“wash-lung” treatment

Patent in China 


in HK

Patent to steal in HK

  lzm's PCT patent

lzm's rejuvenate treatment Lzm’s economic successwas to sales now! Lzm’s latest explore-technique for submarine of deep-sea & stealth aircraft to sell!






About the SARS-crisis in China and HK how to lead to the invention of the “wash-lung” treatment? (amending)

Complain to Chinese and Western!   Why did China conceal a medical invent for lifesaving?

  Free health or pathological diagnosis consulting service.


Our company’s design of mechanical, electrical products and scientific research service will start in ASEAN (producing)

Lzm’s success of economic that could be  provide a worthy consultant-report for any one government about the monetary policy…starting now!

 The war acts in

HK Sanitation Dept.

Why the Wash-Lung & Refrigerate two treatment still not open  for citizen of HK? 


The medicine history of mankind that least-civilized a historical facts at here inscription to biography

恒昌電子在中國投資 的辛酸史在此!

In China investment those sad histories of Heng Chong Electronic at hear!


     自林哲民空手來港不到年半的1975, 註冊在港島測魚湧海賓街一唐樓地面一樓的收音機磁性天線廠(日源磁性材料公司)試產成功並批量生產及銷售後就有幸被電子零件前輩及收音機商家稱為工業神童


   Since Lin ZheMan (lzm) had empty-handed come to Hong Kong within 1.5 year that 1975years, thus already at Quarry Bay street of HK Island one of old building ground floor of the radio antenna aerial factory to register the name isYet-Yuan magnetic stuff company, and at once to testing with output to market success after, so lzm just lucky to called an “industrial prodigy by electron-part with radio factory businesses! The further details Biography at: www.ycec.sg/lzm/memoirs-cn.htm


     Subsequent 1978year, onwards specializing in electronics winder and electronic automatic engineering to build up of the lzm by wholly-owned yet chong electric company those various winder unusual as semi-automatic machine (Model: Y-888 ) and production lines or other equipment began to dominated at the start of the booming electronic components industry, not only in Hong Kong, include Chinese electronics industry subordinate the Shanghai, Wuhan business or Korea or Japan, has become a professional manufacturer of all buyers!

    1984, 全球獨一無二且的空心線圈(電子零件)高速全自動機就在香港官塘興業街永興工業大廈1983年自置的13/F.,C-4廠房由林哲民獨自設計成功, www.ycec.sg/HC/spring_coil.pdf

    In 1984, the global unique of the hollow coil (electronic components) high-speed automatic machine on 1983year to buy that factory at BLK C-4, 13/F., Wing Hing IND.BLDG., 14 HING YIP ST., KWUN TONG, KLN, H.K. by lzm to alone design success, on  www.ycec.sg/HC/spring_coil.pdf visible!

   在當年,本全自動機生產力已是工業機器王國高價昂貴的日本全自動機的3-5倍! 而在此同時,香港空心線圈業均以廉價的臺灣半自動機加工成初級產品再運進中國的來料加工廠再完成最後工序再運回香港銷售交貨!   雖中國工資底廉, 但本發明只須13全自動機只須一調機工人及另一成品包裝工一班的產量每月就有上仟萬以上的空心線圈成品可供出售!相對之間,不論是生產成本、急單時間或品質簡直均有天壤之別 !由於這是一個機械工藝學上空前成功的終極設計立即以其強大的生產力雄霸了市場創造了可觀盈利為公司發展提供強大的資金來源!

     In the past, this automatic machine the productivity is expensive industrial machinery kingdom expensive automatic machine Japan 3-5times! And in the meantime, HK’s hollow coil industry are inexpensive Taiwan’s semiautomatic machined into primary products and then shipped into China's processing plant and then complete the last step after brought back Hong Kong to sales delivery!   Although Chinese wages low-priced, but the present lzm’s invention is only 13 unit automatic machine worker yield only a worker to transfer machine and another a coverer only 8 hours after the every month thus have thousand million hollow coil can to salable!  Between relative, whether production costs, time or quality simply have to be worlds apart! Since this is a mechanical technology unprecedented success of the ultimate design also immediately by this powerful productivity to dominated the market to create a considerable earnings provide a powerful source of funds for the development of the company!

    因此, 林哲民日昌電業公司放緩及停止了電子自動工程及另一工業機器手專項發展並將之列為自用非賣品並特此成立了日昌電業之電子零件部! 此後, 早為相熟的中國電子工業部屬下部門的再三追問也拒以門外, 但岜知這空前成功的終極設計竟成了日後在中國投資 辛酸史的禍根之一

      Therefore, lzm’s Yet Chong Electric Co. to slowed and stopped the electronic automatic engineering and other a industrial machinery hand etc. to develop, and let this hollow coil full automatic machine to line up a non-sale for personal use and to set up a electron part department!  Thereafter, as early to acquaintance the China Electronics Industry department by its inferior again and again to urge sell for them also to refuse as an outsider, but fail to anticipate this success ultimate design actually to became a ruination of one in after to invest in China the bitter history!

    由於上述電子零件部的成功運作後, 欲為空心線圈提供配套的中波磁棒天線, 又及時首創自製了76台絲包線生產自動機器及107台數控繞線機也於1987年以來料加工形式的在福建南安縣城溪尾鎮成立名為民盛電子廠, 雖工人只200左右, 但機器比人多生產力無人可比, 無須業務員跟進在香港收音機業的市場競爭力並無對手換來訂單穩定從而令林哲民可專心蓄意增加產銷項目, 及後, 蜂鳴器生產線就在南安縣官橋鎮自建廠房設立分廠專職蜂鳴器、也為日後生產石英機芯、小鬧鐘及掛牆鐘針對廣大的國內外市場的大規模投資做系列作凖備,也由於技術先進獨特成品率幾近100%也銷路無慮且可笑對當時中國電子工業部屬下企已可大量 生產的工廠!因南安縣是林哲民老家均有親友支撐均可一時順利無憂,這就是林哲民在中國投資 的前夜!

