“wash-lung” treatment

Patent in China 


in HK

Patent to steal in HK

  lzm's PCT patent

lzm's rejuvenate treatment Lzm’s economic successwas to sales now! Lzm’s latest explore-technique for submarine of deep-sea & stealth aircraft to sell!



聯 接



About the SARS-crisis in China and HK how to lead to the invention of the “wash-lung” treatment? 

Complain to Chinese and Western!   Why did China conceal a medical invent for lifesaving?

  Free health or pathological diagnosis consulting service.


Our company’s design of mechanical, electrical products and scientific research service will start in ASEAN (producing)

Lzm’s success of economic that could be  provide a worthy consultant-report for any one government about the monetary policy…starting now!

 The war acts in

HK Sanitation Dept.

Why the Wash-Lung & Refrigerate two treatment still not open  for citizen of HK? 


1.   God send out mosquito to shoot Zika vaccine in sneering disdain Obama & WHO lie’s Ebola vaccine!

2.   Obama’s urgent visit to Cuba to kneel and begging for old Castro!

3.   After guiding ISIS to cataclysms of blood Paris, Obama continue to hug Kim Jong-un to fool west ally!

4.   To direct MH370’s missing it already as a cat is out of the bag further!

5.   Eastern God rages, airless Beijing the haze appears instantly, so wash lung only can to less lung cancer!

www.ycec.net/UN/160317.pdf or htm

Main page: www.ycec.net/UN/war-felon.htm

  Because www.ycec.com suddenly in HK to vicious force closed on 2021.3.03 after and to intervene by Joe Biden, so below the .pdf or .htm can’t to link, please change to www.yecc.sg,or  www.ycec.net !

The facsimile-record of  total 174 pieces for country leader below:

Africa:   Angola , Benin, Botswana; Burkina-Faso, Burundi,  Cameroon,  Central-African-Republic. Chad, Cote-d-Ivoire,

               Congo,  Djibouti, Democratic-Congo, Egypt,  Equatorial-Guinea, Eritrea, Ethiopia,  Gobon, Ghan, Guinea-Bissau,

               Guinea, Isreal,  Kenya, Lesotho, Liberia, Libya, Madagascar, Malawi, Mali, Mauritania, Mauritius, Morocco,

               Mozambique, Namibia, Nigeria, Niger, Papua-new-Guinean, Rwanda, Senegal, Seychelles, Sierra, Somalia,

               South-Africa, South-Sudan, Sudan, Swaziland, Tanzania, Togo, Tunisia, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe,...

America:  Obama, Argentina, Bahamas, Brazil, Bolivia,  Barbados,Canada, Chile,  Chile, Colombia, Costa-Rica, Cuba,

               Dominica, Dominican, Ecuador, EI-Salvador, Grenada, Guatemala, Haiti,  Honduras, Jamaica,  Mexico, Nicaragua,

               Panama; Paraguay, Peru, Saint-Lucia, Suriname, Trinidad-Tobago, Uruguay, Venezuela, ......

Pacific Ocean:   Australia, Dominica, Fiji, Micronesia, NewZealand, Vanuatu, ......

Europe:   Albania, Algeria, Austria, Belgium, Belorussia, Bosnia-Herzegovina,  Britain, Bulgaria Byelorussia, Croatia, Czech,

               Denmark,  Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland  Italy, Latvia; Liechtenstein,

               LithuaniaLuxembourg, Macedonia, Malta, Moldova, Monaco, Montenegro,  Netherlands, Norway, Poland, 

             PortugalRumania, Russia, San-Marino, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Ukraine, Vatican, ...

Asia:      Afghanistan, Arab-Emirates, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bahrain,  Bangladesh, Bhutan, Cambodia, Cyprus, Georgia,

              India, Iran,  Iraq, Indonesia, Japan,  Jordan, Kazakhstan, Korea, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Malaysia, Maldives,

              Mongolia, Nepal, Oman, Pakistan, Palestine, Philippines, Qatar,  Singapore,   Saudi-Arabia, SriLanka, Syria,

              Thailand, Tajikistan, Timor-Leste, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Vietnam......



Any country leaders, MP, Law, Hospital,

Medium & Academic circles 


Sir or Madam:

As a result of include Nobel also to shaving not awake Obama still to know the error but can’t to change, so west God was to be rage to show for hem the gold cross with order the vaccine expert of Zika Mosquito to shoot Zika vaccine at America to sneering disdain Obama & WHO lie’s Ebola rVSV-ZEBOV vaccine of 100% effective that only for to hostility the medicine invention of PCT/SG03/00145!

But state of as same behind open letterbecause fall into trap of bribes the Obama urgency to call on CP Cuba to kneel crying for old Castro on March 23, 2016, the ungainly sight from right photo to shown, then Obama long for hasped the shoulders of small Castro time that refuse at once and his left-hand was to raised!

