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The Leaders of 20G Summit

Presidents or premiers


Dear Sir/Madam,



      I learn that Your Excellency will be attending the G20 Summit this week in London, and how to cope with the financial tsunami of once-in-a-century to have a common view with a good recipe that will certainly draw the attention of the world and I hope that this document is truly worth your attention and may it be used as a reference.



      Before the commencement of G20 Summit meeting, the views of different national leaders have been circulating through media:


1.    歐州的領導人提出了必須整頓金融秩序;

The European leaders have suggested the need to re-form financial institution practices;


2.    中國央行行長周小川倡議發展超主權儲備貨幣替換現有儲備貨幣即美元,得到俄羅斯、印度、巴西的支援;

Chinese central bank chairman Mr. Zhou Xiao Chuan has proposed the creation of an ultra sovereignty reserve currency to replace the existing United States Dollars for international trading.  The suggestion is well supported by Russia, India and Brazil.


3.    奧巴馬回應中國說,投資者對美國經濟有信心,美元現在格外強勁,不相信有必要建全球貨幣。奧巴馬也強調要減低醫療成本減少赤字。

   President Obama replied that investors are still optimistic about the United Stateseconomy and at present US Dollars is exceptionally strong and stable. Thus Obama dismissed the need to create an international reserve currency.  President Obama also emphasized that lowing medical healthcare cost can help to lower the national deficit.


4.      英國央行(BOE)行長金恩(Mervyn King)表示,要實現物價穩定,通脹目標是必要的:The United Kingdom’s Bank Of England (BOE) Chairman Mr. Mervyn King was saying that, the bloating goal is necessary, and must realize the price stability.


5.    歐洲央行(ECB)副行長帕帕季莫斯(Lucas Papademos)亦表示,在更多的傳統措施推出之後,量化寬鬆將是央行可能考慮的選擇之一。  應當弄清楚量化寬鬆與放寬信貸之間的區別

European Central Bank (ECB) vice-president Mr. Lucas Papademos express also than the  more conventions measures to carry out, the quantification-easing of monetary policy it may be a select of Central Bank, but it should be find out the difference of  quantification-easing between the relaxation of credit.

6.        ….


        Above is the subject of the 20-nation summit also perhaps not far from, the other leaders of Europe was to express must be to rectify the financial order and Brazilian President Lula was to express that 20-nation summit must be a result on 27/3/2009, otherwise, people would be hard to believe that the future 20-nation summit, therefore, leaders of 20-nation summit must know where is the disturbance of financial order, as follows the background case it was not to tolerate to overlook: 


1.    如果您沒有健忘,閣下應記得我寫於200858日及82日通過貴國駐香港領事館給閣下及各國首腦的兩封信,信中就指出了中國政府干涉日元匯價的代價是觸發了次案危機的關鍵,該信內容的網址可連接:www.ycec.sg/lzm/080508.htm or the main pages is www.ycec.sg/lzm.htm


  If you do not forgetful, you should remember that I wrote in May 8, 2008 and August 2 two letters in Hong Kong through the consulate in your country give you by fax, the two letters pointed out that the Chinese government intervened to interfere the exchange rate of yen since 2004year and the interfere-cost is the key to touch off the crisis of inferiority mortgage loan, the contents of the letters of the website can be link to: www.ycec.sg/lzm/080508.htm or the main pages is www.ycec.sg/lzm.htm


2.  但上述的中國政府介入了干涉日元由2004年開始及我的忠告並沒有得到國際重視。由於中國政府的主權基金得到香港金融管局的協助以杠杆式的大盤沽日元買入其他國家貨幣迫使日元升值,日本政府也束手無策,只得眼光光地看著日元在2008.10.25一下子滑到了90.88 中國政府的目標在本人 的孖展外匯戶口中的日元在91.14被清倉為止!


   However, the foregoing case of Chinese government to interference yen since 2004year and my advice did not receive international attention.  Because of the sovereignty-fund of the Chinese government to assist the Hong Kong Monetary Authority to use the leveraged of big Margin trading to sell yen and buy currencies of other countries to force the yen revaluation, the Japanese government has failed to feel quite helpless and can only to see with one's eyes the yen revaluation to at the 90.88 on revaluation at once, the Chinese government's target at my Margin account all the Deposit at 91.14 yen was clearing up to!


