The WHO Asia-Pacific meeting in Manila

and Overall Assistant                                                                                           c.c. Fight Cancer Association

Mr. Lee Zhong-yu                                                                                         c.c. Human Rights Organisation


         Rightful Manila Asia-Pacific meeting eve, the assistant of World Health Organization appeals countries to guard SARS may comes to against, unfortunately is that countries people received deceive as well as hoax against too. 

正當馬尼拉亞太區會議前夕, 世界衛生組織幹事呼籲各國提防 SARS來臨,可惜的是各國人民再次受到矇騙以及愚弄.

Actually, cure success and the invention of SARS that was born early in this year in May, Countries people need not get fear again! The host of World Health Organization was very clear that Lzm ' s cure the invention of SARS change medical history thoroughly and advanced had to inform relieved the travel of Hong Kong in May. 23,2003.  People have the power of knowing!

其實, 醫治SARS的發明以及成功早在今年5月份就已經誕生,各國人民不必再受恐懼! 世界衛生組織的主持人很清楚lzm’s醫治SARS的發明徹底改變醫學歷史及提前於May.23,2003解除了香港的旅遊敬告,人民有知道的權力!

What most make the cures SARS of inventor who more angry is that, the effect of difference in temperature to cure many diseases that was brand-new medical concept in cure SARS’s invention with further guided to defeat cancer that had reported a success in the hospital of Hong Kong!  The fear of mankind for cancer will also become history as SARS!


 Cancer is the first big enemy of human life, it was to be the public enemy of mankind to conceal again to success of remedy the cancer!  The assistant of World Health Organization must to admit the mistake therefore! Many patients must government popularize to save, any conceal historical fact is a kind of fault!

人類對癌症的恐懼也將與SARS一樣成爲歷史!癌症是人類生命的第一大敵,再次隱瞞醫治癌症的成功必將是人類的公敵!世界衛生組織幹事必須爲此承認錯誤!很多病人須要政府推廣拯救, 任何隱瞞歷史事實都是一種罪過


                                                                                                   The cure SARS’s & PCT/SG03/00145

  Patent inventor


 Zhen-man Lin

HKID D188015(3)

Sep.09, 2003