Besides, the games of Nuclear Security Summit just to end on Apr. 02, 2016, but hero Putin resisted attend and heroic Hollande to quarrel with Obama for justice that may be include Britain Premier Cameron, therefore, it aimed at Putin, Hollande with Cameron thatPanama Paperspurposely to decipher on Apr. 05, 2016.

Now, how to face already to fall into a snare of bribe after can't to extricate oneself, so Obama was to choose continues cooperation with CP Chinato fool his west alliance and Global, it can’t to deny is to put in front of any country leader that great choose is how to face self country history with those innocent bereaved to confess:

1. At once to admit the medicine invention of PCT/SG2003/00145 that “wash lung” treatment open use in your country hospital to save more life, or;

2. To follow Obama with WHO to continue lying to continue mischievous but in the dark to pay a price of by to butcher national life to wait for CP Chinese indemnify or bribe?

Therefore, Margaret Chan of WHO Director-General she must at once to expel from WHO…, below the new open letter will be to help Your Excellency to determine and it should be to go a step further to inform you that the “wash lung” treatment only is true a guardian angel of your country people life and can’t to replace perpetuity:


Then the Ebola still not to end why Zika Virus raid America now?

lzm/17.03.2016 in Hong Kong PDF   HK-htm   PDF        CN-htm   PDF

List for this open letter





 Obama lied about Zmapp & rVSV-ZEBOV vaccine

being fermented at USA Court in 2015year



The Zika virus as west Nile virus or Asia Dengue fever etc. virus

is disseminated by mosquito and they are no difference!




 To fall into a snare of bribe after can't to extricate oneself, so Obama continues

cooperation with CP China to fool his west alliance and Global!

1. The cause and effect of to continue control ISIS terror-attack Paris in here:

2. Obama urgency to call on CP Cuba to kneel crying for old Castro:

3. To abet CP NKO's Kim Jong-un to direct the nucleus-terror oncoming attempt

to find a stiles for conceal:

4. WHO's further to make a fool of oneself shortly:

5. To direct MH370’s oddly disappeared it already as a cat is out of the bag further!

6. Two big power in world for conceal further to steer lie by international medium & network supplier and not to stint to butcher more life:









I. Introductory

Year 2015 has just past, but two international scandals cases where two big evil-powers of Chinese and Western to collude it will be witnessed in annals from two open letters below:

1. WHO slaughter Ebola life fast to add & Relation to direct MH370’s oddly disappeared

together top of evil in 2014year!(lzm/17.01.2015 )

2. Ebola to end because Cuba's cover to Wash-Lung & IS become Obama's right-hand that helpless lie

ZMapp success! So Nobel's regret to call you must fight for justice! 》(lzm/21.10.2015 )

Now, despite the year 2016 has just begin, and above mentioned two powers who was almost control global media, but the evil can never prevail over good, regardless of Ebola to end by Cuba's conceal to Wash-Lung & ISIS become Obama's right-hand and MH370’s strange disappearance that was exposed undoubtedly!

II. Obama lied about Zmapp & rVSV-ZEBOV vaccine

being fermented at USA Court in 2015year

         Firstly, as a research centre of molecular biology that Fraunhofer USA of Delaware was prosecuted for iBioPharma, Inc. on December of 2015 that wasn’t the only case! Because iBio repeatedly lied about the role it played in producing an experimental Ebola drug which was no other than ZMapp, because the Ibio received order to support Obama lie about Zmapp and lied iBio's technology it will obtain allowance fees to increase iBio’s stock price by 400 percent. Their cheating act of investment witness undeniably. So the outcome is iBio cannot choose but must pay out nearly $1.9 million for plaintiff

        The above fact became a historical witness of Obama’s lies at USA court!

        In my open letter dated 21.10.2015 after, no matter the Obama lie's ZMapp or a hundred per cent effective rVSV-EBOV vaccine was a fairy tale of true a footprint to apply at Ebola West African in the news also to lose oneself!

      Similarly, the Ebola American doctor (Kent Brantly) with “England Ebola nurse” travel in a group to oration at the Venus not back home now, so the international medium was very lonely unusual yet and remain only the “ornament of virus shelter” but just to ridicule with to play tricks on the a hundred per cent effective VSV-EBOV vaccine in round the clock!

    Notwithstanding above the fact was irrefutable already and just a clear loud slap by Nobel on October of 2015, but Obama still impenitent to put on a fool, below:

Firstly, Obama was very naive to deem if only to abet the ASU Alumni Association to grant an award for Regents’ Professor Mr. Charles Arntzen because he guided the development of Zmapp and VSV-ZEBOV vaccine on Jan. 11, 2016 that could be let Obama his lie to true;

      Now, the Professor Mr. Charles was become a scapegoat for the lie baron Obama yet!