3.  由於人民幣是封閉性貨幣,日本政府無從報復,日本人的尊嚴受到挑戰! 因此,日元的匯價被超越市場的力量牽著走直到2009年的2月上旬,日本政府宣佈將在釣魚島派駐一可升降直升機的大型巡視艦實際佔領,在如此的對抗下,這才令中國政府讓步將日元的匯價調整到96-99.00之間就又與首相麻生太郎討價還價,此時  2009年的2月下旬,日本公佈的出口大下降45.7%即近半,據報導,激到首相麻生太郎手震嚴重,但是,日本的出口企業才是最大的受害者!


   In virtue of the Renminbi (RMB) is a closed currency, so the Japanese government can not to retaliate, Japan’s dignity was to suffer a challenge!  Therefore, the yen exchange rate was control by Chinese government until the first ten-day period of February of 2009year, until the Japanese government announced that it would be stationed a helicopter ship at Diaoyu-Islands, by thus opposition, so Chinese government to give way to adjust the yen exchange rate between to 96-99.00 again to haggle over prices with Prime Minister Mr.Taro Aso. At this time, Japan announced export was to descend nearly half of 45.7% on the last third part of February of 2009, in the news, Prime Minister Taro Aso was to be enraged and hand tremors very critical, but the Japanese export industry was maximum sufferer just too.


I. About how to rectify the banking order



Prime Minister Taro Aso will attend the 20-nation summit, the case will be confirmed.

Chinese government interference the yen exchange rate it in the end how to impacting the economic order?


江澤民 長期破壞一國兩制的國際承諾, 操控香港法庭逼害 lzm 的證據如下:

1. FAMV 1 /2002;

2. FAMV 16/2004;

3. FAMV 10/2006;

4. FAMV 19/2006;

5. LDBM-220-2005;

6. CACV-332-2006

江澤民 的親信習慣以升官位為誘逼法官違法判決林哲民巨額訴訟費用掠奪金錢!

1. 土地審裁處的恶作剧


3. 香港政府-戰犯    








2. 是誰以安裝手機發射天線 射殺林哲民?


3. 江澤民錦衣衛暗中令北角警方參與唆使租戶拒交租搞死lzm, 結果大出丑!  

4.江澤民錦衣衛同曾葫權勢力暗中令土地註冊署刻意 加工英皇道989e601查冊 毀謗lzm 唆使港島區物業一同杯革出租無恥可悲!




2.產 署盜之無道由此可見



4.  拆屋令也同時危及臨近


5. 稅務局與中銀面光四清






1.恒昌電子起訴 江澤民


3.沙頭角 海關 手段辣



6. 深圳海关的不羁

7.不感謝lzm拯救中國SARS國難的醫學發明,江澤民為何還要下令謀殺發明人 lzm !

8. 江澤民錦衣衛lzm 在深圳的女性朋友也不放過,他們在深圳公務員隊伍中特選年青帥哥, 大耍公費死纏,若欲先睹為快, 請登入QQ290619513 流覽相冊 (製作中)


      首先,2007年的套息潮是次按加劇的誘因,相信沒有人會反對如此的定義。在香港,次按由財務公司牽頭影響不大,然而在美國,  銀行的過渡介入為次按危機播下了種子。 此時,當中國政府對日元匯價的介入扭曲了市場規律,由July of 2007year(日元119.0)開始,日元一次又一次的升勢地令套息次按加碼,也一次又一次地令部份早期的次按損手斷供,次按危機導致銀行按揭壞帳急升,奧巴馬為購買銀行按揭壞帳動用萬億美金,奧巴馬必須知道這種前因後果。

First of all, the tide of interest arbitrage in 2007 is a lure of the inferiority mortgage loan intensification, I believe that no one would object to such a definition. In Hong Kong, the inferiority mortgage loan by financial companies affected by the small, but in the U.S., banks involved in the transition to seed down for the crisis of the inferiority mortgage loan.  At this moment, when the Chinese government to intervene against the Japanese yen exchange rate it was to twist the market-law by July of 2007year (¥ 119.0), and after, the yen's appreciation again and again to raise the quota the inferiority mortgage loan of interest arbitrage, but also time and again to make the early phases of the mortgage loan to stop pay out the funds, so the crisis of tinferiority mortgage loan it was to lead to the bank’s bad account of the inferiority mortgage loan quick lift and to lead Obama to use ten thousand and hundred million U.S. dollars for purchase the bad account, Obama must to know this cause and effect.



