

lzm 在中國









lzm 最新的深海潛艇 及

隱形戰機 探測技術出售









导致敝司 lzm “洗肺医疗法的发明 香港 SARS 危机的前后 

中西-申诉 为何要全球封剎林哲民的医学发明



設計及科研服務  (製作中)

Lzm 同樣出色的經濟學成就!

开始向各國政府提供 有






 隱瞞“洗肺”醫療法 最悲劣、可恥的手法是 謀殺-發明人 林哲民!




1.     撒謊的奧巴馬臭名已遠播令水星逆轉令全地球災難深重!

        Obama's lie it was notorious to reverse Mercury lead earth disaster-ridden!

2.     為什麼諾貝爾會後悔? 卡特總統的怒吼以及普京真正空襲IS?! 真相在此!

       Why could be regret by Nobel?  Why could be rage from ex-President Carter with Russian air raid for IS true?  The truth at here to tell for you! 

3.    MH370的失蹤 難堪加劇

        MH370 to be missing that humiliating sharpen!

                             英文版 www.ycec.sg/UN/151021.pdf  or中英 htm

                                                本傳Email:→ www.ycec.sg/UN/151021-hk.pdf  or htm

由於www.ycec.com 突在香港於2021.3.03日被CE林鄭強行關閉後的疫苗護照才敢出, 且在拜登插手後的Network Solution違規不指向可用也投訴中,如下的.pdf or .htm 暫不可連接可轉yecc.sg, ycec.net or ycec.pk!

The facsimile-record of  total 155 pieces for country leader below:

155個國 家領導人的傳真記錄如下:

Because www.ycec.com suddenly in HK to vicious force closed on 2021.3.03 after and to intervene by Joe Biden, so below the .pdf or .htm can’t to link, please change to yecc.sg, ycec.net or ycec.pk

  Afghanistan  Albania  Algeria  Arab-Emirates  Argentina  Armenia  Australia  Austria  Angola  Azerbaijan  Bahamas   Bahrain  Bangladesh  Barbados  Bahamas  Bolivia  Burkina-Faso   Burundi  Belgium  Benin  Bhutan  Brazil  Britain  Bulgaria  Byelorussia  Cambodia  Cameroon  Canada  Chile  Costa-Rica   Colombia  Costa-Rica  Grenada  Guatemala  Cuba Croatia  Cyprus  Czech  Dominican  Dominican  Dominica Denmark  Djibouti  EI-Salvador  Egypt  Estonia  Fiji  Finland  France  Gabon  Georgia  Germany  Ghana  Greece  Guinea  Grenada   Haiti  Honduras  Hungary  Iceland  India  Indonesia  Iran  Iraq  Ireland  Italy  Jamaica  Japan  Jordan  Kazakhstan  Kenya  Korea  Kuwait  Kyrgyzstan  Lesotho  Laos  Latvia  Liberia  Libya  Liechtenstein  Lithuania  Luxembourg  Macedonia  Malaysia Maldives   Mali  Malta  Mexico Malawi s  Micronesia Moldova   Monaco  Mongolia  Montenegro  Nepal  Netherlands  NewZealand  Niger 

      Nigeria  Norway Oman  Panama  Paraguay  Paraguay  Pakistan  Palestine  Panama  Peru  Philippines  Poland Portugal  Qatar  Rumania  Russia  Rwanda  San-Marino  SaoTome-Principe   Saudi-Arabia    Senegal  Serbia  Seychelles  Suriname  Swaziland  Sierra Singapore Slovakia  Slovenia  Somalia  South-Africa  South-Korea  South-Sudan  Spain  SriLanka  Sudan  Sweden Switzerland  Tajikistan Tanzania Thailand  Timor-Leste  Togo Tonga  Trinidad-Tobago  Tunisia  Turkey  Turkmenistan  Uganda  Ukraine  Uruguay  Uzbekistan  Vanuatu Venezuela  Vietnam  Zambia  Zimbabwe   ... 

近期廣傳電郵可下載英文國際/151125-email.pdf;  純中文151213-email-hk.pdf





當諾貝爾知情習近平訪美仍不與奧巴馬共同承認解救非典國難醫學發現及洗肺醫療法卒於2015.9.17公開切齒後悔頒和平獎給奧巴馬, 只因奧巴馬仍沒被刮醒,更趁江核心另有心機力捧屠呦呦之機頒獎給根本無資格獲醫學給屠呦呦,只是諾貝爾自覺有信心說服屠呦呦在頒獎之時突然高呼自已不夠格獲獎讓給解救非典國難醫學發明人以此開解此中美主導隱瞞此醫學發明之國際危機,但屠呦呦並無此腦懷與德性不同意只想領獎,導致要詐病不出席宴与瑞典國王同台…,詳情後述...




G20將於2015.11.15日在土耳奇開會,隱瞞醫學發明的惡勢力必然會聯想到奧朗德必然將會聯絡各成員國發難,也因此,在G20開幕前2天的2015.11.13, ISIS襲擊《查理週刊》更慘忍的血冼巴黎案產生了, 奧朗德即向ISIS宣戰並東奔西跑呼籲成立國際反恐聯盟, 當有報導不明『再次血洗巴黎,ISIS到底想幹什麼?』? 意想不到的是凰鳳衛視主持人鄭浩2015.11.16日反駁奧朗德稱:

 “中國不贊成中國的維和部隊出兵敘利亞打ISIS, 看你法國做了什麼?”

只為隱瞞拯救中港非典國難的醫學發明,國際化惡勢力共同圈養ISIS始於恐怖襲擊年初的《查理週刊》,ISIS血冼巴黎令鄭浩興災樂禍之背影大有教唆ISIS奥朗德颜色看爆光且與不安排習近平在巴黎氣象變化大會不安排習近平前往襲擊地點為遇難者默哀獻花令同見被國際議論譁然印正普京爆料G20其一的國家向ISIS送錢差點就將中國點名形象化, 因此就教唆土耳其打下俄戰機洩憤正張召忠所提醒!

怪不得當ISIS屠殺3國企高管時在馬里395人的維和部隊就在秀手旁觀? 鳳凰衛視還在製造歪論為阻止中國出兵賣國? 在座諸君已有責仼要求鄭浩有向公眾登清, 詳情見:

  www.ycec.sg/Jzm/MH370_Charlie-Weekly.htm  或进主页点击14.!


現隨著被鄭浩讚美不多事的默克爾也帶領德國加入了打擊ISIS聯盟, 英國也宣佈出兵, 但當難堪的美國不等中國出兵只得宣佈增派1000特種部隊進入敘利亞後,ISIS2015.12.02發動恐襲加州如之前殺4中國人與中國反面看你中國敢不敢出兵,奧巴馬表態, 由於ISIS似乎手握他也有份教唆ISIS血洗巴黎證據, 奧巴馬立即跪下學足中國在2015.12.07在白宮宣佈不再派兵… 

毛澤東說過, 凡是阻止生產力發展的就是反革命何況現正架空特首辦並由律政司竄改法規及教唆賣凶報假案教唆北角警署非法拘捕發明人企圖借機謀殺的反動性將進一步在史冊上留污難除! 上天已在震怒,霧霾因此聚京不散!救國救你的黨已時日不多令你責無旁貸等候你的恕吼




Ebola結束因古巴代勞洗肺及IS 為奧巴馬的助手無助ZMapp


Ebola to end because Cuba's cover to Wash-Lung & IS become Obama's right-hand

that helpless lie ZMapp success!   So Nobel's regret to call you must fight for justice!

lzm/21.10.2015 in Hong Kong  

 PDF   HK-htm   PDF        CN-htm   PDF

江澤民 長期破壞一國兩制的國際承諾, 操控香港法庭逼害 lzm 的證據如下:

1. FAMV 1 /2002;

2. FAMV 21 /2002;

3. FAMV 16/2004;

4. FAMV 10/2006;

5. FAMV 19/2006;

6. LDBM-220-2005;

7. CACV-332-2006  終可结案

江澤民 的親信習慣以升官位為誘逼法官違法判決林哲民巨額訴訟費用掠奪金錢!

1. 土地審裁處的恶作剧


3. 香港政府-戰犯    




1.董建華批予林哲民醫治 SARS專利引江澤民不快!



2. 是誰以安裝手機發射天線 射殺林哲民?


3. 江澤民錦衣衛暗中令北角警方參與唆使租戶拒交租搞死lzm, 結果大出丑!  

4.江澤民錦衣衛同曾葫權勢力暗中令土地註冊署刻意 加工英皇道989e601查冊 毀謗lzm 唆使港島區物業一同杯革出租無恥可悲!




2.產 署盜之無道由此可見



4.  拆屋令也同時危及臨近


5. 稅務局與中銀面光四清






1.恒昌電子起訴 江澤民


3.沙頭角 海關 手段辣



6. 深圳海关的不羁

7.不感謝lzm拯救中國SARS國難的醫學發明,江澤民為何還要下令 謀殺發明人lzm !

8. 江澤民錦衣衛lzm 在深圳的女性朋友也不放過,他們在深圳公務員隊伍中特選年青帥哥, 大耍公費死纏,若欲先睹為快, 請登入QQ290619513 流覽相冊 (製作中)


List for this open letter






    Obama’s lie about ZMapp with TKM-Ebola or MIL77 that three small fiend can find no place to hide oneself for shame!