        Secondly, in the last year, then WHO Director-General and USCDC’s Meltzer both dishonesty come on at the stage to forge Ebola rVSV-EBOV vaccine all a hundred per cent to successful use in Guinea by a maths to infer statistics and publish by Lancet on July 31,2015 after, as this not any base's lie it of course may be to stir the Chief 's self-respect of ZMapp & rVSV-EBOV vaccine development of NML, so the Chief, Dr. Gary Kobinger was be conscious feel guilty can not to face public with history, so him pain decide to leave office on Aug., 23, 2015 as shown in the photo on the right!

( The link was to delete, now had a new link to my website!)


Jiang ZeMin was continue to steer court of HK for destroy international promised of “one country two system”  

 The proof are below:

1. FAMV 1 /2002;

2. FAMV 16/2004;

3. FAMV 10/2006;

4. FAMV 19/2006;

5. LDBM-220-2005;

6. CACV-332-2006

Jiang ZeMins favorite have a habit of using promotion as a bait for the judge to illegal-judge a huge sum action-fees to pillage lzm’s money! 


1. A prank in the Lands  Tribunal

2. Court's war criminal in HK

3.The war criminal in Gov., of  HK

4.Crucify lzm’s bankruptcy case

TSANG Y-K's HKGov. order many department to be aimed at Lin Zhen Man by terroristic means, the facts below;

1. Use radiate of air waves to murder lzm, the police station did not to deal with!

Police MainPage

2. The police station same terrorist to support lzm’s a tenant not to pay the rental and catch lzm!

3. Gov. departments was to falsify document and suborn all land agent did not rent out lzm’s house!

4. Suborn by Jzm’s mandarin, the sad and shameless of Land-Registrar of HK in here “skill & extraordinary”…

Lawless disturbance for lzm by

HK Gov., department...

 Humiliating in annals now!

1. Pranks in Communications of

   HK Gov.,

2. Robbers in Intellectual

    Property Dept., of HK...

3. Unexpected take apart order for lzm’s house by Buildings Dept.,  

4. The apart order simultaneously to endanger neighbor property!

5.Ird & BOC’s rob far disturbed for HKMA!

Anatomize of Jiang ZeMin’s politics of dominion (producing

Our company’s sad histories at Chinese invest! 

1. HengChang Ltd. to prosecute

 Jiang Zemin on 2007year!

2.Administer of Heng Chang Ltd to resist an official’s extort become a ruination on 1996year.

3.The sinister means by Shan Tou Jao Customs of ShenZhen City!  

4.Company of ShenZhen Gov., to hands-on loot begin 1998year!

5.Judge of DongGuan City Gov., to arrange loot begin 1999year!

6.Police, Procuratorate & Court of ShenZhen City unexpectedly to variety an rob accomplice?!

7.Jiang Zemin not thanks Lzm’s medicine invention to save SARS a national calamity in China, and why could be order to murder inventor?!

8. And why the secret service agent” of Jiang Zemin to included Lzm’s girl also not to let off, so must specially in office holder of ShenZhen City to choose handsome boy and to given Gov. expense to entwineIf you will to be all eagerness to see it, please in to the photo album of QQ290619513!

           However it was due to the impenitent Obama for build his lie balcony further, so a gold cross in first to appear at the sky of New York on Jan 08, 2016 as below photo 1. of 3 to warning Obama, also though Obama may be easily to abet Public Health Agency of Canada to scheme to confer a reward of [Buffalo Hunt Award] for Dr. Gary Kobinger urge to help at the lie

 camps on the same day Jan 11, 2016, despite the space for lie was already very limited, but Obama only hopes to find more scapegoats!





            It was because above the misfeasance and after the second day, the west God to be enraged at once, so another a gold cross to appear at the sky of Michigan on Jan 13, 2016, at the same time, a tutelary god to shown at Hawaiian Islands to face CP China in above the left photo 1. at sky of Michigan and a tutelary god at sky of Hawaiian Islands to show on the same time to warn the Obama not again to help CP China to conceal the medicine invention to butcher life!

          In fact, the eastern God is already standing in the sky of CP China. Since 2009 onwards, as above the photo 2. copy at Beijing on December 17, 2015, but the air particles of the haze still does not have any sensible scientific explanation that already lead to continue conceal “wash lung” treatment of PCT/SG2003/00145  invention that evil consequence leading to a guilty conscience! On account of the conceal invention that core of CP China Jiang Zemin continues to operate his "Central secret order" for the chaos in Hong Kong, China and the Global still with no remorse. So the eastern God further wraith to equipment a Heaven stick for a Paraclete Buddha of Guiyuan-temple of Wuhan city in China to ridding demon slayer as above the photo 3. copy on January 26, 2015, and a stick to break a big stone carving that was signature by Jiang Zemin to as above the photo 4. copy on January 26, 2015! Although some people might make a joke out of it that it is due to Astrology difficulties, but the problem is that such concealment invention medicine that already caused death far more than the World War II, should it still continue? !