     Since after the successful operation of the electronic parts unit, prefer to give hollow coil to provide supporting AM ferrite antenna, so lzm promptly to design self-restraint ​​the first 76 sets of silk envelope production of automatic machines and 107 sets of CNC coil wire machines also in 1987 by process materials supplied by clients processing in Fujian Nan'an county to set up a "Man Shing Electronics Factory", although the workers only 200 or so, but the machine production costs without anybody comparable, so lzm need not a employee to popularize to barter for an order for goods, so lead lzm can to be absorbed in by design to add the sales item projects, and after, the buzzer output-line just can at the self build a factory buildings of SouthAn GuanQiao Town to start, also for after the movement of Quartz Clocksmall alarm clock with suspend wall clock in internal or international market the large-scale to invest that series to prepare, also because lzm’s technology developed and the finished products rate almost 100% and to sell nil worried, and can to laugh contrast at that time the China Electronics Industry department all already can to large output of the factory!  Because the Nan'an County is lzm’s birth old home even have kith and kin to support can temporary trouble-free, so this is lzm’s investment in China's eve!

   1991年底,當林哲民申請在深圳設立一為《恒昌電子(深圳)有限公司》之外商獨資工廠, 主要產品為石英鐘、機芯及電子零件登記在冊, 自然逃不開電子工業部眼線, 恒昌電子的辛酸史也就由此開始!

   At 1991 year-end, when lzm to apply for the establishment of ”HengChang Electronics in Shenzhen Co., Ltd.," the foreign-owned factory, the main products are quartz clock, movement and electronic part to registered, naturally can not escape the Ministry of Electronics Industry eye socket, so the HengChang Electronic that bitter history starts here!


   Hengchang Electronics All quartz clock movement series can to see at: 


    恒昌電子所有的石英鐘系列 等產品見舊主頁   www.ycec.sg/English.html

     Hengchang Electronics all quartz clock series and other products, see the old home www.ycec.sg/English.html  

. 恒昌電子苦難之來自何方?

Two . Order HengChang Electronic suffering of that evildoer come from where?


      Above the products series also early at right photo the Jiang Zemin in 1982-85 years for Minister of China's electronics industry that time the same priority to develop of the special group, if first foreign companies into China is the attention to peer learning "poaching" techniques this also understandable, in HK or in the international market is not too always as this, or as above hollow coil full automatic machine to available also is lzm into a company to see a Taiwan semi-automatic machine three minutes after just have the innovative foundation, but if to start the administration power with judicature system to rob other persons those sweatshops, that just as a bandit not different from and will universally not to tolerate!




    當恒昌電子1991年底來到深圳布吉一工業村剛 一落腳之時不到月余,布吉工業村有違常規拒絕為恒昌工人提供獨立宿舍而是要將恒昌工人由他們安排分散插進其他公司宿舍很難同一管理大分化收便以工廠機密企圖已明顯且談不籠,此時的恒昌電子唯有搬廠!

     When HengChang Electronics on 1991 come to Shenzhenbuji a industry village to stay less than a month or more some days, the industry village at once purposely to violate routines to refuse supply independent dorm and will by them to arrange to disperse into other company dorm attempt let HengChang hard to identical manage only beneficial can to disunite convenient buy in to steal factory secret that attempt already clear and hard to connect, so the HengChang in this time only to move factory!


   At this time at once have a to call oneself trade of domestic production quartz movement & buzzer the name is Mr. Wang ZhongDa to appear in lzm before to care for why must to moving plant?

   其後, 他自我介召如實告知, 電子工業部屬下由江澤民 1982-85年時為部長時簽署2000萬人民幣在其老家楊州市成立了一家電子工業部屬下的石英鐘機芯工廠, 但一直廢品多品質標準不達標,他就是首任廠長只因退休就長駐在布吉鎮一民居新村大樓!在當時就有已被電子工業部屬下企業派人釘上感覺, 儘管石英鐘機芯及蜂鳴器只是恒昌電子 過渡產品, 同行林哲民也禮當回訪, 原來退休的他還帶了漂亮小妹獨居二房一大廳直覺電子工業部屬下企業退休金優厚 ,其實不然,那是由上而下的一場幕後安排之序

Jiang ZeMin was continue to steer court of HK for destroy international promised of “one country two system”  

 The proof are below:

1. FAMV 1 /2002;

2. FAMV 16/2004;

3. FAMV 10/2006;

4. FAMV 19/2006;

5. LDBM-220-2005;

6. CACV-332-2006

Jiang ZeMin’s favorite have a habit of using promotion as a bait for the judge to illegal-judge a huge sum action-fees to pillage lzm’s money!  


1. A prank in the Lands  Tribunal

2. Court's war criminal in HK

3.The war criminal in Gov., of  HK

4.Crucify lzm’s bankruptcy case

TSANG Y-K's HKGov. order many department to be aimed at Lin Zhen Man by terroristic means, the facts below;

1. Use radiate of air waves to murder lzm, the police station did not to deal with!

Police MainPage

2. The police station same terrorist to support lzm’s a tenant not to pay the rental and catch lzm!

3. Gov. departments was to falsify document and suborn all land agent did not rent out lzm’s house!

4. Suborn by Jzm’s mandarin, the sad and shameless of Land-Registrar of HK in here “skill & extraordinary”…

Lawless disturbance for lzm by

HK Gov., department...

 Humiliating in annals now!

1. Pranks in Communications of

   HK Gov.,

2. Robbers in Intellectual

    Property Dept.,  of HK...

3. Unexpected take apart order

   for lzm’s house by Buildings


4. The apart order simultaneously to endanger neighbor property!

5. Ird & Bochks face lose for

HKMA too at risk

Anatomize of Jiang ZeMin’s politics of dominion (producing

Our company’s sad histories at Chinese invest! 

1. HengChang Ltd. to prosecute

 Jiang Zemin on 2007year!

2.Administer of Heng Chang Ltd to resist an official’s extort become a ruination on 1996year.

3.The sinister means by Shan Tou Jao Customs of ShenZhen City!  

4.Company of ShenZhen Gov., to hands-on loot begin 1998year!

5.Judge of DongGuan City Gov., to arrange loot begin 1999year!

6.Police, Procuratorate & Court of ShenZhen City unexpectedly to variety an rob accomplice?!