Why is Obama courageous enough to lie with a straight face?!




Ebola to fall away it fully to lean on Cuba to cover for Wash-Lung!




Lie’s Obama notorious to be reverse Mercury!  So it was very regret by Nobel that true at here!




 Tort with covertly use for few person that acts was miserably!



為何對《查理週刊》的恐怖襲擊關連 隱瞞本人拯救非典國難的醫學發明?

Why IS to terror attack “Charlie Hebdo” corelation to conceal medicine inventon?




MH370’s missing plot has everything is clear now!



結論  conclusion



I.  Introductory 


This open letter continue for theWHO slaughter Ebola life fast to add & Relation to direct MH370’s oddly disappeared together top of evil in 2014year!of 2015.1.17.

上述事實正如我的廣播電郵說明所指:由於披穿掛上國家主權外衣的IS恐怖組織正在踐踏文明,WHO正在繼續濫殺無辜生命, MH370也被劫持並非意外失蹤...”,至今的事實更進一步見證21世紀這段邪惡歷史

The above mentioned fact was just as pointed out in my Email that: “Because dressing a coat of sovereign state but is the IS terror organize in the process to abuse civilization, so WHO continues to kill at random, MH370 was also skyjacked by them....” and up to now, below the fact will further witness this evil history in 21 century:

首先,我務必在此再次告知全球: 為何奧巴馬要將兩名Ebola美國病人在空運回國且於AUG. 6, 2014信心十足地撒謊用的是ZMapp 真相是, 偷用侵權行為本人PCT/SG2003/00145發明的洗肺醫療法自2005年起早在美囯暗中運作, 只是普通的美國人無權享用死亡無數!

In the first, I must in here again to point out:  why  Obama must order two Ebola patient return America after lie use the ZMapp and confidence awful in TV on Aug. 6, 2014?     The truth is the tort my “wash lung” treatment of PCT/SG2003/00145 stealthily act to function in America already since 2004year, but common American have no right to enjoy and use for lifesaving after to die infinite!

然而,在當時的伊波拉死亡人數才826人,WHO也於AUG.15, 2014批準 ZMapp在西非應用,儘管ZMapp公司也告知媒體每月產量不足100伊波拉病人用,但奧巴馬的謊言壓不住國際媒體追問,特別是在本發明人指責奧巴馬就如強奸企鵝的海豹強奸西非人應用ZMapp的的公開信發表於2015.1.17日後,因此,半年後的美國政府不得不也要於Feb.28, 2015宣佈在利比理亞正式開始臨床試驗,但結果自此音訊全無可網上搜索!

     However, all the Ebola death toll 826 persons only, WHO also to approved used on AUG.15, 2014, notwithstanding ZMapp company was to inform medium their output not enough 100 Ebola patients in one month, but Obama 's lie can not be repress to cross-examine by medium, especially when I had to censure Obama is similar a seal to raped penguin and raped for African that open letter to publish on Jan. 17, 2015 after,  so Obama gov. cannot but must to announce that ZMapp's clinical test start at Liberia Feb.28, 2015, but all the outcome that was not find to search at the web


      在當時,根據WHO的公佈,伊波拉的死亡人數增加到了9380, 如果你網上以ZMapp作搜索, 你只會發現右圖空運回美國唯一傻瓜願意資助撒謊的Ebola美國醫生病人布蘭特利神化故事並充滿網路媒體!更詳細的撒謊包括TKM-EbolaMIL77事實見後II.    

         At that time, announced by WHO, the Ebola death toll add for 9380 persons, if you search ZMapp at web, you only can to discover at right picture the Ebola American doctor only a fool willing to support Obama lie to made “fairy tale” of ZMapp and full in network medium!    All the more lie fact includes TKM-Ebola or Chinese MIL77 to see below II.

ZMappTKM-EbolaMIL77三隻小魔鬼原形畢露且無地自容,特別要面對是美國媒體的驚乎只有依靠博拉病毒疫苗的成功才可對抗PCT/SG2003/00145 的洗肺醫療法發明!

        Because ZMappTKM-Ebola or Chinese MIL77 that three small fiend revealed the true nature and was extremely embarrassed, unusual in that time must face part of US medium to cry in fear that we can only count on Ebola vaccine's success to hostility the invention of “wash lung” treatment in PCT/SG2003/00145 only! 

因此,在此尷尬萬分時刻,WHO總幹事陳馮富珍USCDCMeltzer合作偽造所謂埃博拉病毒疫苗rVSV-EBOV百分之百在幾內亞試驗成功由數學推論統計在July 31,2015Lancet出版,也因此,導致溫尼伯國家實驗室領導rVSV-EBOV發展羞恥離職,而且又見媒體譏笑還不打疫苗脫掉醫務人員的病毒防護衣!

Therefore, on this time of abashed extremely, the WHO Director-General and USCDC’s Meltzer both dishonesty come on at the international stage to forge Ebola rVSV-EBOV vaccine a hundred per cent to successful use in Guinea by a maths to infer statistics and publish by Lancet on July 31,2015, but lead the leader of rVSV-EBOV  development shame to leaving national lab in Winnipeg and had part of medium to jeer why do not to inject the rVSV-EBOV vaccine for WHO, Ca with USA medical personnel why can not to take off their defense clothes?!


Now for the time being without to discuss whether rVSV-EBOV vaccine is effective or not, but ZMapp must have a test and verify success, if not, the Obama's lie it will be a laughingstock for the world!


So the Obama immediately ordered the US Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases to falsify the DNA of Ebola virus variation's lie to hide ZMapp's shame after ridicule ignorant by part of science scope!    Therefore, American FDA again to announce authorize the ZMapp could be into a so-called Fast-Tracks Experimental Ebola Drug attempt make  a pretext to cover up for Obama's lie...


     Another issue not known to the public is why Obama had the confidence to cure two Ebola American?   Still more detailed description below III.

   但奧巴馬的撒謊臭名已遠播且走向反人類文明罪不知回頭盡在頒發諾貝爾和平獎給奧巴馬的前首席執行官 眼內因此他十分後悔頒發和平獎予奧巴馬 更多的詳細的事實見後V.

But the Obama's lie to be notorious already to become a culprit of anti-mankind civilization that still not to know to turn one's head all that under before ex-Nobel chief's eyes, so he was very regret to award a Peace Prize for Obama on 2009year !   Still more detailed description below IV.


On the side, it was to be connected above this medicine invention of PCT/SG2003/00145 that the missing MH370 because it’s a wing fragment discovery on Reunion in the Indian Ocean that was complete my show up in my open letter of WHO slaughter Ebola life fast to add Relation to direct MH370s oddly disappeared together top of evil in 2014year!, the specifics see below IV. Section. 

Nobel's regret  /

授予諾貝 爾獎者的 後悔


II.  ZMappTKM-EbolaMIL77三只小魔鬼原形毕露且无地自容!

Three small fiends of ZMappTKM-Ebola & MIL77 who were to reveal

the true nature and can not find a place to hide!


     報導指布蘭特利等兩名美國人運回亞特蘭大之前早就他們注射ZMapp,如果ZMapp有效,奧巴馬為何還要下令運回?  當時利比理亞當局也質疑奧巴馬有藥為何不用於幾百Ebola病人後,3ZMapp藥只得送往利比裏亞,但利比裏亞新聞部長布朗(Lewis Brown)於稍後表示,其中一名接受治療的醫生已不治,因此,奧巴馬的謊言首次破產!

        Then above the Dr. Kent Brantfy etc. two American before return Atlanta who had shot ZMapp, if it was valid that why must order by Obama?   At the time, then the authorities of Liberia had to query if the ZMapp valid why can not supply for other  Ebola patients report on Aug 11, 2014 after, Obama's ZMapp can only send to Liberia for used, but, the news minister of Liberia to point out among to accept Zmapp's doctor already death, so Obama's lie bankruptcy in first!  


      Because Obama to know perfectly well that my invention of “wash lung” treatment in PCT/SG2003/00145 that was can not to supersede, but he was to take bribes from Chinese ex-chairman Mr. Jiang ZM so Obama must to continue lie conceal for this invention, if Obama say not, his fate will same ex-President George Bush to make bribes details for public by Mr. Jiang ZM’s son that as point out at before my an open letter unmask on 2015.1.17.


       Now return the subject of three small fiends. 

      奧巴馬明知ZMapp會出醜就下令FDA & HHS 部門TKM-Ebola出來耍耍分散媒體的注焦,其後,中國也叫出解放軍軍事醫學科學院接力造假MIL77神藥並逮捕了倫敦的皇家免醫院配合其成果公佈於Mar 27,2015, 日本如ZMapp的神藥也同時發佈但托詞推說未獲世衛批准,不僅如此,世衛及英加衛生部等也同時歡呼雀躍於April 2,2015高呼儲備MIL77一時間令國際的撒謊舞臺如水星正在反轉!