Secondly, today's question-bank of financial tsunami is not entirely bad debt from mortgages, the 20-nation summit leaders also need to know the Chinese government to intervene against the Japanese yen exchange rate and twist the market-law of foreign exchange it brought more serious the consequences of what ?


除了按揭業務外,外匯市場的孖展買賣是銀行的另一重大業務。一般而言,不要以為銀行只為客戶提供孖展買賣 賺取 差價. 以過往的統計,炒賣孖展買賣者70-90%為輸家,因此,銀行的孖展買賣部門有的是財經專家,更可在資金雄厚之時 扮演“莊家”角色賺更大的利潤!然而,中國政府對日元匯價的介入扭曲了外匯市場規律非財經專家可預測,今天的金融海嘯的問題銀行 更多地來自如此 主權基金 的介入不知所措的巨額虧損。

In addition to the mortgage business, the Margin Deposit of scalp foreign exchange is a great business in banks for another.  In general, not to think that banks provide customers with Margin Deposit of scalp foreign exchange only for gain the price difference of commerce, under the past statistics, the customers of Margin Deposit of scalp foreign exchange account which 70-90% are losers, the bank's Margin Deposit trade department have some financial experts, but also in the capital when the solid to play a "market maker" role to earn even greater profits!   However, the Chinese government to intervene against the Japanese yen exchange rate of the twist of the law of the foreign exchange market can be non-financial experts predict and that today's financial tsunami from the question-bank more so at sovereignty-fund’s intervene and huge losses to be at sea.



Clearly, today's foreign exchange margin trading market has been basically in shock, some banks simply the end of the Ministry of foreign exchange margin the first time. Original, the foreign exchange margin trading market is an important place to retrieve scattered funds of the society’s middle, upper classes, if not this market, the flow of currency will be a serious decline, as a result, employment and the currency’s quantification-relaxed environment can hardly viable.



A result of the above, the 20-nation summit to rectify the financial order must have the following two important measures:


a.    除了回購銀行按揭壞帳外,為銀行按揭業務制定不放任條款;

In addition to repurchase the bad debt of bank mortgage and to establish a un-laissez-faire article for the mortgage loan;


b.    清理類似中國主權基金為背景的客戶趕出外匯孖展市場;

To put in order that similar to China's sovereignty against the background of the customer funds out of foreign exchange margin trading market;


. 關於替換現有儲備貨幣及量化寬鬆的貨幣政策

II. About to replace the existing reserve currency and

the quantification-easing of monetary policy



Chinese bank president was advocated to development a reserve currency of exceed sovereign rights to replace the existing reserve currency the U.S. dollar is not realistic, Obama need not annoyed, Chinese bank president was a childliker people, because the reserve currency must show that there is movement of the market and value, could it wait the Chinese bank president how to find an extraterrestrial being to assure for the reserve currency of exceed sovereign rights?  Furthermore, the 20-nation summit doesn't have to waste time for it.



Secondly, Obama pointed out that the U.S. economy chronic treatment drugs are NOT God's mistake, God is the medicine the Federal Reserve Board to acquire treasury of 300 billion to one trillion, 700 billion refund of Chinese treasury bonds, which is the number of Chinese migrant workers which blood and sweat of long for thirty years accumulation of wealth it should be return to the people, but regardless how to use the 700 billion funds by Chinese bank president, Bank of England (BOE) governor to achieve the inflation objective of price stability and the quantification-easing of monetary policy of European Central Bank (ECB), vice president can also be easing immediate to come true.


G20 should be to repair the financial system as a primary mission and avoid reviving the global economy an enormous amount of money invested will be in vain.


. 關於奧巴馬強調要減低醫療成本減少赤字

III. Information on Obama’s emphasize on lowering

the medical cost



With regards to Obama’s emphasis on lowering the medical cost can effectively help to reduce the national deficit, such problems will be the key agendas that the G20 summit leaders must tackle it together.