7.Jiang Zemin not thanks Lzm’s medicine invention to save SARS a national calamity in China, and why could be order to murder inventor?!

            Thereafter, he called self-referral to truthfully inform, by the Electronics Industry Ministry Jiang Zemin Minister in 1982-85 the year to signed 20 million RMB in his hometown Yangju City to set up a factory of quartz movement under the Ministry of Electronics Industry, but has waste more quality is not up to standard, because he is the director's first retirement, so toresident in BuJi Town Village a residential building!  At that time, there has been by the electronics industry Ministry to sent "nailed" the feel, although quartz movement and electronic buzzer just HengChang transitional product, because of "trade" so lzm must ceremony to return visit, but to retire of the Mr. Wang still can lead a good-looking young girl to live alone two-bedroom & a hall as the "pension" of electronics industry Ministry very generous, but it is not true, it is a behind the scenes to arrange the order of top-down!

          92年春節後, 恒昌電子搬廠到龍崗龍西村一棟3層工業樓並登報聘請人事管理廠長, 其間 馬上有一四川人名叫蒲勇以低工資700.-人民幣競選廠長!但經面試,林哲民惜才加到1000為起薪, 但不到30, 很快 就全廠工人無事也要罷工鬧事!此時, 人事廠長蒲勇私自回鄉在2天內就招回2大車骨幹進廠, 如非官方有組織 的配合豈可如此迅速?!

In the 92 years after the Spring Festival, HengChang electronics factory moved to LongGang LongXi village Set 3 layers of industrial buildings, and in newspaper to employ a personnel management factory director, during a Sichuan-ese immediately called Mr. PuYong by low wages 700.- RMB to campaign director!  However, after the interview, lzm was treasure talent to add by 1000.- RMB for the starting point of salary, but less than 30days, soon the whole factory workers nothing too must to go on strike to riot!  At this time, the Mr. PuYong director at once privately return his countryside in two days to beckon 2 carts workers come to HengChang, such as unofficial organized to harmony with why can so quickly? !

      此時的林哲民已清楚不疑, 但或許是由於精密塑膠五金工模部還沒搬入, 1987年在福建南安設立來料加工200多人的工廠在老家有親人看管並不分心, 也因可擴產的的產品也多得是, 因此對如此有組織的學技術可不當一回事!  因此, 石英鐘機心 但不包括精密塑膠五金工模外的生產部門以及也將非賣品全自動空心線機同時搬入龍西村三層工業樓!

        At this point lzm has clearly clear no doubt, but perhaps because of precision plastic mold department has not moved in, and 1987 on the establishment of processing in Fujian Nanan 200 more workers in the factory in lzm’s hometown have relatives to look after so not to distraction, also because can to expansion of the products are so much, and therefore as this organized to learn techniques can to unsuitable a big case!  Therefore, quartz clock, movement but does not include precision plastic mold production department and also except the non-sale of automatic machines simultaneously moved to LongXi village the Set 3 layers of industrial buildings

        1992年初到1993年底在有 如此官方組織背景的廠長四川南部縣名叫蒲勇一年青黨員幹部在龍崗龍西村 2年還算順利, 直到93年底由於龍崗外資管理要一免費進口車不給導致海關為難及龍西村管理態度也有變就只好再次搬廠到沙頭角941月起簽約租用東順公司在恩上路廠房5年 。 其後,還在香港的精密塑膠五金工模部也就全數由香港搬入, 林哲民明知無法阻止也恒昌電子的產品均過渡性質並無所謂會讓官方組織真的 會學到了核心技術, 蒲勇在工作上仍可盡責, 本人對這一官方組織背景仍以禮相待!

      From 1992 year to 1993 at the end of the year, because has Mr. Pu Yong this youthful Communist of official organization background for factory director, so in LongXi village this two years still favorably, but at 1993 end because the foreign capital manage of LongGang to want a gratis import car papers to reject by lzm after, so to lead to harass by the Customs with the LongXi village the control attitude also to change so only again to move factory to ShanTouJao town, so on January of 1994year with the Dong Shun company to sign a lease in its En Shang Road factory buildings 5years.  And after, still at HK of the precise plastic cement mold department also at this time whole to move in, because lzm to fully aware unable to prevent official organize true to acquire lzm’s nucleus technique, and the Mr. Pu Yong in work still can to dutiful, so lzm to face this organization have official background still to offer civilities!   

      其後的94年春節後, 四川蒲勇帶了太太也來到了沙頭角, 但見只會花錢不上班, 果然 在不久, 其太太便吵著回家, 明顯的, 只是為辭職找個藉口而已!本人已心中有數他2年的工作任務已如期完成, 所剩只是石英鐘機芯工模技術已有人在學, 根本上他只是在恒昌電子搬離布吉工業村王忠達無計可施上報老江势力後指點四川南部縣出將潛入重新佈署根本不知最終的企圖何在, 所以不做加薪強留 及心知他回鄉肯定官升一級! 其後果然如此為地方人大高官! 

   Followed by 1994 after the Spring Festival, Sichuan Mr. Pu Yong took his wife also came to ShanTouJao town, but see only can to spend does not go to work, really soon, his wife easy to clamoring to go home, obviously, just as an excuse to resign only!  So lzm already to know at heart because his 2years those organize work task already on time to finish, and the remaining quartz clock movement mold technology has someone in study, but basically he just then HengChang to moved factory away in Shenzhenbuji industry village above that already at one's wits' end of the Mr. Wang ZhongDa to report Jiang Zemin powers after to instruct the South county of Sichuan Province to slip into again to dispose but simply do not know what the final attempt, so lzm not to add salary to urge retain the job and to know at heart his return home will to promote in office inevitable!  That after just as expected to for a local NPC high official!

        在96年中移民新加坡前這段時間內周1-5我幾乎天天來回沙頭角, 此時江澤民的心腹老鄉王忠達仍駐在布吉, 也常到沙頭角找我聊天。   學石英鐘機芯工模技術的工人 均師級肯定與他們相關只為學而來, 因此所求工資均偏低, 但綜合層次的關鍵技術靠的是個人素質, 林哲民樂此不疲   也於94年在附近買了層樓準備96年中移民後不用天天來回, 東順公司經理還是福建老鄉, 在此段時內 江澤民心腹 仍在指揮偷學期中還算可暫時相安無事!

