia that a US physics science company to gain a $15,200,000 US dollars resembling before five years that my invent already ripe contract!  But it still not to find the President Obama to have order to shown the American developed deep-sea technology to participate in Australia nearby the search for MH370 act, so from this to see the President Obama not a lie old stager and easy to show one's true colors!


     I would like to explain at here, please immediately set free all the passenger with flight crew of MH370, and please do not play tricks as this small acrobatics of MH370 in view

D.      人为制造马航370客机失踪目的何在?

Where the purpose of artificially to make MH370’s disappear?

其一,如上述序所述,由于本人于www.ycec.sg/UN/121012.htm 的公开信并广泛传电邮在Oct.,12 2012之后广泛地指责小布殊总统的失信毁约于本人在先,又以协助前主席江泽民隐瞒PCT/SG2003/00145发明在后已将在被起诉的前夕并包括奥巴马! 公开信并图文并茂同时向各国领导人展示由中国官方报纸自我证实的江泽民的台底下桌面底行贿小布殊及奥巴马的弟弟,他们因此咬牙切齿,江泽民以加紧在香港及深圳两地谋杀本人由www.ycec.sg/Jzm/murder.htm 可见!

In which one, as above the state at the preface, because my open letter of The bereaved of American West Nile Virus can to action for claims too! extensively send out for American society after on October 12, 2012 to censure the ex-President George Walker Bush to break his word for me formerly, and after again to help the ex-Chairman Mr. Jiang ZM of CP China to conceal my invention of PCT/SG2003/00145 it will to bring a case to court by all the bereaved of American and may be include today’s President Obama!  The open letter was to be excellent in both pictures and literary compositions simultaneously to show under the tabletop to bribe ex-President Bush with Obama’s two brother and to verify by CP China self an official newspaper, so they are to grind one's teeth in anger and the power of Mr. Jiang ZM to intensify murder me at Hong Kong with Shen-Zhen city of China

请见:www.ycec.sg/Jzm/murder.htm, 当多次谋杀本发明人多次失败在香港后,该邪恶势力又于201437日安排深圳企图欲以制造车祸谋杀本发明人失败后的第二天马上制造370客机失联,其 目的有二:

You can see my Chinese webpage at: www.ycec.sg/Jzm/murder.htm, then the murder attempts on me at many times failed in Hong Kong, the evil powers still attempt to arrange to make a traffic accident murder me again to fail after on Mar 7, 2014 the second day to make the MH370’s disappear case on Mar 8, 2014. The intentions have two, below:

1.   如序文所表明,为安抚小布殊总统假如被本发明人起诉的话总该有狡辩一词可用,因此,由江泽民的长子领导的势力立即制造了MH370事件以备用来说明并无在客机上应用本人的“航空安全三措施”发明! 但小布殊总统忘了他应用本人的发明并公布于2001.9.27在芝加哥机场公布已铁证如山,因此,任何的狡辩也将无济于事;

As stated clearly by above the Preface, the power of Mr. Jiang ZM for to pacify George Bush if have a day to bring a case to court at USA by me that he anyway must to hold a case in point to sophistry, so the power of Mr. Jiang ZM to make as the MH370 case in reserve to witness that George Bush has not use my invention of “three measures of aviation security”!  But George Bush was forgot then he was to announce my invention of “three measures of aviation security” at Airport Chicago on 2001.9.27 after already irrefutable in the court, therefore, any sophistry it will be unhelpful;

2.     因本发明人经常要乘座飞机往外地,如以MH370客机的失踪事件同样方式劫持将天衣无缝

Because the inventor often go to other places by airliner, if use the way as disappear of MH370 to abduction it will be flawless!


Because I was the inventor of “tthree measures of aviation security” and had lucky to avoid repeatedly murder to derive from above the power of Mr. Jiang ZM, so how is it possible not to know the plot of MH370’s disappear?!  Because I only want to wait for more witness so nonce not would like to show up the one's true colors!


The connected witness below:

Kissinger with Jiang ZM


After the case of MH370 thirty days, Mr. Henry Alfred Kissinger at Asia Society Policy Institute the ceremony of establish to blurt out: “Mr. Jiang ZM at assume office on the initial stage that greatly to underestimate by the external world, ”!  After all, what “capability” to underestimate?


Chinese has an old saying: “The countenance could be produce by his personality scheme!”, Please see the left picture, the expression in one's eyes and you will to be clear at a glance!


   As above Obama, from Mr. Kissinger similarly not a jot worried that have four American on the disappearance of MH370 after still talk cheerfully and humorously, by the words mean more than they say to see!  Therefore, Mr. Kissinger certainly knew the whereabouts of MH370!


Also thus it can be seen, the establish a purpose of Asia Society Policy Institute also to convenient Obama and CP China to suppress Asia any country to tacitly agree the disappearance case of MH370 for rehearsal, the final destination only for an attempt to kidnapping me as this way always to disappear in this world!