           Obama was fully aware that ZMapp will make a fool of himself, so he order FDA & HHS department to allow TKM-Ebola to come out play tricks for disperse medium's stare, after that, the ChineseAcademy of Military Medical Sciences at once relay to counterfeit to deify the MIL77 with arrest of the Royal London Hospitals to match up the MIL77 that “fruitful results” after announce on Mar 27, 2015.   The Japanese same ZMapp that “deity-drug” but to find a pretext that have not to obtain by WHO, not only as this, the WHO, Britain with Canada's Ministry of Public Health in the same time to shout and jump for joy and shout loudly they will to reserve the MIL77, so a momentary lie to fill up international stage as the Mercury in the act of reverse!

      眾所周知的,當毫無效果的小魔鬼 TKM-Ebola 由臨床試驗的首席調查官(牛津大學的赫比醫生)證實以及TKM公司羞恥無地自容改其上市公司名遠離TKM之後,美國的衛生與公眾服務部(HHS)面對美國的媒體驚恐地歎息現在只有依靠疫苗獨擔大旗了,即是說欲再想隱瞞PCT/SG2003/00145醫學發明沒門了!

As everyone knows, then the useless small devil of TKM-Ebola to confirm by the study chief of Oxford professor (Dr. Peter Horby) and TKM was ashamed to change the stinking name for his Company after, because the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) must to face the gist“now only can to count on the Ebola vaccine oneself to bear the big-flag…! ” that cry out in alarm by part of American medium, that is to say, if not, again to conceal the medicine invention of PCT/SG2003/00145 it will no dice!

因此,美國的衛生與公眾服務部U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) 慌忙於July 20, 2015緊急宣佈 支出1970萬美元與蓋瑟斯堡生物科技公司(Gaithersburg biotech company) 達成合作研究與開發協議在美國馬里蘭州巴爾的摩港市他的工廠製造它的第一個實驗性的單克隆抗體藥物先進的開發和製造活動研究和發展管理局(BARDA),但現才開始為期2年的研究合同即遠水救不了近火也同時被媒體笑話!

So U.S. HHS hurried to announce it will pay $19.7 million for Gaithersburg Biotech Company “for its first experimental monoclonal antibody drug (same ZMapp) under the two-year, $19.7 million agreement with the ASPR’s Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA).”, but the study contract of two-year still to laugh by medium, because the distant water cannot quench present thirst!


As a result is, the U.S. HHS once again approve that not obtain use by U.S. Food and Drug Administration that AVI-7288 drug (Treatment of Marburg Virus) to play tricks with same the TKM-Ebola small fiend!  But that “No Toxicology Concerns Demonstrated” with “Appears Safe in Humans” so same to call in question by medium!

上述事實可見,美國食品和藥物管理局已變成只為隱瞞人類社會不可缺乏、不可取代醫學發明在國際舞臺之幕後罪惡旗手!但面對ZMappTKM-EbolaMIL77三隻小魔鬼原形畢露且已無地自容,美國食品和藥物管理局如此一個民眾的公眾機構明知所有如ZMapp藥沒用卻依然浪費公款, 因此,暗中有否來自中國行賄作怪值得美國媒體跟進

The above fact shows that, U.S. HHS become a backstage evil standard-bearer only for conceal can not superseded and essential medicine invention in mankind society, but then the three small fiend of ZMappTKM-Ebola or MIL77 who were to reveal the true lie nature and can not find a place to hide oneself for shame time, but U.S. HHS, is a American a public organization, they are to be fully aware as ZMapp or TKM-Ebola drug have not result and still to squander public money?  Whether the director collect bribe originates China to do mischief in the dark?  So that deserves to be mentioned for American medium! 

然而,上述U.S. HHS緊急推動的兩項撒謊措施平臺則同樣漏洞百出? 現已無須本發明人浪費時間,因ZMappTKM-EbolaMIL77三隻小魔鬼原形畢露且無地自容!

However, above U.S. HHS’s that two lay measures balcony same full of loopholes still?!  Now already need not I again to lose time, because the three small fiend of ZMappTKM-Ebola & Chinese MIL77 who were to reveal the true lie nature and can not find a place to hide!


III.  為何Obama夠膽量撒謊而面不改色?以及

Why was Obama not courageous enough to lie without a blink of an eye?! And



       Why Obama had enough courage to lie and no to change color?!  

早在20035SARS爆發在中國、香港、臺灣及加拿大之時,本人的PCT/SG2003/00145醫學發明於 2003.5.15就傳進了香港政府的特首辦公室,目前的WHO總幹事就是當年香港衛生署署長陳馮富珍,就是她拿著前中國主席江澤民的“中央密令”偷偷為SARS病人“洗肺”,不足一個月,當香港及北京1700多非典病人就全部出院後,陳馮富珍就立即偽造將早前公佈SARS病人的死亡人數減少一半以上企圖抹殺本發明的重要性!

          Then the SARS to flare up in China, HongKong, Taiwan and Canada on 2003year time, my medicine invention of PCT/SG2003/00145 fax to Chief Executive Mr. Dong office of HK on Mar 15, 2003, at the same time, now the WHO Director-General Ms. Chan just is the Director of Health of HK, no other than she to hold a “central authorities secret order” from Chinese ex-chairman Mr. Jiang ZM to stealthily “wash lung” for SARS patients, so in less than one month,  then HK with Beijing all SARS  patients to leave a hospital after,  Ms. Chan off hand to forge lessen one half before that announce an attempt to obliterate my this importance of my invention! 

      但知情的董建華堅持於2004.7.23頒發專利於本人,由於本發明人對機器的設計能力早在年青之時就業績非凡,在www.ycec.net上的洗肺機便於2004.8月底起向香港的醫院疹所推薦銷售及召介廣泛應用,但前中國主席江澤民的“中央密令”立即發動媒體起哄迫董建華20053月辭職!  也因此,香港醫院沒有 一間醫院或疹所夠有膽量應用,否則將擔心被衛生署除牌!

      But to be in the know the Chief Executive Mr. Dong to persist in award for me on July 23, 2004, because my design ability signally feat since my youth, so you can to see my PFCO-Pharmacy-Machines at my www.ycec.net recommend extensively use for HK hospital with clinic that since end of August month on 2004 year!   But the Chinese ex-chairman Mr. Jiang ZM that “central authorities secret order” at once to start all HK medium to gather together to stir up trouble, so the Chief Executive Mr. Dong have no choice and must resignation on March of 2005year!    Therefore, in HK that hospital with clinic not one had courage to put in use; because they worry their license will end by Health office of HK!

        但在本人的努力宣傳已令香港的醫學界無人不知“病毒感染”是過往錯誤的醫學判斷應改為“細菌”感染,以及所有的病毒疫苗必須丟進歷史的垃圾箱!  另外,香港的醫學界也已同時對本發明的“洗肺” 醫療法還可廣泛應用包括肺結核、老年人急性肺炎包括煙肺、工業塵肺病的清洗且不可替代均也清楚無疑!

      But, above my propagandize in HK medicine scope without anybody not to know the “virus” infect is a fault medicine decide must change for “germs” infect and all the virus vaccine must be abandoned in the historical garbage bin!    On the other hand, in my invention that “wash lung” treatment it still can be extensively used for phthisis, old person's peracute pneumonia include smoke-lung, any pneumoconiosis etc. that was clean in  HK medicine scope also to be clear about undoubtedly and can not to displace same the time!

      與此同時,右圖這傢伙是HKU微生物系教授袁國勇,馬上於2004.9.12起在香港TV上手舞足蹈不知羞恥地造假表演向公眾示範應用氣管鏡導管往肺部信口開河地可以將“生理鹽水”注入吸出清除細菌,企圖偷 雞侵權!

     At the same time, this fellow in the picture on the right is a microbe professor in HKU, but he was unblushing at once flourish to forge for public use duct of bronchoscope to shown let “physiological saline” to pour into lung after suck out for weed out germs at HK TV on Sept.12, 2004, his counterfeit attempt only for stealthily use to tort that was very clear!

     由於“生理鹽水”只可為屍體洗肺,儘管被同行譏笑無知, 但這傢伙如此的鬼主意馬上吸引前中國主席江澤民奉為“國策”,因此,從 www.ycec.net 上可見,假冒本發明的PFCO 洗肺藥液馬上貼上“生理鹽水 ”標籤為中國礦工洗肺!

    Because the “physiological saline” only can “wash lung” for dead body and jeer ignorant by his fraternity, but this is a wicked idea it right away to attract the Chinese ex-chairman Mr. Jiang ZM to value highly, therefore, you could to find at my www.ycec.net, in my invention that PFCO-liquid medicine was to stick a label of “physiological saline” and wash lung for Chinese miner!




   That is to say, if the “physiological saline” could be to “wash lung” for above the Dr.Kent Brantfy, that need not to feel wronged Obama to hold the ZMapp lie for the world!

      另外,你可從www.ycec.net上可見的 本人的PFCO 制藥機上的臭氧含量儀就是美國有名的Analytical Technology, Inc.公司2004年的產品。

       In addition, you could be see at www.ycec.net, my PFCO–Pharmacy-Machines used that ATiA15/64 dissolved ozone monitor” namely from USA well-known products of Analytical Technology, Inc. that made on 2004year.

     而中美結盟全球即要隱瞞又要偷用侵權的手段就要買下 ATi-A15 臭氧含量儀產權為先以及控制市場!這 對中美兩大超級權勢集團來講簡直易如反掌! 事實的調查就是如此,他們以為ATi-A15 改頭換面為 OREC-A15 就可避免被指責仿造本人的設計,其手段正如“生理鹽水”與ATi在香港的業務代理還明確地 告訴本人沒有差別:即ATi-A15 2007年起就停產,再轉名為OREC-A15 也不公開出售,只買給他們指定的工程公司!因此,不論ATi A15OREC-A15只可在 eBay買到舊貨!