     In 1996years to emigrant Singapore before this time, lzm on 1-5day of each week nearly must daily to and fro ShanTouJao town, in this time Jiang Zemin’s old lad Mr. Wang ZhongDa still residence at BuJi Town, also usually reach ShanTouJao to chat for lzm, and to study quartz clock movement the worker of mold technique even a master worker rank, so to affirm with them to mutuality only for study come after, so the earnings request even low, but the synthetic gradation that key technique to backing it must by personal quality, hence the lzm also to delight in a thing and never get tired of it!  And because lzm to prepare emigrant on 1996years after need not every day to and fro HK, so lzm at once in the factory vicinity to buy a storey, and the factory lessor manager of Dong Shun company still is a fellow villager of FuJian, even in this time the henchman of Jiang Zemin powers still to direct steal craft so still can temporary at peace with each other

      果然不出所料,在恒昌電子出現困難之時,當與蒲勇聊天後來到深圳在98年再見之時,蒲勇就告知他的官方身份及已為四川省人大代表,但 那時他已無能為力!  因恒昌電子在江澤民電子工業部的眼裏就算再無利用價值但仍 是難以超越的競爭對手,且恒昌電子的有形及無形資產這塊垂涎已久的肥肉已在老江嘴邊也早96年底就 已開始下起毒手:

       Just as expected, at HengChang electron to appear hard that time, then lzm with Mr. Pu Yong to chat after who come to ShenZhen City so long on 1998year this time, Mr. PuYong at once to inform his official with the status already for a deputy to the NPC of Sichuan province, but inform who powerless to help!  Because HengChang electron in Jiang Zemin’s electronics industry organization the eyes even though again have not the employ value but still is a difficult to surmount the competitor, so they at once on the end of 1996year begin to strike a vicious blow:


              First is called ShaTauJiao Customs on end of 1996year by an illegal smart money and to buckle certificates, but because in ShenZhen City already can to buy stuff with delivery the goods, so lzm at once to begin in inland four City and first at ChangSha City to set up a market branch, hence the Customs’s unsuitable acts to influence not often!    

     其二 江澤民的惡勢力又叫沙頭角勞動局分別於1997年春節後出手,由於有深圳市書記勵有為代遞交的復議申請,儘管本人親耳聽到復議機關官員斥勵有為多事, 也儘管因此隨後見厲有為反馬克思主義的修正主義濁流仍後話,但恒昌電子因有厲有為存在不至惡化損失暫時有限!

        Second, Jiang Zemin’s vicious power also to call out the ShaTauJiao work Bureau to part on Chinese New Year's Day of 1997year after to take the field, but because have the ShenZhen City secretary of Mr. Li YouWei to hand over the reconsider a petition, and though lzm in person to hear the reconsider organ an official to upbraid Mr. Li YouWei meddlesome, and though after the Mr. Li YouWei by untangle for "anti-Marxist revisionism a turbid drift" that still is after a subject, but namely because have Mr. Li YouWei to being not to worsen so HengChang’s loss temporary finite!Second, also to call out the ShaTauJiao work Bureau to part on Chinese New Year's Day of 1997year after to take the field, but because have the ShenZhen City secretary of Mr. Li YouWei to hand over the reconsider a petition, and though lzm in person to hear the reconsider organ an official to upbraid Mr. Li YouWei meddlesome, and though after the Mr. Li YouWei by untangle for "anti-Marxist revisionism a turbid drift" that still is after a subject, but namely because have Mr. Li YouWei to being not to worsen so HengChang’s loss temporary finite!

     其三 江澤民的惡勢力再調走出租工廠的東順公司經理福建老鄉,由新經理楊守庫出“怪手”將該東順工業樓載貨電梯“出租”給6樓一制衣廠而不許在2樓的恒昌電子用並藉口挑起訴訟, 此時, 勵有為被調走,雖換上了張高麗主政, 但有香港政府介入及董建華出馬見張高麗恒昌電子也於19985月遷往東莞市黃江鎮, 廣東高院亦 以粵高院民群第2172號通知深圳中院研究處理, 即批於重審, 但至今不見深圳中院處理

 Third, Jiang Zemin’s vicious power again to exchange lease factory of Dong Shun Co. that lzm’s fellow villager manager, so by new manager Mr.Yang ShouKu to send out a odd trick” to arrogation already let the industry building the cargo elevator to hire” for at six floor a subdue factory Co., so not allow at two floor of the HengChang to use and by other a pretext to provoke a lawsuit at www.ycec.sg/sz-3/SZ-GovLessor-vice.htm visual, and on this time, above the secretary of Mr. Li YouWei also to transfer change by Mr.Zhang GaoLi to host in ShenZhen City, but have HK Gov., to intervene and HKCE Dong JianHua to take the field to meet Mr.Zhang GaoLi, so HengChang factory can on May of 1998year move to HuangJiang Town of DongGuan City, and the GuangDong High Court also by the 2172 case number sign to notify the ShenZhen middle Court must to deal with, that just is to ratify must to retry, but still has not seen to handling in ShenZhen middle Court up to now!

          其四, 由於恒昌電子已遷往東莞市黃江鎮, 但仍逃脫不了被司法搶劫的  江澤民1997年年底調來聽話的張高麗取代勵有為儘管勵有為19983月明升暗降轉任中共九全國政協常委, 但在2年後又見報被整「協助子女炒地片」而大為憤怒因他的子女並無任何优待! 為搶劫恒昌電子有非凡業績的資產才可王忠達带回楊州之目的, 江澤民果真不惜 一切工本手段!