      如何減低醫療成本? 這裏建議20國峯會領導人必須瀏覽美國CDC網站,點擊有關美國肺結核的最新報告



      How is it possible to reduce the medical healthcare expenditure?  Well, here is a suggestion for the attending G20 summit leaders to browse the United States Center for Disease Control (CDC) website, and click on the latest news report of about the phthisis or the website is below:



     The report of CDC was point out thatIn the United States, the cost of hospitalization for one XDR TB patient is estimated to average $483,000, approximately twice the cost for MDR TB patients. Because of the limited responsiveness of XDR TB to available antibiotics, mortality rates among patients with XDR TB are similar to those of TB patients in the preantibiotic era. ”


如果根據肺結核日的24/3/2007,由香港衛生局長 公佈承認的香港結核病病發率接近人口的1%計算,3億人口的美國每年就有300萬肺結核病人,因此,美國每年用於醫治肺結核病的醫療費每年即超過了仟億以上

If under the tuberculosis day of 24/3/2007 that announced by director of public health office of Hong Kong and admit the morbidity of tuberculosis in Hong Kong is approximately population 1% per year to compute, for America where there are more than 0.3 billion people, there are near 3 million cases of tuberculosis annually.  Therefore, Americans wasted a huge sum of money annually on tuberculosis cases that total was outstrip 100 billion US dollars.  



      Why Hong Kong Government should be admitting the morbidity of tuberculosis and China Government under this morbidity to compensate for Israel on Mar. of 2007? China Government’s compensate no other than is a bribe!  The purpose of bribe was to exchange Israelis Government to abandon use my medical treatment of “washing-lung” to save pneumonia epidemic patient of Israel, however, the broker of filthy trade are former president Bush and former Secretary of State Rice, the leader of China was to violated the crime of opposed-mankind, simultaneously, the broker and Israel premier as well shamefully and they must to face historical judge simultaneously!


    上述是人類醫療史上最不光彩的一頁,時移世易,瑞典的官方公訴人於20081218日向媒體公告了自2006年起,中國政府就多次行賄諾貝爾評選團的這一事實 劍橋的學生向演講的中國總理扔了鞋說明瞭世界議論對中國政府 行賄隱瞞醫學發明己引起世界議論的極度反感,同樣的,奧巴馬也在就職典禮演講中指責中國政府走向了歷史的反面:

The abovementioned which is mankind’s medical history’s most ignominious page, but the customs change with the times, Sweden's prosecutor to announce a fact point out China Government many times to bribe appraisal meeting of Nobel since 2006year on December 18, 2008. A Cambridge student shoe-throwing to China premier in address on Feb. 02, 2009 that was to shown the world’s discuss because the China government through the bribe to concealed medicine invent that was to be resentful extremely.  In the same way, Obama’s inauguration address warning to China Gov. [...To those who cling to power through corruption and deceit and the silencing of dissent, know that you are on the wrong side of history; but that we will extend a hand if you are willing to unclench your fist]


20國峯會領導人還必須清楚地看到, WHO的總幹事陳馮富珍是中國政府行賄買官上任的。  在此之前,陳馮富珍在香港為衛生署長。 在香港2003SARS時期,  她十分清楚“洗肺醫療法”對SARS、禽流感、肺結核及惡性流感才是唯一有特效的醫療法,但執行中國政府的指令暗中偷偷應用我的“洗肺醫療法”醫好了所有的SARS病人,  當她的好多同事反對這種行為時,她就說:“我們有中央密令,不怕”,可見她是一個沒有價值觀、奴才性十足的蠢婦人

The G20 summit leaders must realized the fact the Director-General of WHO Dr Margaret Chan managed to assume office through Chinese government bribery act that helped her to secure the position. Prior to her WHO appointment, Dr Margaret Chan was the Director of Health in Hong Kong.   At the SARS phase of 2003year, she was very clear my medical treatment of “washing-lung” is only the special efficacy for SARS, Bird Flu, phthisis and other malignant flu and she was to accept to enforce the China Government’s order to use my medical treatment of “washing-lung” to cure all SARS patient stealthily, then her many colleague to oppose this acts, she was to persuade that: we have ‘secret order of centralization’, not afraid of!”, it is thus clear that she is a stupid married woman of not have values and servility extremely.