          Because above the fact and before, the god is also clear to saw lie by Obama after simultaneously to used “wash lung” treatment of PCT/SG2003/00145 at West Africa stealthily by Cuban medical station only can to quell the Ebola crisis, but to face the bargain by old Cuda leader, and before Obama to announce who will visit Cuba on Christmas of 2015,  so Prime Minister of Japan hastily to announce remit a debt of 1000 hundred million to gag the mouth of old Cuda leader abet by Obama, this political hoodlum means of course can not deceive the piercing eye of God!

          It was consequently, then God was to see Obama still have not any repent ideas to save all living creatures and again to fool with his administration means to expand his lie-balcony help by numerous ally with or thereabouts mass media to  puff up wrongly outmoded “virus vaccine” to opposition invention of PCT/SG2003/00145 again to exchange personal benefits for PC China!

        Therefore, God was very furious to send out mosquito of ubiquitous “Zika virus” to attack 26 country of America to inoculate vaccine to reprove Obama with WHO !

III. The Zika virus as west Nile virus or Asia Dengue fever etc. virus

is disseminated by mosquito and they are no difference!

 A report at the beginning of February, WHO estimates there are currently 500,000 to 1.5 million cases of Zika in the Americas. Cases have also been reported in the US, Australia and the Republic of Ireland, each resulted from recent travels to Latin America or the Caribbean. However, only one in five patients experience symptoms, and even then, symptoms are relatively mild, characterized by a fever, rash and conjunctivitis lasting for two to seven days.

         The most serious cases happen at Brazil, Zika virus is carried by mosquitoes and has been lead to a world of babies being born with underdeveloped brains!

As seen from the news, the reaction by Brazil President was most flushed to profess who will appropriation to research and produce Zika vaccine with blindly follow WHO, therefore, I must in here to inform any country,  the mosquito quite right the expert of shot vaccine and under orders by God shot Zika virus vaccine for your national:

     1. Thanks to every one mosquito it to carry the content of Zika virus just as already out-of-date the “vaccine” of prescription theorem, so majority

           person have not any disease,

     2. But if through the bite of an infected mosquito that the number of times too much it will be lead to ordinary healthy crowd, feebler body or in

           abdomen embryo all that will aftermath not uniform:

                 a. If the health crowd, that morbid state only can to get a low temperature, rash or conjunctivitis, but only can to prolonged 2-7days;

b. If it is a feebler body, then when the temperature exceeds 39˚C, the vigor of lung it will be to rapid descend, now in the air that a large number germs it will to “loot a burning house” to breed in the lung and will be to bring a great deal not alike type virus to dissolve the blood, so if not at once to weed out all germs in the lung, the death or intelligence to descend it will not to avoid!

        c. As in abdomen embryo, because the period of grow up was not a short time, so the liver function of virus-resistant has not to been built before, if have any content virus inject into the mother's body it will direct to out of gear in growth that nervous system of embryo brain that was not to proof again, the small head disease it seems that the patent of Zika virus in Brazil that can to see with one's eyes, further could be to anticipate, that did not to see in the news those embryo to die in belly or lead not alike degree that low IQ children that will be to countless also self-evident!

         Above the fact to see, the mosquito innate quite right is a “virus expert” of shot vaccine, no matter today's Zika virus, west Nile virus or Asian Dengue fever etc. virus, their common a characteristic is all the “virus not a life” and the genome it can not replication by self absolutely, if not, any content virus to shot by mosquito that early easy to a field littered with corpses!

            The fact quite right as this, then into body's virus was to surmount liver's detoxify-function after to get a temperature it will be lead the kinetic energy to descend of lobe of the lung and powerless to drive from the respiratory tract follow air into the germs, so the germs at once to be stationed with to breed in the lung after it inevitable to pour into virus in blood!   If the virus origin that germs can't to drive or clean away, the major cause of patient death it will most to come from in air the germs- infect, but the Zika virus shot by mosquito that only the revulsive!

         The fact that can not be denied already, if the above usual patient of virus-infect does not have the body temperature 39˚C before at once application the “wash-lung” treatment of PCT/SG2003/00145 invention then death rate will increase, but the expectant mother or an infant child that still must to ahead of time at 38˚C before to “wash-lung” that only can to reduce small head disease and low IQ children!

        The history can't to forget, then Obama visited Shanghai city of China and sink into the trap of money with belle on 2009.11.15 after go back the USA, the Obama at once took the flu vaccine exemplify for American become flunky of conceal medicine invention and enrage mosquito of Nile virus to attack the backyard of White House!