      Because Chinese bribed USA after to conceal in worldwide but still to be compelled to stealthily use, so their means unavoidable must to buy off the ownership of “Ati A15/64 dissolved ozone monitor” in first and must to control marketplace, this for two super powers that as easy as turning one's hand over!  The fact as this, they are easy to buy off the ownership after and suppose let Ati A15 to change the appearance for OREC-A15 that means it can avoid accuse copy by me, the means same the “physiological saline” and as Ati in HK's agent clear tell me have not any difference:  “...the ATi A15 was idling since 2007year after change for OREC-A15 as well do not to make public, because only to sale for designate engineering company!”, so the ATi A15 or OREC-A15 only can to buy the second hand goods at eBay! 


     Therefore, I had a letter send to Ati's office at America on June 10, 2015


      Above the OREC-A15 only supply for USA and the British Commonwealth that appoint engineering company, but above my invention patent application not at USA, UK other country how to do?

由於ATi 的產權已被收購,分配非英美各國易如反掌,如日本的Oz-50, 印度的UNIQUE-3000...,儘管在他們的網上有登錄,但只會報價給他們指定的工程公司,見下:

Because Ati-A15's ownership already to buy, so allot to other country that was as easy as turning one's hand over, as Japanese Oz-50, or Indian UNIQUE-3000..., notwithstanding their website have to advertise, but they are same the USA or UK'ATi only can to a quotation of prices for designate engineering company, below:

 ATi CL2-3-A15


 Japan   Oz-50

 India  UNIQUE-3000





上述艾默里大學醫院Emory University,該醫院有的是改頭挨面的OCEC-CL2-03-A15控制的本人的PFCO 制藥機為肯特-布蘭洗肺已毫無疑問! Obama夠膽量撒謊而面不改色?! 答案就在此!

        Above the Emory University hospital to have plenty of to change the appearance OCEC-CL2-03-A15 to control same my PFCO–Pharmacy-Machines use “wash lung” for Dr. Kent Brantfy that have not any a question, so Obama had enough courage to lie and no to change color?!  The answer in here!

而在大陸也同樣如此改頭換面無須多言, 即要隱瞞且非要偷用不可,只是不敢在本人眼皮下的香港玩而已, 而港府目前在安排老者前往香港大學深圳醫院偷偷洗肺, 真可謂是 人性大賤格 古今中外少見!

     And then, in China as that to change the appearance it already need not to tell for you at here now, the Power now must to conceal but still must to steal use and not to be divulged, that Power only dare not do play in Hong Kong under my eyelids that is all, but now, so Hong Kong government must to arrange old person can to wash their lung in secret at HKU’s hospital at ShenZhen city…, it may be to said the Power just to crazy price their humanity and seldom seen in ancient and modern!

    因此, 這特大的歷史汅點理當登入世界吉尼斯紀錄大全了!

    Therefore, this outsize history foul it should be come on at the Guinness Book of Records!


IV.    Ebola在西非的消失全靠古巴代勞偷偷洗肺

Ebola to fall away it fully to lean on Cuba to cover for Wash-Lung!

Ebola在西非爆發後,由於WHO總幹事陳馮富珍早是在2003年就為香港的SARS病人偷偷洗肺的老手“成功經驗”,因此,她立即於Aug.08,2014乎籲中國應派出醫療隊前往西非偷用“洗肺”醫療法,只因 中央密令 在西非行不通也太過“沒面子”,只好要求古巴派出醫療隊代勞,因此,從20152月後,西非 的Ebola便日見減弱才導致Obama夠膽於Feb.28, 2015宣佈ZMapp在利比理亞正式開始臨床試驗, 因此,古巴“功不可抹”減低了奧巴馬撒謊危機,因此,在幕後中國江澤民人馬的促合下,奧巴馬由此便與古巴恢復了外交關糸!

    Then Ebola break out in West African after, because the WHO Director-General early is an old hand of stealthily “wash lung” treatment for HK SARS patients on 2003year, now only the “central authorities secret order” not feasible in West African and have not prestige, so to ask Cuba's medical team to cover!  Therefore, the Ebola in West African to weaken start since February of 2015

       So Obama gov. have courage to announce that ZMapp's clinical test start at Liberia on Feb.28, 2015, because Cuba's “feat” inalienable to reduce Obama's lie crisis and to push through by off-stage the Mr. Jiang force, Obama from this to restore diplomatic relations with Cuba!


   The right is the old Cuba leader picture and ill to worsen before 2011year, if not by China to send the “wash lung” machine use for he that have today's full of energy impossible!  Because Cuba was to hold a key of Obama's lie crisis, so the old Cuba leader to start to talk Obama Gov. must to indemnify loss of the break off diplomatic relations, and behind to pay by China that was probably!


V. 撒謊的奧巴馬臭名已遠播令水星逆轉!以及諾貝爾的後悔真相在此!

Lie’s Obama notorious to be reverse Mercury!  So it was very regret by Nobel that true at here!

       再者, 為何在國家主席習近平訪美前, 諾貝爾秘書長就会發佈後悔頒發和平獎給奧巴馬?! 現我有責仼向國際社會及媒體揭開前因後果如下:

         Furthermore, why before China chairman Mr. Xi Jin-Ping visit USA that time, the ex-Nobel chief was very regretful to award Nobel Peace Prize to President Obama on 2009year?!  Now I have the duty to reveal the cause and effect:

     從上述II.PCT/SG2003/00145本是一份PCT國際專利, 由於屈服小布殊的協助, 在西方各國的專利申請 困難重重在www.ycec.net均有清楚記載

     As mentioned in II. that PCT/SG2003/00145 was a PCT international patent, due to it being submitted with George Bush's assistances, so in my www.ycec.net there is a record to shown difficulties pile upon pile at any west country.

    在香港, 當年的衛生署署長陳馮富珍拿著 前中國主席江澤民的“中央密令”偷偷為SARS病人“洗肺”後被香港中文大學醫學院長在立法會SARS調查委員作供爆光!

    At HongKong, after ex-Director of Health of HK Mrs.Chan held a “central authorities secret order” from Chinese ex-chairman Mr. Jiang ZM to stealthily use “wash lung” for SARS patients and this case was exposed to the SARS investigate committee of Legislative Council of HK confession by President of medical college of CUHK

     儘管有一“中央密令”四處為敵, 但本發明拯救了中港SARS危機的事實早在香港醫學界已聞名!因此, 諾貝爾20063月派出審查委員會訪港之前,前中國主席江澤民立即教哮楊振寧事先來港壓制香港醫學 界支持本發明獲得諾貝爾醫學獎, 因此見HKTV引述楊振寧: “當前的中國無須諾貝爾!, 其後於 2008.12.19來自瑞典檢查官的報導提及20063月的審查委員在中國受賄證據配合與楊振寧在港的可恥行為不謀而合!

Though it have a “centralize secret order” around to do evil, but my this invention to save the SARS crisis in medicine scope of Hong Kong was already well-known!  Then Nobel's checker visit HK on March of 2003year, so the ex-chairman Mr. Jiang ZM at once abet Dr. Chen Ning Yang beforehand come to Hong Kong to suppress the academic circle support Nobel award medicine Prize for me, so at the HKTV can to see the Dr. Chen Ning Yang grit his teeth and said that: “…nowadays China not need the Nobel Prize!”, after that by a Sweden prosecuting attorney news because Chinese bribes witness in March 2006 report on Dec. 19, 2008 with Dr. Chen Ning Yang that shameful acts was an undesigned coincidence!

由於諾貝爾對中國 前中國主席江澤民暗屮荒唐的惡意清楚無疑, 更也深知諾貝爾本有意在2006年授於本發明人醫學奘如不得到前WHO總幹事李鐘郁全力支持將難堪!   由報導所見李鐘鬱20日下午在執行公務時突然發病, 急送醫院對他進行了腦血栓手術,第二天狀況良好,肯定是在22日清晨“有人托詞看望” 除掉氧氣管謀殺才會突逝, 因腦血栓是老年人缺氧常病導致癡呆症一時死不了無處不見

     Due to the value of Nobel prize is to the above “centralize secret order” of absurd malice in secretly that was clear undoubtedly, also clear award medicine Prize for me on 2006year if have not support by Dr. Lee Jong-Wook it will awkward!    So at news to see, ex-WHO Dr. Lee Jong-Wook still carried out in public affairs suddenly an acute disease to hospital to proceed for his cerebralthrombosis on May 20,2006pm and condition fine on second day, it was very clear if have not one to visit the sick by an excuse and resection the oxygen cylinder, the abruptly to death that will difficulties!   Because the cerebral thrombosis is a common ailment for aged people and it can easily lead to dementia but also difficult to die within a short period of time! 

       因此,為了繼續隱瞞本發明如不謀殺李鐘鬱,那麼,要讓香港只會“殺雞”的衛生署長取代WHO總幹事將沒門 所以, 只有找出一聽話的韓國人取代前聯合國秘書長安南Annan才容而避免不讓謀殺被追究曝光,而且還務必要是唯一候選人!

