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Hospital Authority of HK

Chief Executive

Dear                                             By Fax & speed post

Dr William HO,


I should be obliged to inform Mr. Chief Executive Excellency that my patent application of cure SARS has been granted by Intellectual Property Dept. of HK Gov. On 23 July. 2004.  In the old days, I faxed a copy on the specific remedy of my invention to cure SARS and all flu to the Chief Executive of Hong Kong on 15 May. 2003. The invention of using chemicals such as Per-fluoro or non Per-fluoro to mix with the ozone in the lungs field that has been formally accepted and protected by the patent law of Hong Kong.  


     Now enclosed herewith is the patent document numbered HK1060833 or could be downloaded from, Since the patent in Britain and China have yet to be approved, I cannot apply the standard patent of twenty years to include the SARS infect phase of last year, so the HK1060833 was a short-term patent that only eight years commencing on May.13, 2004


     Mr. Chief Executive Excellency is marshalling 43 public hospital/medical treatment organizations, 47 vocational clinics and 13 ordinary clinics which total to nearly fifty thousand medical personnel and occupies nearly 90% of the medical treatment market. Also, according to the website statistics by the hospital authority of Hong Kong, with the etiology from the common cold to seize outpatient services of nearly 40%, so I think that my patent invent could be absolutely efficacious for any flu include SARS and birds flu etc.


The report subject CDC News Conference Transcript by Director DR. JULIE GERBERDING on January 8, 2004 was concerned about children: ¡°Today's Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report does report that 93 children have died of flu so far this year, and that's a very, very sad and sobering figure.¡±The only symptom of that they had when they died was that there high fever did not recede. The lucky ones to recover from illness will have their many of their brainstem cells killed amid the high fever resulting in a retarded nervous system which by-and-large have perpetual adverse effect on the intelligence quotient of the children which may vary to a large degree and babies are the most affected lot. The medical society are not paying attention to this area and falls short of any statistics, something they did not foresee! Thus it can be seen that the medicine arena is quite helpless in the proportion of deaths attributed to these form of influenza and its consequences! Last year, when the hospital authority of HK had to confront the SARS virus infection, the use of steroids was the only trump card, but the report showed a death rate of 17% and frightful osteoporosis sequel that was to be there for all to see¡­


The above-mentioned invention patent of HK1060833 was to lead the medical science innovation truly to save life and to benefit the people of Hong Kong. It is quite unnecessary to recount Mr. Zhong, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine of Hong Kong Chinese university who acted on a Secret Order of Centralization to conceal the medical accomplishment. However, not only from the SARS of prophylactic, birds flu etc. , furthermore, that there will also have obvious curative effect for lung-dust patient of old people and to clean the smoker¡¯s lungs and so on and so forth, above-mentioned, to make use of the patent of single oxygen therapy for ensuring citizen life which was an objective of Hospital Authority, and the possession of this property right is the only way!


Therefore, I sincerely hope Mr. Chief Executive Excellency of Hospital Authority of HK in line with taking up the responsibility for citizen life and respect for intellectual property right and to show respect to science by appointing an official delegate and I will also delegate a professional to negotiate the patent too.


Discreet, I hope and look forward to your response!



Ownership of patent

Tel:   2300 6555                                       Lin Zhen Man 

Fax:  2890 7726                                 Aug.04,2004

(Rendering on Sep.04, 2004