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UBS Group of Peter A Wuffi President &

Other philanthropic banker:                            cc. Professor. KY. YUEN of HKU


On July. 30 03 the Apples newspaper stated that Professor. KY. YUEN of HKU had successful solicit and collect contributions or donations from UBS Group a huge sum of fifty-five thousand hundred HKD to be vaccine and medical research for SARS. I think that the behavior was improperly or have facts wished to hide additionally, as the invention and application had been declared long ago that The SARS vaccine and treats research is not a must and is absurd


        Professor. KY. YUEN is an advocate who regards Ribavirin and Steroid as effective SARS-containing medicines of the authoritative in HK, but it had a serious side effect for the SARS recovered patients and the death rate exceeded 15%However, after May. 15, 2003, Professor. KY. YUEN was inevitable to receive the document of ¨SARS of Surface Treatment of SARS-Infected Lungs〃 from Department of Health or Chief Executive Office thus that was source facsimiled from me. Attach 1 is inventorˇs manuscript or that can be find on www. ycec.com.  In fact, before the invention, the Chinese Academy of Sciences recognized that the medical treatment for SARS have failed in the competition, can Professor K.Y. Yuen therefore deny the fact that some hours of treatment given to a SARS patient does not alter the history of pneumonia disease? Also, is the invention of a SARS vaccine really that useful after all Is the studying of medical treatment for SARS that vital? The reasons are obviously to solicit for funds that the behavior was unsuitable by Professor. YUEN!


Since above-mentioned that doubt for philanthropist of UBS Group of Peter A Wuffi President was reasonable, Why ChinaHong KongTaiwan and Singapore at the same time want to suppress Medical accomplishment and deceive history? This makes me wonder why too. The international patent of PCT/SG03/00145 is apply with identity of Singaporean, attachment 2 shows the civil rights under the PCT international treaty which poses some difficulties. It is therefore hoped that Singapore too have the traditional basis for rule by law of a country and there are outstanding leaders to reconcile the problematic situation and to bring the resemblance of a forced-out dark society to order!


Nonetheless, the inventor will like to seek the generous help of philanthropists to push forth this invention to seek patent in several other countries, for example to provide an agent or address for easy access to the patent office in Canada for easy application of the PCT. The inventor will like to stress that money is no longer his sole objective. The primary objective is to break through this ¨forced-out〃 dark society in our civilized democratic world and to bring relief to the world where SARS is concerned.



Thank you!


Yours faithfully,


Lin Zhen-Man


Aug. 02, 2003