      Therefore, for continue to conceal my invention, if not to killing Dr. Lee Jong-Wook after change that only famous can to “kill-chicken” of the Director of HK supersede for WHO Director-General it will be impossible!    For this reason, if let an obedient Korean to substitute with UN ex-Secretary General Annan that can only easy way to avoid the killing to be exposed and that still must is only one a candidate!

       果然如此, 唯一候選人的韓國潘基文在中美的合作下取代安南命仼為聯合國秘書長!

    That just as expected, in cooperation for small Bush with Mr. Jiang ZM that the obedient Korean Ban Ki-moon was the only one candidate to substitute Annan for UN Secretary General starting from Jan. 01, 2007.

     如何證明潘基文是聽話奴才及沒人性原則的中美密約合作的代表卻佔據UN舞臺操控你的生命? 如下:

How to bear witness the Ban Ki-moon was a biddable flunky and have not any humanity-principles only stand for USA with China a secret treaty at UNO to control your life?  Below:

    早在2009, WHO仍然 繼續隱瞞及說謊福特敏及疫苗功效 製造人類社會的恐怖,繼續向全人類社會表演醜態! 潘基文特意跑去WHO支持陳馮富珍的撒謊並公開感激中國選票支特出任的聯合國秘書長 !因此, 本人於2009.05.20以一份廣泛傳播的電郵中也向聯合國及WHO組織機構揭露惡果及提醒他的弟兄李鐘郁有 被謀殺之疑!

     Before the 2009year, then WHO meeting still continues concealing “wash lung” treatment and lie about the efficiency of Tamiflu and bacterin causing terror of mankind society, but Ban Ki-moon specially went to WHO to support the Director-General Mrs.Chan's lie and openly be grateful for the Chinese ballot votes, so I had by an open email to UN and WHO's organization to expose the conceal disastrous effect and to remind his brother Dr. Lee Jong-Wook was possibly murdered on Mar.20, 2009.

     因此,新西蘭馬上於2009.7.06批予專利並以電郵通知了本人, 但當本人心急立即公佈以4000萬美金轉讓費在本人的www.ycec.net , TV新聞可見江澤民心臟病發入院急召回胡錦濤藉口以處理新疆暴亂回國處置!

     So the NZ patent office at once grant me the patent and to notify me by email on July 06, 2009, then I was impatient the transfer expenses of US$4,000,000.- to make public at my www.ycec.net after, at TV news to know Mr. Jiang ZM heart disease to be hospitalized urgent to call Hu Jin Tao to exit the G8+5 meeting and pretext because Shinjang's riot must return to handle!

在當年,諾貝爾高層也同樣與本發明人對奧巴馬的努力完全洞悉, 但功虧一簣,因此,本人2009.11.14致信奧巴馬也如此表達, 因本人於2009諾貝爾頒獎會上我清楚聽到頒發和平奘主持人表白此獎要鼓勵奧巴馬繼續努力完成全球承認本發明專利的歷史責仼!

Therefore, the Nobel same me complete to pierce Obama's efforts fail in a flash, so I had a letter to Obama also to express as this on Nov. 14, 2009 !   So at award ceremony of 2009 Peace Prize, I was clear to hear the emcee was to say this  Peace Prize will to urge Obama to continue strive!

     由於PCT/SG2003/00145醫學發明不可取代,隱瞞的的後果等如在你的面前公開屠殺生命, Ebola,  Mers病人以及上述香港每年近萬或各國無數的冤死靈魂, 但奧巴馬卻不為諾貝爾爭氣, 也因此前諾貝爾 秘書長 吉爾•倫德斯塔德Geir Lundestad為了人類社會的正義與尊嚴不惜怒而表達後悔! 因他得到事前 通知, 在中國主席習近平訪美將繼續合作隱瞞這個不可取代的醫學發明繼續公開屠殺生命!

      Because the medicine invention of PCT/SG2003/00145 can not supersede, the outcome of conceal as open to butcher life at your face, as Ebola, Mers patients as well as above in Hong Kong those nearly ten thousand or any country countless death in every year!   But Obama can not expectations for Nobel, so the Mr. Geir Lundestad of ex-Nobel chief for mankind society's justice with Nobel's dignity he was not to hesitate to express his regret, because he was to get a notify before now the China chairman Xi JP visit Obama will again cooperation conceal this medicine invention again to open-butcher life in the world!

也由於諾貝尓已對上述暗中荒 謬的全球阻撓來自前中國主席江澤民父子肯定無疑,以及在20097 月初在歐州G8+5 的峰會前得到事前如新西蘭一樣也得通知, 經奧巴馬努力將協助當時的中國主席胡錦濤共同承認上述我的醫學發明體面下臺!

       Also because Nobel was clear about the absurd malice in secret by ex-chairman Jiang ZM with his son undoubtedly, as will as then the summit meeting of G8+5 will start at Europe on July of 2009 before, the Nobel same as New Zealand to get a notify to shown because strive by Obama and he will with at the time Chairman Hu JinTao to admit above my medicine invention and face to exit from the stage!

            江澤民父子的勢力強大,  首先從2014年在中國的報導  由無故拿刀砍人的事件不斷在中國城市大眾廣場重演,只因砍人者均非有目的社會爆暴力而具是特工訓練且視死如歸,因此無從破案!   這是政權鬥爭中顯示恐嚇的常用手段!

      But Jiang ZM still has powerful powers in there, firstly, by report on 2014year in china, why those without cause to hold a chopper to homicide case unceasingly replay at crowd plaza of city in China?  And all it can not o break case still!   Because this violence only to show “threaten” means in common use in power battle! 


      Therefore as the report shown, Chairman Xi-JP order guards to legally kill on spot without cause if anyone enters with 3m radius for leader as ex-Chairman Hu Jin_Tao.

     由此可見, 習近平的命令只為對付上述拿刀砍人手段!

     From above to shown, Mr. Xi JP's order can to answer readily above the “threaten” means!

     特別要指出的是, 當本人2015.1.17公開信告知全球,江澤民99年前親自指揮 將本人設計發明比日本韓國還要先進的機器設備搶劫回他楊州老家威風後便關閉法院大門,因此, 江澤民非常擔心如果讓本人不可取代的醫學發明獲得諾貝爾奘掦威國際後他便無法交代!  

      In hereby I highlight again in my open letter of Jan.17, 2015 that clear to point out for the world, because ex-chairman Jiang ZM in person to direct and pillage to rob that design and invented by me those machinery equipment of developed for same trade of Japan, Korea go back to his home at YingZhou city before1999year and close court gate after, so Jiang ZM was very to worry if me by the can not to replace of medicine invention to obtain a Nobel prize after he will can not to confess the rob case!

     由於上述的 事實在中國不可否認, 習近平於2015.2.17春節晚會便對本人無人可比的業績以無須點名方式 致敬後,基辛格馬上於2015.3.17趕到北京約會習近平盼望於今年9月訪美務必如2009年奧巴馬與胡錦濤 的約定初衷一樣!     

     Because above mentioned fact can not be denied in China, so lead Chairman Mr. Xi JP by a manner of need not to call the roll for my outstanding accomplishment to express respect on Feb.17, 2015 after, so Mr. Kissinger at once come to Beijing appointment Xi JP and hope he must same for 2009year that original intention by Obama with ex-Chairman Hu Jin_Tao on Mar 17, 2015!

       但從右圖如發生在習近平訪美前2015.8.12天津大爆炸見證圖片可見,從圖片中可見摧毀汽車的並非一般 的TNT炸彈, 而是由超小型的熱核彈產生的4000度高溫造成也無從破案, 習近平的命令已不起保障作用!

      But from the picture on the right, the outburst in Tianjin city of China witnessed on Aug. 12, 2015 to shows that to destroy those car not the usual TNT bomb and then is to cause that was produce up to 4000 by a micromini thermonuclear warhead also can not to break case, so above Xi JP's order already have not any protect function!


     Above the high-rise clash in the interior that violent degree it could be to shown why the ex-Chairman Hu Jin_Tao his both hands violently trembling standing at Tiananmen city-walls while reviewing the troops on Sept. 03, 2015.

      更可怕的是,如此超小型的熱核爆炸也被美國的國防衛星知情不報,即顯示兩大囯際惡勢力結盟作案深度!   與馬航370的失蹤演習一樣, 不獲得奧巴馬默許是難於實現的!   因此,在如此微小熱核爆炸恐嚇手段之下,習近平唯有暫時呑下這口氣改變今年3月在北京與基辛格約定初衷不難理解!

  It was more frightening is, that such ultra-small thermonuclear explosion has also been withholding information by US defense satellites, which show the depth of the two international evil alliance crimes!    That same with the MH370's dry run to be missing, if that did not to get Obama's acquiesce that was difficult to carry out!   Therefore, by above threaten means of “a microminiature thermonuclear explode”  after,  Mr.Xi JP only can to swallow an insult at this UN stage to change original intention with  Kissinger at Beijing on Mar. 17, 2015, so that was not difficult to understand!


       The lie's Obama was to be notorious and lead to the planet Mercury reverse, so it was very regret by Nobel that true at here!

VI. 侵權偷用只為少數人行為可恥可悲!

Tort with covertly use for few person that acts was miserably!


