On the influence of oral hygiene on the human life

lzm/Oct.,16, 1997  

With the advancement of civilization, science and technology, especially medical science,,, have influenced every aspect of out, lives. To live a long, healthy life is what every one of us wants, although for each individual, life is determined by a variety of factors, including genetics, nutrition and social and spiritual conditions. The ancient Chinese saying "'It is rare for one to live to one's seventies." gives a vivid description of the human heath conditions at that time. As for the recent increase of average human life-expectancy, most people would consider it to be, the result of living condition improvements. However, few have considered its relationship with oral hygiene, which is generally viewed, even by the medical and dental experts, as only dealing with teeth, In my opinion, oral hygiene is one of the direct factors which ,strongly influence the human health and life-expectancy. Here, I am presenting the following theory, hoping to stimulate the public" s interest, especially those in the medical fields, so that. further improvements can lead to an increase of public's awareness of the importance of oral hygiene with respect to human life-expectancy.

Whenever. oral hygiene is discussed, we are constantly injected with the commercial slogans of tooth brush, tooth paste, dental floss and mouth wash: "Protect your teeth!", it is true that healthy teeth make it possible to effectively chew the food so that the nutrition it contains can be easily absorbed by the digestive systems. However, teeth are not one of life's absolute necessities. As a result, protecting the teeth may not be as important to some people- In reality, the essence of oral hygiene should he to keep the teeth clean. As we know, one can keep one's liver in cheek by drinking a cup of salt water before having any breakfast in the morning. The liver's main function is detoxification and its health is directly linked to the health of the whole body. As people say: "The whole body feels exhausted when the liver is overworked and the life stops when the liver ceases to function." The toxic substances in the food one cats require one's liver to remove. Like any engine, the liver should be properly used and maintained. Let's discuss the proper use first, It is well known that constantly overworking any engine leads to i decrease of its useful life and may even lead to malfunction and eventually explosion, Proper use of the engine simply means to run it at medium speeds. The same thing applies to the use of liver. If overloaded, the liver can be driven to a shock. Proper use of the liver means to take in less toxic substances so that the liver can take it easy and have some rest. As a result of lighter workload, the overall liver function increases which, in turn, leads to a good health and long life. As we can see, what is most important is to avoid taking in toxic substances. Where do these substances come from? One of the main sources lies beneath and between your teeth, where it is hard for the tooth brush to reach. The food residue accumulating in these areas slowly decomposes to toxic substances, which put on additional burden on the liver day in and day out. No wonder health problems begin to occur to some people after the age of 3 5 - 40, when their body functions begin to slow down and spaces between their teeth begin to increase due to gum shrinking, On the other hand, it is not enough just to brush the teeth twice a day, in the morning and before bedtime. It is very important not to swallow the saliva left in your mouth when you wake up in the morning, The saliva had been there for the whole night, washing down and dissolving countless toxic substances from the food residue. This may explain why so many diseases seem to come out of no where at. the first glance. They came from your own mouth. Thus, there should no more wondering from patients as to where their sickness are from, even though they have not taken in anything bad. The medical doctrine that most sickness enters through the mouth is always correct, In the final analysis, the most important aspect of oral hygiene, to keep teeth clean, should be put into the perspective of decreasing the liver workload and increasing its useful life, so as to increase the body function and therefore lengthen the life-expectancy. Of course, to achieve a thorough cleaning, the use of traditional tooth brush should always be complemented with the extensive use of dental floss and other dental cleaning devices.

The above simple theory only covers one of the many factors which may influence the human life-expectancy and obviously lacks, at this point, strong scientific data to support. With very limited medical knowledge, I presented this discussion only to seven as a start of a thorough scientific study which will be beneficial to the whole mankind I encourage the professionals to carry out such studies to provide answers to the following questions:

1.    What is liver's contribution to the total detoxification function of  human digestive system?

2.    What. is the amount of toxic substances in a person saliva right after waking up, as compared to   after a thorough cleaning?

3.   What is the difference of liver activity before and after the person swallows the saliva right after waking up?

4.   What is the limit of the body's detoxification capacity?

5.    How does the liver function decline after a long-term overload?

6.    How do all these affect the human life-expectancy?




Oct. 16, 1997