Amendment of the Claims Before the International Bureau

Basis Article 19 / 34

                                                Authorized officer: S.Mandallaz


In the International Bureau of WIPO


Applicant(s)   :  Lin Zhen-man                          )


Application No.   PCT/SG03/00145                       )  Amendment


Filed         :  12 June 2003                           )


For          :    Surface Treatment of SARS–Infected    )

Lungs                              )


Amendment by inventor

Patent Cooperation Treaty                                  E-mail:

International Bureau of Wipo                                     Tel: 41 22 338 9661

34 Chemin Des Colombettes                                     Fax: 41 22 338 7140



Authorized officer:


Because the medicine and methods of medical treatment had to coexist or ambiguous in my claims of invention patent possibility that in view by the search authority of Austrian Patent Office, and therefore the search authority was refused given a report include the subject of search for the medicine in my claims.


The search authority of Austrian Patent Office had power to refused search for medical method basis the Rule 39. 1 (IV), but the Austrian Patent Office cannot to refused search for a medicine of sterilizing liquid and inventor’s complains was nobody to understand! Applicant begs Austrian Patent Office must to complete the responsibility under PCT legal stipulation.


Therefore, inventor basis on the Article 19 of PCT law to change the claims, the amendment claims are divide for two different editions, that:


1.       The Claim Aare used for to only allow the medicine patent by patent-law of country;


2.          The Claim Bare used for the inclusion of the medicine and methods of medical treatment allow the medicine patent by patent-law of country, for instance US patent office and so on.


The Claims of original is below:


1.                  The main characteristic of the “Surface Treatment of SARS–Infected Lungs” is to inject sterilizing liquid into the lung lobes.

2.                  The formal name for the medicine of sterilizing liquid is Per Fluoro Chemicals (PFC) adding ozone forming a medicine.

3.                  Including any other lung diseases and SARS inflammation.

4.                  To add antibiotics or other bactericide into the sterilizing liquid to suppress or to kill the virus.


The amendment ofClaim Ais below:


1.      The liquid medicine name of “Surface Treatment of SARS–Infected Lungs” is Per Fluoro Chemicals (PFC) mixing ozone forming a medicine.

2.      In the claim 1, the liquid includes all liquids of fluorine element.

3.      In the claim 1, includes any substitute liquid to mixing ozone or the single oxygen is decompose by other element.

4.      In the Claim 1 of liquid medicines include the option of mixing any chemical that might kill or restrain the germs, for instance any antibiotics or other bactericide and so on.

5.     In the Claim 1, includes any other lung diseases and SARS inflammation.


Obvious, the subject of Claim is liquid medicine does not change.

The amendment Claim Bis below:



1.       The main characteristic of the “Surface Treatment of SARS–Infected Lungs” is to inject sterilizing liquid into the lung lobes.

2.       “Surface Treatment of SARS–Infected Lungs” in claim1, the formal name for the medicine of sterilizing liquid is Fluoro Chemicals (PFC) adding ozone forming a medicine.

3.       “Surface Treatment of SARS–Infected Lungs” in claim1, including any other lung diseases and SARS inflammation.

4.       “Surface Treatment of SARS–Infected Lungs” in claim1, to add antibiotics or other bactericide into the sterilizing liquid to suppress or to kill the virus.

5.       In the claim 1, the liquid includes all liquids of fluorine element.

6.       In the claim 1, includes any substitute liquid to mixing ozone or the single oxygen is decompose by other element.

7.       The claims include a brand-new medical theories that isThe handling effect of difference in temperaturefor cure cancer.

8.       The claims include a brand-new methods of medical treatment of Frozen-Therapyfor kill dead the cancer-cell.



The subject of Claims was annexed brand-new medical theories of claim 6 and methods of medical treatment of claim 7.  They are stated in the specification and relate to the original claim 1, because, inventor has the power to add in the claims.


The amendment is further adds on the describe of PFC and insert the part ofSelection of PFC solventof specification, that is below:


Per fluorine chemical compound (Per fluoro chemicals, PFC) in the innovation medicine application of this case is an important liquid-medium of oxygen for separate out single oxygen-atom.  The member-type of PFC are C(5-18)F(12-38), the length of chain of member structure was shown at the number of C, the number of C decides was inner physical special quality, so the Boiling-Point was at 30-215. That is to say, the Boiling-Point temperature with the number of C is in proportion. This application seeks to first recommend C6F14 or C7F16, its purpose for volatilizes as soon as possible then pouring into the lung after destroys the germs. But in actual practice of clinical option, more considerations will have to be taken into account, for instance, the level of ulcer by the germs influence and the density of single oxygen-atom and so on; however, then the other fluorine chemical compounds such as C5F9H3O while offering swim-dissociating for the liquid medium of single oxygen-atom, which must emphasize the density effect of single oxygen-atom Depletion Potential.


Please see the part IIII. (1) of the specification, above-mentioned additions had shown to add the base line. Obviously, the addition of the above-mentioned does not affect the novel of invention.


The amendment has further added a new figure to expose the art. of mixing PFC and ozone, according to order it was designate to be Fig.4, the described of Fig.4 insert for part IIII (3) and that under line shown in the MARKED-UP SUBSTIUTE SPECIFICATION, that below:


    The working process-method of mixing of PFC and ozone are shown in Fig.4. Fig.4-1 is shown the o zone supplyFig.4-2 is shown the O3 ContriverFig.4-3 is shown PFC supplyFig.4-4 is shown the passageway valve of liquid Fig.4-5 is shown the pump of gas and liquid mixingFig.4-6 is the mix vessel Fig.4-7 is the digital type tester of ozone density and have the export-ability to brake of the working of the mixing pumpFig.4-8 is the controller of altitude of liquid and have the export-ability to the working of the passageway valve of liquid.

Obviously, the addition of the above-mentioned does not affect the novel of invention; it is the responsibility of inventor to expose application-technology more distinctly. Therefore, the original Fig.4 according to order was designated to be Fig.5.


The “ b. Surface treatment clinic scheme diagram” of part IIII. (3) of the original copy was deleted and turn in accordance to order it was designated to be Fig.6, this kind of change is reasonable and necessary. Obviously, the changes to the above-mentioned do not affect the novel of invention.


The amendment included such as the correction on the usage of wrong words and so on, the accustomed to the amendment was underlined to show the correct ones; the deleted parts were represented by the square brackets. In the conclusion, the inventor had increased to state also all above-mentioned that such amendments might have on the description and the drawings.


Applicant basis of Article 19 of PCT law to amend the claims of the international application by filing amendments with the International Bureau within the prescribed time limit. For the foregoing reasons, it is respectfully submitted that the application is now in condition for allowance. 


For the foregoing reasons, it is respectfully submitted that the application is now in condition for allowance.



                                                                                       Respectfully submitted,



Dec.12, 2003                                                             __Lin Zhen Man_____________

                                                                                           Amendment by Applicant



SG ID S2665604D

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