        Above III.-V.no other than two power politics cooperation to conceal medicine invention but stealthily use for tort's history witness!   


Above the immoral stealthily use for tort only can to benefit for know the facts of sth. as old Bush or Dr.Kent Brantfy, but ordinary American or other to assist conceal as UK, Ca...Citizen all without exception an outsider! 

       如美國衛生部門公佈的每年流感病死亡人數超過24萬人,老年人急性肺炎死亡更不可勝數! 因此本人在 此呼籲美國學者與媒體力勸奧巴馬不用再為ZMapp撒謊因已難下臺,乾脆要壞就壞到底吧,只須學學中國 “絕技”公佈“生理鹽水”為病人洗肺才可拯救更多生命!

          As in America, every year that flu death toll to exceed 24 ten thousand it announce by Health department, but aged people that peracute-pneumonia still more countless!    Therefore, I at here to call on American scholar with medium to urge Obama did not again to lie ZMapp, because it was very difficult to exit from the stage and clear-cut to stop at no evil to learn Chinese “unique skill” to order CDC to make public let the physiological saline wash lung for save still more life!

       另外,為什麼傻瓜總統奧巴馬還會再次下令FDA, HHS or CDC 為伊波拉疫苗撒謊造假百分百有效再次出 醜 因這場21世紀最遭糕的正邪之鬥的焦點即就是“病毒感染”與“細菌”感染之是與非?!  這不幸的 早2005年起就開始針鋒相對並已記入在香港的史冊日記: 

     On the side, why the fool President Obama still again to order FDA, HHS or CDC to forge Ebola-vaccine 100% in force to make a spectacle of oneself again?!   Because in 21century this most terrible fight of right-evil that focus namely virus” or “germs” infect who is right or wrong?!  This accident on 2005year already to give tit for tat after records in history diary at Hong Kong:

      上述的HKU微生物系教授袁國勇就是協助隱瞞醫學發明邪惡權勢的反動學者,除偽造“生理鹽水”可洗肺 的鬼主意外又經常出現TV宣傳虛假的“流感疫苗”對抗本全新的醫學發現對流感病毒的重新定義!    

Above the Yuan_GY of HKU quite right a reactionary scholar, he except for forge the “physiological saline” can to wash lung and always to publicize false “flu vaccine” at TV for hostility above renew of the medicine definition! 

     但當香 港衛生署務必面對市民打流感針無效及不少孕婦胎死腹中時,這傢夥就上TV欺騙市民,這是因為 “病毒變種”又續繼推廣疫苗!

     But then HK's health office must to face after flu-shot no avail those flu citizen and fetus death in belly those mother-to-be, also the Yuan GY of HKU again stand at HKTV to say a lie because the “virus-variation” to deceive citizen and again to popularize vaccine!  

     由此可見這反動學者專拿市民生命! 但這反動學者不惜屠殺生命換取邪惡權勢重用,因此, 港大的袁國勇2007年獲得中國工程院院士“稱號”!

      As from above to shown, the reactionary scholar not to hesitate to butcher life to please evil power, therefore, the Yuan_GY of HKU was to get an academician title on 2007year by Chinese Academy of Engineering!

    上述的事實從本人公開信主頁 www.ycec.sg/UN/war-felon.htm 2005年起至今見證這段可恥歷史  香港就是這場正邪械鬥主戰場之一,唯一可喜的是前香港衛生防護中心總監曾浩輝醫生在本人公開信的感染下回歸人性, 因此,他不願再當一戰爭罪犯上TV宣傳錯誤的流感疫苗欺騙及謀殺市民,沒工作也要辭職不幹!新任總監諒也如此不願上當 因此,在香港TV上替中央特權繼續宣傳流感疫苗屠殺市民只剩右圖衛生局長高永文一人!

     Above fact at my main page www.ycec.sg/UN/war-felon.htm that shown on the list since 2005year update to witness this vile history!   HK quite right one of main arena of in this world war of right with vice, the only one gratifying is the Dr. Ceng HH director of CHP of HK to affect in my open letter after return humanity!    So he was to be loath to do a war crime to preach wrong flu-shot to deceive with murder citizen and no job at home also must to resign!    After the new director-general of CHP also unwilling to fall for, therefore, at HKTV that can again to preach for wrong flu-shot only one namely right picture of the P.H. Director Dr KO Wing-Man

Dr KO Wing-Man

上述香港的戰爭罪犯的證據無處逃遁, 如今年2015.4.23止香港的流感死亡人數達495人報導後,高永文就立即公開聲稱不再公開報導,香港市民的知情權沒了,香港媒體也啞了,在穀歌檢搜亦雜草重生!

      Above show by the evidence of HK's war crime that was can find no hiding-place as Obama's ZMapp, as this year then the HK flu death toll 495 persons report on April 23, 2015 after, above the Dr. KO Wing-man at once to profess no longer open to report news for the public, HK citizen's know-power to oust of, all the HK medium to struck dumb..., and search in Google also the weeds pile!

        但我有幸看到了,單就2014年香港肺炎的死亡人數高達7431人!香港已變成一個龐大的人口屠場,現請 如此龐大的死者家屬在此目睹現已可見的屠夫即HKU袁國勇及衛生局長高永文兩人就在此,他們還再磨 刀霍霍、吹噓“流感疫苗”不予本發明的“洗肺”醫療法拯救你家親人生命!

       But I had found a report on Sept.09, 2015, the news point out only on 2014year those pneumonia death toll 7431 persons!   Therefore, Hong Kong became a huge population annihilate city already!   But above the Yuan_GY of HKU with P.H. Director Dr KO Wing-man still to preach wrong flu-shot to butcher your family!


      If you still have humanity, unusual those students of HKU have power use the “physiological saline” wash the lung for Yuan_GY and KO Wing-man two war criminal, and to question closely to rid the people of an evil!   

  以及當Ebola開始在西非曝發之時 也將給WHO總幹事的警告信轉給了潘基文於2014.10.27(www.ycec.sg/UN/141027.pdf ), 因事態嚴重, 沒有仼何醫學水準的WHO“殺雞”總幹事仍將為隱瞞我不可取代的醫學發明繼續在屠殺西非人!     

As well as then the Ebola start outburst in West African time, I sent a warning letter to the WHO Director-General Mrs.Chan on Oct. 27, 2014 ( www.ycec.sg/UN/141027.pdf ) that also sent to UN's Ban Ki-moon, because the situation was very critical, that have not any medicine level of the “kill-chicken” of WHO Director-General still for conceal my this can not superseded of medicine invention continue to butcher West African!

難道潘基文看不懂信中內容?不明白隱暪醫學發明的惡果等如公開屠殺生命 答案顯然不是,只因他與 WHO殺雞”總幹事同為私下承諾一邪惡集團才可上仼!

      Is it possible that the Ban Ki-moon can not to read to understand my letter's subject matter?  The answer was no, because Ban Ki-moon same the “kill-chicken” of WHO Director-General same have a promise for a evil group only can to be in office!

    因此,但當WHO總幹事陳馮富珍與右圖USCDCMeltzer合作偽造所謂埃博拉病毒疫苗rVSV-EBOV百分之百在幾內亞試驗成功, 並進一步教唆英國醫學雜誌《柳葉刀》於2015.7.31發表所謂試驗見證的初步結果後 WHO總幹事陳馮富診便立即“興奮”無知地向國際社會公佈!

    Therefore, then Director-General Mrs.Chan withpicture on the rightthat Meltzer of USCDC to collaborate fabricated by lie the so-called “valid witness” of rVSV-EBOV vaccine was tested in Guinea and 100% valid after, and to further instigate published by Lancet on July 31, 2015 after, so the WHO Director-General was very “excited” ignorant to be announce in international society at once.

        但意想不到的是, 潘基文又立即帶領聯合國官員為WHO總幹事撒謊的疫苗月臺支持!  21世紀醫學界最羞 恥的一天又將開始!

      The unexpected thing is that Ban Ki-moon is still leading UNO official to support WHO' lie! So more ashamed one day it will start again!


      The Ban Ki-moon is not caring for the people, especially the disadvantaged minorities to speak out from a sense of justice that in evidence to tread on UN charter and his duty limits of authority to assist WHO Director-General butcher lie to show in eye for each Unmember country now!

       另外,上述協助奧巴馬ZMapp的謊言的三隻小魔鬼以及如只懂“殺雞”的WHO總幹事,或受益協助隱瞞的聯 合國潘基文及各方媒體全面起哄要求停止9月訪美不停見報, 但在的天津爆炸後由才中國駐美國大使崔天凱否認,因習近平不得不已落實妥協! 

     On the sideabove mentioned has helped Obama to lie about those small fiend and those beneficiary of assist-conceal as only to know the “kill-chicken” of WHO Director-General, or UN's Ban Ki-moon and mediums all-round to stir up trouble to requests stop Xi JP visit USA in September unceasing in news, but then the big explode in Tianjin city after only can to deny by China ambassador at USA on August 27, 2015, because Xi JP already fulfill to compromise! 

      因此, 習近平訪美前就已被迫要改變與基辛格3月北京約會初衷已此地無銀三百兩or不難理解!

      Therefore, by above pressure, so before Xi JP visit USA must be to change with Kissinger's original intention that was not difficult to understand! 