The history still more can't to forget, then Margaret Chan was to control WHO after, though she was to be fully aware the “virus vaccine” that medicine principle already complete bankruptcy and harmful with no good because invention of PCT/SG03/00145 , if she can't again to popularrize the “flu vaccine” her official position of WHO Director-General will be not to keep, so Margaret Chan first to speed up to advance the “flu vaccine” and lead

 many embryo die in abdomen that was a common sight in HongKong! Therefore, I sent my open letter of 『The vaccine can pernicious to the entire fetus, WHO must to stop for using!』to warning WHO on Feb., 23, 2010, and still more open letters list at the www.ycec.net/UN/war-felon.htm  to testimony this great calamity of century!

          As a result of include Nobel also to shaving not awake Obama because him already to sink into the bribe a trap and can't to extricate oneself, so he only to assist conceal invention of PCT/SG2003/00145 that include to butcher innumber American run to evil ways of turn over mankind civilization and not knowing to repent!

            Not only above that, only for conceal my invention of PCT/SG2003/00145, it was to originate in a mighty vicious power of CP China, since to killing Dr. Lee Jong-Wook ex-WHO Director-General, the vicious power at once to recommend his agent Dr Margaret Chan to control WHO, so WHO was to butcher innumerable lie since 2006year not to show mercy! Therefore, I again a open letter ofHistorical civilization backslide was startling, why WHO’s Dr Margaret Chan could be to succeed onself? to publish on June17, 2012.

         Now, to place any country leader in front of a great choice is how to face his country and their innocent family members of the dead?

         Or whether could be satisfied as my an open letter to expose on Oct.,21, 2015,  if only to wait for agent Obama of West Empire as little Bush dispatched his Secretary of State Rice to socialize with CP China to discuss indemnifying, because Jiang nucleus of CP China's indemnifying to permit to take both public and private interests into consideration, because ex-chairman Jiang Zemin’s son Mr. Jiang JinHeng to have great magic power that already without anybody not to know, and he could be handle goddess of the moon or cowboy to separate to send for content?

         But now, every country leader must face this most shameful historical case, how to give an account is a important assignment in his country office today!

       As right photo of Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff, she surely to very clear my invention of PCT/SG2003/00145 that patent application number in Brazil patent office:  0318349-1 of June 12, 2003, but after it can't to find the office have not any reply and only can to see the patent lawyer agent by in and out of season unceasingly to increase and to stop up to now, this is a     common means to follow USA to help CP China to conceal this invention!

      But inventor only to care about Brazilian life security, and hope President Dilma Rousseff can to lead South America Country open use my invention of PCT/SG2003/00145 can't to pull nose to walk by Obama become a historical transgressor!

          As a result of inoculate “flu vaccine” to lead many expectant mother the fetus die in belly already to occur in Hong Kong, so the WHO Margaret Chan of ex-Director of Health of HK formerly already clear the disastrous effect, so then she to help start a rumor fore Obama the Ebola rVSV-EBOV vaccine 100% to success after she was the first time still to notify can't to inoculate for all expectant mother in South Africa that also from this to come!

          But then “Zika virus Mosquito” order by God to attack America, the WHO Margaret Chan quite right a witch to kill without spilling blood again to boast of WHO will be to invest produce the “Zika virus vaccine” with Mosquito to fight for Obama's favors, so cause harm to the Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff same to speak incoherently, this just can to witness the values of human nature to fully sink low again a unfortunately!

   Now to see my open letter that was to announce on June 17, 2012, below a paragraph:

 Why Hong Kong Government destroyed H1N1 vaccines before and supported the vaccine after three month?  This was because WHO’s Dr Margaret Chan frankly told Hong Kong Government: “… if Hong Kong Government never popularize the flu vaccine again then WHO and international medical industry will be forced to admit the “wash-lung” treatment of PCT/SG03/00145!” . However the inconsistency spark off the anger in Opposition political party of Hong Kong and they will prepared to expose to the public the crime of concealing “wash-lung” treatment of HK patent No. HK1060833 (extend by PCT/SG2003/00145 ) which is my medical invention since 2004year and that lead to many HK residents’ death.  In the www.ycec.net/HK/1060833.htm end they were compromised to give HK dollar $6,000.- to every HK people to conceal their shame!

        Above is a most woeful section history fact in Hong Kong!

IV. To fall into a snare of bribe after can't to extricate oneself, so Obama continues

cooperation with CP Chinato fool his west alliance and Global!

         Since my an open letter of 《WHO slaughter Ebola life fast to add & Relation to direct MH370’s oddly disappeared together top of evil in 2014year!》 exposed on 2015.1.17 for global that since ex-President George Bush to fall into the bribe trap that layout and to confess without concealment by Chinese ex-chairman Mr. Jiang Zemin’s son Mr. Jiang JinHeng after, because the trap of bribe by money and belle that means further to magnify, Obama with his west allies that have not one can't to be well out of and also can't to extricate oneself, it was in spite of ex-Nobel chief public to slap Obama on October of 2015year that also unhelpful and only can to continue lie to butcher life,  because this two international powers already to control UN particularly the WHO and include big part international medium also control ISIS for threaten means in the dark!