       Fourth, because HengChang factory already has moved to HuangJiang Town of DongGuan City, but still can not escape to rob by judicature the bad luck!  That just because Jiang Zemin by power on end of 1997year to call out the docile Mr. ZhangGaoLi to replace Mr. Li YouWei, though the Li YouWei to kick upstairs to appoint a Cp-China nine scope the permanent delegate of CPPCC, but on two years after by news can to see who to untangle byhelp sons and daughters to speculate estateand to fume unusual, because his child had not any perks!because his child had not any perks!    So only for to rob in HengChang lzm’s assets of extraordinary feat only can let above the Mr. Wang ZhongDa to take go back to YangZhou City to awe-inspiring that an intention, so the Jiang Zemin power as expected spared no expense to deplete all means!

      由於張高麗的最新上任及無知的孝忠配合,江澤民如魚得水,東莞市黃江鎮廠房東主林志滔在有意無意間還告知 了張高麗98年底召見過他, 之後,林志滔這傢夥就在99年春節後開始反目,詳情見如下搶劫恒昌電子的非凡業績資產5案』之4. 林哲民的投訴,朱容基也出手相救,其後也必然為江澤民踢開,不僅東莞市檢察院違心違法以書信的形式謊稱,連東莞市中院立案庭梁庭長簽署上訴申請也不予立案聽任樟木頭法院私下任意“拍賣”搶劫如一土匪王國

      Due to Mr. ZhangGaoLi to newly assume office and ignorant loyal and obedient” to tie in, so the Jiang Zemin as to feel just like fish in water, and at HuangJiang Town of DongGuan City the factory buildings boss Mr. Lin ZhiTao in unknowingly to tell lzm that Mr. ZhangGaoLi already on end of 1998year to summon him, so Lin ZhiTao this guy at once on Spring Festival of 1999year after to begin to fall out, the details in belowRob HengChang electronic assets of extraordinary 5. Casethat 4. by lzm's complain, the Zhu RongJi Premier also to get his hand to rescue, but consequential by Jiang Zemin to kick away, so the procurator of DongGuan City to against one's conscience illegality by a letter to lie, and include the intermediate court of DongGuan City that place a case on file court the chief of court Mr. Liang to sign lzm’s appeal petition also not to place a case on file go unchecked by ZhangMuTou Court to privately arbitrarilyauction rob as a bandit kingdom!

    林志滔這傢夥在香港高院成為被告後,時值20001229-30日,深圳市書記張高麗董建華訪問廣東回程之機謀定後動,張高麗的 回避或冷待令董建華要心急盛邀在200116-8日訪港,在直升機鳥瞰全港後前所未有的宴會上,報導說董建華插開大手:“…所有的官員都在這裏,如果有什麼要配合處理可即時拍板!項莊舞劍意在沛公,張高麗 深圳及東莞法院的判決書 要求香港放棄該兩案的司法管轄權應是順藤匕首相見,李國能豈是盞省油的燈 或無知終院首席法官 因此免不了要個政府的行政決議!但針對林哲民又有什麼決議可立?  因此陳方安生憤而提前4個月前辭職結果,曾蔭權上任代陳方安生張高麗勾結一齊迫了李國能下令高院凡林哲民 案件務必作廢!

       Then above Lin ZhiTao this guy at HK High Court to become lzm's a defendant after, that time on December 29-30, 2000year, the host in ShenZhen City Gov., that Mr. ZhangGaoLi to utilize HKCE Dong JianHua to visit GuangTong Province to return trip must pass through ShenZhen City that chance to planbecause ZhangGaoLi to avoid meeting someone or cold as charity so let HKCE Dong to impatient to red-carpet invite on Jan., 6-8, 2001year call on HK, and let ZhangGaoLi exceptionally to sit a helicopter to bird's eye view fully HK after in a unheard-of a banquet, that just had a news to say the CE Dong JianHua to open big hand“…all official at here, if you have anything must to tie in handle can at once to verdict! … ”, then is to act with a hidden motive, so ZhangGaoLi by ShenZhen with DongGuan two court verdict to requests HK Court abandon this two case the justice govern power as to follow the vine to show a dagger to meet, but the Li GuoNong how could is a labor-saving lamp or an ignorant Chief Justice of the Court of Final Appeal?  So who unavoidable to ask must have an administration decide by HK Gov. Thereforethe Chief Secretary Administration Chan Fang AnSheng was anger to advance four moons to resign!  In result, the Ceng YinQuan to come in substitute for Chan Fang AnSheng with ZhangGaoLi to collusion in unison to compel the Li GuoNong to order High Court all lzm's case must to cancel!

   其五張高麗召見過林志滔搶完了被橫手扣下總值海關遠超400萬港幣資產在東莞石英鐘機芯工廠所有設備後,因在當時,已有部分其餘的電子設備已搬到深圳橫崗鎮安良村,必然也在張高麗狂妄配合下與東莞公檢法聯合搶劫 同樣發生在深圳,詳情見搶劫恒昌電子的非凡業績資產5案』之5.

        Fifththen the Zhang GaoLi to summon Lin ZhiTao after, so to rob finished by brutal distrain already by China customs to check property in DongGuan City factory those total value far exceed $4,000,000 HKD of Quartz Clock movement all equipment after, because at the time already have part other electronic plant already move to HengGang Town the AnLiang village of ShenZhen City, so consequential also by Zhang GaoLi outrageously to tie in with by procurator of DongGuan City to unite rob the same to occur in ShenZhen City, the details in belowRob HengChang electronic assets of extraordinary 5. Casethat 5.


   And then HengGang Town AnLiang village this lessor guy Mr. Zhang ShunLian also on Nov., 6, 2000 in HK High Court to become a defendant after, so the Zhang GaoLi at once to send K.M. LAI & LI Solicitors & Notaries of HK to substitute for Zhang ShunLian to litigate, and because often to meet, so a barrister to truly inform: “the Zhang ShunLian only a jobber boy so all along no to pay counsel fee! ”.


   Due to above two cases clear in HK to place a case on file beforehand, so in HK to possess the jurisdiction inalienable, and as above the Ceng YinQuan’s newly to come in after with Zhang GaoLi to collusion after the Li GuoNong to order that no let the Zhang GaoLi to lose hope!