     習近平在聯合國上的一句名言: “...在中國的反腐沒有紙牌屋!” 明確告知各方,不要得意我的妥協, 企圖隱瞞lzm的醫學發明繼續屠殺生命由ZMapp, TKM-Ebola,MIL77百分百成功的埃博拉病毒疫苗rVSV-EBOV建筑的紙牌屋” 隱瞞lzm PCT/SG2003/00145 醫學發明不出洋相才怪!因中國另一名言是天下沒有不透風的牆!

      But Mr. Xi JP at USA, UN a wise saying: “...at Chinese combat corruption that have not House of Cards !” that was clearly to inform in all respects that build by ZMapp, TKM-Ebola, MIL77 and totally success of rVSV-EBOV Ebola vaccine that House of Cards to attempt conceal PCT/SG2003/00145 medicine invention it will not to topple down only a wild talk?    Because in Chinese have wise saw is there is not exist the wall that can't through by wing same the House of Cards!

       現由於奧巴馬已陷入道德陷阱不可自拔,奧巴馬起用了小布殊的前國務卿賴斯加入欺騙各國政治寡頭維持全球隱瞞暗中換取利益”!  如去年小布殊由冰桶挑戰””收到的其一的個人捐款是過往的10倍達見報可支持其弟傑布加入下屆的總統競選, 由誰背後的突增大捐款值得美國媒體關注!

Now, because Obama already sink into the morality trap and can not extricate by himself, so he has employ small Bush's ex-Secretary of State Rice to artifice for any country oligarch to keep conceal in world to barter for in the dark!   That as ex-President George Walker Bush by ice bucket challenge” that one of his personal subscription ten double in the past, and it could be support his younger brother Jbe Bush to run for President, the unexpected of big subscription in the rear that merit interest by US medium!

     如早在以色列2006年爆發了肺炎(Klebsiella)之時,因本人於Mar. 12, 2006 去信以色列衛生部長告知仍在以色列專利申請的洗肺醫療法才是唯一拯救肺炎病人生命引發以色列公眾的憤怒要求總理下臺!  

As early in 2006year that pneumonia (Klebsiella) outbreak in Israel time, because then I had a letter to the Israeli Minister of Health to informed my a applications in Israeli patent office that “wash-lung” treatment only can to save the pneumonia patients life on Mar. 12, 2006 after, so caused by the Israeli public anger asked Prime Minister to step down! 

也就在此時,小布殊就派出賴斯周璇與中國商討賠償, 其後,墨西哥聞訊也向中國提賠償...,更詳細的見本人主頁 www.ycec.sg/UN/war-felon.htm  2008.05.08欄節可見,以及在2011.09.27欄可見, 諾貝尓獎”輸給了金錢與美女”手段!

       Also at the same time, little Bush dispatched his Secretary of State Rice to discuss the Chinese compensation between Israel, and after, hearing the news of Mexico also to raise compensation for China...,  more details see www.ycec.sg/UN/war-felon.htm that part of 2008.05 .08 and 2011.09.27 visible, therefore, the “Nobel Prize" for Obama that was lost "money with beautiful woman" means! 

    從今天以色列衛生部網站可見除了疫苗還是疫苗,和今天美國或香港一樣流感或肺炎死亡無數一樣仍不當一回事!   即是說,賴斯是開創要求以色列當局拿出“國民生命”交換中國“賠賞”魔鬼先例! 

    From today visible except vaccine still vaccine at the Israeli Ministry of Health website, it like the USA, other country or Hong Kong Ministry of Health had to see innumerable flu or pneumonia death still to be indifferent!   That is to say, Rice is initiate to ask the Israeli authorities to come up with “national life” exchange in China” pay reward” a demon precedent!

      今天的賴斯又被奧巴馬奉為全球屠殺生命的馬前卒, Kerry克裏不斷以 “世界需要穩定的中美關係” 為由全球壓制不滿呼聲!

     Today, Rice has been regarded by Obama a cat's-paw to butcher life in world, so she with Kerry unceasing use “the world needs a stable China-US relations” as an excuse to suppress discontent global voice!  

      奧巴馬也不例外,本人於2011.09.27公開信, 江澤民兒子的行賄本領舉世無雙!

      Obama is no exception, in my 2011.09.27 open letter, it was pointed out, Jiang ZM's son has the bribery skill that is unmatched in the world!

由於上述IV.古巴的代勞,Ebola將正如2003SARS的一樣消失在西非, 但當衛生局長高永文於20154 13日公佈月底之後不再報導準備關閉媒體大門屠殺流感及更龐大的肺炎病人死亡人數之後3, 比爾蓋茲 看不過眼便於2015416日面對媒體向WHO怒喉“面對下一個疫情大爆發,我們真的準備好了嗎?”!  結果,總幹事陳馮富珍立即的於3天后聲明道歉色承諾改善於2015419!     

Because above IV. Cuda was to do sth. for sb., Ebola will same 2003year's SARS to disappear at West African, but then above the P.H. Director Dr KO Wing-man of HK will on longer to notify to report news for the flu with more huge pneumonia that death toll and will to close down medium gate on April 13, 2015 after three days, Bill Gates was very disgusting to roar face medium on April 16, 2015: “ ...to face outburst of next epidemic outburst, we are arrange to accomplish really? Really? ”!   An outcome is, the WHO Director-General Chan Fung Fu-chun at once declares to apology and promise improve after three days on April 19, 2015!


     The right picture is well-known Bill Gates, he to support WHO's funds only less for USA Government,  so Bill Gates regarding WHO's function absolutely clear undoubtedly:

由此可見, 比爾蓋茲在WHO的影響力與眾不同! 

    That proves Bill Gates's influence power in WHO that out of the ordinary!

     因此, 本發明人有幸在此呼籲比爾蓋茲不應再受騙資助研究“病毒疫苗”以對抗本PCT/SG2003/00145 學發明中“細菌”感染定論, 因病毒不可在人體中自我繁殖可由仼何醫院輕易驗證方法早就顯示在本人 20151027日去信指責Chan Fung Fu-chun

      So I was fortunate to call on for Bill Gates not to be deceived again patronize study “virus vaccine” again hostility that “germs infect” conclusion in PCT/SG2003/00145 invention, because the “viral genome” can not ego “replication” in body that have a easily way test by any hospital show at my a censure letter send to WHO Director-General on Oct. 27, 2015.    

         其二, 只要比爾蓋茲肯暗中買下幾間國際媒體及學者做出廣泛報導,21世紀最邪惡的權勢不惜殺生 無數也要隱瞞發明才可結束, 否則就要呼籲各國也乾脆學中國公開詐稱“生理鹽水”之可進肺清除細菌 才可 “面對下一個疫情大爆發”!

       Secondly, if Bill Gates willing to buy or patronize some of international medium with scholar to extensively report above fact, this to commit innumerable murders of most  evil history case in 21century it will end, if not, Bill Gates must clear-cut to appeal anyone country study for China arrogation use the “physiological saline” can to wash in lung for tidy up germs that only can “ ...to face outburst of next epidemic outburst!” !


      If you are an international medium, if your country hospital have not open “wash lung” treatment use for your national, you must to follow with interest above the fact, because your national life power same have worried!

     與其同時, 美國前總統卡特亦站出來指責美國民主已死只剩少數人操控的寡頭政治!

   In the same time, the America ex-president Carter also stand out to accuse for Obama Gov., that “ U.S. is no longer a democracy already, it's an oligarchy!”!


VII. 為何對《查理週刊》的恐怖襲擊關連 隱瞞本人拯救非典國難的醫學發明?

Why IS to terror attack “Charlie Hebdo” corelation to conceal medicine inventon?

   而且,為隱瞞本醫學發明兩大囯際惡勢力結盟還共同培植狀大IS組織力量,於20150107日首先襲擊了《查理週刊》 就駕馭了法國總統奧朗德, 也如在美國偽造安德魯醜聞後牛津大學只為救主也要跪下加入研究伊波拉疫苗撒謊陣營,卒於201525TV面前指岀法國在幾內亞首次進行的疫苗臨床試驗!

Moreover, the evil alliance of the two vicious powers for conceal medical invention also jointly cultivate with large ISIS strength  So the ISIS terror attack French “Charlie Hebdo” in first on Jan. 07, 2015 and by this case to dominated French President Mr. François Hollande that was same then forge a scandal by a claim to Prince Andrew in USA court after as Oxford must announced on TV to join trials Ebola vaccine in Guinea on Feb. 05, 2015! 

如當牛津大學的彼得博士于2015.6.19證明TKM-Ebola對病人沒有效果後, IS組織立即襲擊突尼斯酒店殺死了30多英國人報復! 儘管英國沒有加入空襲ISIS  因此,IS 已成為了國際隱瞞的左右手!

     And then investigate chief of Dr. Peter Horby of Oxford was to proved that TKM-Ebola have not any effect for Ebola patient on 2015.6.19 after, the IS at once to attack Tunis a public house and lead thirty British death for retaliate, though Britain have not to join air raid ISIS!    Therefore, the terror raid by ISIS that was because their a right-hand man to international conceal!   


 More details can to see at: www.ycec.sg/UN/120617/witness-history.htm !