I had a letter send to Taiwan President Mr. Ma Ying-Jie on Aug., 18, 2012.  The letter brought up my invention of PCT/SG2003/00145 to apply in the TW patent office that was no reason to be hold up for nine years after, because this invention saved the Taiwan’s SARS crisis on 2003year,


院長- 高秀真


but the Ma Ying-Jie was not a person who repays gratitude, on the contrary he was dismissed the economic minister Mr. Chen Chong from office to change his biddable minion after direct Taiwan patent office to cancel my application, therefore, I was to attend a hearing that preside by the President Ms. Gao Xiu-Zhen at that time, she only can to fictitious the technique examine judge had to appear in court and falsify have not in court a man judge to substitute she sign at the written judgment to overrule!

因此,在之后当本人要求重新审理只待裁决无须出庭之时,但奇怪的事情终于发生了,本人收到2014728日将于2014822日开庭务必要出庭的通知书, 主页见 www.ycec.net/tw/court.htm 

 Therefore, then after I had requests a afresh hearing and need not appear in court that only need to wait the decide by judge self under the legal rules, but, the odd matter was to occur eventually, so I had to received a notice of shown the date is July 28, 2014 will to a afresh hearing on August 22, 2014. 

The main page at: www.ycec.net/tw/court.htm 

也因此,本人判定台湾总统马英九已参与了诱骗本人飞往台湾, 马英九也必然已同意将会向江泽民的势力移交最后操控航机的钥匙无疑!

From the above, I determined that the Taiwan President Mr. Ma Ying-Jiu already participated in the line of skyjack for me, because the consequential is President Ma Ying-Jiu him already agree to devolve the key of alter secret code for powers of Mr. Jiang ZM undoubtedly!


Above determine for the Taiwan President Mr. Ma Ying-Jiu it further witness by ex-President George Walker Bush, belown:

  另一面,必然可信的,当小布殊得知本人2014822飞往台湾出庭必然为江泽民势力所劫持,因此,高兴得小布殊于2天前的20 Aug 2014穿着T恤衫坐在阳台上说:「告诉所有给我下战书的人,我觉得淋冰水实在不像总统该做的事。」

On the side note, it was believable, then George Bush knew and convinced that I will appear in the Taiwan court on August 22, 2014 and consequential will abduction by the powers of

Mr. Jiang ZM, therefore, George  Bush was very to be excited and abnormally accept the ice bucket challenge on August 20, 2014, in the news, he was to wear a T shirts to sit at a balcony to said: “ tell all who issued the challenge to me, I feel that the ice bucket challenge unlike a President should do.” ! 

小布殊肯定不会忘记当本人于20031128日透过美国驻港领事馆转给他的一封中文信(www.ycec.sg/Jzm/031128.pdf)约经近年的20041127日,突见右图的江泽民长子江锦恒以隶属中国政府的文汇报、中新网以可能会影响布殊大选显著标题而全文揭露他如何行贿小布殊弟(NeilBush)美女与金钱由江锦恒自认就此威胁劫持小布殊不敢冒然承认上述本人的两大专利发明情由 www.ycec.sg/lzm/080508-hk.htm or pdf,73.可见!







      Mr. George Bush did not to forget affirmative then I was to send a letter of www.ycec.sg/Jzm/031128.pdf to the Mr. Tonmy Liu of USA in Hong Kong consular to pass on Bush for requests to admit above my patents on Nov., 28, 2003 and pass nearly one year after, I had suddenly to see a remarkable title is “ May be affect the general election of George Bush” and the full text to show up how to bribe by U.S. dollars with belle for the brother Mr. Neil Bush and to confess without concealment by ex-chairman Mr. Jiang Zemin’s son Mr. Jiang JinHeng from HK wenweipo newspaper and www.Chinanews.com.cnon on Nov., 27, 2004, the details you can see at the seven paragraph 3.of www.ycec.sg/lzm/080508.htm or pdf!     


E. 結論  Conclusion


Today the conclusion is, Obama acquiesced to hijack MH370 airplane only for duress me to content George Bush’s mood and prefer nonintervention WHO’s Director-General Dr Margaret Chan slaughter Ebola life!

   Above quite right a signal for today’s kill at random Ebola life by WHO with skyjack MH370


   Also that is to say, under pressure by Mr. Jiang JinHeng and indulge from George Bush and today President Obama, the marshal by Mr. Jiang JinHeng that powers of Mr. Jiang ZM already succeed to put on an outer garment of a sovereign state and walk up a more fearful road then the IS terror organize…, again to state wait for me…!


Please pass on this open letter for ex-President George Bush, he challenge is the historical civilization that can not again!


All the airline company who must to get a notice, if have not skyjack case to appear above one of “three measures of aviation security” that a cipher key of remote control aircraft need not to hand over the airbase of opposite side, it could be avoid use by IS organize as them to put on an outer garment of a sovereign state!


In the end, because I will not take risk to board an airplane at it is thus clear that near future, please do not wishful thinking to use my invention of “three measures of aviation security” to kidnapping me!


     Lastly, please pass on this open letter to George Bush with Obama for they must be notifed as the IS organize of the powers of Mr. Jiang ZM must at once to set free that all passenger and flight crew of MH370!

Thank you! 



& 10/469,063


Lin Zhen-Man/SG/HK                                       

Jan. 17, 2015                   

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