       1. The cause and effect of to continue control ISIS terror-attack Paris in here:

         And then my open letter of《 Ebola to end because Cuba's cover to Wash-Lung & IS become Obama's right-hand that helpless lie ZMapp success! So Nobel's regret to call you must fight for justice! 》again to expose the rights and wrongs of sth. on 2015.10.21 for Global and pass through facsimile a letter to any country in HK's consulate or embassy at Beijing to who country leaders, because I was at death's door and to involve just handle by the NPC Chairman Zhang Dejiang as you can to link his portrait in www.ycec.net  to be clear about...

       Therefore, the manly France President Mr. Hollande was to call on met Xi JP after who still to keep up to meet with Zhang Dejiang in interest my security on 2015.11.03, so still in function of the Jiang center of CP China to expected Hollande maybe to set into action G-20 summit meeting on 2015.11.15 and to enrage for this off-stage boss, therefore, terror-attack Paris that massacre by ISIS to occur on 2015.11.13, so leading to Hollande being unable to attend the G-20 summit meeting at Turkey...

       Above the off-stage boss of ISIS that countenance at www.ycec.net/Jzm/MH370_Charlie-Weekly.htm it was very clear, as then ISIS terror-attack “Charlie Hebdo” after, the photo of nasty-nice Obama that already to be known to all, so a expert of [Institute of American studies] Mr. Hong Yuan to open to expose at TV : “ ...then if USA will to bomb ISIS before they will be bound to send a military plane along the way beforehand to fly a circle and punctuate notify for ISIS to leave!...”,this is proof of Obama's USA Powers already fall into a bribe

  snare with  CP China common to rear livestock in pens ISIS only for conceal PCT/SG2003/00145 medicine invention! Therefore, not again to be duped the Hollande at once to declare war for ISIS after, then ISIS to discover Hollande can't as before “obedient” to deem to be duped at once to massacre four Chinese to quarrel for the off-stage boss..., as this truth totally in the eyes of the Germany Premier Merkel with Britain Premier Cameron, so they are early or late to join to declare war for ISIS!

       2.  Obama urgency to call on CP Cuba to kneel crying for old Castro:

Next, since my open letter IV. of 2015.10.21 to point out the Ebola to end because Cuba's cover to Wash-Lung, so for to block the mouth of the old Cuba leader that was become a urgent matter of Obama, so he has no choice must before Christmas of 2015year to arrange removed CP Cuba a loan of 100 billion Yen with to announce by Japan Abe premier, therefore, Obama was to notify him will to call on CP Cuba on 2016.3.21 and need not to meet the old Cuba leader lest both sides abashed!

 Is it possible that national dignity of Cuba with personality of Fidel Alejandro Castro Ruz total price only 1000 hundred million Yen?! The annals just to wait for to begin to write now! 

3.  To abet CP NKO's Kim Jong-un to direct the nuclear-warfare in attempt to find a stiles for conceal:

    Fall into the trap of bribery it can not extricate of Obama how to deceive his Western allies together to help CP China to conceal medical discoveries that means just as expected in an inexhaustible variety:

         Early in Obama lie's ZMapp and rVSV-EBOV vaccine, it was unceasingly to make a spectacle of oneself in 2015year, as Henry Kissinger have said, the two power center of CP China with USA troops they are in the two fraternizing already.

        It is only because of the core strength of Jiang Zemin in the International conceal for PCT/SG2003/00145 medical discoveries cannot but must be to go all out!

        Because of this , North Korea's Kim Jong-un has been introduced in the field on 2015.5.09 to watch " launch submarine-launched ballistic " , then the image to filled international media after, the Kim Jong-un at once to bluster threat their submarine can to do whatever one wants with nuclear warheads to hit the USA!

Although many media even questioned as India still not mature, but the ballistic submarine of CP North Korea it from to where? It is inevitable the Submarine come from CP China or Obama undoubtedly!

        After Kim Jong-un was scold badly by international media, the purpose of play-act has already been achieved, Obama's national security adviser, Susan-Rice at once as disheartened her cheek told Obama's Western allies, the main points as: “ ...If it was not to improve the relations with China, as Kim Jong-un, this mad dog be kept in place? " !

        However, from a scene of Kim Jong-un crying out about his grievances appeared at Phoenix Satellite TV that service for nucleus of CP China with other countries leader to drop a hint after, the international media on 2015.8.03 to spread has been granted an Indonesia Sukarno Peace Prize to comfort Kim Jong-un this fathead as right the create photo that was to spread by medium already!