  由於ISIS組織已為上述兩大囯際惡勢力同盟圈養被總統普京清楚洞悉, 因此,俄國真正的空襲IS,奧巴馬極力反對並拒絕提供IS基地情報!

Because the ISIS was reared as livestock in pens by the above mentioned two international evil alliance that was to clear pierce by President Putin, therefore, then Russian was true air strikes for ISIS after, the Obama was giving every effort to say no and reject to supply information of IS station,

 怪不得當普京總統于20159月底前開向ISIS組織發動真正空襲後,奧巴馬立即站出來藉口托詞指責普京 會誤傷民眾,因俄國的空襲真正地打擊了兩大囯際惡勢力的同盟ISIS被普京清楚洞悉!  

    No wonder when President Putin opened air attack ISIS start on Sep. 30, 2015 after, so Obama stand out immediately by a pretext to accused Putin will be "accidental injury" people, because Putin was very clear of the outcome of cultivate with large ISIS!


VIII 馬航370客機失蹤陰謀已真相大白!

MH370’s missing plot has everything is clear now!

由於本人於Jan.17,2015發佈的公開信揭露了馬航370客機失蹤的前因後果後,因此,馬航被迫於Jan.29,2015正式宣佈失事 將立即啟動對遇難者家屬的賠償企圖了事 但來自中國的廣泛報導及美國廣播公司(ABC也引述負責調查的兩名美國官員指出深信〝存在人為干預因素〞,並將準備重點調查幕後黑手後!

Because I had to published an open letter exposing the MH370’s missing the cause and effect on Jan.17,2015 after, therefore, Malaysia Airlines was forced to officially declared “accident” and will start immediately compensation to the victims' families attempt to get something over on Jan.29,2015.   But from China's extensive coverage and by US broadcast ( ABC ) company also quoted two US officials responsible for the investigation pointed convinced that “the presence of human intervention factor” , and ready to focus on investigation behind!

因此,這幕後黑手馬上也被迫要馬來西亞交通部長於2015.2.25根據所謂的英國衛星公司提供的MH370訊號資料顯示 一口咬定該航班是在南印度洋終結要求奧大利亞、馬來西亞與中國開始均有派遣搜索!

      Therefore, behind the evil backstage manipulator to be compelled at once forced to Malaysian Transport Minister according to the so-called “British satellite company provides MH370 signal data show” on 2015.2.25 to insisted the flight is end of in the southern Indian Ocean and requires Austria, Malaysia and China to search for there!


The evil backstage manipulator for this reason to avoid search in Myanmar Andaman Islands was already exposed in my open letter dated on Jan. 17, 2015!


And the evil backstage manipulator still secretly to holding ISIS to intimidation international especially the US media to continue to trace below:

1.     走訪波音公司如實交代MH370上有沒有安裝不受機長控制的衛星導航及通信儀哪里去了?     正如自911後的2001.9.27日布殊總統於2001.9.27在芝加哥機場公佈簽署撥款5億美金協助波音飛機公司装置應用了本人航空安全三措施發明,因此,波音公司务必要回答公众5億公款哪里去了?

         To visited Boeing truthful account, at where the MH370 that satellite navigation and communication instruments has not controlled by captain?    If not, as afte 911 the President Bush at the Chicago airport announced he already signing of grant 5 hundred million US dollars to assist the Boeing to install and use “three measures of aviation safety” of my invention in US patent office on Sept. 27, 2001, therefore, Boeing company must to reply for public the public funds at there?

2.  更也不見有媒體走訪中國移動通訊,為MH370突然失聯在中国边界之始, 為什麼整個南沙群島的手機通訊信號全被遮蔽及至今不見解釋交代?

      It was not find a medium to visit the Chinese mobile communications, why MH370 suddenly lost contact beginning at boundary of China time, why the phone communication signals have all been obscured at entire Spratly islands?  And still not see explanation explain?

其後,沖上了印度洋西部留尼旺島的海岸的MH370上一個襟副翼顯示飛機和海面的低角度位置即迫降海面時掉落,絕直插海底而是經過僵屍飛行 ,更因洋流的方向而言,離留尼旺島6000公里正在搜索的南印度洋難度過大,更進一步顯示迫降海面並非在南印度洋而就在安達曼群島附近!  

Thereafter, the washed up on the Reunion island coast of Indian Ocean west that MH370 an aileron to shown the MH370 was by a low angle to forced landing at a sea plane the time to fall, so that absolutely non by a beeline to through the seabed as by "zombie fly", more because in terms of by the direction of ocean current, from Reunion Island to now the search place at southern Indian Ocean that distance total 6000 kilometers that was very difficult, so further display landing in the Andaman Islands not the south Indian Ocean!

       因此,馬航370客機失蹤陰謀已真相大白,一切正如本人在Jan.17,2015公開信揭露的陰謀 完全一致,现只待遇難者家屬起訴要求波音公司及中國移動通訊向法庭及公眾交代! 

       Therefore, the MH370 plane missing plot already everything is clear now, everything as unmask at my open letter on Jan.17,2015, but now only can to waiting for victim family members to prosecution in court and order the Boeing Company and China Mobile Communications accountable to confess for the public!  

IX. 結論 Conclusion

     一切正如諾貝爾的後悔,奧巴馬早將和平奘踏在地上走向反人類文明舞臺任職超級大屠夫,並動用所有手中權力與中國舊勢力配合且不論在世界各國或美國醫院沒有 PCT/SG2003/ 00145 洗肺醫療法可拯救生命且屠殺多少人均無所謂!  一切只因奧巴馬可以叫助手賴斯及國務卿Kerry不斷以世界需要穩定的中美關係為托词全球壓制不滿呼聲!

      As Nobel's regret in above everything, the Peace Prize already tread below at Obama's sole and run to contrary humanity civilization stage to tact a super-slaughterman and use having authority in hand to harmony with Chinese old powers and anyway in any country or American hospital that have not the “wash lung” treatment of PCT/SG2003/00145 can to save life after may be to massacre how much person that still to be indifferent for Obama!   All this because Obama can to call his Assistant Rice with Secretary of State Condoleezza Kerry continuous by “the world needs a stable China-US relations” a subterfuge to pressing dissatisfied global voice!

        ISIS 恐怖組織同樣成為隱瞞醫學發明恐嚇各國政府領導人及傳媒的左右手源自黃禍之災 奧巴馬已難缷其責 因此,本人在此呼籲國際傳媒及有見義勇為的美國律師敢為流感或仼何肺炎的死者家屬起訴奧巴馬或有關健康部門,本發明人在此表示願意提供呈庭法理根據協助!

       Now, the IS terror same the left or right-hand of Obama to threaten other country leader and medium for conceal this medicine invention, but that cognate the yellow peril,  Obama already difficult to shirk the responsibility!   Therefore, we appeal to the international media and to act heroically that American lawyer to dare to for the bereaved to sue Obama or health department, I hereby express that I will to be willing to provide all the theory of law basis to help!

  由於這是一場在21世紀超嚴重邪惡的歷史事件並涉及各國人民可是否有尊嚴應用本人發明拯救生命 就因PCT/SG2003/00145 洗肺醫療法永世不可代替!

  In virtue of this is a super-serious evil history case and  involve any country people whether have dignity to use my invention to save life or not?!   Because,  the “wash lung” treatment of PCT/SG2003/00145 invention it can not to substitute for forever!

 也因此, 任何人圴有必要進入本人的 www.ycec.sg 點擊 中國副總理張高麗圖像就可清楚到正是他在99年前指揮搶劫本人在深圳血汗工廠的細節, 這場正邪之戰的黃禍根源就在此, 但他仍高居中國高層

   Also  for above reason, anyone have to be necessary into my www.ycec.sg after link the image of vice-premier of China Mr. Zhang GL that could be to clear the details by his command to rob my factory before 1999year, now the origin of this yellow peril of evil history case in here, but he was a  superior  at China Government still! 

由於邪惡的勢力強大, 2009年就開始不惜手段謀殺本發明人的細節只要進入www.ycec.sg 點擊 13., 或點擊人大委員長張德江头像由此可見!

 Due to above the powers was very powerful and not to stint means to killing fore me since 2009year that details if into  www.ycec.sg  after link the 13. item or photo of NPC chairman Mr. Zhang Dejiang,  that also clear to show!     

特別是目前, 隨著諾貝尓的後悔前總統卡特的憤恕指責, 勢力強大的惡勢力正在再次調動香港警隊如2009年一樣正要以非法 無理的法西斯手段隨時拘捕本人!    現本人只得在此請求各國政府駐香港領事館瞭解真相後, 如各國政府再不關注催促香港政府堅持人道及法治核心價值, 那麼, 本發明人將危在旦夕!

Especially is,  then it follow the Nobel's regretful with rage accuse by ex-President Carter after, above the vicious power in the act of again to transfer HK police use a Fascism means will be arrest for me that as 2009year!   Now, I only can in here to ask at Hong Kong consulate to understand truth in my webside after, if still not to with interest HK government that nucleus value of humanity with rule by law  at where?  Then I will at death's door!    

 Thank you!





Lin Zhen-Man/SG/HK                                             

Oct. 21, 2015                                       

This open letter page at: → www.ycec.sg/UN/151021-hk.htm  or      简体

   The main page at www.ycec.sg/UN/120617/witness-history.htm


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