2006年上任後,盡管陳馮富珍的中央密令獲得前總統布殊背書且侵權的賊技高超,她有否推廣給各國共同侵權不得而知!G 20國峯會領導人必須知道,任何獲得中國政府侵權津貼或賠償的人都是人類文明的公敵! 因為,任何高超的侵權行為都不能寫入教科書使大部份的人受益的

Since Dr Margaret Chan was to assume WHO office, though her secret order of centralization’ to obtain the former President Bush endorsed and her tort skill very very excellent, has she to popularize for every country that was unable to find out?  G20 summit leaders must to know, any to obtain China Government’s tort subsidies or compensate they are same the public enemy of mankind civilization.


另外,陳馮富珍掌控的WHO只為隱瞞及對抗“洗肺醫療法”便草卒地向各國推薦效力低的Tamiflu醫治禽流感及惡性流感已導致很多入院數小時內死亡個案。例如在200936日,我也看見中國政府通過在鳳凰衛視播出簽收了 美國CDC的新聞片指Tamiflu已無效於當前流感,近期已有近10來萬美國人流感不治死亡的信息!由此可見,G 20國峯會領導人有責任敦促國際法庭追究中國領導人及陳馮富珍的刑事責任。

Besides, the Director-General of WHO Dr Margaret Chan who was only to conceal and opposition my medical treatment of “washing-lung thereupon hurried to recommend Tamiflu to cure Bird Flu and other flu that was to lead to very, very much die case.  For instance, I had to sew a TV newsreel supply by US CDC through the Phoenix TV of China to sign for America between China Government’s messages, the TV newsreel was point out the Tamiflu was no avail current flu in America, the near future has near 100,000 flu patient already incurable die. Thus it can be seen, G20 summit leaders must to urge International Court of Justice to look into the criminal responsibility of China leader and Dr Margaret Chan.


. 結論

IV. Conclusion


1.    中國政府對日元匯價的介入破壞了外匯市場的秩序,是今天世界經濟危機的根源,如果G20峯會決心整頓世界金融秩序應由限制主權基金(特別是中國)加入炒賣外匯孖展入手

The Chinese government interfering the yen exchange rate to destroy the order of the foreign exchange market that is source of nowadays economic crisis, therefore, if G20 summit have a determination to rectify the banking order of world. It must restrict all the fund of sovereign rights (especially China) to join the commerce of Margin Deposit of scalp foreign exchange;  


2.    發展超主權儲備貨幣是幻想及無知的非專業語言;退還中國7000億國債可令通脹目標及量化寬鬆立杆見影;  

   To develop the reserve currency of transcend sovereign rights is a fantasy and ignorant , if repaying the 700 billion US national debts to Chinese government it will make the inflation objective and quantification-easing of monetary policy it could be effective immediately; 


3.    奧巴馬及G20的其他各國無須再看中國政府眼色,公開應用“洗肺醫療法”才是  減低醫療成本的唯一途徑,因為前國家主席江譯民是一個變態及傲慢的人,但他仍然掌控大權,奧巴馬的好意、期待他的改變已是不可能的,也只有如此,G20的領導人才對得起生命、國民,才對得起歷史

        President Obama and other G20 summit leaders need not to tolerant the mischievous of China government, because only by public and putting in use the medical treatment of “washing-lung” it is only one a way of lower medical treatment cost!  Besides, because the former President of China Jiang Zemin is a abnormal and arrogant person, but he still to grasp immense power, Obama’s goodwill to look forward that:“…we will extend a hand if you are willing to unclench your fist.” already impossible, therefore, as well as thus for this, G20 summit leaders only can be worthy of life, national and history! 


Thank you!


Yours faithfully,

Lin Zhen Man

Mar.31, 2009.

10 Ava Road Ava Tower # 19-07 Singapore 329949

Tel: 65 63533647 Fax: 65 62585636  Email: lzmyc@singnet.com.sg

與敝司發明休戚相關的如下國家/地區領導人, 將有不可逃避的歷史責任!



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