        Again in the near future , especially then " Zika virus " attack the occasion of the American continent, the two great powers also again to abet Kim Jong-un to play the role of the fathead, so then CP North Korea performing the hydrogen bomb and satellite success bluster again after, although South Korea and Japan also dispatched collect excreta aircraft certified for nothing ..., although the North Korea satellites only can somersault in space, but through the media exaggeration, Kim Jong-un is to show play as a " mad Dog " and it must CP China to take charge that have not choose, and to jointly signed by Sino-USA to push through UN to pass through a punish!

         Similarly, Susan • Rice also have another fear "reason " for Obama to coax his Western allies!

         But Kim Jong-un being shrewd in this time, he same the old Cuban Castro to ask his debt country to give 90% of the debt, there is no wonder the media directed at Kim Jong-un has " new patron " openly challenge the United Nations, which patron quite right is the Obama and Core Group of CP China, in view of this, North Korea asked China 628 billion dollars to pay foreign debt, therefore, China's stock market will be big again and again!

4. WHO's further to make a fool of oneself shortly:

          In addition, Margaret Chan of WHO Director-General was very clear if must to continue conceal the “ wash lung” medicine invention of PCT/SG2003/00145 that must to raise high the “ vaccine” banner, so then Ebola to begin a large number to butcher life in West African time on 2014year, I was at once a letter to Margaret Chan to remind she don't again to lie and kill without spilling blood, the letter can to see at www.ycec.com/UN/141027-hk.pdf , but Margaret Chan impenitent and continue to get worse to impetus USCDC's Meltzer to use PHAC's rVSV-EBOV vaccine of Ebola to forge100% in force on July 31,2015 and to make public by Margaret Chan with WHO to fool global!

        It was very laughable that the 100% effective rVSV-EBOV vaccine to be missing three month after, just to assail ISIS of Obama's helper the hero Putin can't stand any longer also to kick away the lie entrance of WHO and rhythmical as Margaret Chan high-sounding words rVSV-EBOV vaccine that Russian Ebola vaccine same 100% in force!

        But at this time, nervous Margaret Chan cannot but in the secretly to grind one's teeth in anger: “ … Putin, your are an airliner to dynamite by ISIS on 2015.10.31, whether not enough still? You to be fully aware I just lie now, for what reason also to stretch a thigh by you?! We have not feeling of affinity! Why do you not to see then my lie after, the CP China at once to give 600 hundred million U.S. Dollars to bring up the rear at Africa, can you? ”!

           Therefore, then a non-profit organization bought 300,000 doses rVSV-EBOV vaccine from Merck already stockpiling since January of 2016, but the shot hasn't been approved by WHO to use in any country yet. Because Margaret Chan of WHO having a headache now because Margaret Chan still not to know which country is willing to operate in coordination to continue lie again?

            It was the WHO lie's rVSV-EBOV vaccine hopeless that all in the eye of Putin, the ISIS's off-stage boss that already to unmask surely and not any value none yet, so he immediately to order withdraw troops from Syria on Mar 15, 2016.

     Above lie who that deplorable exit it just to start now, below the open letter will to be support because to conceal medicine invention the bereaved to bring claims:

Ebola same American West Nile Virus, all the bereaved can to claims WHO & Obama!


The bereaved of American West Nile Virus can to action for claims too!


The more open letters at the main page: www.ycec.net/UN/war-felon.htm

    5. To direct MH370’s oddly disappeared it already as a cat is out of the bag further!

         When the truth on MH370's missing situation was exposed in my two previous open letter on Jan 17, 2015 with Oct 21, 2015 after, due Reunion an aileron of MH370 it must to be sent to French by a Spain subcontractor of Boeing to technical appraisal only can to confirm, but this confirm already lead to make an attempt to conceal the MH370 missing the space for lying has greatly reduced!

      Therefore, when a part similar to MH370 fuselage assembly was drifted to the Thai beach on Jan 23, 2015 after, Malaysian Transport Minister immediately ordered the so-called “Malaysia Airlines technical experts” to the identify, now the Mitsubishi Heavy Industries of Japan at once to lie the Debris “likely” as their H- IIA or H-IIB rocket skin to insubordination the crime of assist conceal a story on Jan 26, 2016, it because the Japanese auxiliary rocket that diameter only 2.5 meter yet!

Thereafter, the Transport Minister Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai rest assured to lie: “its part assembly number, wire bundle number and bolts part number did not match those of the Boeing 777 aircraft.” and there was no need to identify with the Boeing Company! Similarly, then other two assembly (not debris) of airliner separately to rush Vietnam on Jan 22, 2016 and also an other pieces also to rush Malaysia coast on Jan 29, 2015, but the Transport Minister use as this trick to deny again to fool the international media and the victim's family!