    因此林哲民起訴張順連在兩個月後的35日,香港高院40庭在上午11:30立即拒林哲民於門外閉門開庭 陳素嫻聆案官才可藉口因原告人林哲民沒出庭命令被告人張順連勝訴贏了 以及當高院此惡作劇資訊飛快上報原本急壞的江澤民後,便立即由此交換在當天6:30的電視新聞可見,江澤民在下午十分高興地接見董特首說: “…搞好了與珠三角州地方政府(即與張高麗)關係,如何法輪功的立法就由董特首決定…”! 而後來,法輪功在香港大街時常 均可大張反共旗鼓示威遊行也由此開始!

   Therefore, then lzm to prosecution Zhang ShunLian the case at two month after on March 5, 2000, the 40 law court of HK High Court at once to block lzm into to separate session, so the Chen SuXian Judge only can by plaintiff lzm not to appear a pretext in court to order the Zhang ShunLian defense to win a lawsuit!  So then in High Court this prank information very fast to report originally to worry of the Jiang Zemin after, so at once to exchange on that day 6:30pm in Tv news visual, the Jiang Zemin on afternoon awful happy to receive HKCE Dong to say:“…to do well with ZhuSanJiao State the local Gov., (Zhang GaoLi) relation, how to legislate for FaLunGong that just can by HKCE Dong to decision… ”!  So at after the FaLunGong at HK’s main street often even can to big spread flag drum to turn over Cp China to display strength parade also by this to begin!

   但事又有反復,當年的高院還壞不透! 只因把林哲民檔在門外閉門開庭過於露骨,經林哲民多次投訴 陳素嫻聆案官只得於2001316日更改命令重審,再由源麗華聆案官於2001427重審作廢 因被告代表律師沒及時答辯的法庭簡昜判決!

      But this case again has repetition, because the same year that HK High Court still not to commit terrible crimes without end!  Only because to stop lzm into session that crime to barefacedso by lzm to complain repeatedly after the Chen SuXian Judge can only on March 16, 2000 to change her order to retry, and again by Yuan LiHua Judge to retry to nullify on April 27, 2001, because the accused represent lawyer not timely to reply that simple adjudicate!

   就因原告人又及時上訴,因不理解香港的司法制度完 全不同東莞及深圳法院只要江澤民一聲令下就可關上大門,江澤民因此心急如焚,高院又被迫緊急排定在59日上午11點審訊!從新聞可見,又時值的江澤民要在200158來港主持《財富》全球論壇開幕,見有報刊吹風江主席本來要在港一周, 但馬上詐說因法輪功事不爽、實為起訴張順連HCA9827/ 2000案通知要在隔天重審不爽心情不好24小時就要回,即婉轉向港府示怒云云!  有見此景,又逼使了高院任懿君法官沒法理 都要緊急於59日上午11點將HCA9827/2000一案又當庭踢除結案,並有樣學樣地也糾集了兩派報紙佬登報告知了江澤民

   That namely lzm plaintiff to appeal in time, because not to understand in HK’s legal system to be totally different as in DongGuan City or ShenZhen court only if by Jiang Zemin not to say a word to order that just can to close the front door, therefore the Jiang Zemin to impatient as to burn, so the HK High Court again urgent in order to hearing on am11:00 of May 9, 2001!  And can by news visual, then Jiang Zemin will come to HK to direct wealththat a global forum to inaugurate, and in news visual to call the Jiang Zemin original will come to HK one week, but at once to arrogation because the “FaLunGong case” out of sorts, but the reality is lzm to plaint Zhang ShunLian the HCA9827/2000 case already inform in the following day to rehearing to lead the mood out of sorts so who will in 24hours go back BeiJing, even by this tactful to show anger HK Gov., et cetera!  And because have this evil view can to see, so again to force the HK High Court Een YeJun justicer have not principle of law even must urgent on 2001.5.09am11:00 order HCA9827/2000 this case to cut out wind up, and have the same to muster two factions newspaper to publish to inform Jiang Zemin!

 而另一邊,熟知前後因果的朱容基總理則傳來反譏笑指港府老是議而不決,決而不議 為一時名言為全港媒體熱炒等等!但由於張高麗如此賣力為搶劫林哲民全球獨一無二的工業成果以滿足江澤民盜匪心態有功”很快就升官為山東省省長,現為中央政治局常委也由此為基礎這 就比行賄買官更嚴重!

However on other one side, already to well-known before and after origin of the Zhu RongJi Premier opposite to whisper to jeer the HK Gov., always “Meetings produce no decisions, to decide but no to opinion” for a temporary celebrated dictum by all HK medium to fervor sensationalize etc.!   But because by Zhang GaoLi to do all one can to rob lzm's in global unique the industry fruitful results to satisfy Jiang Zemin's bandits desire to have contribution”, so the Zhang GaoLi very fast to promote in office of the ShanDong province governor, and now to become a Permanent Delegate of Political Bureau of the CPC also by this basis, so this just is compare to bribe buy official still grave!


 Again to add narrate…




因當時安海一名叫同學介召了一 親戚到 長沙市分部為主管,力主批發,但他反而只雇推銷來自安海自已的小商品當恒昌街租的只是門市商店 從不管批發業務,本人又遠在深圳面對苦難,其後找個暫沒事做的同學名叫李明安的前往主持 銷售部名言工資1500人民幣加銷售回扣 ,但一到長沙後就反口要月薪3000不要回扣 違反經銷運作規則也因此不歡而散,而此時 門市業主又突然找藉口吵加租金,後因租約在手而暫為平息,如此這般必有黑手在後教唆!

