“wash-lung” treatment

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导致lzm “洗肺 医疗法的发明 香港 SARS 危机的前后  






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香港卫生部门的 爭行 为




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 LZM  Patent  Office

10 Ava Road Ava Tower # 19-07 Singapore 329949

Tel: 65 63533647 Fax: 65 62585636  Email: lzmyc@singnet.com.sg


The Honor

Leader of Country

Your Excellency;



  The opening ceremony of Olympic Games will be in Beijing next week, after since my letter was sent to respected Your Excellency and heads of every countries which pass through Hong Kong consulate of every countries on May.08, 2008, the Sudan-policy and Tibet-inciden’s happenings which was no longer the subject of discussing of whether to attend the opening ceremony!


就在2008.5.09后,通过 中央王国 直辖的凤凰卫视的TV新闻可以看到欧盟的官员公开声称因为价值观的不同不准备出席北京开幂礼!我相信这非巧合! 这正走我的公开信件所揭露的中国政府为何一定要不惜代价去恳求各国政府协助隐瞒我们的医学发明?

Just after May.09, 2008, I have seen that the Phoenix Satellite TV of “center kingdom” of China has a TV news of special column which publicly shows a EU’s official that he was not prepared to attend the open ceremoney of Olympic Games due to different values. I think, the different values just right my exposed of letter above date of May.08, 2008 that why the China Gov. must to beseech Government of every countries to assist to conceal my medicine invent and at all costs.


也就在本人自2008.5.08信件我的太太资产已变相被冻结,向国际社会请求经济援助为子女筹集学费之际,我的上述信件引起了暗中的操纵由香港政府进一步的非难及报复。     例如,当香港政府的人在我的讼案中查到一失效4年违法的押记令,他们如获至宝立即指挥法官违法签署拍卖我太太房产的卖楼令并且关闭上诉法庭大门不准上诉!这就是香港政府的法西斯行为,请阁下的中文秘书浏览 www.ycec.net/court-rob.htm 再向您报告

As well as above my exposed of letter about my wife’s assets have already been frozen in a different form by Hong Kong Government and then I was to ask economic aid from international society for study fees of my three children, my letter was to arise from further blame and retaliated in the dark to control by Hong Kong Government.    For instance, the person of HK Gov. who then was in my a case of High Court which to find a Charging Order of illegal and prescribed four year, but the person of HK Gov. who as if one had got an invaluable treasure to used for Charging in my wife’s house property and to command a judge to sign a illegal sell-building order furthermore to close entrance of Court of Appeal for me on this month.  This is the Fascism act of Hong Kong Government, please allow your Chinese secretary to look-through this website of www.ycec.net/court-rob.htm and to make a report for you.


上述的香港政府的非法行为并非单独存在,香港的天主教陈日君枢机Cardinal Zen, Ze-Kiun Joseph SDB也在2008.5.28向各界发出演讲,即中国政府在香港的管治手法已走向法西斯独裁存在的事实: 

The HK Gov.’s illegal act of above-mentioned which really not alone being, the Cardinal Zen, Ze-Kiun Joseph SDB of Hong Kong Catholicism who had an oration on May.28, 2008 too, He said that the China Government’s governance technique in Hong Kong that was truth to make for Fascism dictatorship also.


例如,在中国深圳,请浏览:www.ycec.sg/Jzm-hk.htm  中国政府是不允许控告国家主席的;  那么,在香港如何呢?高等法院虽然允许我登记控告特别行政区长官曾荫权,但法官是会不分事非地下令被告人的行政区长官曾荫权(HK Chief Executive Donald TSANG Yam-kuen) 无须答辩,之后, 法官必定代表被告人曾荫权与原告人争辩讼诉讼因由,最后再撤消案件,并且判决原告人支付巨额讼费报复,这说明香港的司法文明的完结。请浏览:www.ycec.sg/Prosecuted-TYQ.htm 

For instance, please to link the www.ycec.sg/Jzm-hk.htm, China Goverment is does not to permit to accusation nation chairman.  What the Hong Kong Government then?  The High Court even though to allow to register to take sb. to court for HK Chief Executive Donald TSANG Yam-kuen, but a judge of High Court should be to confound right and wrong to order the defendant of HK Chief Executive Donald TSANG Yam-kuen who need not to a plea, after that, the judge to be sure to on behalf of the defendant Donald TSANG Yam-kuen with plaintiff to argue the reason of lawsuit and to quash this indictment and order plaintiff to pay a costs of huge sum to retaliate, please to link the www.ycec.sg/Prosecuted-TYQ.htm  


实际上,更不用谈,我的亲戚、同学、师长及生意朋友一个个都被吓得拒绝来往,我已生活在白色恐怖之中所有这些,  这除了要满足隐形的中央国王一己之私的霸道个性之外已没有任何的合理性可言,  如果让一个庞大的中国继续隐瞒医学发明则等如鼓励中国政府全面走向如此的专制独裁,这对人类的文明来说将是一个可怕的源头!