  Why is there no need for the above-mentioned pieces to be handed over to Boeing Spanish subcontractors technical to appraisal? And the "Malaysia Airlines technical expert" is qualified to identify it? This is obviously the beginning of another global conceal layout!

       Therefore, Malaysian Transport Minister must clarify with the public immediately, otherwise he is participating hijacked MH370 or to take a bribe that prima facie evidence of the image will be set up, and the eyes of the world will be the focus in this note, it is because a lot of money was sent Malaysian Prime Minister and some of Malaysian enterprises by higher price to sell for CP China that hearsay unceasingly!

         As before my open letter referred because Reunion an aileron of MH370 it can to verify that MH370 is not forced to drop straight down in the bottom of southern Indian Ocean Sea and not the lie by aircraft commander that suicide attempt! Now, if the debris was confirmed in Thailand and Malaysia from MH370, the MH370 is forced landing at near the Andaman Islands and already to artificial disassemble by skyjacker that will further undeniable! So the conspire by Obama with CP China, and therefore Malaysia's Ministry of Transportation to run the whole show the "robbers" and "judge" same a role brutally denied to the world!

            Now clearly visible, if Malaysia not the main culprits but certainly knows about it, on account of MH370 's disappearance already can to classified as a murder case and therefore beyond the provisions of "the Montreal Convention," no compensation limit, all families of the victims have right to detain such as Mitsubishi Heavy Industries around the assets asked for an explanation, so I in here to appeal Mitsubishi Heavy did not to play a fool and must to to make a clarification as soon as and lest to lead disaster up to oneself!

       As a result of the MH370's disappearance action being too large, so I in the next open letter provide detailed information to expose and to provide a testimony of law court for families of the victims!

6. Two big power in world to further conceal by lying to international medium & network supplier and not to stint to butcher more life:

        Since the small Bush and Obama has completely fallen into the trap of bribes, ISIS quickly become a right-hand man of Obama with CP China to threaten global media,  in the same way,  in the vile pressure to lead many Web hosting companies of USA not to stint self-respect nil to break a contract to limit use my website to sent out my open letter to save more lie, as kvchosting.com or m2host.com such as this etc. that will be to same the ex-Nobel chief at public to slap Obama still can't to disenchantment it will be permanent to take down in history!  

        Therefore, I was again appeal to any morally courageous person to support, especially international media, why do they not dare to publicise my open letters?   And why dare not to discuss “germs” to be contagious only can to continue to blabber that early already out-of-date the medicine ethics the “vaccine” to quarrel from jealousy with “Zika  Mosquito” ?!

       What was more preposterous is, many international media only can to talk nonsense “Radar” navigation only for conceal the abduction fact of MH370, also why dare not to question Boeing or ex-President little Bush to make public at Chicago airport on Sept. 27, 2001 that satellite navigation of “three measures of aviation safety” at where?

          I cannot help but again to appeal to all international media with web hosting company not to aid and abet the evildoer become a daring vanguard to turn over the history civilization, and please must to insist on just basic values to help expose above the truth that was your duty, if not, countless lives will be slaughtered by your ignorant that also should be recorded in history forever!


V. conclusion

        As a result of the medicine invention of PCT/SG2003/00145 it will can not to replace and eternity, so the conceal quite right as ISIS slaughterman openly to butcher life at your before, but Margaret Chan of WHO with Obama both to be fully aware this an evil consequence but them still not to know to return to orthodox path, so the God was very enraged, then the ice-snow insane to raid China with USA after, the deities of exterminate-fiends that was to descend to the CP China, and two gold crucifix also to be angry point Obama with Chan of WHO, the “Zika mosquito” was also order by God to raid America now, I cannot but I still must at here to inform any one country leader, please to question ex-President George Walker Bush with Obama, any more mighty powers again can control all the international media to continue lying to conceal that only can defer to make a fool but it will not be a help, it is because of this medical invention is irreplaceable protector of people's lives in your country!

        As a result of not finding Obama and the western group led by him to have any to have any hint of repentance, so present inventors can only at here to again re-appeal and authorize there is justice honor Swiss attorney appear immediately by a letter to WHO Director-General Margaret Chan who must immediately respond in writing for public with me, that because I had a registered letter to interpellation she on Oct., 27, 2014, if not she must as a condemned criminal to prosecution at Swiss court!

I, the inventor once again appealed at here, if any have rightful USA Attorney who should be on the initiative to look for because American hospital still had not provide the “wash lung” treatment of PCT/SG2003/00145 since 2003year leading to people dying that bereaved to sued Obama with USCDC that only can to defend our global village civilization can not to monopolization by politico, I will provide any court evidence if necessary!

Thank you!







Lin Zhen-Man/SG                                                     This open letter page at: → www.ycec.net/UN/160316-cn.pdf 

March 17, 2016                                                       The main page at www.ycec.net/UN/120617/witness-history.htm


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