又因本人在港九龍貨倉不慎9710 11日被沒有安裝倒後鏡 鏟車飛撞傷了左腳躺在沙頭角住宅足2個多月, 因此決定撤回長沙 門市 銷售分部,內情 另日補述..., 沙頭角海關一案如下



   由於恒昌電子即林哲民的事業根基早已雄厚,沙頭角海關的第一槍只傷皮毛,隨之而來的是深圳沙頭角勞動局也在幾乎同時出手 其幕後走卒王忠達或江核心在沙頭角人馬從中策劃必然無疑!見:



   在沙頭角勞動局出手後 勒索不成 仍不見江澤民停手 此時只見出租工廠的原福建老鄉的東順公司經理被調走,新經理楊守庫立即出“怪手”將該東順工業樓載貨電梯“出租”給6樓一制衣廠而不充許在2樓的恒昌電子

   在當時,因空心線圈及石英鐘機芯等產品每週均有大貨車漆包線及塑膠原料來貨均要工人停工搬上二樓,此時己到非搬出沙頭角之地步,此時就向東順公司提出2個月之內搬走辭租,東順公司所派掛名廠長及會計也同意租金可由租約、電線按金扣除,但新經理又出“怪手”突然起訴恒昌電子“欠當 兩月租金”及如原合同中根本沒有保安費 也要亂告一通!結果,恒昌電子提出了反訴,946月份至9712月間,電費就超收116912.51元,水費超收6851.29元,但最後 廣東高院 以粵高院 民群 2172號駁回 深市中院 重審, 深市中院至今己近16 音信全無,見:



     在上述江澤民老鄉王忠達陰魂不散之際,恰事先由老友同學駱惠南介召 另一養正中學校名叫林志滔向林哲民購買石英鐘機芯為始,後來的言談間,在東莞市黃江鎮龍見田的林志滔主動林哲民承諾加建一層可於19985-6月間起租給恒昌電子,由此,林哲民不以有誤,就於19986月搬進,以及將福建南安老家的線圈分廠也搬入合拼管理 林志滔的承諾準備7月開工,此時的王忠達也專程到黃江鎮龍見田見面 參觀,在當時仍不能覺察到江澤民會在幕後指揮下毒手也以禮相待! 

     但此時的林志滔已開始變臉 ,從www.ycec.sg/sz-4/1999-0620b.htm 備忘錄及近20多名的恒昌電子骨幹均可見證!當19986月搬進龍見後,林志滔在有意無意間還告安海老鄉的原深圳市委書記張高麗召見過他,林志滔就將已完工98的工業樓停工就不拆棚架說是欠建築商錢 19987月就可開工, 但其後又一拖再拖老是說下個月就可開工,最後就開始惡臉相向,其垃圾招 層出不窮,如下:

        1. 拒絕提供相應的工人宿舍,以“每月百最多2百元人民幣”拒絶安插恒昌電子隨迂只近20骨幹工人

        2. 廠外水管安裝分灘費”也耍賴 我這租客 他就交,否則就停水停電趕走看守工人;

        3. 拒絶借出林志滔舊廠房消防証去申辦分廠執照,至少供暫時可供少數人開工,還叫會計造假告知當地每平方租6.5,而當地市場那一帶100平方米的32廳才出租40041平方由建築隊問我要不要租?後來他的黃廠長才說出真話: 林志滔老闆想4年翻本,宿舍因此沒得配都要算!

        4. 好不容易等到該廠房已在驗收認證,雖還差消防、證租約合同可供註冊開工用,因急於春節後可順利開工哲民981226日就提前主動約同學駱惠 林志滔家談租金,林志滔只開口每平方米5.5,也不草擬租約寫明佔用多少平方配多少間宿舍,因恒昌電子停工太久損失慘重直到春節後的33日年初16,及42日各先交了兩張各5,500.-支票交納不明租金以為暫可沒事可讓恒昌電子喘喘氣!

        5. 但在99423日,林志滔的李廠長給了份通知要求在9981日前搬走下驅逐令,並催交未能結清的水電及租金,邀請搬廠至此是林志滔先生,下驅逐令的也是他!

        6. 上述先交兩個月租金各5500人民幣支票,有一張有寫日期不去過帳,有一張4月份則林志滔在扣留設備後恒昌自然要終止帳戶資後自已寫上9977才去過帳自然通不過,林志滔傢夥還振振有詞地說不是交現金不算!當人有所目的一野蠻起來就如此,814平方米廠房要以香港建築平積計1000平方米計算收取5500人民幣,比村中100米商品房只租400貴了近6成還不配工人宿舍!其後,樟木頭法庭在後期派人去仗量之建築面積也只886平方米!

      7. 林志滔這畜生還叫會計收電費不給收據,林哲民只得將支票交給派出所,但林志滔傢夥仍叫工頭林子華 趕走女工佔有女工宿舍並停水停電..., 結果還是找藉口說沒交電費不給搬,結果,恒昌尚餘留的远超港币400均有驗資的設備便落入林志滔 之手,簡直窮兇極惡到明搶與土匪 毫無差別!最後,公安分局陳付局長出面阻止收了支票的派出所處理,儘管其背後有江澤民派人作指揮, 否則很難出現如此局面,但林志滔傢夥其罪惡已難推卸!

   其後林哲民被迫於99611日在香港高院起訴林志滔林志滔也於715日在香港答辮應訴,就無權於728日在東莞另做起訴這是中國法律規定,見上述,江澤民為如下一案於199912月指示張高麗向董建華髮惡並於200016日迫香港政府立議凡林哲民 所有在高院案件一律作廢:


   另在東莞,江澤民 核心的指揮下,樟木頭法庭毫無證據之下照樣定案,而上訴到東莞中院,儘管東莞市中院立案庭梁庭長亦於200175日在上訴申請簽署,但沒用,恒昌尚餘留远超400設備拍買如故,東莞市中院從此關上大門,見:


   其中張高麗召見過林志滔搶完了被橫手扣下的總值HKD $3,786,256.86經驗在東莞石英鐘機芯工廠所有設備 尚不包括在二樓20余萬存貨以及 經驗 資的73套另在國內生產8模具由東莞 拍賣清單總值已遠超400萬港幣資產:

      a. 總值HKD $3,786,256.86經驗 資見證向香港高院提供之: www.ycec.sg/9585/P-proof-11.htm

      b. 東莞 拍賣清單見: www.ycec.sg/sz-4/011028.pdf

     由於林志滔胡鬧欠他違約的廠房不可用租金等95,295.50人民幣的事實已一清二楚,但樟木頭審判庭亂判也上訴, 東莞市中院立案庭梁庭長簽署上訴申請也不予立案, 就算合法也要有資產拍賣法規評估清單才可,這正是借樟木頭審判庭拍賣搶劫為土匪王國的見證保護外資的國家承諾成為空話