In the actuality, my all relative, old schoolmates, teachers and business friends whom were in fear and refuse contact, I was life in a white terror now, …all about this, except for satisfied the dictatorial-personality of the “center king” of cover up which no any rationality to word now, if allow a huge China was continue to conceal our medicine invent that was to be the same as to urge China Gov. overall to way the autocratic autarchy, this for the human civilization will a fearful fountainhead! 


事有凑巧,就在几天后的四川大地震爆发,中国政府向国际社会展现了爱心,要求国际社会认同中国政府是一个通情达理的政府出席北京开幂礼!  简而言之,仟多名的四川灾民孤儿确实是值得同情的,尽管中国政府至今还没公布有大面积灾情的鸟瞰图显示灾情的严重程度,但各界的捐款也达500多亿人民币,这就是对有爱心的政府报答!  

There are the things fortuitously, after my letter sends out a few days, the Sichuan earthquake erupted, Chinese Government unfolded its heart to the international community and require international social to identification the Chinese Government was a reasonable Government and require all leader of every country together attend the opening ceremony of Olympic Games!  Those orphan of thousand more who was to merit sympathy true, in spite of Chinese Government no to make public the bird's eye view of large-area disaster to show the serious-extent up to now, but the contribution from all circles is up to more than 50 billion RMB, this is to pay back for a heart Government!


上述这是一个十分简单的道理及价值观,本人也相信中国政府对灾民的爱心是真诚的!因此,我希望欲出席北京开幂礼国家元首们向中国领导入转交我的两封信敦促中国政府拿出同等的爱心不要再隐瞒我们医冶SARS的医学发明了及不再司法逼害发明人  因为隐瞒我的医学发明的后果将导致那些禽流感、肺结核等肺部疾病病人遗留下更多的孤儿! 难道他们就不可怜了么?

Above-mentioned is a very simple reason and values, I believe Chinese Government’s heart is sincere too!  So I hope all those attending the Beijing opening ceremony of Olympic Games of head of state will pass on the above two letters to the Chinese leader and urge Chinese Government take out equal love does not conceal our medicine invention again, because the consequence of conceal it will to lead those orphan of bird flu, pulmonary tuberculosis etc lung disease patients more than above Sichuan-orphan, is it possible those orphan should not pitiful?

江泽民 长期破坏一国两制的国际承诺操控香港法庭逼害 lzm 的证据如下:

1. FAMV 1 /2002;

2. FAMV 16/2004;

3. FAMV 10/2006;

4. FAMV 19/2006;

5. LDBM-220-2005;

6. CACV-332-2006


1. 土地審裁

2. 香港司法-战犯  

3.  香港政府-    

4. 申请 林哲民破产案!






2. 是谁以安装手机发射天线



3.江泽民锦衣卫暗中令北角警方参与唆使租户拒交租搞死lzm, 结果大出丑!

4.  江泽民锦衣卫同曾葫权势力暗中令土地注册署刻意 加工英皇道989e601查册毁谤lzm 使港岛区物业一同杯革出租无耻可悲!






3.針 对林哲民的非法拆屋令

4. 拆屋令也同時危及


5. 稅務局與中銀面光四清






1.恒昌电子起诉 江泽民


3.沙头角 海关 手段辣



6. 深圳海关的不羁

7.不感谢lzm拯救中国SARS国难的医学发明,江泽民为何还要下令谋杀发明人 lzm !

8 江泽民锦衣卫lzm 在深圳的女性朋友也不放过,他们在深圳公务员队伍中特选年青帅哥, 大耍公费死缠,若欲先睹为快, 请登入QQ290619513 浏览相册!(制作中) 


In the conclusion, I benediction that all the attend Beijing opening ceremony of Olympic Games of head of state or delegation to have a cheerful journey!


Thank you!


Yours faithfully,


Lin Zhen-Man


Aug.2, 2008


与敝司发明休戚相关的如下国家/地区领导人, 将有不可逃避的历史责任!

发明人lzm 将在本网站逐一为之做出公正的历史定论!(制作中)


lzm Patent (liaison) Office

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 Heng Chong Electronic (Shen Zhen) Limited Company   

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Email:  ycec_lzm@yahoo.com.hk  lzmyc@singnet.com.sg   lhc_1993@yahoo.com.hk

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