    上述就是江澤民核心起用林志滔搶劫林哲民在恒昌远超港币400設備資產的過程與手段, 連前總理朱容基出手相救,令東莞樟木頭法庭一度下令退還所有被扣远超400設備資產,但不幸讓深圳恒昌原代表律師洪群軍知道後上報江澤民,之後的東莞樟木頭法庭就此聽話反轉如下事

     比如,林志滔起訴謊稱的出租有993平方米,樟木頭法庭自已派人丈量過的建築總面積也才886平方米也照判不誤!更不用說林志滔起訴只告一句所謂口頭租金協議,當時,朱容基出手相救後,樟木頭法庭還當庭問過林志滔 ,你只靠口頭租金協定就把人叫進來租用,有電有水?有房產證消防證讓人家註冊開工嗎?不然你那口頭租金協議不正是要成為賠償租客證據?當庭啞口無言


      還有你的 起訴狀也說993-4月給了你兩張沒寫日期的支票,人家銀行帳單不是顯示有錢在嗎?你怎麼不 當月及時去轉賬?怎麼可說是空頭支票?林志滔這畜生當庭啞口無言

     還有,你要將二樓及在一樓間出200平方米出租,那一樓的間牆費16,856.- 是出租成本,如何可說是為租客先付的裝修費?林志滔這畜生當庭啞口無言

     還有,林志滔你在香港呈庭的答辯也承認商議租金的時間19981226日,你的廠房工程驗收證也在1999115日才簽署還差消防證未辦,如何可叫人家開工收租金?林志滔這畜生 當庭啞口無言!

       以上就是前總理朱容基求助後,樟木頭法庭一度出示的公正面目並當庭宣佈撤銷扣壓!但仍來不及執行,是否其後由深圳恒昌原代表律師洪群軍的出賣或江澤民核心 勢力的神通廣大自已找到插手判決漏洞有待洪群軍交代!


     一切正如前面所述江澤民自知罪責難逃,因此,在深圳江核心趕走了恒昌電子公司女會計後在20056月派出為本司報稅熟透的深圳會計師名叫劉文彬的婚後剩餘的女朋友上門自薦為友被本人拒絕後臨走前告知了底牌:“…承認你的醫學專利,但法院拍賣你那機器的事就不能再提!後來,該圳會計師名叫劉文彬的婚後剩餘的女朋友雖無功但也有勞,深圳江核心的人馬就將之安插在鹽田區為公務員,這就是江核心的人馬最善長之手段 之一!

    www.ycec.sg/sz-4/1999-0620b.htm 備忘錄可見的介召與林志滔認識的老友同學駱惠南本就是租約的見證人,為怕駱惠南口疏,香港的江核心的人馬也在當時給於調往一中資銀行為大堂經理,雖從沒有過口角自此就與林哲民疏遠,連他母親也為本人良師在港去逝也不告知去見最後一面...,後來,更見林志滔功德無量成為泉州晉江安海同鄉會 副會長養正中學香港校友會會長,而秘書長正是駱惠南..., 江核心人馬真是苦心促合!


  現有望安海同鄉會 養正中學香港校友會集體討論給個意見

有一天該如何處置林志滔這畜生 ?!


   1. 大可根據備忘錄14. 即以林志滔的李、黃廠長“多建一層20多萬,我們老闆想4年翻本...的增值水準搶劫遠超港幣400設備資產以每2翻本為計算賠償基礎也無可厚非,即需賠償:


   1. 大可根據備忘錄14. 即以林志滔的李、黃廠長“多建一層20多萬,我們老闆想4年翻本...的增值水準搶劫遠超港幣400設備資產以每2翻本為計算賠償基礎也無可厚非,即需賠償:





















   2.  根據備忘錄23. 若你林哲民有錯都願跪在他的大門口認錯,那林志滔就應跪在安海鎮白塔下每年一天共16天!

  3.  根據備忘錄28. 林志滔即夠膽叫唆電工野蠻打了你林哲民頭部兩拳,林志滔也應受你叫人還他兩拳另加3拳利息!

   2.  根據備忘錄23. 若你林哲民有錯都願跪在他的大門口認錯,那林志滔就應跪在安海鎮白塔下每年一天共16天!

  3.  根據備忘錄28. 林志滔即夠膽叫唆電工野蠻打了你林哲民頭部兩拳,林志滔也應受你叫人還他兩拳另加3拳利息!


   當搶完了被林志滔橫手扣下的總值300多萬在林哲民東莞石英鐘機芯工廠所有設備 後,因在當時,已有部分設備已搬到深圳橫崗鎮安良村,設備包括了江澤民 任電子工業部長時不賣的全球唯一最先進讓江澤民電子工業部時早就流口水空心線圈 機器 

    因此,在深圳 江核心人馬就轉身 飛撲到了深圳橫崗鎮找到安良村香港人張順連 依樣畫葫蘆, 即雖租約一清二楚,仍沒電沒檔讓你可開工,林哲民被迫在香港高院起訴張順連違約之時,江澤民的深圳勢力又同樣叫張順連在橫崗法庭反訴什麼欠租,另一手還指揮部份江西工人偷買近10萬價的漆包線,連江西當地派出所也來電林哲民叫安良村派出所接回如東莞公安局一樣勉談! 緊跟著也同樣叫深圳中院關門橫崗法庭也如樟木頭法庭一樣依樣畫葫蘆江澤民早就流口水空心線圈 機器也、還有與眾不同、全球一流、唯我獨尊有99%成品率的蜂嗚器生產技術 必然讓他老鄉王忠達帶回老家去了!






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有如下幾項,增加 ...

   江泽民为什么还要指令深圳、东莞的公检法 支持 黑帮侵吞林哲民在深圳、东莞的投资? 妄顾侵犯香港的司法管辖权, 2000年就违法拍卖侵吞令lzm 毕生血汗化为乌有!  lzm已于2006的最后一天 向深圳市长 摆出铁证问责!   


       江泽民为什么还要以中央密令逼着 香港法官 公开诬判 司法虐待 掠夺林哲民在港资产?

曾庆红 曾荫权 充任 代理人,刽子手 李国能 不分青红皂白, 见案终审!

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History will to give judgment them one by one!  ( producing)


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